Ejemplo n.º 1
  def exec_weakin(self, envr, pm):
    result = ProofResult("")
    result.source = self

    if len(self.args) != 1:
      raise ProofError("weakin takes one argument, found: " + str(len(self.args)))
    intest = self.resolveOrDont(self.args[0])
    if not isinstance(intest, judge.InTest) or intest.nt:
      raise ProofError("weakin expects a positive contains assertion, found: " + intext.shortString())
    cc = intest.rhs
    if not isinstance(cc, expSemantics.Concat) or len(cc.elements) != 2:
      raise ProofError("weakin expects a concatenation of length 2, found: " + cc.shortString())
    cc2 = expSemantics.Concat(None)
    cc2.typeF = cc.typeF
    in2 = judge.InTest(None)
    in2.rhs = cc2
    in2.nt = False
    in2.lhs = intest.lhs
    forall = expSemantics.Forall(None)
    forall.qVars = [cc2.elements[1]]
    forall.rhs = in2
    self.results = [forall]
    result.verbose = pm.getIndent() + "weakening: " + self.results[0].shortString()
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 2
  def exec_inconcat(self, envr, pm):
    result = ProofResult("")
    result.source = self
    if len(self.args) != 1:
      raise ProofError("inconcat takes one argument, found: " + str(len(self.args)))
    arg = self.resolveOrDont(self.args[0])

    if isinstance(arg, expSemantics.Or) and arg.elements:
      nt = False
    elif isinstance(arg, expSemantics.And) and arg.elements:
      nt = True
      raise ProofError("inconcat expects a non-empty conjuntion or disjuntion, found: " + arg.shortString())
    fail = []
    lhs = arg.elements[0].lhs
    for e in arg.elements:
      if not isinstance(e, judge.InTest) or e.nt != nt or e.lhs != lhs:
    if fail:
      raise ProofError("inconcat expects homogenous contains assertions, found: " + "; ".join(map(lambda e: e.shortString(), fail)))
    r = judge.InTest(None)
    r.nt = nt
    r.lhs = lhs
    r.rhs = expSemantics.Concat(None)
    r.rhs.elements = map(lambda e: e.rhs, arg.elements)
    r.rhs.typeF = util.maxListType(map(lambda x: x.rhs.type(pm.world.symList), arg.elements), pm.world.symList)

    self.results = [r]
    result.verbose = pm.getIndent() + self.results[0].shortString()
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 3
  def exec_minconcat(self, envr, pm):
    result = ProofResult("")
    result.source = self
    if len(self.args) != 1:
      raise ProofError("-inconcat takes one argument, found: " + str(len(self.args)))
    intest = self.resolveOrDont(self.args[0])
    if not isinstance(intest, judge.InTest):
      raise ProofError("-inconcat expects a contains assertion, found: " + intext.shortString())
    cc = intest.rhs
    if not isinstance(cc, expSemantics.Concat):
      raise ProofError("-inconcat expects a concatenation, found: " + cc.shortString())
    els = []
    for c in cc.elements:    
      i2 = judge.InTest(None)
      i2.nt = intest.nt
      i2.lhs = intest.lhs
      i2.rhs = c
    if intest.nt:
      r = expSemantics.And(None)
      r = expSemantics.Or(None)
    r.elements = els

    self.results = [r]
    result.verbose = pm.getIndent() + self.results[0].shortString()
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 4
  def exec_mfun(self, envr, pm):
    result = ProofResult("")
    result.source = self

    if len(self.args) != 1:
      raise ProofError("-fun takes one argument, found: " + str(len(self.args)))
    eq = self.resolveOrDont(self.args[0])
    if not isinstance(eq, judge.Equality):
      raise ProofError("-fun expects an equality, found: " + str(eq))    
    funapp = eq.lhs
    r = eq.rhs
    if not isinstance(funapp, expSemantics.FunApp):
      raise ProofError("-fun expects a function application on the lhs, found: " + funapp.shortString())
    fun = funapp.fun
    fType = util.isFunType(fun.type(pm.world.symList), pm.world.symList)
    if not fType or not hasattr(funapp, "funInfo") or not funapp.funInfo:
      raise ProofError("-fun can only operate on mappings, found: " + fun.shortString())
    l = funapp.args[0]

    mapping = None
    for c in funapp.funInfo.cases:
      if isinstance(c.syntax[0], symbol.List):
        mapPattern = c.syntax[0].arg
        ms = [symbol.IdMatch(fType.lhs[0], l), symbol.IdMatch(fType.rhs, r)]
        mapping = mapPattern.substMatch(ms)
    if not mapping:
      raise ProofError("Could not deconstruct function: " + fun.shortString())
    funok = expSemantics.FunOK(None)
    funok.rhs = fun
    inMap = judge.InTest(None)
    inMap.rhs = fun
    inMap.lhs = mapping
    inMap.nt = False
    self.results = [inMap, funok]
    result.verbose = pm.getIndent() + "function elimination: " + "; ".join(map(lambda x: x.shortString(), self.results))
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: symbol.py Proyecto: nrc/N
    def subst(self, new, old, envr, symbols):
        if isinstance(old, List):
            result = List(None)
            result.arg = self.arg.subst(new.arg, old.arg, envr, symbols)
            return result
            #check for not in constraints
            cnstr = judge.InTest(None)
            cnstr.nt = True
            cnstr.lhs = old
            cnstr.rhs = self
            if envr.proves(cnstr):
                return self

            def dvHelper(x):
                #take into account bound vars
                xeq = [x]
                if reduce(lambda x, y: x or y,
                          map(lambda x: envr.isBoundVar(x), xeq), False):
                    return []
                if isinstance(x, Id):
                    return x.symbol.deepVars()
                elif isinstance(x, List):
                    return dvHelper(x.arg)
                return []

            dv = sum(map(dvHelper, self.vars()), [])
            sym = old if isinstance(old, Symbol) else old.symbol
            if not envr.provesIn(sym, dv):
                return self
            result = Subst(None)
            result.body = self
            result.lhs = new
            result.rhs = old
            return result
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: util.py Proyecto: nrc/N
def subst(var, symbols):
    st = SubstTable(var)
    for s in symbols:
        for c in s.cases:
            if var in c.deepVars():
                cc = renameForFresh(c, var.variable)
                cc.case = c
                cc.caseMatch = cc.isSuperType(c, symbols)
                vs = varInBinding(var, c.bindings)
                if vs:
                    for b in vs:
                        e = env.Env()
                        cnstr = judge.InTest(None)
                        cnstr.nt = False
                        cnstr.lhs = var
                        cnstr.rhs = b[0]
                        e[var] = cnstr
                        st.addCase(s, cc,
                                   cc.subst(var.variable, var, e, symbols),
                                   "where " + str(var) + " in " + str(b[0]))
                        cnstr.nt = True
                            s, cc, cc.subst(var.variable, var, e, symbols),
                            "where " + str(var) + " not in " + str(b[0]))
                    st.addCase(s, cc,
                               cc.subst(var.variable, var, env.Env(), symbols))
            if var == c:
                fast = ast.Ast(ast.ID, None)
                fast.val = var.name
                fast.mod = "'"
                fresh = symbol.Id(fast, c.parent)
                fresh.repr = None
                st.addCase(s, fresh, fresh)

    return st