Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_fromstring_no_testsuites(self):
     text = """<testsuite name="suitename1">
     <testcase name="testname1">
     result = JUnitXml.fromstring(text)
     self.assertEqual(result.time, 0)
     self.assertEqual(len(result), 1)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def summarise_junit(file_path: str) -> bool:
    """Parse jUnit output and show a summary.

    Preprocesses input to increase the chances of getting valid XML.
    Returns True if there were no failures or errors, raises exception
    on IOError or XML parse errors."""

    with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
        # Skip log text before and after the XML, escape some of the test output to get valid XML
        lines = StringIO()
        take = False
        for line in file:
            if line.strip() == '<testsuite>':
                take = True
            if take:
                lines.write(line.replace('<<', '&lt;&lt;'))
            if line.strip() == "</testsuite>":

        xml = JUnitXml.fromstring(strip_ansi(lines.getvalue()))

        print("Test summary")
        print(f"tests:    {xml.tests}")
        print(f"skipped:  {xml.skipped}")
        print(f"failures: {xml.failures}")
        print(f"errors:   {xml.errors}\n")

        return xml.failures == 0 and xml.errors == 0
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_fromstring(self):
     text = """<testsuites><testsuite name="suitename1">
     <testcase name="testname1">
     <testsuite name="suitename2">
     <testcase name="testname2">
     result = JUnitXml.fromstring(text)
     self.assertEqual(len(result), 2)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_multi_results_in_case(self):
        # Has to be a binary string to include xml declarations.
        text = b"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <testsuite name="JUnitXmlReporter.constructor">
      <testcase classname="JUnitXmlReporter.constructor" name="should default path to an empty string" time="0.006">
         <failure message="test failure">Assertion failed</failure>
         <skipped />
        xml = JUnitXml.fromstring(text)
        suite = next(iter(xml))
        case = next(iter(suite))
        self.assertEqual(len(case.result), 2)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_fromstring_multiple_fails(self):
     text = """<testsuites>
     <testsuite errors="1" failures="0" hostname="hooch" name="pytest" skipped="1" tests="3" time="0.025" timestamp="2020-02-05T10:52:33.843536">
     <testcase classname="test_x" file="test_x.py" line="7" name="test_comp_1" time="1""" + (
         "," if has_us_locale else "") + """000.000"/>
     <testcase classname="test_x" file="test_x.py" line="10" name="test_comp_2" time="0.000">
     <skipped message="unconditional skip" type="pytest.skip">test_x.py:11: unconditional skip</skipped>
     <error message="test teardown failure">
     @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def compb(): yield > raise PermissionError E PermissionError test_x.py:6: PermissionError
     result = JUnitXml.fromstring(text)
     self.assertEqual(result.errors, 1)
     self.assertEqual(result.skipped, 1)
     suite = list(iter(result))[0]
     cases = list(iter(suite))
     self.assertEqual(len(cases[0].result), 0)
     self.assertEqual(len(cases[1].result), 2)
     text = cases[1].result[1].text
     self.assertTrue("@pytest.fixture" in text)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_fromstring_invalid(self):
     text = """<random name="suitename1"></random>"""
     with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(context.exception, JUnitXmlError))