Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_jwe_09_a3():
    #Example JWE using AES Key Wrap and AES GCM

    msg = "Live long and prosper."

    header = '{"alg":"A128KW","enc":"A128CBC-HS256"}'
    b64_header = b64e(header)

    assert b64_header == "eyJhbGciOiJBMTI4S1ciLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4Q0JDLUhTMjU2In0"

    cek = intarr2str([4, 211, 31, 197, 84, 157, 252, 254, 11, 100, 157, 250,
                      63, 170, 106, 206, 107, 124, 212, 45, 111, 107, 9, 219,
                      200, 177, 0, 240, 143, 156, 44, 207])

    shared_key = [25, 172, 32, 130, 225, 114, 26, 181, 138, 106, 254, 192, 95,
                  133, 74, 82]

    jek = aes_wrap_key(intarr2str(shared_key), cek)

    assert str2intarr(jek) == [
        232, 160, 123, 211, 183, 76, 245, 132, 200, 128, 123, 75, 190, 216,
        22, 67, 201, 138, 193, 186, 9, 91, 122, 31, 246, 90, 28, 139, 57, 3,
        76, 124, 193, 11, 98, 37, 173, 61, 104, 57]

    b64_jek = b64e(jek)
    assert b64_jek == "6KB707dM9YTIgHtLvtgWQ8mKwboJW3of9locizkDTHzBC2IlrT1oOQ"

    iv = intarr2str([3, 22, 60, 12, 43, 67, 104, 105, 108, 108, 105, 99, 111,
                     116, 104, 101])

    b64_iv = b64e(iv)
    assert b64_iv == "AxY8DCtDaGlsbGljb3RoZQ"

    aadp = b64_header

    assert str2intarr(aadp) == [101, 121, 74, 104, 98, 71, 99, 105, 79, 105,
                                74, 66, 77, 84, 73, 52, 83, 49, 99, 105, 76,
                                67, 74, 108, 98, 109, 77, 105, 79, 105, 74, 66,
                                77, 84, 73, 52, 81, 48, 74, 68, 76, 85, 104, 84,
                                77, 106, 85, 50, 73, 110, 48]

    _jwe = JWe()
    ctxt, tag, key = _jwe.enc_setup("A128CBC-HS256", msg, aadp, cek, iv=iv)

    print str2intarr(ctxt)

    assert str2intarr(ctxt) == [
        40, 57, 83, 181, 119, 33, 133, 148, 198, 185, 243, 24, 152, 230, 6,
        75, 129, 223, 127, 19, 210, 82, 183, 230, 168, 33, 215, 104, 143,
        112, 56, 102]

    assert str2intarr(tag) == [83, 73, 191, 98, 104, 205, 211, 128, 201, 189,
                               199, 133, 32, 38, 194, 85]

    enc_cipher_text = b64e(ctxt)
    assert enc_cipher_text == "KDlTtXchhZTGufMYmOYGS4HffxPSUrfmqCHXaI9wOGY"

    enc_authn_tag = b64e(tag)
    assert enc_authn_tag == "U0m_YmjN04DJvceFICbCVQ"
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_a_1_1c():
    hmac = jwkest.intarr2bin(HMAC_KEY)
    signer = SIGNER_ALGS["HS256"]
    header = b'{"typ":"JWT",\r\n "alg":"HS256"}'
    payload = b'{"iss":"joe",\r\n "exp":1300819380,\r\n "http://example.com/is_root":true}'
    sign_input = b64e(header) + b'.' + b64e(payload)
    sig = signer.sign(sign_input, hmac)
    assert b64e(sig) == b'dBjftJeZ4CVP-mB92K27uhbUJU1p1r_wW1gFWFOEjXk'
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_a_1_1c():
    hmac = jwkest.intarr2bin(HMAC_KEY)
    signer = SIGNER_ALGS["HS256"]
    header = '{"typ":"JWT",\r\n "alg":"HS256"}'
    payload = '{"iss":"joe",\r\n "exp":1300819380,\r\n "http://example.com/is_root":true}'
    sign_input = b64e(header) + '.' + b64e(payload)
    sig = signer.sign(sign_input, hmac)
    assert b64e(sig) == "dBjftJeZ4CVP-mB92K27uhbUJU1p1r_wW1gFWFOEjXk"
Ejemplo n.º 4
def left_hash(msg, func="HS256"):
    """ 128 bits == 16 bytes """
    if func == 'HS256':
        return b64e(sha256_digest(msg)[:16])
    elif func == 'HS384':
        return b64e(sha384_digest(msg)[:24])
    elif func == 'HS512':
        return b64e(sha512_digest(msg)[:32])
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def pack(b64_header, jek, iv, ctxt, tag):
        res = b'.'.join(
             b64e(jek), b64e(iv),

        return res
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: jws.py Proyecto: lxp20201/lxp
def left_hash(msg, func="HS256"):
    """ 128 bits == 16 bytes """
    if func == 'HS256':
        return as_unicode(b64e(sha256_digest(msg)[:16]))
    elif func == 'HS384':
        return as_unicode(b64e(sha384_digest(msg)[:24]))
    elif func == 'HS512':
        return as_unicode(b64e(sha512_digest(msg)[:32]))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def b64encode_item(item):
    if isinstance(item, bytes):
        return b64e(item)
    elif isinstance(item, str):
        return b64e(item.encode("utf-8"))
    elif isinstance(item, int):
        return b64e(item)
        return b64e(
            json.dumps(b2s_conv(item), separators=(",", ":")).encode("utf-8"))
Ejemplo n.º 8
def b64encode_item(item):
    if isinstance(item, bytes):
        return b64e(item)
    elif isinstance(item, str):
        return b64e(item.encode("utf-8"))
    elif isinstance(item, int):
        return b64e(item)
        return b64e(json.dumps(b2s_conv(item),
                               separators=(",", ":")).encode("utf-8"))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_a_1_1b():
    payload = b'{"iss":"joe",\r\n "exp":1300819380,' \
              b'\r\n "http://example.com/is_root":true}'
    val = b64e(payload)
    assert val == (
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def encryption_key(self, alg, **kwargs):
        Return an encryption key as per

        :param alg: encryption algorithm
        :param kwargs:
        :return: encryption key as byte string
        if not self.key:

        tsize = ALG2KEYLEN[alg]
        #_keylen = len(self.key)

        if tsize <= 32:
            # SHA256
            _enc_key = sha256_digest(self.key)[:tsize]
        elif tsize <= 48:
            # SHA384
            _enc_key = sha384_digest(self.key)[:tsize]
        elif tsize <= 64:
            # SHA512
            _enc_key = sha512_digest(self.key)[:tsize]
            raise JWKException("No support for symmetric keys > 512 bits")

        logger.debug('Symmetric encryption key: {}'.format(

        return _enc_key
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def test_client_secret_jwt(self, client):
        client.token_endpoint = "https://example.com/token"
        client.provider_info = {
            'issuer': 'https://example.com/',
            'token_endpoint': "https://example.com/token"

        csj = ClientSecretJWT(client)
        cis = AccessTokenRequest()

        csj.construct(cis, algorithm="HS256", authn_endpoint='userinfo')
        assert cis["client_assertion_type"] == JWT_BEARER
        assert "client_assertion" in cis
        cas = cis["client_assertion"]
        _jwt = JWT().unpack(cas)
        jso = _jwt.payload()
        assert _eq(jso.keys(), ["aud", "iss", "sub", "jti", "exp", "iat"])
        assert _jwt.headers == {'alg': 'HS256'}

        _rj = JWS()
        info = _rj.verify_compact(
            cas, [SYMKey(k=b64e(as_bytes(client.client_secret)))])

        assert _eq(info.keys(), ["aud", "iss", "sub", "jti", "exp", "iat"])
        assert info['aud'] == [client.provider_info['issuer']]
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def add_code_challenge(self):
        PKCE RFC 7636 support.

            cv_len = self.config["code_challenge"]["length"]
        except KeyError:
            cv_len = 64  # Use default

        code_verifier = unreserved(cv_len)
        _cv = code_verifier.encode("ascii")

            _method = self.config["code_challenge"]["method"]
        except KeyError:
            _method = "S256"

            _h = CC_METHOD[_method](_cv).digest()
            code_challenge = b64e(_h).decode("ascii")
        except KeyError:
            raise Unsupported("PKCE Transformation method:{}".format(_method))

        # TODO store code_verifier

        return (
            {"code_challenge": code_challenge, "code_challenge_method": _method},
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def sign_compact(self, keys=None):
        Produce a JWS using the JWS Compact Serialization

        :param keys: A dictionary of keys

        enc_head = self._encoded_header()
        enc_payload = self._encoded_payload()

        _alg = self["alg"]
        if not _alg or _alg.lower() == "none":
            return enc_head + b"." + enc_payload + b"."

            _signer = SIGNER_ALGS[_alg]
        except KeyError:
            raise UnknownAlgorithm(_alg)

        if keys:
            keys = self._pick_keys(keys, use="sig")
            keys = self._pick_keys(self._get_keys())

        if keys:
            key = keys[0]
            raise NoSuitableSigningKeys(_alg)

        _input = b".".join([enc_head, enc_payload])
        sig = _signer.sign(_input, key.get_key(private=True))
        return b".".join([enc_head, enc_payload, b64e(sig)])
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def add_code_challenge(self):
        PKCE RFC 7636 support

            cv_len = self.config['code_challenge']['length']
        except KeyError:
            cv_len = 64  # Use default

        code_verifier = unreserved(cv_len)
        _cv = code_verifier.encode()

            _method = self.config['code_challenge']['method']
        except KeyError:
            _method = 'S256'

            _h = CC_METHOD[_method](_cv).hexdigest()
            code_challenge = b64e(_h.encode()).decode()
        except KeyError:
            raise Unsupported('PKCE Transformation method:{}'.format(_method))

        # TODO store code_verifier

        return {
            "code_challenge": code_challenge,
            "code_challenge_method": _method
        }, code_verifier
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def add_code_challenge(self):
            cv_len = self.config['code_challenge']['length']
        except KeyError:
            cv_len = 64  # Use default

        code_verifier = unreserved(cv_len)
        _cv = code_verifier.encode()

            _method = self.config['code_challenge']['method']
        except KeyError:
            _method = 'S256'

            _h = CC_METHOD[_method](_cv).hexdigest()
            code_challenge = b64e(_h.encode()).decode()
        except KeyError:
            raise Unsupported(
                'PKCE Transformation method:{}'.format(_method))

        # TODO store code_verifier

        return {"code_challenge": code_challenge,
                "code_challenge_method": _method}, code_verifier
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_a_1_1b():
    payload = b'{"iss":"joe",\r\n "exp":1300819380,' \
              b'\r\n "http://example.com/is_root":true}'
    val = b64e(payload)
    assert val == (
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def encryption_key(self, alg, **kwargs):
        Return an encryption key as per

        :param alg: encryption algorithm
        :param kwargs:
        :return: encryption key as byte string
        if not self.key:

        tsize = ALG2KEYLEN[alg]
        # _keylen = len(self.key)

        if tsize <= 32:
            # SHA256
            _enc_key = sha256_digest(self.key)[:tsize]
        elif tsize <= 48:
            # SHA384
            _enc_key = sha384_digest(self.key)[:tsize]
        elif tsize <= 64:
            # SHA512
            _enc_key = sha512_digest(self.key)[:tsize]
            raise JWKException("No support for symmetric keys > 512 bits")

        logger.debug('Symmetric encryption key: {}'.format(

        return _enc_key
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def sign_compact(self, keys=None):
        Produce a JWS using the JWS Compact Serialization

        :param keys: A dictionary of keys

        enc_head = self._encoded_header()
        enc_payload = self._encoded_payload()

        _alg = self["alg"]
        if not _alg or _alg.lower() == "none":
            return enc_head + b"." + enc_payload + b"."

            _signer = SIGNER_ALGS[_alg]
        except KeyError:
            raise UnknownAlgorithm(_alg)

        if keys:
            keys = self._pick_keys(keys)
            keys = self._pick_keys(self._get_keys())

        if keys:
            key = keys[0]
            raise NoSuitableSigningKeys(_alg)

        _input = b".".join([enc_head, enc_payload])
        sig = _signer.sign(_input, key.key)
        return b".".join([enc_head, enc_payload, b64e(sig)])
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def enc_setup(self, msg, auth_data, key=None, **kwargs):

        encrypted_key = ""
        # Generate the input parameters
            apu = b64d(kwargs["apu"])
        except KeyError:
            apu = b64d(Random.get_random_bytes(16))
            apv = b64d(kwargs["apv"])
        except KeyError:
            apv = b64d(Random.get_random_bytes(16))
        # Generate an ephemeral key pair
        curve = NISTEllipticCurve.by_name(key.crv)
        if "epk" in kwargs:
            epk = ECKey(key=kwargs["epk"], private=False)
            eprivk = ECKey(kwargs["epk"], private=True)
            (eprivk, epk) = curve.key_pair()
            # Derive the KEK and encrypt
        params = {
            "apu": b64e(apu),
            "apv": b64e(apv),
            #"epk": exportKey(epk, "EC", curve)

        cek, iv = self._generate_key_and_iv(self.enc)
        if self.alg == "ECDH-ES":
                dk_len = KEYLEN[self.enc]
            except KeyError:
                raise Exception("Unknown key length for algorithm %s" %

            cek = ecdh_derive_key(curve, eprivk, key, apu, apv, self.enc,
        elif self.alg in [
                "ECDH-ES+A128KW", "ECDH-ES+A192KW", "ECDH-ES+A256KW"
            _pre, _post = self.alg.split("+")
            klen = int(_post[1:4])
            kek = ecdh_derive_key(curve, eprivk, key, apu, apv, _post, klen)
            encrypted_key = aes_wrap_key(kek, cek)
            raise Exception("Unsupported algorithm %s" % self.alg)

        return cek, encrypted_key, iv, params
Ejemplo n.º 20
def party_value(pv):
    if pv:
        s = b64e(pv)
        r = int2bigendian(len(s))
        return r
        return [0, 0, 0, 0]
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def store_key(self, key):
        kb = KeyBundle()

        # Store key with thumbprint as key
        key_thumbprint = b64e(kb.keys()[0].thumbprint("SHA-256")).decode("utf8")
        self.thumbprint2key[key_thumbprint] = key
        return key_thumbprint
Ejemplo n.º 22
def build_keyjar(key_conf, kid_template="", keyjar=None, kidd=None):
    Configuration of the type:
    keys = [
        {"type": "RSA", "key": "cp_keys/key.pem", "use": ["enc", "sig"]},
        {"type": "EC", "crv": "P-256", "use": ["sig"]},
        {"type": "EC", "crv": "P-256", "use": ["enc"]}

    :param key_conf: The key configuration
    :param kid_template: A template by which to build the kids
    :return: a tuple consisting of a JWKS dictionary, a KeyJar instance
        and a representation of which kids that can be used for what.
        Note the JWKS contains private key information !!

    if keyjar is None:
        keyjar = KeyJar()

    if kidd is None:
        kidd = {"sig": {}, "enc": {}}

    kid = 0
    jwks = {"keys": []}

    for spec in key_conf:
        typ = spec["type"].upper()

        if typ == "RSA":
            if "key" in spec:
                    kb = KeyBundle(source="file://%s" % spec["key"],
                except FileNotFoundError:
                    if 'name' not in spec:
                        spec['name'] = spec['key']
                    kb = rsa_init(spec)
                kb = rsa_init(spec)
        elif typ == "EC":
            kb = ec_init(spec)

        for k in kb.keys():
            if kid_template:
                k.kid = kid_template % kid
                kid += 1
                k.kid = b64e(k.thumbprint('SHA-256')).decode('utf8')
            kidd[k.use][k.kty] = k.kid

            [k.serialize() for k in kb.keys() if k.kty != 'oct'])

        keyjar.add_kb("", kb)

    return jwks, keyjar, kidd
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def enc_setup(self, msg, auth_data, key=None, **kwargs):

        encrypted_key = ""
        # Generate the input parameters
            apu = b64d(kwargs["apu"])
        except KeyError:
            apu = b64d(Random.get_random_bytes(16))
            apv = b64d(kwargs["apv"])
        except KeyError:
            apv = b64d(Random.get_random_bytes(16))
        # Generate an ephemeral key pair
        curve = NISTEllipticCurve.by_name(key.crv)
        if "epk" in kwargs:
            epk = ECKey(key=kwargs["epk"], private=False)
            eprivk = ECKey(kwargs["epk"], private=True)
            (eprivk, epk) = curve.key_pair()
            # Derive the KEK and encrypt
        params = {
            "apu": b64e(apu),
            "apv": b64e(apv),
            #"epk": exportKey(epk, "EC", curve)
        cek, iv = self._generate_key_and_iv(self.enc)
        if self.alg == "ECDH-ES":
                dk_len = KEYLEN[self.enc]
            except KeyError:
                raise Exception(
                    "Unknown key length for algorithm %s" % self.enc)
            cek = ecdh_derive_key(curve, eprivk, key, apu, apv, self.enc, 
        elif self.alg in ["ECDH-ES+A128KW", "ECDH-ES+A192KW", "ECDH-ES+A256KW"]:
            _pre, _post = self.alg.split("+")
            klen = int(_post[1:4])
            kek = ecdh_derive_key(curve, eprivk, key, apu, apv, _post, klen)
            encrypted_key = aes_wrap_key(kek, cek)
            raise Exception("Unsupported algorithm %s" % self.alg)

        return cek, encrypted_key, iv, params
Ejemplo n.º 24
def build_keyjar(key_conf, kid_template="", keyjar=None, kidd=None):
    Configuration of the type:
    keys = [
        {"type": "RSA", "key": "cp_keys/key.pem", "use": ["enc", "sig"]},
        {"type": "EC", "crv": "P-256", "use": ["sig"]},
        {"type": "EC", "crv": "P-256", "use": ["enc"]}

    :param key_conf: The key configuration
    :param kid_template: A template by which to build the kids
    :return: a tuple consisting of a JWKS dictionary, a KeyJar instance
        and a representation of which kids that can be used for what.
        Note the JWKS contains private key information !!

    if keyjar is None:
        keyjar = KeyJar()

    if kidd is None:
        kidd = {"sig": {}, "enc": {}}

    kid = 0
    jwks = {"keys": []}

    for spec in key_conf:
        typ = spec["type"].upper()

        if typ == "RSA":
            if "key" in spec:
                    kb = KeyBundle(source="file://%s" % spec["key"],
                                   keytype=typ, keyusage=spec["use"])
                except FileNotFoundError:
                    if 'name' not in spec:
                        spec['name'] = spec['key']
                    kb = rsa_init(spec)
                kb = rsa_init(spec)
        elif typ == "EC":
            kb = ec_init(spec)

        for k in kb.keys():
            if kid_template:
                k.kid = kid_template % kid
                kid += 1
                k.kid = b64e(k.thumbprint('SHA-256')).decode('utf8')
            kidd[k.use][k.kty] = k.kid

            [k.serialize() for k in kb.keys() if k.kty != 'oct'])

        keyjar.add_kb("", kb)

    return jwks, keyjar, kidd
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def store_key(self, key):
        kb = KeyBundle()

        # Store key with thumbprint as key
        key_thumbprint = b64e(kb.keys()[0].thumbprint('SHA-256')).decode(
        self.thumbprint2key[key_thumbprint] = key
        return key_thumbprint
Ejemplo n.º 26
def test_thumbprint_7638_example():
    key = RSAKey(
    thumbprint = key.thumbprint("SHA-256")
    assert b64e(thumbprint) == b"NzbLsXh8uDCcd-6MNwXF4W_7noWXFZAfHkxZsRGC9Xs"
Ejemplo n.º 27
def test_thumbprint_7638_example():
    key = RSAKey(
    thumbprint = key.thumbprint('SHA-256')
    assert b64e(thumbprint) == b'NzbLsXh8uDCcd-6MNwXF4W_7noWXFZAfHkxZsRGC9Xs'
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def add_symmetric(self, issuer, key, usage=None):
        if issuer not in self.issuer_keys:
            self.issuer_keys[issuer] = []

        _key = b64e(as_bytes(key))
        if usage is None:
            self.issuer_keys[issuer].append(self.keybundle_cls([{"kty": "oct", "k": _key}]))
            for use in usage:
                self.issuer_keys[issuer].append(self.keybundle_cls([{"kty": "oct", "k": _key, "use": use}]))
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def sign_compact(self, keys=None):
        Produce a JWS using the JWS Compact Serialization

        :param keys: A dictionary of keys

            _alg = self["alg"]
        except KeyError:
            self["alg"] = _alg = "none"
            if not _alg:
                self["alg"] = _alg = "none"

        if keys:
            keys = self._pick_keys(keys, use="sig", alg=_alg)
            keys = self._pick_keys(self._get_keys(), use="sig", alg=_alg)

        xargs = {}

        if keys:
            key = keys[0]
            if key.kid:
                xargs = {"kid": key.kid}
        elif not _alg or _alg.lower() == "none":
            key = None
            if "kid" in self:
                raise NoSuitableSigningKeys(
                    "No key for algorithm: %s with kid: %s" %
                    (_alg, self["kid"]))
                raise NoSuitableSigningKeys("No key for algorithm: %s" % _alg)

        enc_head = self._encoded_header(xargs)
        enc_payload = self._encoded_payload()

        # Signing with alg == "none"
        if not _alg or _alg.lower() == "none":
            return enc_head + b"." + enc_payload + b"."

        # All other cases
            _signer = SIGNER_ALGS[_alg]
        except KeyError:
            raise UnknownAlgorithm(_alg)

        _input = b".".join([enc_head, enc_payload])
        sig = _signer.sign(_input, key.get_key(alg=_alg, private=True))
        logger.debug("Signed message using key with kid=%s" % key.kid)
        return b".".join([enc_head, enc_payload, b64e(sig)])
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def encrypt(self, key, iv="", cek=""):

        :param key: Shared symmetric key
        :param iv:
        :param cek:
        _msg = self.msg

        b64_header = self._encoded_header()

        # content master key 256 bit
        if not cek:
            cek = os.urandom(32)

        jek = aes_wrap_key(intarr2str(key), cek)
        auth_data = b64_header

        _enc = self["enc"]
        if _enc == "A256GCM":
            if not iv:
                iv = os.urandom(12)  # 96 bits
            ctxt, tag = gcm_encrypt(cek, iv, _msg, auth_data)
        elif _enc.startswith("A128CBC-") or _enc.startswith("A256CBC-"):
            assert _enc in SUPPORTED["enc"]
            ealg, hashf = _enc.split("-")
            if not iv:
                if ealg == "A128CBC":
                    iv = os.urandom(16)  # 128 bits
                else:  # ealg == "A256CBC"
                    iv = os.urandom(32)  # 256 bits

            ctxt, tag = ciphertext_and_authentication_tag(cek, _msg, auth_data, iv, algo="A128CBC-HS256")
            raise NotSupportedAlgorithm(_enc)

        res = b".".join([b64_header, b64e(jek), b64e(iv), b64e(ctxt), b64e(tag)])

        return res
Ejemplo n.º 31
def test_encryption_key():
    sk = SYMKey(key='df34db91c16613deba460752522d28f6ebc8a73d0d9185836270c26b')
    _enc = sk.encryption_key(alg='A128KW')
    _v = as_unicode(b64e(_enc))
    assert _v == 'xCo9VhtommCTGMWi-RyWBw'

    sk = SYMKey(key='df34db91c16613deba460752522d28f6ebc8a73d0d9185836270c26b')
    _enc = sk.encryption_key(alg='A192KW')
    _v = as_unicode(b64e(_enc))
    assert _v == 'xCo9VhtommCTGMWi-RyWB14GQqHAGC86'

    sk = SYMKey(key='df34db91c16613deba460752522d28f6ebc8a73d0d9185836270c26b')
    _enc = sk.encryption_key(alg='A256KW')
    _v = as_unicode(b64e(_enc))
    assert _v == 'xCo9VhtommCTGMWi-RyWB14GQqHAGC86vweU_Pi62X8'

    ek = sha256_digest(
    assert as_unicode(b64e(ek)) == 'yf_UUkAFZ8Pn_prxPPgu9w'

    sk = SYMKey(
    _enc = sk.encryption_key(alg='A128KW')
    _v = as_unicode(b64e(_enc))
    assert _v == as_unicode(b64e(ek))
Ejemplo n.º 32
def test_encryption_key():
    sk = SYMKey(key='df34db91c16613deba460752522d28f6ebc8a73d0d9185836270c26b')
    _enc = sk.encryption_key(alg='A128KW')
    _v = as_unicode(b64e(_enc))
    assert _v == 'xCo9VhtommCTGMWi-RyWBw'

    sk = SYMKey(key='df34db91c16613deba460752522d28f6ebc8a73d0d9185836270c26b')
    _enc = sk.encryption_key(alg='A192KW')
    _v = as_unicode(b64e(_enc))
    assert _v == 'xCo9VhtommCTGMWi-RyWB14GQqHAGC86'

    sk = SYMKey(key='df34db91c16613deba460752522d28f6ebc8a73d0d9185836270c26b')
    _enc = sk.encryption_key(alg='A256KW')
    _v = as_unicode(b64e(_enc))
    assert _v == 'xCo9VhtommCTGMWi-RyWB14GQqHAGC86vweU_Pi62X8'

    ek = sha256_digest(
    assert as_unicode(b64e(ek)) == 'yf_UUkAFZ8Pn_prxPPgu9w'

    sk = SYMKey(
    _enc = sk.encryption_key(alg='A128KW')
    _v = as_unicode(b64e(_enc))
    assert _v == as_unicode(b64e(ek))
Ejemplo n.º 33
def test_sign_json_hs256():
    payload = "Please take a moment to register today"
    keys = [SYMKey(key=jwkest.intarr2bin(HMAC_KEY))]
    _jws = JWS(payload, alg="HS256")
    _sig = {'alg': 'HS256'}
    _jwt = _jws.sign_json(per_signature_head=[_sig], keys=keys, alg='HS256')
    _jwt_sig = "%s.%s.%s" % (_jwt['signatures'][0]['header'],

    info = _jws.verify_compact(_jwt_sig, keys)

    assert info == payload
Ejemplo n.º 34
    def add_symmetric(self, issuer, key, usage=None):
        if issuer not in self.issuer_keys:
            self.issuer_keys[issuer] = []

        _key = b64e(as_bytes(key))
        if usage is None:
                self.keybundle_cls([{"kty": "oct", "k": _key}]))
            for use in usage:
                    self.keybundle_cls([{"kty": "oct",
                                         "k": _key,
                                         "use": use}]))
Ejemplo n.º 35
def test_sign_json_hs256():
    payload = "Please take a moment to register today"
    keys = [SYMKey(key=jwkest.intarr2bin(HMAC_KEY))]
    _jws = JWS(payload, alg="HS256")
    _sig = {
        'alg': 'HS256'
    _jwt = _jws.sign_json(per_signature_head=[_sig], keys=keys, alg='HS256')
    _jwt_sig = "%s.%s.%s" % ( _jwt['signatures'][0]['header'],
                              _jwt['signatures'][0]['signature'] )

    info = _jws.verify_compact(_jwt_sig, keys)

    assert info == payload
Ejemplo n.º 36
def modified_idtoken_hint(oper, arg):
        Sets the 'id_token_hint' argument in a end_session request.
        The value of the argument is a incorrect signed JWT.
        "create_idtoken_hint_other_issuer": null
    res = get_signed_id_tokens(oper.conv)
    if res:
        _jws = jws_factory(res[-1])

        header = as_unicode(b64e(as_bytes(json.dumps({'alg': 'none'}))))
        oper.req_args["id_token_hint"] = '.'.join(
            [header, as_unicode(_jws.jwt.b64part[1]), ''])
Ejemplo n.º 37
    def sign_compact(self, keys=None):
        Produce a JWS using the JWS Compact Serialization

        :param keys: A dictionary of keys

        _alg = self["alg"]

        if keys:
            keys = self._pick_keys(keys, use="sig", alg=_alg)
            keys = self._pick_keys(self._get_keys(), use="sig", alg=_alg)

        xargs = {}

        if keys:
            key = keys[0]
            if key.kid:
                xargs = {"kid": key.kid}
        elif _alg == "none":
            key = None
        elif _alg:
            raise NoSuitableSigningKeys(_alg)
            raise NoSuitableSigningKeys("None")

        enc_head = self._encoded_header(xargs)
        enc_payload = self._encoded_payload()

        # Signing with alg == "none"
        if not _alg or _alg.lower() == "none":
            return enc_head + b"." + enc_payload + b"."

        # All other cases
            _signer = SIGNER_ALGS[_alg]
        except KeyError:
            raise UnknownAlgorithm(_alg)

        _input = b".".join([enc_head, enc_payload])
        sig = _signer.sign(_input, key.get_key(alg=_alg, private=True))
        logger.debug("Signed message using key with kid=%s" % key.kid)
        return b".".join([enc_head, enc_payload, b64e(sig)])
Ejemplo n.º 38
    def verify_code_challenge(
        code_verifier, code_challenge, code_challenge_method="S256"
        Verify a PKCE (RFC7636) code challenge.

        :param code_verifier: The origin
        :param code_challenge: The transformed verifier used as challenge
        _h = CC_METHOD[code_challenge_method](code_verifier.encode("ascii")).digest()
        _cc = b64e(_h)
        if _cc.decode("ascii") != code_challenge:
            logger.error("PCKE Code Challenge check failed")
            err = TokenErrorResponse(
                error="invalid_request", error_description="PCKE check failed"
            return Response(err.to_json(), content="application/json", status_code=401)
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 39
    def verify_code_challenge(code_verifier, code_challenge,
        Verify a PKCE (RFC7636) code challenge

        :param code_verifier: The origin
        :param code_challenge: The transformed verifier used as challenge
        _h = CC_METHOD[code_challenge_method](
        _cc = b64e(_h.encode())
        if _cc.decode() != code_challenge:
            logger.error('PCKE Code Challenge check failed')
            err = TokenErrorResponse(error="invalid_request",
                                     error_description="PCKE check failed")
            return Response(err.to_json(), content="application/json",
                            status="401 Unauthorized")
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 40
    def test_client_secret_jwt(self, client):
        client.token_endpoint = "https://example.com/token"
        client.provider_info = {'issuer': 'https://example.com/',
                                'token_endpoint': "https://example.com/token"}

        csj = ClientSecretJWT(client)
        cis = AccessTokenRequest()

        csj.construct(cis, algorithm="HS256",
        assert cis["client_assertion_type"] == JWT_BEARER
        assert "client_assertion" in cis
        cas = cis["client_assertion"]
        _jwt = JWT().unpack(cas)
        jso = _jwt.payload()
        assert _eq(jso.keys(), ["aud", "iss", "sub", "jti", "exp", "iat"])
        assert _jwt.headers == {'alg': 'HS256'}

        _rj = JWS()
        info = _rj.verify_compact(
            cas, [SYMKey(k=b64e(as_bytes(client.client_secret)))])

        assert _eq(info.keys(), ["aud", "iss", "sub", "jti", "exp", "iat"])
        assert info['aud'] == [client.provider_info['issuer']]
Ejemplo n.º 41
    def add_symmetric(self, owner, key, usage=None):
        Add a symmetric key. This is done by wrapping it in a key bundle 
        cloak since KeyJar does not handle keys directly but only through
        key bundles.
        :param issuer: Owner of the key 
        :param key: The key 
        :param usage: What the key can be used for signing/signature 
            verification (sig) and/or encryption/decryption (enc)
        if owner not in self.issuer_keys:
            self.issuer_keys[owner] = []

        _key = b64e(as_bytes(key))
        if usage is None:
                self.keybundle_cls([{"kty": "oct", "k": _key}]))
            for use in usage:
                    self.keybundle_cls([{"kty": "oct",
                                         "k": _key,
                                         "use": use}]))
Ejemplo n.º 42
 def serialize(self, private=True):
     res = self.common()
     res["k"] = as_unicode(b64e(bytes(self.key)))
     return res
Ejemplo n.º 43
 def add_kid(self):
     self.kid = b64e(self.thumbprint('SHA-256')).decode('utf8')
Ejemplo n.º 44
def test_thumbprint():
    keyl = KEYS()
    for key in keyl:
        txt = key.thumbprint("SHA-256")
        assert b64e(txt) in EXPECTED
Ejemplo n.º 45
from jwkest import b64e
import json

# A specific JWT is a sequence of URL-safe parts separated by a period '.' character.
# All JWT parts are always base64 encoded. A JWT can have different claims (similar to attributes in LDAP world):
# - iss (Issuer) who issued the token
# - sub (Subject) who is described by the token
# - aud (Audience) who the token intended for
# - exp (Expiration Time)
# - nbf (Not Before)
# - iat (Issued At)
# - jti (JWT Id)
# An unsecured JWT is the simplest JWT possible. It can be created as follow:
# - create a JOSE header (the simplest possible has only the "alg" specification set to "none")
# - create a claims set (which means create a JSON object)
# - base64 encode the claims set (message and header) and encode them in UTF-8
# - create the JWS by joining the claims set with the period '.' character as a separator

header = {"alg": "none"}
htxt = json.dumps(header)
hdr = b64e(htxt)

claims_set = {"foo": "bar"}
txt = json.dumps(claims_set)
msg = b64e(txt)

jws = ".".join([hdr, msg, ""])

print "jwt:", jws
Ejemplo n.º 46
def test_jwe_09_a3():
    #Example JWE using AES Key Wrap and AES GCM

    msg = b'Live long and prosper.'

    header = b'{"alg":"A128KW","enc":"A128CBC-HS256"}'
    b64_header = b64e(header)

    assert b64_header == b'eyJhbGciOiJBMTI4S1ciLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4Q0JDLUhTMjU2In0'

    cek = intarr2bytes([
        4, 211, 31, 197, 84, 157, 252, 254, 11, 100, 157, 250, 63, 170, 106,
        206, 107, 124, 212, 45, 111, 107, 9, 219, 200, 177, 0, 240, 143, 156,
        44, 207

    shared_key = [
        25, 172, 32, 130, 225, 114, 26, 181, 138, 106, 254, 192, 95, 133, 74,

    jek = aes_wrap_key(intarr2bytes(shared_key), cek)

    assert to_intarr(jek) == [
        232, 160, 123, 211, 183, 76, 245, 132, 200, 128, 123, 75, 190, 216, 22,
        67, 201, 138, 193, 186, 9, 91, 122, 31, 246, 90, 28, 139, 57, 3, 76,
        124, 193, 11, 98, 37, 173, 61, 104, 57

    b64_jek = b64e(jek)
    assert b64_jek == b'6KB707dM9YTIgHtLvtgWQ8mKwboJW3of9locizkDTHzBC2IlrT1oOQ'

    iv = intarr2bytes([
        3, 22, 60, 12, 43, 67, 104, 105, 108, 108, 105, 99, 111, 116, 104, 101

    b64_iv = b64e(iv)
    assert b64_iv == b'AxY8DCtDaGlsbGljb3RoZQ'

    aadp = b64_header

    assert to_intarr(aadp) == [
        101, 121, 74, 104, 98, 71, 99, 105, 79, 105, 74, 66, 77, 84, 73, 52,
        83, 49, 99, 105, 76, 67, 74, 108, 98, 109, 77, 105, 79, 105, 74, 66,
        77, 84, 73, 52, 81, 48, 74, 68, 76, 85, 104, 84, 77, 106, 85, 50, 73,
        110, 48

    _jwe = JWe()
    ctxt, tag, key = _jwe.enc_setup("A128CBC-HS256", msg, aadp, cek, iv=iv)


    assert to_intarr(ctxt) == [
        40, 57, 83, 181, 119, 33, 133, 148, 198, 185, 243, 24, 152, 230, 6, 75,
        129, 223, 127, 19, 210, 82, 183, 230, 168, 33, 215, 104, 143, 112, 56,

    assert to_intarr(tag) == [
        83, 73, 191, 98, 104, 205, 211, 128, 201, 189, 199, 133, 32, 38, 194,

    enc_cipher_text = b64e(ctxt)
    assert enc_cipher_text == b'KDlTtXchhZTGufMYmOYGS4HffxPSUrfmqCHXaI9wOGY'

    enc_authn_tag = b64e(tag)
    assert enc_authn_tag == b'U0m_YmjN04DJvceFICbCVQ'
Ejemplo n.º 47
def test_b64_encode_decode():
    data = "abcd".encode("utf-8")
    assert b64d(b64e(data)) == data
Ejemplo n.º 48
 def serialize(self):
     res = self.common()
     res["k"] = b64e(bytes(self.key))
     return res
Ejemplo n.º 49
def test_a_1_1a():
    header = '{"typ":"JWT",\r\n "alg":"HS256"}'
    val = b64e(header)
    assert val == "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLA0KICJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9"
Ejemplo n.º 50
 def serialize(self):
     self.k = b64e(str(self.key))
Ejemplo n.º 51
def test_jwe_09_a1():
    msg = b"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination."

    # A.1.1
    header = b'{"alg":"RSA-OAEP","enc":"A256GCM"}'
    b64_header = b64e(header)

    # A.1.2
    assert b64_header == b"eyJhbGciOiJSU0EtT0FFUCIsImVuYyI6IkEyNTZHQ00ifQ"

    # A.1.3
    cek = intarr2long([
        177, 161, 244, 128, 84, 143, 225, 115, 63, 180, 3, 255, 107, 154, 212,
        246, 138, 7, 110, 91, 112, 46, 34, 105, 47, 130, 203, 46, 122, 234, 64,

    # A.1.4 Key Encryption
    enc_key = [
        56, 163, 154, 192, 58, 53, 222, 4, 105, 218, 136, 218, 29, 94, 203, 22,
        150, 92, 129, 94, 211, 232, 53, 89, 41, 60, 138, 56, 196, 216, 82, 98,
        168, 76, 37, 73, 70, 7, 36, 8, 191, 100, 136, 196, 244, 220, 145, 158,
        138, 155, 4, 117, 141, 230, 199, 247, 173, 45, 182, 214, 74, 177, 107,
        211, 153, 11, 205, 196, 171, 226, 162, 128, 171, 182, 13, 237, 239, 99,
        193, 4, 91, 219, 121, 223, 107, 167, 61, 119, 228, 173, 156, 137, 134,
        200, 80, 219, 74, 253, 56, 185, 91, 177, 34, 158, 89, 154, 205, 96, 55,
        18, 138, 43, 96, 218, 215, 128, 124, 75, 138, 243, 85, 25, 109, 117,
        140, 26, 155, 249, 67, 167, 149, 231, 100, 6, 41, 65, 214, 251, 232,
        87, 72, 40, 182, 149, 154, 168, 31, 193, 126, 215, 89, 28, 111, 219,
        125, 182, 139, 235, 195, 197, 23, 234, 55, 58, 63, 180, 68, 202, 206,
        149, 75, 205, 248, 176, 67, 39, 178, 60, 98, 193, 32, 238, 122, 96,
        158, 222, 57, 183, 111, 210, 55, 188, 215, 206, 180, 166, 150, 166,
        106, 250, 55, 229, 72, 40, 69, 214, 216, 104, 23, 40, 135, 212, 28,
        127, 41, 80, 175, 174, 168, 115, 171, 197, 89, 116, 92, 103, 246, 83,
        216, 182, 176, 84, 37, 147, 35, 45, 219, 172, 99, 226, 233, 73, 37,
        124, 42, 72, 49, 242, 35, 127, 184, 134, 117, 114, 135, 206

    b64_ejek = b'ApfOLCaDbqs_JXPYy2I937v_xmrzj-Iss1mG6NAHmeJViM6j2l0MHvfseIdHVyU2BIoGVu9ohvkkWiRq5DL2jYZTPA9TAdwq3FUIVyoH-Pedf6elHIVFi2KGDEspYMtQARMMSBcS7pslx6flh1Cfh3GBKysztVMEhZ_maFkm4PYVCsJsvq6Ct3fg2CJPOs0X1DHuxZKoIGIqcbeK4XEO5a0h5TAuJObKdfO0dKwfNSSbpu5sFrpRFwV2FTTYoqF4zI46N9-_hMIznlEpftRXhScEJuZ9HG8C8CHB1WRZ_J48PleqdhF4o7fB5J1wFqUXBtbtuGJ_A2Xe6AEhrlzCOw'

    iv = intarr2long([227, 197, 117, 252, 2, 219, 233, 68, 180, 225, 77, 219])

    aadp = b64_header + b'.' + b64_ejek

    gcm = AES_GCM(cek)
    ctxt, tag = gcm.encrypt(iv, msg, aadp)

    _va = to_intarr(ctxt)
    assert _va == [
        229, 236, 166, 241, 53, 191, 115, 196, 174, 43, 73, 109, 39, 122, 233,
        96, 140, 206, 120, 52, 51, 237, 48, 11, 190, 219, 186, 80, 111, 104,
        50, 142, 47, 167, 59, 61, 181, 127, 196, 21, 40, 82, 242, 32, 123, 143,
        168, 226, 73, 216, 176, 144, 138, 247, 106, 60, 16, 205, 160, 109, 64,
        63, 192

    assert long2intarr(tag) == [
        130, 17, 32, 198, 120, 167, 144, 113, 0, 50, 158, 49, 102, 208, 118,

    tag = long2hexseq(tag)
    iv = long2hexseq(iv)
    res = b".".join([b64_header, b64_ejek, b64e(iv), b64e(ctxt), b64e(tag)])

    expected = b'.'.join([

    assert res == expected
Ejemplo n.º 52
def test_jwe_09_a1():
    msg = "The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination."

    # A.1.1
    header = '{"alg":"RSA-OAEP","enc":"A256GCM"}'
    b64_header = b64e(header)

    # A.1.2
    assert b64_header == "eyJhbGciOiJSU0EtT0FFUCIsImVuYyI6IkEyNTZHQ00ifQ"

    # A.1.3
    cek = intarr2str([177, 161, 244, 128, 84, 143, 225, 115, 63, 180, 3, 255,
                      107, 154, 212, 246, 138, 7, 110, 91, 112, 46, 34, 105, 47,
                      130, 203, 46, 122, 234, 64, 252])

    # A.1.4 Key Encryption
    enc_key = [
        56, 163, 154, 192, 58, 53, 222, 4, 105, 218, 136, 218, 29, 94, 203,
        22, 150, 92, 129, 94, 211, 232, 53, 89, 41, 60, 138, 56, 196, 216,
        82, 98, 168, 76, 37, 73, 70, 7, 36, 8, 191, 100, 136, 196, 244, 220,
        145, 158, 138, 155, 4, 117, 141, 230, 199, 247, 173, 45, 182, 214,
        74, 177, 107, 211, 153, 11, 205, 196, 171, 226, 162, 128, 171, 182,
        13, 237, 239, 99, 193, 4, 91, 219, 121, 223, 107, 167, 61, 119, 228,
        173, 156, 137, 134, 200, 80, 219, 74, 253, 56, 185, 91, 177, 34, 158,
        89, 154, 205, 96, 55, 18, 138, 43, 96, 218, 215, 128, 124, 75, 138,
        243, 85, 25, 109, 117, 140, 26, 155, 249, 67, 167, 149, 231, 100, 6,
        41, 65, 214, 251, 232, 87, 72, 40, 182, 149, 154, 168, 31, 193, 126,
        215, 89, 28, 111, 219, 125, 182, 139, 235, 195, 197, 23, 234, 55, 58,
        63, 180, 68, 202, 206, 149, 75, 205, 248, 176, 67, 39, 178, 60, 98,
        193, 32, 238, 122, 96, 158, 222, 57, 183, 111, 210, 55, 188, 215,
        206, 180, 166, 150, 166, 106, 250, 55, 229, 72, 40, 69, 214, 216,
        104, 23, 40, 135, 212, 28, 127, 41, 80, 175, 174, 168, 115, 171, 197,
        89, 116, 92, 103, 246, 83, 216, 182, 176, 84, 37, 147, 35, 45, 219,
        172, 99, 226, 233, 73, 37, 124, 42, 72, 49, 242, 35, 127, 184, 134,
        117, 114, 135, 206]

    b64_ejek = "ApfOLCaDbqs_JXPYy2I937v_xmrzj-Iss1mG6NAHmeJViM6j2l0MHvfseIdHVyU2BIoGVu9ohvkkWiRq5DL2jYZTPA9TAdwq3FUIVyoH-Pedf6elHIVFi2KGDEspYMtQARMMSBcS7pslx6flh1Cfh3GBKysztVMEhZ_maFkm4PYVCsJsvq6Ct3fg2CJPOs0X1DHuxZKoIGIqcbeK4XEO5a0h5TAuJObKdfO0dKwfNSSbpu5sFrpRFwV2FTTYoqF4zI46N9-_hMIznlEpftRXhScEJuZ9HG8C8CHB1WRZ_J48PleqdhF4o7fB5J1wFqUXBtbtuGJ_A2Xe6AEhrlzCOw"

    iv = intarr2str([227, 197, 117, 252, 2, 219, 233, 68, 180, 225, 77, 219])

    aadp = b64_header + b'.' + b64_ejek
    ctxt, tag = gcm_encrypt(cek, iv, msg, aadp)

    _va = [ord(c) for c in ctxt]
    assert _va == [229, 236, 166, 241, 53, 191, 115, 196, 174, 43, 73, 109, 39,
                   122, 233, 96, 140, 206, 120, 52, 51, 237, 48, 11, 190, 219,
                   186, 80, 111, 104, 50, 142, 47, 167, 59, 61, 181, 127, 196,
                   21, 40, 82, 242, 32, 123, 143, 168, 226, 73, 216, 176, 144,
                   138, 247, 106, 60, 16, 205, 160, 109, 64, 63, 192]
    assert [ord(c) for c in tag] == [130, 17, 32, 198, 120, 167, 144, 113, 0,
                                     50, 158, 49, 102, 208, 118, 152]

    res = b".".join([b64_header, b64_ejek, b64e(iv), b64e(ctxt), b64e(tag)])

    assert res == "".join([
Ejemplo n.º 53
 def _encoded_header(self, extra=None):
     return b64e(json.dumps(self._header(extra), separators=(",", ":")))
Ejemplo n.º 54
def test_thumbprint():
    keyl = KEYS()
    for key in keyl:
        txt = key.thumbprint('SHA-256')
        assert b64e(txt) in EXPECTED
Ejemplo n.º 55
    def enc_setup(self, msg, auth_data, key=None, **kwargs):

        encrypted_key = ""
        self.msg = msg
        self.auth_data = auth_data

        # Generate the input parameters
            apu = b64d(kwargs["apu"])
        except KeyError:
            apu = Random.get_random_bytes(16)
            apv = b64d(kwargs["apv"])
        except KeyError:
            apv = Random.get_random_bytes(16)

        # Handle Local Key and Ephemeral Public Key
        if not key:
            raise Exception("EC Key Required for ECDH-ES JWE Encrpytion Setup")

        # Generate an ephemeral key pair if none is given
        curve = NISTEllipticCurve.by_name(key.crv)
        if "epk" in kwargs:
            epk = kwargs["epk"] if isinstance(kwargs["epk"], ECKey) else ECKey(kwargs["epk"])
            raise Exception(
                "Ephemeral Public Key (EPK) Required for ECDH-ES JWE "
                "Encryption Setup")

        params = {
            "apu": b64e(apu),
            "apv": b64e(apv),
            "epk": epk.serialize(False)

        cek = iv = None
        if 'cek' in kwargs and kwargs['cek']:
            cek = kwargs['cek']
        if 'iv' in kwargs and kwargs['iv']:
            iv = kwargs['iv']

        cek, iv = self._generate_key_and_iv(self.enc, cek=cek, iv=iv)

        if self.alg == "ECDH-ES":
                dk_len = KEYLEN[self.enc]
            except KeyError:
                raise Exception(
                    "Unknown key length for algorithm %s" % self.enc)

            cek = ecdh_derive_key(curve, epk.d, (key.x, key.y), apu, apv,
                                  str(self.enc).encode(), dk_len)
        elif self.alg in ["ECDH-ES+A128KW", "ECDH-ES+A192KW", "ECDH-ES+A256KW"]:
            _pre, _post = self.alg.split("+")
            klen = int(_post[1:4])
            kek = ecdh_derive_key(curve, epk.d, (key.x, key.y), apu, apv,
                                  str(_post).encode(), klen)
            encrypted_key = aes_wrap_key(kek, cek)
            raise Exception("Unsupported algorithm %s" % self.alg)

        return cek, encrypted_key, iv, params, epk
Ejemplo n.º 56
def test_a_1_1a():
    header = b'{"typ":"JWT",\r\n "alg":"HS256"}'
    val = b64e(header)
    assert val == b"eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLA0KICJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9"
Ejemplo n.º 57
 def _encoded_payload(self):
     if isinstance(self.msg, basestring):
         return b64e(self.msg)
         return b64e(json.dumps(self.msg, separators=(",", ":")))