def __init__(self, env, grid_size=64, occlusion_reward=False): super().__init__(env) self.grid_shape = ((grid_size, grid_size, grid_size)) self.observation_space = spaces.Box(0, 1, self.grid_shape, dtype=bool) self.builder = VoxelGridBuilder(grid_size) self.mesh_grid = None self.gt_size = None self.bounds = None self.plot = k3d.plot(name='wrapper')
def points(plot_array, point_size=0.1, color=0x99bbff, plot=None, **kwargs): plot_array = plot_array.astype(np.float32) # to avoid k3d warning if plot is None: plot = k3d.plot() plot.display() plot += k3d.points(plot_array, point_size=point_size, color=color, **kwargs) return plot
def new_plot(self, bs=1.0): points_number = 1 positions = 50 * np.random.random_sample((points_number, 3)) - 25 colors = np.random.randint(0, 0x777777, points_number) self.plot = k3d.plot() self.pkts = k3d.points(positions, colors, point_size=.3) self.plot += self.pkts self.plot.camera_auto_fit = False self.plot.grid_auto_fit = False = k3d.line(self.box_coords(bs=bs)) self.plot +=
def init_plot(self): plot = k3d.plot(height=self.height) self.meshes = [] for (corner, sizes), color in zip(iter_corner_sizes(self.L, self.D), palette): mesh = Box(corner=corner, sizes=sizes).mesh mesh.color = color plot += mesh # set aside for updates self.meshes.append(mesh) self.plot = plot # return the plot so it gets displayed return self.plot
def visualize_mesh(vertices, faces, flip_axes=False): plot = k3d.plot(name='points', grid_visible=False, grid=(-0.55, -0.55, -0.55, 0.55, 0.55, 0.55)) if flip_axes: vertices[:, 2] = vertices[:, 2] * -1 vertices[:, [0, 1, 2]] = vertices[:, [0, 2, 1]] plt_mesh = k3d.mesh(vertices.astype(np.float32), faces.astype(np.uint32), color=0xd0d0d0) plot += plt_mesh plt_mesh.shader = '3d' plot.display()
class Animator3(type(k3d.plot())): def __init__(self, L, D, height=800): super().__init__(height=height) self.L = L self.D = D # formerly in init_plot() self.meshes = [] for (corner, sizes), color in zip(iter_corner_sizes(self.L, self.D), palette): mesh = Box(corner=corner, sizes=sizes).mesh mesh.color = color # former 'plot' attribute is now just self self += mesh # set aside for updates self.meshes.append(mesh) display(self) def update_plot(self, newL, newD): self.D = newD self.L = newL for (corner, sizes), mesh in zip(iter_corner_sizes(newL, newD), self.meshes): newBox = Box(corner=corner, sizes=sizes) mesh.vertices = newBox.mesh.vertices # limited control over the sliders arrangement def interact_D(self, **slider_as_dict): # closure just capture self in function def update(L, D): self.update_plot(L, D) interact(update, L=fixed(self.L), D=FloatSlider(**slider_as_dict, value=self.D, layout=Layout(width="90%") )) # full control: here we put them in a simple horizontal box def interact_LD(self, L_dict, D_dict): # closure just capture self in function def update(L, D): self.update_plot(L, D) layout = Layout(width="50%") lw = FloatSlider(**L_dict, layout=layout, description="L") dw = FloatSlider(**D_dict, layout=layout, description="D") box = HBox([lw, dw]) interactive_output(update, {'L': lw, 'D': dw}) display(box)
def vectors_plot(self): plot = k3d.plot() plot.camera_auto_fit = False plot.grid_auto_fit = False field = self.get_field coord, vect = field.get_coord_and_vect(field.mesh.coordinates) colors = df.plot3d.get_colors(vect) vectors = k3d.vectors(coord, vect, colors=colors) plot += vectors plot.display() return vectors
def visualize_pointcloud(point_cloud, point_size, flip_axes=False, name='point_cloud'): plot = k3d.plot(name=name, grid_visible=False, grid=(-0.55, -0.55, -0.55, 0.55, 0.55, 0.55)) if flip_axes: point_cloud[:, 2] = point_cloud[:, 2] * -1 point_cloud[:, [0, 1, 2]] = point_cloud[:, [0, 2, 1]] plt_points = k3d.points(positions=point_cloud.astype(np.float32), point_size=point_size, color=0xd0d0d0) plot += plt_points plt_points.shader = '3d' plot.display()
def visualization_inter3D_xyz(pa): if (pa.shape[1] == 4): pa = np.delete(pa, (3), axis=1) plot = k3d.plot() print(pa.shape[0]) points_number = pa.shape[0] colors = np.random.randint(0, 0xFFFFFF, points_number) points = k3d.points(pa, colors, point_size=0.01, shader='3d') plot += points plot.camera_auto_fit = False plot.display() print("(x) : {:2.1f}m".format(pa[:, 0:1].max() - pa[:, 0:1].min())) print("(y) : {:2.1f}m".format(pa[:, 1:2].max() - pa[:, 1:2].min())) print("(z) : {:2.1f}m".format(pa[:, 2:3].max() - pa[:, 2:3].min()))
def viz_dimer_positions_k3d(positions, size=5, cmap_name="tab20c", color_feature_name=None): try: import k3d except ImportError: mess = "YOu need to install the k3d library. " mess += ( "Please follow the official instructions at" ) raise ImportError(mess) # Only show visible dimers selected_dimers = positions[positions["visible"]] coordinates = selected_dimers[["x", "y", "z"]].values.astype("float") coordinates = coordinates.astype("float32") if color_feature_name: # TODO: that code should be much simpler... cmap = categories = selected_dimers[color_feature_name].unique() color_indices = cmap([i / len(categories) for i in categories]) colors = np.zeros((len(selected_dimers[color_feature_name]), ), dtype="uint32") for color_index, _ in enumerate(categories): mask = selected_dimers[color_feature_name] == categories[ color_index] color = color_indices[color_index] color = "".join([format(int(x * 255), "02X") for x in color[:-1]]) color = int(color, 16) colors[mask] = color else: colors = "#e4191b" plot = k3d.plot() plt_points = k3d.points(positions=coordinates, point_size=size, colors=colors) plot += plt_points plot.display() return plot
def k3d(self, point_size=.8, color=True): '''makes a 3d plot of the lattice using k3d visualization''' import k3d plot = k3d.plot(name='lattice_plot') if not color: for layer in range(self.n_layers): plot += k3d.points(positions=self.layer_coords(layer, z=True), point_size=point_size) if color: color_list = [ 0x0054a7, 0xe41134, 0x75ac4f, 0xf4ea19, 0xffaff8, 0xa35112, 0x15e3f4, 0xcfc7ff ] for layer in range(self.n_layers): plot += k3d.points(positions=self.layer_coords(layer, z=True), point_size=point_size, color=color_list[layer % 8]) plot.display()
def display_3d(K,show_labels=False): """display a 3d simplicial complex using k3d, in jupyter to install it: sudo pip install k3d sudo jupyter nbextension install --py k3d sudo jupyter nbextension enable --py k3d """ import k3d if not isinstance(K.vertices[0] ,Point): raise Exception("Can display only Point-class vertices of dim 3!!!") dim=K.vertices[0].dim if dim != 3: sys.stderr.write("Not yet implemented display in dim = %s\n" % dim ) return None vertices = [v.coords for v in K.vertices] edges = [ s for s in K.simplices[1] ] faces = [] if 2 in K.simplices: faces = [ s for s in K.simplices[2] ] plt=k3d.plot(name='points') plt_points = k3d.points( positions=vertices , point_size=0.05) plt_points.shader ='3dSpecular' plt_points.color = 14 plt += plt_points # now lines: for s in edges: plt_line = k3d.line([vertices[s[0]],vertices[s[1]] ],shader='mesh', width=0.01, color=0xff0000) plt += plt_line # now convert all faces to a mesh plt_mesh = k3d.mesh(vertices,faces,color=0xff, wireframe=False, opacity=0.7, name="Simplicial Complex") plt += plt_mesh # now add the text for P in K.vertices: if show_labels and P.label is not None: plt_text = k3d.text("%s" % repr(P), position = P.coords, color=0x7700,size=1) plt += plt_text #finally display plt.display()
def create(self, data): self.plot = k3d.plot() = data # Equatorial slice self.equatorial_slice \ = k3d.vtk_poly_data(, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]), color_attribute=self.color_attribute, color_map=self.color_map) # Meridional slice self.meridional_slice \ = k3d.vtk_poly_data(, [0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]), color_attribute=self.color_attribute, color_map=self.color_map) # Spherical slice self.spherical_slice \ = k3d.vtk_poly_data(, [0, 0, 0], 0.105), color_attribute=self.color_attribute, color_map=self.color_map) self.boundary_sphere = k3d.points([0, 0, 0], point_size=0.2, shader="mesh", color=0xffffff, mesh_detail=3) # Get rmin and rmax x, y, z = np.split(self.equatorial_slice.vertices.T, 1, axis=0)[0] rsqr = x**2 + y**2 + z**2 self.r_bounds = (np.sqrt(min(rsqr)), np.sqrt(max(rsqr))) # Add to plot self.plot += self.equatorial_slice self.plot += self.meridional_slice self.plot += self.spherical_slice self.plot += self.boundary_sphere # Modify defaults self.plot.grid_auto_fit = False self.initialize_sliders()
def show_points(points, colors=[], normals=None, point_size=0.1, line_width=0.00001): plot = k3d.plot(grid_visible=False, axes_helper=0) if normals is not None: normal_vectors = k3d.vectors(points, normals, line_width=line_width, use_head=False) plot += normal_vectors point_cloud = k3d.points(points, colors=colors, point_size=point_size, shader='flat') plot += point_cloud plot.display() return None
def plot_pcd(x, point_size=0.005, c='g'): """ x: point_nr,3 """ if c == 'b': k = 245 elif c == 'g': k = 25811000 elif c == 'r': k = 11801000 elif c == 'black': k = 2580 else: k = 2580 colors = np.ones(x.shape[0]) * k plot = k3d.plot(name='points') plt_points = k3d.points(x, colors.astype(np.uint32), point_size=point_size) plot += plt_points plt_points.shader = '3d' plot.display()
def init_scene(d): plot = k3d.plot(height=800) m000 = Box((0,0,0), (3,3,3)).mesh plot += m000 m100 = Box((3+d,0,0), (1,3,3)).mesh plot += m100 m010 = Box((0,3+d,0), (3,1,3)).mesh plot += m010 m001 = Box((0,0,3+d), (3,3,1)).mesh plot += m001 m110 = Box((3+d,3+d,0), (1,1,3)).mesh plot += m110 m101 = Box((3+d,0,3+d), (1,3,1)).mesh plot += m101 m011 = Box((0,3+d,3+d), (3,1,1)).mesh plot += m011 m111 = Box((3+d,3+d,3+d), (1,1,1)).mesh plot += m111 return plot
def _load_k3d_objects(self): # text objects self.finish_text = k3d.text2d( "FINISHED", position=(.5, .5), size=3, ) self.processing_text = k3d.text2d( "PROCESSING", position=(.5, .5), size=3, ) # the plot area self.plot = k3d.plot() # gosht objects self.m1 = None self.m2 = None self.m3 = None
def reset(self): """ Reset the environment for new episode. Randomly (or not) generate CAD model for this episode. """ if self.models_path is not None: self.model_path = os.path.join(self.models_path, random.sample(os.listdir(self.models_path), 1)[0]) self.model = Model(self.model_path, resolution_image=self.image_size) self.model.generate_view_points(self.number_of_view_points) if self.illustrate: self.model.illustrate().display() self.plot = k3d.plot() self.plot.display() init_action = self.action_space.sample() observation = self.model.get_observation(init_action) return observation, init_action
def vis_depth_interactive(Z): import k3d Nx, Ny = 1, 1 xmin, xmax = 0, Z.shape[0] ymin, ymax = 0, Z.shape[1] x = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, Nx) y = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, Ny) x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) plot = k3d.plot(grid_auto_fit=True, camera_auto_fit=False) plt_surface = k3d.surface(-Z.astype(np.float32), color=0xb2ccff, bounds=[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]) # -Z for mirroring plot += plt_surface plot.display() = [ 242.57934019166004, 267.50948550191197, -406.62328311352337, 256, 256, -8.300323486328125, -0.13796270478729053, -0.987256298362836, -0.07931767413815752 ] return plot
def voxels(plot_array, pmin, pmax, colormap, outlines=False, plot=None, **kwargs): plot_array = plot_array.astype(np.uint8) # to avoid k3d warning if plot is None: plot = k3d.plot() plot.display() xmin, ymin, zmin = pmin xmax, ymax, zmax = pmax bounds = [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax] plot += k3d.voxels(plot_array, color_map=colormap, bounds=bounds, outlines=outlines, **kwargs) return plot
def __init_skeleton_plot( self, skeletons: np.ndarray, automatic_camera_orientation: bool = False) -> None: self.plot = k3d.plot(antialias=1, camera_auto_fit=False) centroid: np.ndarray = np.average(np.average(skeletons, axis=0), axis=0) if automatic_camera_orientation: camera_up_vector: np.ndarray = np.zeros(shape=(3, )) for line_indices in self.joint_set.vertically_aligned_line_indices: camera_up_vector += np.sum(skeletons[:, line_indices[1]] - skeletons[:, line_indices[0]], axis=0) camera_up_vector /= np.linalg.norm(camera_up_vector, ord=2) = [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, # Camera position centroid[0], centroid[1], centroid[2], # Camera looking at camera_up_vector[0], camera_up_vector[1], camera_up_vector[2] ] # Camera up vector else: = [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, # Camera position 0.0, 0.0, centroid[2], # Camera looking at 0.0, -1.0, 0.0 ] # Camera up vector
def plot_pcd(x, point_size=0.005, c='g'): """[summary] Args: x ([type]): point_nr,3 point_size (float, optional): [description]. Defaults to 0.005. c (str, optional): [description]. Defaults to 'g'. """ if c == 'b': k = 245 elif c == 'g': k = 25811000 elif c == 'r': k = 11801000 elif c == 'black': k = 2580 else: k = 2580 colors = np.ones(x.shape[0]) * k plot = k3d.plot(name='points') plt_points = k3d.points(x, colors.astype(np.uint32), point_size=point_size) plot += plt_points plt_points.shader = '3d' plot.display()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self._get_mode() != 0: raise ValueError( "Sorry, K3D backend only works within Jupyter Notebook") self._bounds = [] self._clipping = [] self._handles = dict() self._init_cyclers() self._fig = k3d.plot( grid_visible=self.grid, menu_visibility=True, background_color=int(cfg["k3d"]["bg_color"]), grid_color=int(cfg["k3d"]["grid_color"]), label_color=int(cfg["k3d"]["label_color"]), ) if (self.xscale == "log") or (self.yscale == "log"): warnings.warn("K3D-Jupyter doesn't support log scales. We will " + "continue with linear scales.") self.plot_shown = False self._process_series(self._series)
def visualize_shape_alignment(R=None, t=None): mesh_input = trimesh.load( Path(__file__).parent.parent / "resources" / "mesh_input.obj") mesh_target = trimesh.load( Path(__file__).parent.parent / "resources" / "mesh_target.obj") plot = k3d.plot(name='aligment', grid_visible=False, grid=(-0.55, -0.55, -0.55, 0.55, 0.55, 0.55)) input_vertices = np.array(mesh_input.vertices) if not (R is None or t is None): t_broadcast = np.broadcast_to(t[:, np.newaxis], (3, mesh_input.vertices.shape[0])) input_vertices = (R @ input_vertices.T + t_broadcast).T plt_mesh_0 = k3d.mesh(input_vertices.astype(np.float32), np.array(mesh_input.faces).astype(np.uint32), color=0xd00d0d) plt_mesh_1 = k3d.mesh(np.array(mesh_target.vertices).astype(np.float32), np.array(mesh_target.faces).astype(np.uint32), color=0x0dd00d) plot += plt_mesh_0 plot += plt_mesh_1 plt_mesh_0.shader = '3d' plt_mesh_1.shader = '3d' plot.display()
def PlantGL(pglobject, plot=None, group_by_color=True, property=None): """Return a k3d plot from PlantGL shape, geometry and scene objects""" if plot is None: plot = k3d.plot() if isinstance(pglobject, Geometry): mesh = tomesh(pglobject) plot += mesh elif isinstance(pglobject, Shape): mesh = tomesh(pglobject.geometry) mesh.color = pglobject.appearance.ambient.toUint() plot += mesh elif isinstance(pglobject, Scene): if group_by_color: meshes = group_meshes_by_color(pglobject) for mesh in meshes: plot += mesh else: mesh = scene2mesh(pglobject, property) plot += mesh = 3 #plot.colorbar_object_id = randint(0, 1000) return plot
def getNotebookBackend(actors2show, zoom, viewup): vp = settings.plotter_instance if isinstance(vp.shape, str) or sum(vp.shape) > 2: colors.printc("Multirendering is not supported in jupyter.", c=1) return #################################################################################### # # /blob/master/itkwidgets/ if 'itk' in settings.notebookBackend: from itkwidgets import view settings.notebook_plotter = view(actors=actors2show, cmap='jet', ui_collapsed=True, gradient_opacity=False) #################################################################################### elif settings.notebookBackend == 'k3d': try: import k3d # except: print("Cannot find k3d, install with: pip install k3d") return actors2show2 = [] for ia in actors2show: if not ia: continue if isinstance(ia, vtk.vtkAssembly): #unpack assemblies acass = ia.unpack() actors2show2 += acass else: actors2show2.append(ia) # vbb, sizes, _, _ = addons.computeVisibleBounds() # kgrid = vbb[0], vbb[2], vbb[4], vbb[1], vbb[3], vbb[5] settings.notebook_plotter = k3d.plot(axes=[vp.xtitle, vp.ytitle, vp.ztitle], menu_visibility=True, # height=int(vp.size[1]/2), ) # settings.notebook_plotter.grid = kgrid = 1.2 # set k3d camera settings.notebook_plotter.camera_auto_fit = True if settings.plotter_instance and k3dc = utils.vtkCameraToK3D( if zoom: k3dc[0] /= zoom k3dc[1] /= zoom k3dc[2] /= zoom = k3dc # else: # vsx, vsy, vsz = vbb[0]-vbb[1], vbb[2]-vbb[3], vbb[4]-vbb[5] # vss = numpy.linalg.norm([vsx, vsy, vsz]) # if zoom: # vss /= zoom # vfp = (vbb[0]+vbb[1])/2, (vbb[2]+vbb[3])/2, (vbb[4]+vbb[5])/2 # camera target # if viewup == 'z': # vup = (0,0,1) # camera up vector # vpos= vfp[0] + vss/1.9, vfp[1] + vss/1.9, vfp[2]+vss*0.01 # camera position # elif viewup == 'x': # vup = (1,0,0) # vpos= vfp[0]+vss*0.01, vfp[1] + vss/1.5, vfp[2] # camera position # else: # vup = (0,1,0) # vpos= vfp[0]+vss*0.01, vfp[1]+vss*0.01, vfp[2] + vss/1.5 # camera position # = [vpos[0], vpos[1], vpos[2], # vfp[0], vfp[1], vfp[2], # vup[0], vup[1], vup[2] ] if not vp.axes: settings.notebook_plotter.grid_visible = False for ia in actors2show2: if isinstance(ia, (vtk.vtkCornerAnnotation, vtk.vtkAssembly)): continue kobj = None kcmap= None name = None if hasattr(ia, 'filename'): if ia.filename: name = os.path.basename(ia.filename) if name = os.path.basename( #####################################################################scalars # work out scalars first, Points Lines are also Mesh objs if isinstance(ia, (Mesh, shapes.Line, Points)): # print('scalars',, ia.N()) iap = ia.GetProperty() if isinstance(ia, (shapes.Line, Points)): iapoly = ia.polydata() else: iapoly = ia.clone().clean().triangulate().computeNormals().polydata() vtkscals = None color_attribute = None if ia.mapper().GetScalarVisibility(): vtkdata = iapoly.GetPointData() vtkscals = vtkdata.GetScalars() if vtkscals is None: vtkdata = iapoly.GetCellData() vtkscals = vtkdata.GetScalars() if vtkscals is not None: c2p = vtk.vtkCellDataToPointData() c2p.SetInputData(iapoly) c2p.Update() iapoly = c2p.GetOutput() vtkdata = iapoly.GetPointData() vtkscals = vtkdata.GetScalars() if vtkscals is not None: if not vtkscals.GetName(): vtkscals.SetName('scalars') scals_min, scals_max = ia.mapper().GetScalarRange() color_attribute = (vtkscals.GetName(), scals_min, scals_max) lut = ia.mapper().GetLookupTable() lut.Build() kcmap=[] nlut = lut.GetNumberOfTableValues() for i in range(nlut): r,g,b,a = lut.GetTableValue(i) kcmap += [i/(nlut-1), r,g,b] #####################################################################Volume if isinstance(ia, Volume): # print('Volume',, ia.dimensions()) kx, ky, kz = ia.dimensions() arr = ia.getPointArray() kimage = arr.reshape(-1, ky, kx) colorTransferFunction = ia.GetProperty().GetRGBTransferFunction() kcmap=[] for i in range(128): r,g,b = colorTransferFunction.GetColor(i/127) kcmap += [i/127, r,g,b] kbounds = numpy.array(ia.imagedata().GetBounds()) \ + numpy.repeat(numpy.array(ia.imagedata().GetSpacing()) / 2.0, 2)\ * numpy.array([-1,1] * 3) kobj = k3d.volume(kimage.astype(numpy.float32), color_map=kcmap, #color_range=ia.imagedata().GetScalarRange(), alpha_coef=10, bounds=kbounds, name=name, ) settings.notebook_plotter += kobj #####################################################################text elif hasattr(ia, 'info') and 'formula' in pos = (ia.GetPosition()[0],ia.GetPosition()[1]) kobj = k3d.text2d(['formula'], position=pos) settings.notebook_plotter += kobj #####################################################################Mesh elif isinstance(ia, Mesh) and ia.N() and len(ia.faces()): # print('Mesh',, ia.N(), len(ia.faces())) kobj = k3d.vtk_poly_data(iapoly, name=name, # color=_rgb2int(iap.GetColor()), color_attribute=color_attribute, color_map=kcmap, opacity=iap.GetOpacity(), wireframe=(iap.GetRepresentation()==1)) if iap.GetInterpolation() == 0: kobj.flat_shading = True settings.notebook_plotter += kobj #####################################################################Points elif isinstance(ia, Points) or ia.NPoints() == ia.NCells(): # print('Points',, ia.N()) kcols=[] if color_attribute is not None: scals = utils.vtk2numpy(vtkscals) kcols = k3d.helpers.map_colors(scals, kcmap, [scals_min,scals_max]).astype(numpy.uint32) # sqsize = numpy.sqrt(, sizes)) kobj = k3d.points(ia.points().astype(numpy.float32), color=_rgb2int(iap.GetColor()), colors=kcols, opacity=iap.GetOpacity(), shader="dot", point_size=3, # point_size=iap.GetPointSize()*sqsize/800, name=name, ) settings.notebook_plotter += kobj #####################################################################Line elif ia.polydata(False).GetNumberOfLines(): # print('Line',, ia.N(), len(ia.faces()), # ia.polydata(False).GetNumberOfLines(), len(ia.lines()), # color_attribute, [vtkscals]) # kcols=[] # if color_attribute is not None: # scals = utils.vtk2numpy(vtkscals) # kcols = k3d.helpers.map_colors(scals, kcmap, # [scals_min,scals_max]).astype(numpy.uint32) # sqsize = numpy.sqrt(, sizes)) for i, ln_idx in enumerate(ia.lines()): if i>200: print('WARNING: K3D nr of line segments is limited to 200.') break pts = ia.points()[ln_idx] kobj = k3d.line(pts.astype(numpy.float32), color=_rgb2int(iap.GetColor()), # colors=kcols, opacity=iap.GetOpacity(), shader="thick", # width=iap.GetLineWidth()*sqsize/1000, name=name, ) settings.notebook_plotter += kobj #################################################################################### elif settings.notebookBackend == 'panel' and hasattr(vp, 'window') and vp.window: import panel # vp.renderer.ResetCamera() settings.notebook_plotter = panel.pane.VTK(vp.window, width=int(vp.size[0]/1.5), height=int(vp.size[1]/2)) #################################################################################### elif 'ipyvtk' in settings.notebookBackend and hasattr(vp, 'window') and vp.window: from ipyvtklink.viewer import ViewInteractiveWidget vp.renderer.ResetCamera() settings.notebook_plotter = ViewInteractiveWidget(vp.window) #################################################################################### elif '2d' in settings.notebookBackend.lower() and hasattr(vp, 'window') and vp.window: import PIL.Image try: import IPython except ImportError: raise Exception('IPython not available.') from import screenshot settings.screeshotLargeImage = True nn = screenshot(returnNumpy=True, scale=settings.screeshotScale+2) pil_img = PIL.Image.fromarray(nn) settings.notebook_plotter = IPython.display.display(pil_img) return settings.notebook_plotter
def _ipython_display_(self, **kwargs): """Called when `IPython.display.display` is called on the widget.""" import k3d plot = k3d.plot() plot += self plot.display()
def k3d(self, *, plot=None, color=dfu.cp_int[0], multiplier=None, **kwargs): """``k3d`` plot. If ``plot`` is not passed, ``k3d.Plot`` object is created automatically. The colour of the region can be specified using ``color`` argument. For details about ``multiplier``, please refer to ``discretisedfield.Region.mpl``. This method is based on ``k3d.voxels``, so any keyword arguments accepted by it can be passed (e.g. ``wireframe``). Parameters ---------- plot : k3d.Plot, optional Plot to which the plot is added. Defaults to ``None`` - plot is created internally. color : int, optional Colour of the region. Defaults to the default color palette. multiplier : numbers.Real, optional Axes multiplier. Defaults to ``None``. Examples -------- 1. Visualising the region using ``k3d``. >>> import discretisedfield as df ... >>> p1 = (-50e-9, -50e-9, 0) >>> p2 = (50e-9, 50e-9, 10e-9) >>> region = df.Region(p1=p1, p2=p2) >>> region.k3d() Plot(...) """ if plot is None: plot = k3d.plot() plot.display() if multiplier is None: multiplier = uu.si_max_multiplier(self.edges) unit = f'({uu.rsi_prefixes[multiplier]}m)' plot_array = np.ones((1, 1, 1)).astype(np.uint8) # avoid k3d warning bounds = [ i for sublist in zip(np.divide(self.pmin, multiplier), np.divide(self.pmax, multiplier)) for i in sublist ] plot += k3d.voxels(plot_array, color_map=color, bounds=bounds, outlines=False, **kwargs) plot.axes = [ i + r'\,\text{{{}}}'.format(unit) for i in dfu.axesdict.keys() ]
head_size=1.5, labels=['a']) b_vec = k3d.vectors(red_point.positions, cubic_system[9], head_size=1.5, labels=['b']) c_vec = k3d.vectors(red_point.positions, cubic_system[1], head_size=1.5, labels=['c']) ab_vec = k3d.vectors(red_point.positions, cubic_system[3] + 2 * cubic_system[9], head_size=1.5, labels=['a+2b']) plot1 = k3d.plot() plot1 += red_point + system + a_vec + b_vec + c_vec + ab_vec ### SECOND DRAWING cubic_system = cubic(0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 3) mask = np.arange(cubic_system.shape[0]) chosen = [0, 1, 3, 4, 21, 22, 24, 25] red_points = k3d.points(cubic_system[chosen], point_size=0.2, color=0xff0000) system = k3d.points(np.delete(cubic_system, chosen, axis=0), point_size=0.2, color=0) ab_vec = k3d.vectors(red_point.positions, cubic_system[3] + 2 * cubic_system[9], head_size=1.5, labels=['a+2b'])
def getNotebookBackend(actors2show, zoom, viewup): vp = settings.plotter_instance #################################################################################### # # /blob/master/itkwidgets/ if 'itk' in settings.notebookBackend: from itkwidgets import view if sum(vp.shape) != 2: colors.printc("Warning: multirendering is not supported in jupyter.", c=1) settings.notebook_plotter = view(actors=actors2show, cmap='jet', ui_collapsed=True, gradient_opacity=False) #################################################################################### elif settings.notebookBackend == 'k3d': import k3d # if vp.shape[0] != 1 or vp.shape[1] != 1: colors.printc("Warning: multirendering is not supported in jupyter.", c=1) actors2show2 = [] for ia in actors2show: if isinstance(ia, vtk.vtkAssembly): #unpack assemblies acass = ia.unpack() #for a in acass: # a.SetScale(ia.GetScale()) actors2show2 += acass else: actors2show2.append(ia) vbb, sizes, min_bns, max_bns = addons.computeVisibleBounds() kgrid = vbb[0], vbb[2], vbb[4], vbb[1], vbb[3], vbb[5] settings.notebook_plotter = k3d.plot(axes=[vp.xtitle, vp.ytitle, vp.ztitle], menu_visibility=True, height=int(vp.size[1]/2) ) settings.notebook_plotter.grid = kgrid = 1.2 # set k3d camera settings.notebook_plotter.camera_auto_fit = False eps = 1 + numpy.random.random()*1.0e-04 # workaround to bug in k3d # if settings.plotter_instance and k3dc = utils.vtkCameraToK3D( k3dc[2] = k3dc[2]*eps = k3dc else: vsx, vsy, vsz = vbb[0]-vbb[1], vbb[2]-vbb[3], vbb[4]-vbb[5] vss = numpy.linalg.norm([vsx, vsy, vsz]) if zoom: vss /= zoom vfp = (vbb[0]+vbb[1])/2, (vbb[2]+vbb[3])/2, (vbb[4]+vbb[5])/2 # camera target if viewup == 'z': vup = (0,0,1) # camera up vector vpos= vfp[0] + vss/1.9, vfp[1] + vss/1.9, vfp[2]+vss*0.01 # camera position elif viewup == 'x': vup = (1,0,0) vpos= vfp[0]+vss*0.01, vfp[1] + vss/1.5, vfp[2] # camera position else: vup = (0,1,0) vpos= vfp[0]+vss*0.01, vfp[1]+vss*0.01, vfp[2] + vss/1.5 # camera position = [vpos[0], vpos[1], vpos[2]*eps, vfp[0], vfp[1], vfp[2], vup[0], vup[1], vup[2] ] if not vp.axes: settings.notebook_plotter.grid_visible = False for ia in actors2show2: kobj = None kcmap= None if isinstance(ia, Mesh) and ia.N(): iap = ia.GetProperty() #ia.clean().triangulate().computeNormals() #ia.triangulate()) iapoly = ia.clone().clean().triangulate().computeNormals().polydata() vtkscals = None color_attribute = None if ia.mapper().GetScalarVisibility(): vtkdata = iapoly.GetPointData() vtkscals = vtkdata.GetScalars() if vtkscals is None: vtkdata = iapoly.GetCellData() vtkscals = vtkdata.GetScalars() if vtkscals is not None: c2p = vtk.vtkCellDataToPointData() c2p.SetInputData(iapoly) c2p.Update() iapoly = c2p.GetOutput() vtkdata = iapoly.GetPointData() vtkscals = vtkdata.GetScalars() if vtkscals is not None: if not vtkscals.GetName(): vtkscals.SetName('scalars') scals_min, scals_max = ia.mapper().GetScalarRange() color_attribute = (vtkscals.GetName(), scals_min, scals_max) lut = ia.mapper().GetLookupTable() lut.Build() kcmap=[] nlut = lut.GetNumberOfTableValues() for i in range(nlut): r,g,b,a = lut.GetTableValue(i) kcmap += [i/(nlut-1), r,g,b] if iapoly.GetNumberOfPolys() > 0: name = None if ia.filename: name = os.path.basename(ia.filename) kobj = k3d.vtk_poly_data(iapoly, name=name, color=colors.rgb2int(iap.GetColor()), color_attribute=color_attribute, color_map=kcmap, opacity=iap.GetOpacity(), wireframe=(iap.GetRepresentation()==1)) if iap.GetInterpolation() == 0: kobj.flat_shading = True else: kcols=[] if color_attribute is not None: scals = vtk_to_numpy(vtkscals) kcols = k3d.helpers.map_colors(scals, kcmap, [scals_min,scals_max]).astype(numpy.uint32) sqsize = numpy.sqrt(, sizes)) if ia.NPoints() == ia.NCells(): kobj = k3d.points(ia.points().astype(numpy.float32), color=colors.rgb2int(iap.GetColor()), colors=kcols, opacity=iap.GetOpacity(), shader="3d", point_size=iap.GetPointSize()*sqsize/400, #compression_level=9, ) else: kobj = k3d.line(ia.points().astype(numpy.float32), color=colors.rgb2int(iap.GetColor()), colors=kcols, opacity=iap.GetOpacity(), shader="thick", width=iap.GetLineWidth()*sqsize/1000, ) settings.notebook_plotter += kobj elif isinstance(ia, Volume): kx, ky, kz = ia.dimensions() arr = ia.getPointArray() kimage = arr.reshape(-1, ky, kx) colorTransferFunction = ia.GetProperty().GetRGBTransferFunction() kcmap=[] for i in range(128): r,g,b = colorTransferFunction.GetColor(i/127) kcmap += [i/127, r,g,b] #print('vol scal range', ia.imagedata().GetScalarRange()) #print(numpy.min(kimage), numpy.max(kimage)) kbounds = numpy.array(ia.imagedata().GetBounds()) \ + numpy.repeat(numpy.array(ia.imagedata().GetSpacing()) / 2.0, 2)\ * numpy.array([-1,1] * 3) kobj = k3d.volume(kimage.astype(numpy.float32), color_map=kcmap, #color_range=ia.imagedata().GetScalarRange(), alpha_coef=10, bounds=kbounds, ) settings.notebook_plotter += kobj elif hasattr(ia, 'info') and 'formula' in pos = (ia.GetPosition()[0],ia.GetPosition()[1]) kobj = k3d.text2d(['formula'], position=pos) settings.notebook_plotter += kobj #################################################################################### elif settings.notebookBackend == 'panel' and hasattr(vp, 'window') and vp.window: import panel # vp.renderer.ResetCamera() settings.notebook_plotter = panel.pane.VTK(vp.window, width=int(vp.size[0]/1.5), height=int(vp.size[1]/2)) #################################################################################### elif '2d' in settings.notebookBackend.lower() and hasattr(vp, 'window') and vp.window: import PIL.Image try: import IPython except ImportError: raise Exception('IPython not available.') return from vtkplotter.vtkio import screenshot settings.screeshotLargeImage = True nn = screenshot(returnNumpy=True, scale=settings.screeshotScale+2) pil_img = PIL.Image.fromarray(nn) settings.notebook_plotter = IPython.display.display(pil_img) return settings.notebook_plotter