def optimiseRun(): global opt global comment time.sleep(30) comment = "Starting Optimise" info = "I, " + comment logWrite(info) while Run: while OPT: sleep(2) FlueChange(-FlueStep) time.sleep(FlueChangeSleep) while (RateChange(FlueChangeSleep) > 0): print("Opt", RateChange(FlueChangeSleep)) FlueChange(-FlueStep) time.sleep(FlueChangeSleep) while (RateChange(FlueChangeSleep) < 0): print("Opt", RateChange(FlueChangeSleep)) FlueChange(+FlueStep * 2) time.sleep(FlueChangeSleep) FlueChange(FlueStep) opt = True comment = "Optimise done" info = "I, " + comment time.sleep(100) comment = "Optimise End" info = "I, " + comment logWrite(info) return ()
def SetRate(rise): if (not Auto): return () #end=len(log)-1 GasStepMult = 2 currentLog = getLogTop() currentStep = getCurrentStep() info = "F, Wanted Rise=" + str(rise) + " 10s=" + str( currentLog['tempTopRate10s']) + " 30s=" + str( currentLog['tempTopRate10s']) + " 5m=" + str( currentLog['tempTopRate5m']) + " Step=" + str( currentStep['step']) + " Err=" + str(TRiseError * rise) logWrite(info) if (abs(rise * 10) > abs( currentLog['tempTopRate30s'])): #See how far away we are GasStepMult = 4 info = "F, Change Step Fast=" + str(GasStepMult) logWrite(info) if ((DiffError(currentLog['tempTopRate5m'], rise, TRiseError * rise) == 1) or (DiffError(currentLog['tempStepRate'], rise, TRiseError * rise) == 1)): #going too fast gasChange(-GasStep * GasStepMult * 2) info = "F, Going too Fast" logWrite(info) # optimise() return () if (DiffError(currentLog['tempTopRate10s'], rise, TRiseError * rise * 0.5) == -1): #Go faster info = "F, Going too SLow" logWrite(info) # FlueChange(FlueStep) gasChange(GasStep * GasStepMult) # optimise() return () info = "F, Going About Right" logWrite(info) return ()
def graphRun(action=""): global RunGraph, RunGraphP, wholeFireGraph, runningGraph, graphStepTime if action == "pause": RunGraphP = False elif action == "restart": RunGraphP = True elif action == "stop": RunGraph = False elif action == "start" or action == "": RunGraph = True RunGraphP = True from k_graph import drawGraph logWrite("I Starting - Graph ") new = "" old = "" while (RunGraph): while (RunGraphP): runningGraph = True d = selectGraph( graphStepTime, ('timeE', 'tempTop', 'tempBot', "tempTopRate5m", 'tempBotRate30s', 'gas', 'gasRate60s')) if d[0] != 0: #["timeE", min, max, data....] #print("d len",len(d[0])) new = makeTimeFile("wholeFireGraph.png") drawGraph(d, new) old = wholeFireGraph wholeFireGraph = new rm(old) logWrite("I, Graph file created " + new + " Old: " + old) time.sleep(graphSleepTime) runningGraph = False logWrite("I, Ending - Graph ")
def logRun(action=""): global RunLog, RunLogP, runningLog if action == "pause": RunLogP = False elif action == "restart": RunLogP = True elif action == "stop": RunLog = False elif action == "start" or action == "": RunLog = True RunLogP = True makeLogFile() p = point() r = [] for item in r.append(item) rr = "H, " + str(r).strip('[]') logWrite(rr) logWrite("I, Starting - Logging ") while (RunLog): while (RunLogP): runningLog = True #logWrite("1") tempT, vTop = k_temp_get(CTempTop) tempB, vBot = k_temp_get(CTempBot) #logWrite("2") gasP = getGas() gasN = gas_get() #logWrite("3") flueP = getFlue() #logWrite("4") opt = 0 comment = "" p = addPoint(tempT, tempB, gasP, gasN, flueP, opt, vTop, vBot, comment) #print("p=", writePoint(p) time.sleep(logSleepTime) runningLog = False #Stopping Logging logWrite("I, Ending Logging in 100s") time.sleep(100) logWrite("I, Ended Logging NOW") logClose()
def fireRun(action=""): global RunFire, RunFireP, runningFire if action == "pause": RunFireP = False elif action == "restart": RunFireP = True elif action == "stop": RunFire = False elif action == "start" or action == "": global TempStepAve global FireRunEnd global comment global GuideStep soak = False RunFire = True RunFireP = True time.sleep(2) NewStep = True endSoakTime = 0 logWrite("I, Starting - Fire ") createGuidList(0) guideStep = getNextStep() while RunFire: while RunFireP: runningFire = True currentTopLog = getLogTop() logWrite("F, GuideStep: " + str(guideStep["step"])) if (guideStep["step"] == 0): #End of run, finish NewStep = False RunFire = False RunFireP = False setGas(0) setFlue(0) logWrite("F, Ending Fire Run") break if (NewStep): # Set Flue only when its a new step setFlue(guideStep["flue"]) NewStep = False if (guideStep["setRate"] == 0 and not soak): #Start a new Soak if we are not doing one, cant have two soaks together endSoakTime = currentTopLog["timeE"] + ( guideStep["soakTime"] * 60) logWrite("F, Starting Soak " + str(endSoakTime)) soak = True # Now see if we need to go faster or slower temp can change in 35 sec SetRate(guideStep["setRate"]) # optimise() # reduce(GuideList[GuideStep][GReduce]) logWrite("Soak=" + str(soak) + " Guide=" + str(guideStep["setTemp"]) + " current=" + str(currentTopLog["tempTopAve10s"])) if (soak and endSoakTime > currentTopLog["timeE"]) or ( not soak and (guideStep["setTemp"] < currentTopLog["tempTopAve10s"])): # Set new Step guideStep = getNextStep() NewStep = True StepStartTime = getLogTop( )["timeE"] # save the start point of this step StepStartTime info = "F, New Guide " + str(guideStep) logWrite(info) time.sleep(fireSleepTime) #setGas(OFF) #setFlue(OFF) logWrite("F, Ending - Fire ") FireRunEnd = True runningFire = False return