Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, goose, config):
     self._goose = goose
     self._configuration = config
     if (len(self._goose) > 0):
         self._r, self._c = row_col(self._goose[0],
         self._r = -1
         self._c = -1
     self._possible_moves = ['SOUTH', 'NORTH', 'WEST', 'EAST']
 def __init__(self, observation, configuration):
     self.obs = observation
     self.config = configuration
     self.rows = configuration.rows
     self.cols = configuration.columns
     self.player_index = self.obs.index
     self.start = row_col(self.obs.geese[self.player_index][0], self.cols)
     self.mapa = self.get_grid_from_obs()
     self.heu_map = self.heristic()
     self.frontier = []
Ejemplo n.º 3
def default_agent(obs_dict, config_dict=None):
    """This agent always moves toward observation.food[0] but does not take advantage of board wrapping"""
    observation = Observation(obs_dict)
    # configuration = Configuration(config_dict)
    configuration_columns = 11

    player_index = observation.index
    player_goose = observation.geese[player_index]
    player_head = player_goose[0]
    player_row, player_column = row_col(player_head, configuration_columns)

    food = observation.food[0]
    food_row, food_column = row_col(food, configuration_columns)

    if food_row > player_row:
        return Action.SOUTH.name
    if food_row < player_row:
        return Action.NORTH.name
    if food_column > player_column:
        return Action.EAST.name
    return Action.WEST.name
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def centroid_agent(self, board, head, configuration):
     head_row, head_col = row_col(head, configuration.columns)
     # X is [0, 11), center is 5
     # Y is [0, 7), center is 3
     dX = head_col - 5
     dY = 3 - head_row
     # Сдвиг строк - dY
     if dY != 0:
         board = np.vstack((board[-dY:], board[:-dY]))
     # Сдвиг колонок - dX
     if dX != 0:
         board = np.hstack((board[:, dX:], board[:, :dX]))
     return board
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def process_board(self, obs, conf, gindex):
        rows, columns = conf.rows, conf.columns
        board = np.zeros((rows + 2, columns + 2, 3))
        if 'food' in obs.keys():
            for food in obs['food']:
                r, c = row_col(food, columns)
                for i in range(r, r + 3):
                    for j in range(c, c + 3):
                        board[i, j,
                              0] = 1.0 if i == r + 1 and j == c + 1 else 0.0
        for gind, goose in enumerate(obs['geese']):
            if len(goose) > 0:

                for v in goose[1:-1]:
                    r, c = row_col(v, columns)
                    board[r + 1, c + 1, 1] = 0.66
                r, c = row_col(goose[-1], columns)
                board[r + 1, c + 1, 1] = 0.1

                if gind != gindex:
                    r, c = row_col(goose[0], columns)
                    board[r + 1, c + 1, 1] = 1.0
                    for i in [0, 2]:
                        if board[r + i, c + 1, 1] == 0:
                            board[r + i, c + 1, 1] = 0.33
                        if board[r + 1, c + i, 1] == 0:
                            board[r + 1, c + i, 1] = 0.33
                    for v in goose[1:-1]:
                        r, c = row_col(v, columns)
                        board[r + 1, c + 1, 2] = 0.66
                    r, c = row_col(goose[0], columns)
                    board[r + 1, c + 1, 2] = 1.0

        for i in range(rows):
            if board[i + 1, -2, 1] == 1.0: board[i + 1, 1, 1] = 0.33
            if board[i + 1, 1, 1] == 1.0: board[i + 1, -2, 1] = 0.33
        for i in range(columns):
            if board[-2, i + 1, 1] == 1.0: board[1, i + 1, 1] = 0.33
            if board[1, i + 1, 1] == 1.0: board[-2, i + 1, 1] = 0.33

        board[0] = board[-2]
        board[-1] = board[1]
        board[:, 0] = board[:, -2]
        board[:, -1] = board[:, 1]
        board[0, 0] = board[-2, -2]
        board[0, -1] = board[-2, 1]
        board[-1, 0] = board[1, -2]
        board[-1, -1] = board[1, 1]

        return board
    def heristic(self):
        heu = []
        foodPos = []
        for food in self.obs['food']:
            x, y = row_col(food, self.cols)
            foodPos.append([x, y])

        for i in range(0, self.mapa.shape[0]):

            for j in range(0, self.mapa.shape[1]):
                tp = self.mapa[i][j]
                if (tp == 2):
                    d = 1000000
                    for pos in foodPos:
                        if (d > self.distance(i, j, pos[0], pos[1])):
                            d = self.distance(i, j, pos[0], pos[1])

        return np.array(heu, dtype="int32")
def fill_matrix(observation, configuration):
    #0 = empty space
    #1 = player head
    #2 = player body
    #3 = player end
    #4 = generic goose head
    #5 = generic goose body
    #6 = generic goose end
    #7 = food
    Matrix = [[0 for x in range(numCols)] for y in range(numRows)]
    MatrixNoFood = [[0 for x in range(numCols)] for y in range(numRows)]
    MatrixHeadAvoid1 = [[0 for x in range(numCols)] for y in range(numRows)]
    MatrixHeadAvoid2 = [[0 for x in range(numCols)] for y in range(numRows)]

    foodPosition = 7
    player_index = observation.index

    #might want to replace non empty spots with an array or tuple (to indicate what it is and what body position to track all parts of goose neck.)
    for i in range(len(observation.geese)):
        #Checks if for our goose or generic goose
        if i == player_index:
            bodyPart = 2
            headPart = 1
            endPart = 3
            bodyPart = 5
            headPart = 4
            endPart = 6
        player_goose = observation.geese[i]
        #for each body part
        for j in range(len(player_goose)):
            player_part = player_goose[j]
            player_row, player_column = row_col(player_part, configuration.columns)
            if j == 0:
                Matrix[player_row][player_column] = headPart
                MatrixNoFood[player_row][player_column] = headPart
                MatrixHeadAvoid1[player_row][player_column] = headPart
                MatrixHeadAvoid2[player_row][player_column] = headPart
                if i != player_index:
                    for new_position in [(0, -1), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (1, 0)]:
                        node_position = ((player_row + new_position[0])%numRows, (player_column + new_position[1])%numCols)
                        if MatrixHeadAvoid1[node_position[0]][node_position[1]] == 0:
                            MatrixHeadAvoid1[node_position[0]][node_position[1]] = 9
                    for new_position in [(0, -1), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (1, 0), (-1, -1), (-1, 1), (1, -1), (1, 1)]:
                        node_position = ((player_row + new_position[0])%numRows, (player_column + new_position[1])%numCols)
                        if MatrixHeadAvoid2[node_position[0]][node_position[1]] == 0:
                            MatrixHeadAvoid2[node_position[0]][node_position[1]] = 9
            elif j == len(player_goose)-1:
                Matrix[player_row][player_column] = endPart
                MatrixNoFood[player_row][player_column] = endPart
                MatrixHeadAvoid1[player_row][player_column] = endPart
                MatrixHeadAvoid2[player_row][player_column] = endPart
                Matrix[player_row][player_column] = bodyPart
                MatrixNoFood[player_row][player_column] = bodyPart
                MatrixHeadAvoid1[player_row][player_column] = bodyPart
                MatrixHeadAvoid2[player_row][player_column] = bodyPart

    #Food placement
    for i in range(len(observation.food)):
        tempfood = observation.food[i]
        tempfood_row, tempfood_column = row_col(tempfood, configuration.columns)
        Matrix[tempfood_row][tempfood_column] = foodPosition
    return Matrix, MatrixNoFood, MatrixHeadAvoid1, MatrixHeadAvoid2
def agent(obs_dict, config_dict):
    """This agent always moves toward observation.food[0] but does not take advantage of board wrapping"""
    observation = Observation(obs_dict)
    configuration = Configuration(config_dict)
    maze_col = configuration.columns
    maze_rows = configuration.rows
    maze = np.zeros([maze_rows, maze_col])

    # Define my player

    player_index = observation.index
    player_goose = observation.geese[player_index]
    player_head = player_goose[0]
    player_row, player_column = row_col(player_head, configuration.columns)
    start = (player_row, player_column)
    #Define Food

    hipotenuse_low = 14
    closest_food = observation.food[0]
    for food in observation.food:
        food_row, food_column = row_col(food, configuration.columns)
        hipotenuse = sqrt((player_row - food_row)**2 +
                          (player_column - food_column)**2)
        if hipotenuse < hipotenuse_low:
            hipotenuse_low = hipotenuse
            closest_food = food

    end = row_col(closest_food, configuration.columns)

    # Define the enemies players
    enemies_indexes = observation.geese
    del enemies_indexes[player_index]

    for enemies in enemies_indexes:
        for enemies_pos in enemies:
            enemie_row, enemie_col = row_col(enemies_pos,
            maze[enemie_row, enemie_col] = 1

    for player_pos in player_goose[1:]:
        player_rw, player_col = row_col(player_pos, configuration.columns)
        maze[player_rw, player_col] = 1

    path = astar(maze, start, end, False)
    next_move = path[1]
    x = int(next_move[1]) - int(player_column)
    y = int(next_move[0]) - int(player_row)
    print(x, y)
    if x == -1 and y == 0:
        return Action.WEST.name
    if x == 1 and y == 0:
        return Action.EAST.name
    if x == 0 and y == -1:
        return Action.NORTH.name
    if x == 0 and y == 1:
        return Action.SOUTH.name
def path_to_closest_food(observation, configuration, MatrixsToUse, start, shift):
    #instead of using obeservation.food[0] should find out which food has shortest route from head.
    bestFood = 0
    bestFoodDistance = numCols + numRows
    bestPath = "no path"
    f = open("./myfile1.txt", "a")
    for MatrixToUse in MatrixsToUse:
        if bestPath != "no path":
            f.write("Current MatrixToUse: " + str(MatrixToUse))
        for i in range(len(observation.food)):
            f.write(str(observation.food) + " <-- num foods, ")
            f.write("iteration of path to closest food: " + str(i))
            tempfood = observation.food[i]

            tempfood_row, tempfood_column = row_col(tempfood, configuration.columns)
            end = (tempfood_row, tempfood_column)
            tempRow = int((end[0] + shift[0]) % numRows)
            tempCol = (end[1] + shift[1]) % numCols
            end = (tempRow, tempCol)
            f.write("Start coords2 " + str(start) + "\n" + "End coords2 " + str(end) + "\n")
            filledspaces = 0
            for new_position in [(0, -1), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (1, 0)]:
                node_position = ((end[0] + new_position[0])%6, (end[1] + new_position[1])%10)
                if MatrixToUse[node_position[0]][node_position[1]] != 0:
                    if MatrixToUse[node_position[0]][node_position[1]] == 4:
                        filledspaces += 7
                        f.write("Head detected")
                    filledspaces += 1
            if filledspaces <= 1:
                path = astar(MatrixToUse, start, end)
                    if (len(path)) < bestFoodDistance:
                        bestFood = i
                        bestFoodDistance = len(path)
                        bestPath = path
                except TypeError:
                    path = "no path"

    if bestPath == "no path":
        return bestPath

    for j in range(len(bestPath)):
        tempRow = int((bestPath[j][0] - shift[0]) % numRows)
        tempCol = int((bestPath[j][1] - shift[1]) % numCols)
        bestPath[j] = (tempRow, tempCol)

    #food = observation.food[bestFood]
    #food_row, food_column = row_col(food, configuration.columns)

    #This will need to be changed, food distance depends on direction snake just traveled, whether other geese are close (as it could be pointless) and which spots on the board are filled
    #Will implement a map solving algorithm for all alive geese and if our goose has shortest distance, will select food that way.
    #Could also implement escape route algorithm? Don't know how that would work, ask ben

    return bestPath
def agent(obs_dict, config_dict):
    global which_turn
    which_turn += 1
    t0= time.clock()
    f = open("./myfile1.txt", "a")
    f.write("Starting file" + "\n")
    observation = Observation(obs_dict)
    configuration = Configuration(config_dict)
    player_index = observation.index
    player_goose = observation.geese[player_index]
    #player_goose is list of all bodypart positions
    player_head = player_goose[0]
    player_row, player_column = row_col(player_head, configuration.columns)
    start = (player_row, player_column)
    f.write("Commencing turn: " + str(which_turn))
    with open('./myfile2.txt', 'a') as testfile:
        testfile.write("Player_index: " + str(player_index) + " [0: White, 1: Blue, 2: Green, 3: Red], " + "\n")
    f.write("Player_index: " + str(player_index) + " [0: White, 1: Blue, 2: Green, 3: Red], " + "\n")
    """This agent always moves toward observation.food[0] but does not take advantage of board wrapping"""

    Matrix, MatrixNoFood, MatrixHeadAvoid1, MatrixHeadAvoid2 = fill_matrix(observation, configuration)
    f.write("Matrix filled" + "\n")
    [MatrixNoFood, MatrixHeadAvoid1, MatrixHeadAvoid2], start, shift = shift_matrix([MatrixNoFood, MatrixHeadAvoid1, MatrixHeadAvoid2], start)
    f.write("Matrix shifted" + "\n")
    f.write("Start coords " + str(start) + "\n")

    #MatrixToUse = MatrixNoFood
    #MatrixToUse = MatrixHeadAvoid2
    #MatrixToUse = MatrixHeadAvoid1
    #MatrixBackup1 = MatrixHeadAvoid1
    #MatrixBackup2 = MatrixNoFood
    #MatrixsToUse = [MatrixHeadAvoid2, MatrixHeadAvoid1, MatrixNoFood]
    MatrixsToUse = [MatrixHeadAvoid1, MatrixNoFood]
    #will replace player_row, player_column with 2d array that has all positions filled with all player information
    path = path_to_closest_food(observation, configuration, MatrixsToUse, start, shift)
    if path == "no path":
        player_index = observation.index
        player_goose = observation.geese[player_index]
        player_end = player_goose[len(player_goose)-1]
        player_end_row, player_end_column = row_col(player_end, configuration.columns)
        for MatrixToUse in MatrixsToUse:
            if path == "no path":
                if start == (player_end_row, player_end_column):
                    path = astar(MatrixToUse, start, (player_end_row+3, player_end_column+5))
                    path = astar(MatrixToUse, start, (player_end_row, player_end_column))
    f.write("Path: " + str(path) + "\n")
    whichMove =  which_direction(path)
    t1 = time.clock() - t0
    f.write("This is turn: " + str(int(which_turn)) + " , chosen movement: " )
    f.write(" which took " + str(t1) + " seconds")
    return whichMove
Ejemplo n.º 11
def translate(position: int, direction: Action, columns: int, rows: int):
    row, column = row_col(position, columns)
    row_offset, column_offset = direction.to_row_col()
    row = (row + row_offset) % rows
    column = (column + column_offset) % columns
    return row * columns + column
def get_sensors_from_grid(grid, columns, obs, last, debug):
    if (len(obs['geese'][obs['index']]) == 0):
        return np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
    px, py = row_col(obs['geese'][obs['index']][0], columns)
    actL = []
    for action in Action:
    frente = 0
    if (last):
        for i in range(0, len(actL)):
            if (actL[i] == opposite(last)):
                frente = i
    else:  # Diz que esta indo para o norte e remove o oposto (SUL)
        frente = 0

    direita = frente + 1
    if (direita > 3):
        direita = direita - 4
    esquerda = frente + 3
    if (esquerda > 3):
        esquerda = esquerda - 4

    movimentos = [
        [-1, 0],  #Norte
        [0, 1],  #Leste
        [1, 0],  #Sul
        [0, -1],  #Oeste
    sensor_frente = [0, 0]  #[distancia,tipo (0:inimigo,1:food)]
    for i in range(0, 11):
        px_a, py_a = (px + movimentos[frente][0] * (i + 1),
                      py + movimentos[frente][1] * (i + 1))
        if (px_a > 6):
            px_a = px_a - 7
        if (py_a > 10):
            py_a = py_a - 11

        if (px_a < 0):
            px_a = 7 + px_a
        if (py_a < 0):
            py_a = 11 + py_a

        if (grid[px_a][py_a] == 2 or grid[px_a][py_a] == 1):
        if (grid[px_a][py_a] == 3):
            sensor_frente[1] = 1
            sensor_frente[0] += 1

    sensor_esquerda = [0, 0]  #[distancia,tipo (0:inimigo,1:food)]
    for i in range(0, 11):
        px_a, py_a = (px + movimentos[esquerda][0] * (i + 1),
                      py + movimentos[esquerda][1] * (i + 1))
        if (px_a > 6):
            px_a = px_a - 7
        if (py_a > 10):
            py_a = py_a - 11

        if (px_a < 0):
            px_a = 7 + px_a
        if (py_a < 0):
            py_a = 11 + py_a

        if (grid[px_a][py_a] == 2 or grid[px_a][py_a] == 1):
        if (grid[px_a][py_a] == 3):
            sensor_esquerda[1] = 1
            sensor_esquerda[0] += 1

    sensor_direita = [0, 0]  #[distancia,tipo (0:inimigo,1:food)]
    for i in range(0, 11):
        px_a, py_a = (px + movimentos[direita][0] * (i + 1),
                      py + movimentos[direita][1] * (i + 1))
        if (px_a > 6):
            px_a = px_a - 7
        if (py_a > 10):
            py_a = py_a - 11

        if (px_a < 0):
            px_a = 7 + px_a
        if (py_a < 0):
            py_a = 11 + py_a

        if (grid[px_a][py_a] == 2 or grid[px_a][py_a] == 1):
        if (grid[px_a][py_a] == 3):
            sensor_direita[1] = 1
            sensor_direita[0] += 1

    # Verificando as diagonais
    tras = frente + 2
    if (tras >= 4):
        tras -= 4

    px_a, py_a = (px + movimentos[direita][0] +
                  movimentos[frente][0]), (py + movimentos[direita][1] +
    if (px_a > 6):
        px_a = px_a - 7
    if (py_a > 10):
        py_a = py_a - 11

    if (px_a < 0):
        px_a = 7 + px_a
    if (py_a < 0):
        py_a = 11 + py_a
    frente_direita = grid[px_a, py_a]

    px_a, py_a = (px + movimentos[esquerda][0] +
                  movimentos[frente][0]), (py + movimentos[esquerda][1] +
    if (px_a > 6):
        px_a = px_a - 7
    if (py_a > 10):
        py_a = py_a - 11

    if (px_a < 0):
        px_a = 7 + px_a
    if (py_a < 0):
        py_a = 11 + py_a
    frente_esquerda = grid[px_a, py_a]

    px_a, py_a = (px + movimentos[esquerda][0] +
                  movimentos[tras][0]), (py + movimentos[esquerda][1] +
    if (px_a > 6):
        px_a = px_a - 7
    if (py_a > 10):
        py_a = py_a - 11

    if (px_a < 0):
        px_a = 7 + px_a
    if (py_a < 0):
        py_a = 11 + py_a
    tras_esqueda = grid[px_a, py_a]

    px_a, py_a = (px + movimentos[direita][0] +
                  movimentos[tras][0]), (py + movimentos[direita][1] +
    if (px_a > 6):
        px_a = px_a - 7
    if (py_a > 10):
        py_a = py_a - 11

    if (px_a < 0):
        px_a = 7 + px_a
    if (py_a < 0):
        py_a = 11 + py_a
    tras_direita = grid[px_a, py_a]

    return np.array([
        frente, sensor_frente[0], sensor_frente[1], sensor_esquerda[0],
        sensor_esquerda[1], sensor_direita[0], sensor_direita[1],
        frente_direita, frente_esquerda, tras_direita, tras_esqueda
Ejemplo n.º 13
import numpy as np
from kaggle_environments.envs.hungry_geese.hungry_geese import Action, row_col



INDEX_TO_COORD = np.array(
    [row_col(x, BASIC_GRID_COLUMNS) for x in range(BASIC_GRID_SIZE)])

    'EAST': 1,
    'WEST': 3,
    'SOUTH': 2,
    'NORTH': 0,
    # NORTH
    ['WEST', 'NORTH', 'EAST'],
    # EAST
    ['NORTH', 'EAST', 'SOUTH'],
    # SOUTH
    ['EAST', 'SOUTH', 'WEST'],
    # WEST
    ['SOUTH', 'WEST', 'NORTH'],
Ejemplo n.º 14
def min_distance(position: int, food: List[int], columns: int):
    row, column = row_col(position, columns)
    return min(
        abs(row - food_row) + abs(column - food_column)
        for food_position in food
        for food_row, food_column in [row_col(food_position, columns)])
Ejemplo n.º 15
def agent(obs_dict, config_dict, gindex):
    # State retrieval
    global last_action
    conf = Configuration(config_dict)
    obs = Observation(obs_dict)
    step = obs.step + 1
    my_idx = gindex
    my_goose = obs.geese[my_idx]
    my_head = my_goose[0]
    my_row, my_col = row_col(position=my_head, columns=conf.columns)
    if DEBUG:
        print("---------- Step #" + str(step), "- Player #" + str(obs.index))

    # Map update
    board = np.zeros((7, 11), dtype=int)

    # Add food to board
    for food in obs.food:
        food_row, food_col = row_col(position=food, columns=conf.columns)
        board[food_row, food_col] += FOOD_REWARD
        '''if DEBUG:
            print("food", food_row, food_col)'''

    # Iterate over geese to add geese data to board
    nb_geese = len(obs.geese)
    geese_lengths = []
    for i in range(nb_geese):
        '''if DEBUG:
            print("--- Goose #" + str(i))'''
        goose = obs.geese[i]
        potential_food_head = None

        # Iterate over cells of current goose
        goose_len = len(goose)
        '''if DEBUG:
            print("--- Goose #" + str(i) + " len " + str(goose_len))'''
        for j in range(goose_len):
            '''if DEBUG:
                print("--- Goose #" + str(i) + " cell " + str(j))'''
            goose_cell = goose[j]
            goose_row, goose_col = row_col(position=goose_cell,

            # Check for food on neighbour cells when handling head
            if j == 0:
                potential_heads = get_neighbours(goose_row, goose_col)
                for potential_head in potential_heads:
                    for food in obs.food:
                        food_row, food_col = row_col(position=food,
                        if potential_head == (food_row, food_col):
                            potential_food_head = potential_head

            # Update rewards linked to body/tail
            if j < goose_len - 1:
                # Body or head
                board[goose_row, goose_col] += BODY_REWARD
                '''if DEBUG:
                    print("--- Goose #" + str(i) + " cell " + str(j) + " add BODY_REWARD")'''
                # Tail : may not move if goose eats
                if potential_food_head is not None:
                    board[goose_row, goose_col] += TAIL_REWARD
                    '''if DEBUG:
                        print("--- Goose #" + str(i) + " cell " + str(j) + " add TAIL_REWARD")'''

        # Update potential villain head positions
        if (i != my_idx) & (goose_len > 0):
            if potential_food_head is not None:
                # Head will prolly go to the food
                for potential_head in potential_heads:
                    if potential_head == potential_food_head:
                        if (board[potential_head[0], potential_head[1]] != BODY_REWARD) & \
                           (board[potential_head[0], potential_head[1]] != TAIL_REWARD):
                                potential_head[1]] += PROBABLE_HEAD_FOOD_REWARD
                            '''if DEBUG:
                                print("--- Goose #" + str(i) + " cell " + str(j) + " add PROBABLE_HEAD_FOOD_REWARD")'''
                        if (board[potential_head[0], potential_head[1]] != BODY_REWARD) & \
                           (board[potential_head[0], potential_head[1]] != TAIL_REWARD):
                            board[potential_head[0], potential_head[
                                1]] += IMPROBABLE_HEAD_FOOD_REWARD
                            '''if DEBUG:
                                print("--- Goose #" + str(i) + " cell " + str(j) + " add IMPROBABLE_HEAD_FOOD_REWARD")'''
                # Standard potential head reward
                for potential_head in potential_heads:
                    if (board[potential_head[0], potential_head[1]] != BODY_REWARD) & \
                       (board[potential_head[0], potential_head[1]] != TAIL_REWARD):
                              potential_head[1]] += POTENTIAL_HEAD_STD_REWARD
                        '''if DEBUG:
                            print("--- Goose #" + str(i) + " cell " + str(j) + " add POTENTIAL_HEAD_STD_REWARD")'''

    # Check if I'm the current longest Goose
    if (len(my_goose) >= max(geese_lengths) - 3) & (step > 8):
        # Chasing my tail as a defensive action makes sense
        my_tail_row, my_tail_col = row_col(position=my_goose[-1],
        board[my_tail_row, my_tail_col] += TAIL_CHASE_REWARD
        '''if DEBUG:
            print("Adding TAIL_CHASE_REWARD for me")'''

    # Diffuse values in adjacent cells
    if DEBUG:
        print("Initial board :")
    new_board = board.copy()
    for i in range(7):
        for j in range(11):
            value = board[i, j]
            if value > DIFFUSE_START:
                # Should diffuse positive value
                neighbours = get_neighbours(i, j)
                for neighbour in neighbours:
                    # Level 1
                    new_board[neighbour] += (2 * DIFFUSE_POS_REWARD)

                    # Level 2
                    neighbours_lvl2 = get_neighbours(neighbour[0],
                    for neighbour_lvl2 in neighbours_lvl2:
                        new_board[neighbour_lvl2] += DIFFUSE_POS_REWARD
            elif value < -DIFFUSE_START:
                # Should diffuse negative value
                neighbours = get_neighbours(i, j)
                for neighbour in neighbours:
                    # Level 1
                    new_board[neighbour] += (2 * DIFFUSE_NEG_REWARD)

                    # Level 2
                    neighbours_lvl2 = get_neighbours(neighbour[0],
                    for neighbour_lvl2 in neighbours_lvl2:
                        new_board[neighbour_lvl2] += DIFFUSE_NEG_REWARD
    board = new_board

    # Add last_action data to board
    if last_action is not None:
        if last_action == Action.SOUTH.name:
            board[(my_row + 6) % 7, my_col] += REVERSE_LAST_REWARD
        elif last_action == Action.NORTH.name:
            board[(my_row + 8) % 7, my_col] += REVERSE_LAST_REWARD
        elif last_action == Action.EAST.name:
            board[my_row, (my_col + 10) % 11] += REVERSE_LAST_REWARD
        elif last_action == Action.WEST.name:
            board[my_row, (my_col + 12) % 11] += REVERSE_LAST_REWARD
        '''if DEBUG:
            print("Adding REVERSE_LAST_REWARD for me")'''

    if DEBUG:
        print("Final board :")

    # Choose best action
    chosen_action = None
    rewards = []
    potential_next = get_neighbours(my_row, my_col)
    for cell in potential_next:
    choice = np.argmax(rewards)
    if choice == 0:
        chosen_action = Action.NORTH.name
    elif choice == 1:
        chosen_action = Action.WEST.name
    elif choice == 2:
        chosen_action = Action.SOUTH.name
        chosen_action = Action.EAST.name
    if DEBUG:
        print("chosen_action", chosen_action)
    last_action = chosen_action
    return chosen_action
Ejemplo n.º 16
def straightforward_bfs(obs_dict, config_dict):
    observation = Observation(obs_dict)
    configuration = Configuration(config_dict)
    player_index = observation.index

    player_goose = observation.geese[player_index]
    player_head = player_goose[0]
    start_row, start_col = row_col(player_head, configuration.columns)

    mask = np.zeros((configuration.rows, configuration.columns))
    for current_id in range(4):
        current_goose = observation.geese[current_id]
        for block in current_goose:
            current_row, current_col = row_col(block, configuration.columns)
            mask[current_row, current_col] = -1

    food_coords = []

    for food_id in range(configuration.min_food):
        food = observation.food[food_id]
        current_row, current_col = row_col(food, configuration.columns)
        mask[current_row, current_col] = 2
        food_coords.append((current_row, current_col))

    last_action = bfs(start_row, start_col, mask, food_coords)

    global LAST_ACTION
    up_x = start_row + 1 if start_row != 6 else 0
    down_x = start_row - 1 if start_row != 0 else 6
    left_y = start_col - 1 if start_col != 0 else 10
    right_y = start_col + 1 if start_col != 10 else 0

    step = Action.NORTH.name
    if last_action == 0:
        step = Action.SOUTH.name
        if LAST_ACTION == Action.NORTH.name:
            if mask[down_x, start_col] != -1:
                step = Action.NORTH.name
            elif mask[start_row, left_y] != -1:
                step = Action.WEST.name
            elif mask[start_row, right_y] != -1:
                step = Action.EAST.name
    if last_action == 1:
        step = Action.NORTH.name
        if LAST_ACTION == Action.SOUTH.name:
            if mask[up_x, start_col] != -1:
                step = Action.SOUTH.name
            elif mask[start_row, left_y] != -1:
                step = Action.WEST.name
            elif mask[start_row, right_y] != -1:
                step = Action.EAST.name
    if last_action == 2:
        step = Action.WEST.name
        if LAST_ACTION == Action.EAST.name:
            if mask[up_x, start_col] != -1:
                step = Action.SOUTH.name
            elif mask[down_x, start_col] != -1:
                step = Action.NORTH.name
            elif mask[start_row, right_y] != -1:
                step = Action.EAST.name
    if last_action == 3:
        step = Action.EAST.name
        if LAST_ACTION == Action.WEST.name:
            if mask[up_x, start_col] != -1:
                step = Action.SOUTH.name
            elif mask[down_x, start_col] != -1:
                step = Action.NORTH.name
            elif mask[start_row, left_y] != -1:
                step = Action.WEST.name
    LAST_ACTION = step

    return step
Ejemplo n.º 17
def agent(obs_dict, config_dict):
    observation = Observation(obs_dict)
    configuration = Configuration(config_dict)
    player_index = observation.index
    player_goose = observation.geese[player_index]
    player_head = player_goose[0]
    player_tail = player_goose[-1]
    my_X, my_Y = row_col(player_head, configuration.columns)
    my_tail_X, my_tail_Y = row_col(player_tail, configuration.columns)
    mask = np.zeros((configuration.rows, configuration.columns))
    global last_direction
    global iteration_number

    print("**iteration**: {}".format(iteration_number))
    print("my head at {} - {}".format([my_X, my_Y], last_direction))
    food_location = []
    available_steps = {}
    other_heads = [] # head of competitor geese
    body_cells = []
    other_tails = []
    last_direction_updated = False

    # add all directions
    possible_positions = get_nearest_cells(my_X, my_Y)
    for x, y in possible_positions:
        direct = '-'
        if((x-1 == my_X) or (x==0 and my_X==6)) and last_direction != 'NORTH':
            direct = 'SOUTH'
        elif((x+1 == my_X) or (x==6 and my_X==0)) and last_direction != 'SOUTH':
            direct = 'NORTH'
        elif((y-1 == my_Y) or (y==0 and my_Y==10)) and last_direction != 'WEST':
            direct = 'EAST'
        elif((y+1 == my_Y) or (y==10 and my_Y==0)) and last_direction != 'EAST':
            direct = 'WEST'
        if direct != '-':
            available_steps[(x,y)] = [direct,0]

    for food in observation.food:
        x,y = row_col(food, configuration.columns)
        mask[x, y] = 2
    print("food locations are {}".format(food_location))
    #   where other goose can come
    danger_area = {}
    for i in range(len(observation.geese)):
        opp_goose = observation.geese[i]
        if len(opp_goose) == 0:
        for ind, goose in enumerate(opp_goose):
            x, y = row_col(goose, configuration.columns)
            mask[x, y] = -1
            # and mark the occupied cells if not head or tail of goose
            if ind != 0 and ind != len(opp_goose) - 1:
            if ind != 0 and ind == len(opp_goose) - 1:
            if (x, y) in available_steps.keys():
                # let's remove all cells that are not available from available steps
            if (x, y) in danger_area.keys():
                # let's remove all cells that are not available from danger steps
            if not len(available_steps) and not len(danger_area): #if steps is empty kill by NORTH direction
                if player_head!=player_tail and (my_tail_X, my_tail_Y) in possible_positions:
                    last_direction = get_direction((my_X, my_Y), (my_tail_X, my_tail_Y))
                    last_direction = 'NORTH'
                last_direction_updated = True
        if last_direction_updated:
        if i != player_index:
            x, y = row_col(opp_goose[0], configuration.columns)
            # add competition goose head
            other_heads.append([x, y])
            possible_moves = get_nearest_cells(x, y) # head can move anywhere
            for [x, y] in possible_moves:
                if (x,y) in available_steps.keys() and [x,y] in food_location:
                    danger_area[(x,y)] = available_steps[(x,y)]
                    available_steps.pop((x, y)) #only safe moves
                    food_location.remove([x,y]) #don't consider this food
                elif (x,y) in available_steps.keys() and len(available_steps)+len(danger_area) > 1:
                    danger_area[(x,y)] = available_steps[(x,y)]
                    available_steps.pop((x, y)) #only safe moves
        if last_direction_updated:
    print("body cells are {}".format(body_cells))
    print("available steps are {}".format(available_steps))
    print("other heads at {}".format(other_heads))
    print("other tails at {}".format(other_tails))
    print("danger area at {}".format(danger_area))

    my_head = [my_X, my_Y]
    if not last_direction_updated:
            last_direction = my_move(food_location, available_steps, other_heads, my_head, last_direction, body_cells, danger_area, mask, other_tails)
            last_direction_updated = True

    return last_direction
 def getGeesesIndex():
     geeses = []
     for geese in observation.geese:
         geeses.append(row_col(geese[0], configuration.columns))
     return geeses
 def getGoose(index):
     goose = []
     for i in range(len(observation.geese[index])):
             row_col(observation.geese[index][i], configuration.columns))
     return goose
 def getFoodsIndex():
     foods = []
     for i in range(len(observation.food)):
         food = observation.food[i]
         foods.append(row_col(food, configuration.columns))
     return foods
def agent(obs_dict, config_dict):
    """This agent always moves toward observation.food[0] but does not take advantage of board wrapping"""
    global last_move
    observation = Observation(obs_dict)
    configuration = Configuration(config_dict)
    player_index = observation.index
    player_goose = observation.geese[player_index]
    player_head = player_goose[0]
    player_row, player_column = row_col(player_head, configuration.columns)
    possible_moves = [
        Action.SOUTH.name, Action.NORTH.name, Action.WEST.name,
    possible_move = None
    oldFoodDistanceToMe = 9999

    def getFoodsIndex():
        foods = []
        for i in range(len(observation.food)):
            food = observation.food[i]
            foods.append(row_col(food, configuration.columns))
        return foods

    def getGoose(index):
        goose = []
        for i in range(len(observation.geese[index])):
                row_col(observation.geese[index][i], configuration.columns))
        return goose

    def getGeesesIndex():
        geeses = []
        for geese in observation.geese:
            geeses.append(row_col(geese[0], configuration.columns))
        return geeses

    def randomMove(moves):
        if len(moves) > 1:
            return moves[randint(0, len(moves) - 1)]
        return moves[0]

    def countMoves(x1, y1, x2, y2):
        return abs((x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2))

    def willCollide(x, y, action):
        #print(f'Goose[{player_index} in player_row: {player_row}, player_column: {player_column} move to {action} and can collide with x: {x}, y: {y}')
        if action == Action.WEST.name:
            if player_column - 1 == y and x == player_row:
                return True
            if player_column == 0 and y == 10 and x == player_row:
                return True
        if action == Action.EAST.name:
            if player_column + 1 == y and x == player_row:
                return True
            if player_column == 10 and y == 0 and x == player_row:
                return True
        if action == Action.SOUTH.name:
            if player_row + 1 == x and y == player_column:
                return True
            if player_row == 6 and x == 0 and y == player_column:
                return True
        if action == Action.NORTH.name:
            if player_row - 1 == x and y == player_column:
                return True
            if player_row == 0 and x == 6 and y == player_column:
                return True
        return False

    def opposite(action):
        if action == Action.NORTH.name:
            return Action.SOUTH.name
        if action == Action.SOUTH.name:
            return Action.NORTH.name
        if action == Action.EAST.name:
            return Action.WEST.name
        if action == Action.WEST.name:
            return Action.EAST.name

    possible_moves = [
        Action.SOUTH.name, Action.NORTH.name, Action.WEST.name,

    if last_move[player_index] is not None:
            f'Geese {player_index} removes opposite last move: {opposite(last_move[player_index])}'

    for geese_row, geese_column in getGeesesIndex():
        for food_row, food_column in getFoodsIndex():
            foodDistanceToMe = countMoves(food_row, food_column, player_row,
            if oldFoodDistanceToMe > foodDistanceToMe:
                oldFoodDistanceToMe = foodDistanceToMe

            geeseDistanceToFood = countMoves(geese_row, geese_column, food_row,
            if foodDistanceToMe < geeseDistanceToFood:
                if food_row > player_row:
                    possible_move = Action.SOUTH.name

                if food_row < player_row:
                    possible_move = Action.NORTH.name

                if food_column > player_column:
                    possible_move = Action.EAST.name

                if food_column < player_column:
                    possible_move = Action.WEST.name

                    f'Geese {player_index} based by food, possible move: {possible_move}'
    if possible_move not in possible_moves:
            f'Geese {player_index}, possible move: {possible_move} is banned.')
        possible_move = randomMove(possible_moves)

    for i in range(len(observation.geese)):
        geese_index = getGoose(i)
        j = 0
        while j < len(geese_index):
            collision = False
            x, y = geese_index[j]
            if i != player_index:
                print(f'geese {player_index} -> geese {i} part {j}')
                #print(f'goose[{player_index}] in {getGoose(player_index)[0]} with possible move: {possible_move} can colide with goose[{i}] in x: {x} and y: {y}')
                while willCollide(x, y, possible_move):
                    collision = True
                        f'goose[{player_index}] in {getGoose(player_index)[0]} with possible move: {possible_move} will colide with goose[{i}] in x: {x} and y: {y}'
                    possible_move = randomMove(possible_moves)
                    print(f'now goose[{player_index}] will to {possible_move}')
                    j = 0
            if not collision:
                j += 1

    for x, y in getGoose(player_index):
        while willCollide(x, y, possible_move):
            print(f'BODY HIT!!!')
            possible_move = randomMove(possible_moves)

    if len(possible_moves) == 1:
            f'Geese {player_index} just remain this move: {possible_moves[0]}')
        possible_move = possible_moves[0]

    last_move[player_index] = possible_move

        f'Geese {player_index}: {getGoose(player_index)} move to {possible_move}'
    return possible_move
Ejemplo n.º 22
def agent(obs_dict, config_dict):
    global last_move
    global last_eaten
    global last_size
    global step
    #print ("==============================================")
    observation = Observation(obs_dict)
    configuration = Configuration(config_dict)
    player_index = observation.index
    player_goose = observation.geese[player_index]
    player_head = player_goose[0]
    player_row, player_column = row_col(player_head, configuration.columns)

    if (len(player_goose) > last_size):
        last_size = len(player_goose)
        last_eaten = step
    step += 1

    moves = {1: 'SOUTH', 2: 'NORTH', 3: 'EAST', 4: 'WEST'}

    board = np.zeros((7, 11))

    # Adding food to board
    for food in observation.food:
        x, y = row_col(food, configuration.columns)
        #print ("Food cell on ({}, {})".format(x, y))
        board[x, y] = FOOD_CELL
    # Adding geese to the board
    for i in range(4):
        goose = observation.geese[i]
        # Skip if goose is dead
        if len(goose) == 0:
        # If it's an opponent
        if i != player_index:
            x, y = row_col(goose[0], configuration.columns)
            # Add possible head movements for it
            for px, py in get_nearest_cells(x, y):
                #print ("Head possible cell on ({}, {})".format(px, py))
                # If one of these head movements may lead the goose
                # to eat, add tail as BODY_CELL, because it won't move.
                if board[px, py] == FOOD_CELL:
                    x_tail, y_tail = row_col(goose[-1], configuration.columns)
                    #print ("Adding tail on ({}, {}) as the goose may eat".format(x_tail, y_tail))
                    board[x_tail, y_tail] = BODY_CELL
                board[px, py] = HEAD_POSSIBLE_CELL
        # Adds goose body without tail (tail is previously added only if goose may eat)
        for n in goose[:-1]:
            x, y = row_col(n, configuration.columns)
            #print ("Body cell on ({}, {})".format(x, y))
            board[x, y] = BODY_CELL

    # Adding my head to the board
    x, y = row_col(player_head, configuration.columns)
    #print ("My head is at ({}, {})".format(x, y))
    board[x, y] = MY_HEAD

    # Debug board
    #print (board)

    # Iterate over food and geese in order to compute distances for each one
    food_race = {}
    for food in observation.food:
        food_race[food] = {}
        for i in range(4):
            goose = observation.geese[i]
            if len(goose) == 0:
            food_race[food][i] = cell_distance(goose[0], food, configuration)

    # The best food is the least coveted
    best_food = None
    best_distance = float('inf')
    best_closest_geese = float('inf')
    for food in food_race:
        #print ("-> Food on {}".format(row_col(food, configuration.columns)))
        my_distance = food_race[food][player_index]
        #print (" - My distance is {}".format(my_distance))
        closest_geese = 0
        for goose_id in food_race[food]:
            if goose_id == player_index:
            if food_race[food][goose_id] <= my_distance:
                closest_geese += 1
        #print (" - There are {} closest geese".format(closest_geese))
        if (closest_geese < best_closest_geese):
            best_food = food
            best_distance = my_distance
            best_closest_geese = closest_geese
            #print ("  * This food is better")
        elif (closest_geese
              == best_closest_geese) and (my_distance <= best_distance):
            best_food = food
            best_distance = my_distance
            best_closest_geese = closest_geese
            #print ("  * This food is better")

    # Now that the best food has been found, check if the movement towards it is safe.
    # Computes every available move and then check for move priorities.
    if len(player_goose) > 1:
        food_movements = move_towards(player_head, player_goose[1], best_food,
        food_movements = move_towards(player_head, player_head, best_food,
    all_movements = get_all_movements(player_head, configuration)
    # Excluding last movement reverse
    food_movements = [
        move for move in food_movements if move[2] != REVERSE_MOVE[last_move]
    all_movements = [
        move for move in all_movements if move[2] != REVERSE_MOVE[last_move]
    #print ("-> Available food moves: {}".format(food_movements))
    #print ("-> All moves: {}".format(all_movements))

    # Trying to reach goal size of 4
    if (len(player_goose) < 4):
        # 1. Food movements that are safe and not closed
        for food_movement in food_movements:
            #print ("Food movement {}".format(food_movement))
            if is_safe(food_movement,
                       board) and not is_closed(food_movement, board):
                #print ("It's safe! Let's move {}!".format(moves[food_movement[2]]))
                last_move = food_movement[2]
                return moves[food_movement[2]]  # Move here

        # 2. Any movement safe and not closed
        for movement in all_movements:
            #print ("Movement {}".format(movement))
            if is_safe(movement, board) and not is_closed(movement, board):
                #print ("It's safe! Let's move {}!".format(moves[movement[2]]))
                last_move = movement[2]
                return moves[movement[2]]  # Move here

        # 3. Food movements half safe and not closed
        for food_movement in food_movements:
            if is_half_safe(food_movement,
                            board) and not is_closed(food_movement, board):
                #print ("Food movement {} is half safe, I'm going {}!".format(food_movement, moves[food_movement[2]]))
                last_move = food_movement[2]
                return moves[food_movement[2]]  # Move here

        # 4. Any movement half safe and not closed
        for movement in all_movements:
            if is_half_safe(movement,
                            board) and not is_closed(movement, board):
                #print ("Movement {} is half safe, I'm going {}!".format(movement, moves[movement[2]]))
                last_move = movement[2]
                return moves[movement[2]]  # Move here

        # 5. Food movements that are safe
        for food_movement in food_movements:
            #print ("Food movement {}".format(food_movement))
            if is_safe(food_movement, board):
                #print ("It's safe! Let's move {}!".format(moves[food_movement[2]]))
                last_move = food_movement[2]
                return moves[food_movement[2]]  # Move here

        # 6. Any movement safe
        for movement in all_movements:
            #print ("Movement {}".format(movement))
            if is_safe(movement, board):
                #print ("It's safe! Let's move {}!".format(moves[movement[2]]))
                last_move = movement[2]
                return moves[movement[2]]  # Move here

        # 7. Food movements half safe
        for food_movement in food_movements:
            if is_half_safe(food_movement, board):
                #print ("Food movement {} is half safe, I'm going {}!".format(food_movement, moves[food_movement[2]]))
                last_move = food_movement[2]
                return moves[food_movement[2]]  # Move here

        # 8. Any movement half safe
        for movement in all_movements:
            if is_half_safe(movement, board):
                #print ("Movement {} is half safe, I'm going {}!".format(movement, moves[movement[2]]))
                last_move = movement[2]
                return moves[movement[2]]  # Move here

    # Just trying to walk in circles

        # Delete food moves
        food_coordinates = []
        for food in food_race:
            x_food, y_food = row_col(food, configuration.columns)
            food_coordinates.append((x_food, y_food))
        available_moves = []
        for move in all_movements:
            for (x_food, y_food) in food_coordinates:
                if (move[0] != x_food) or (move[1] != y_food):

        # 1. Run in circles if you can
        circle_move = CIRCLE_MOVE[last_move]
        for move in available_moves:
            if (move[2] == circle_move) and (is_safe(
                    move, board)) and not (is_closed(move, board)):
                last_move = move[2]
                return moves[move[2]]

        # 2. Any movement safe and not closed
        for movement in all_movements:
            #print ("Movement {}".format(movement))
            if is_safe(movement, board) and not is_closed(movement, board):
                #print ("It's safe! Let's move {}!".format(moves[movement[2]]))
                last_move = movement[2]
                return moves[movement[2]]  # Move here

        # 3. Any movement half safe and not closed
        for movement in all_movements:
            if is_half_safe(movement,
                            board) and not is_closed(movement, board):
                #print ("Movement {} is half safe, I'm going {}!".format(movement, moves[movement[2]]))
                last_move = movement[2]
                return moves[movement[2]]  # Move here

        # 4. Any movement safe
        for movement in all_movements:
            #print ("Movement {}".format(movement))
            if is_safe(movement, board):
                #print ("It's safe! Let's move {}!".format(moves[movement[2]]))
                last_move = movement[2]
                return moves[movement[2]]  # Move here

        # 5. Any movement half safe
        for movement in all_movements:
            if is_half_safe(movement, board):
                #print ("Movement {} is half safe, I'm going {}!".format(movement, moves[movement[2]]))
                last_move = movement[2]
                return moves[movement[2]]  # Move here

    # Finally, if all moves are unsafe, randomly pick one
    rand_pick = np.random.randint(4) + 1
    last_move = rand_pick
    #print ("Yeah whatever, I'm going {}".format(moves[rand_pick]))
    return moves[rand_pick]
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def get_head_pos(self):
     if (len(self._goose) > 0):
         return row_col(self._goose[0], self._configuration.columns)
         return -1, -1
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def _row_col(self, position):
     return row_col(position, self.columns)
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def get_neck_pos(self):
     if (len(self._goose) > 1):
         return row_col(self._goose[1], self._configuration.columns)
         return -1, -1
Ejemplo n.º 26
def agent(obs_dict, config_dict):
    global last_step

    # State retrieval
    observation = Observation(obs_dict)
    configuration = Configuration(config_dict)
    player_index = observation.index
    player_goose = observation.geese[player_index]
    player_head = player_goose[0]
    player_row, player_column = row_col(player_head, configuration.columns)

    # Map creation
    # 0 - empty cells
    # -1 - obstacles
    # -4 - possible obstacles
    # -2 - food
    # -3 - head
    # 1,2,3,4 - reachable on the current step cell, number is the id of the first step direction
    table = np.zeros((7, 11))
    legend = {1: 'SOUTH', 2: 'NORTH', 3: 'EAST', 4: 'WEST'}

    # let's add food to the map
    for food in observation.food:
        x, y = row_col(food, configuration.columns)
        table[x, y] = -2  # food

    # let's add all cells that are forbidden
    for i in range(4):
        opp_goose = observation.geese[i]
        if len(opp_goose) == 0:

        is_close_to_food = False
        if i != player_index:
            x, y = row_col(opp_goose[0], configuration.columns)
            possible_moves = get_nearest_cells(x, y)  # head can move anywhere
            for x, y in possible_moves:
                if table[x, y] == -2:
                    is_close_to_food = True
                    y] = -4  # Cells where opponent might possibly go next step

        # usually we ignore the last tail cell but there are exceptions
        tail_change = -1
        if obs_dict['step'] % 40 == 39:
            tail_change -= 1

        # we assume that the goose will eat the food
        if is_close_to_food:
            tail_change += 1
        if tail_change >= 0:
            tail_change = None

        for n in opp_goose[:tail_change]:
            x, y = row_col(n, configuration.columns)
            table[x, y] = -1  # forbidden cells

    # going back is forbidden according to the new rules
    x, y = row_col(player_head, configuration.columns)
    if last_step is not None:
        if last_step == 1:
            table[(x + 6) % 7, y] = -1
        elif last_step == 2:
            table[(x + 8) % 7, y] = -1
        elif last_step == 3:
            table[x, (y + 10) % 11] = -1
        elif last_step == 4:
            table[x, (y + 12) % 11] = -1

    # add head position
    table[x, y] = -3

    # the first step toward the nearest food
    step = int(find_closest_food(table))

    # if there is not available steps try to go to possibly dangerous cell
    if step not in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
        x, y = row_col(player_head, configuration.columns)
        if table[(x + 8) % 7, y] == -4:
            step = 1
        elif table[(x + 6) % 7, y] == -4:
            step = 2
        elif table[x, (y + 12) % 11] == -4:
            step = 3
        elif table[x, (y + 10) % 11] == -4:
            step = 4

    # else - do a random step and lose
            step = np.random.randint(4) + 1

    last_step = step
    return legend[step]
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def minDistance(index):
     if len(heads) <= 0: return 1
     pt = np.array(row_col(index, self._columns), np.float)
     return min([np.linalg.norm(x - pt) for x in heads])