Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_exercise_parents_lookup_table():
    """Return a dictionary with exercise ids as keys and topic_ids as values."""

    global exercise_parents_lookup_table

    if exercise_parents_lookup_table:
        return exercise_parents_lookup_table

    ### topic tree for traversal###
    tree = get_topic_nodes_with_children(parent="root")

    #3 possible layers
    for topic in tree:
        for subtopic_id in topic['children']:
            exercises = get_topic_contents(topic_id=subtopic_id,

            for ex in exercises:
                if ex['id'] not in exercise_parents_lookup_table:
                    exercise_parents_lookup_table[ex['id']] = {
                        "subtopic_id": subtopic_id,
                        "topic_id": topic['id'],

    return exercise_parents_lookup_table
def get_exercise_parents_lookup_table():
    """Return a dictionary with exercise ids as keys and topic_ids as values."""

    global exercise_parents_lookup_table

    if exercise_parents_lookup_table:
        return exercise_parents_lookup_table

    ### topic tree for traversal###
    tree = get_topic_nodes_with_children(parent="root")

    #3 possible layers
    for topic in tree:
        for subtopic_id in topic['children']:
            exercises = get_topic_contents(topic_id=subtopic_id, kinds=["Exercise"])
            if exercises is None:
                raise RuntimeError("Caught exception, tried to find topic contents for {}".format(subtopic_id))
            for ex in exercises:
                if ex['id'] not in exercise_parents_lookup_table:
                    exercise_parents_lookup_table[ ex['id'] ] = {
                        "subtopic_id": subtopic_id,
                        "topic_id": topic['id'],

    return exercise_parents_lookup_table
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_neighbors_at_dist_1(topic_index, subtopic_index, topic):
    """Return a list of the neighbors at distance 1 from the specified subtopic."""

    neighbors = []  #neighbor list to be returned

    tree = get_topic_nodes_with_children(parent="root")

    #pointers to the previous and next subtopic (list indices)
    prev = subtopic_index - 1
    next = subtopic_index + 1

    #if there is a previous topic (neighbor to left)
    if (prev > -1) and prev < len(topic['children']):
        neighbors.append(topic['children'][prev] +
                         ' 1')  # neighbor on the left side

    #else check if there is a neighboring topic (left)
        if (topic_index - 1) > -1 and topic_index - 1 < len(tree) and len(
                tree[(topic_index - 1)]['children']) > 1:
            neighbor_length = len(tree[(topic_index - 1)]['children'])
            neighbors.append(tree[(topic_index -
                                   1)]['children'][(neighbor_length - 1)] +
                             ' 4')

            neighbors.append(' ')  # no neighbor to the left

    #if there is a neighbor to the right
    if (next < len(topic['children'])):
        neighbors.append(topic['children'][next] +
                         ' 1')  # neighbor on the right side

    #else check if there is a neighboring topic (right)
        if (topic_index + 1) < len(tree) and tree[(topic_index +
            #the 4 denotes the # of nodes in path to this other node, will always be 4
            neighbors.append(tree[(topic_index + 1)]['children'][0] + ' 4')

            neighbors.append(' ')  # no neighbor on right side

    return neighbors
def get_neighbors_at_dist_1(topic_index, subtopic_index, topic):
    """Return a list of the neighbors at distance 1 from the specified subtopic."""

    neighbors = []  #neighbor list to be returned

    tree = get_topic_nodes_with_children(parent="root")

    #pointers to the previous and next subtopic (list indices)
    prev = subtopic_index - 1 
    next = subtopic_index + 1

    #if there is a previous topic (neighbor to left)
    if (prev > -1 ) and prev < len(topic['children']):
        neighbors.append(topic['children'][prev] + ' 1') # neighbor on the left side

    #else check if there is a neighboring topic (left)    
        if (topic_index-1) > -1 and topic_index - 1 < len(tree) and len(tree[(topic_index-1)]['children']) > 1:
            neighbor_length = len(tree[(topic_index-1)]['children'])
            neighbors.append(tree[(topic_index-1)]['children'][(neighbor_length-1)] + ' 4')

            neighbors.append(' ') # no neighbor to the left

    #if there is a neighbor to the right
    if(next < len(topic['children'])):
        neighbors.append(topic['children'][next] + ' 1') # neighbor on the right side

    #else check if there is a neighboring topic (right)
        if (topic_index + 1) < len(tree) and tree[(topic_index+1)]['children']:
            #the 4 denotes the # of nodes in path to this other node, will always be 4
            neighbors.append(tree[(topic_index+1)]['children'][0] + ' 4') 

            neighbors.append(' ') # no neighbor on right side

    return neighbors
Ejemplo n.º 5
def generate_recommendation_data():
    """Traverses topic tree to generate a dictionary with related subtopics per subtopic."""

    global recommendation_data
    if recommendation_data:
        return recommendation_data

    ### populate data exploiting structure of topic tree ###
    tree = get_topic_nodes_with_children(parent="root")

    ######## DYNAMIC ALG #########

    # ITERATION 1 - grabs all immediate neighbors of each subtopic

    #array indices for the current topic and subtopic
    topic_index = 0
    subtopic_index = 0

    #for each topic
    for topic in tree:

        subtopic_index = 0

        #for each subtopic add the neighbors at distance 0 and 1 (at dist one has 2 for each)
        for subtopic_id in topic['children']:

            neighbors_dist_1 = get_neighbors_at_dist_1(topic_index,
                                                       subtopic_index, topic)

            #add to recommendation_data - distance 0 (itself) + distance 1
            recommendation_data[subtopic_id] = {
                'related_subtopics': ([subtopic_id + ' 0'] + neighbors_dist_1)
            subtopic_index += 1

        topic_index += 1

    # ITERATION 2 - grabs all subsequent neighbors of each subtopic via
    # Breadth-first search (BFS)

    #loop through all subtopics currently in recommendation_data dict
    for subtopic in recommendation_data:
        related = recommendation_data[subtopic][
            'related_subtopics']  # list of related subtopics (right now only 2)
        other_neighbors = get_subsequent_neighbors(related,
            'related_subtopics'] += other_neighbors  ##append new neighbors

    # ITERATION 2.5 - Sort all results by increasing distance and to strip the final
    # result of all distance values in recommendation_data (note that there are only 3 possible: 0,1,4).

    #for each item in recommendation_data
    for subtopic in recommendation_data:
        at_dist_4 = []  #array to hold the subtopic ids of recs at distance 4
        at_dist_lt_4 = [
        ]  #array to hold subtopic ids of recs at distance 0 or 1

        #for this item, loop through all recommendations
        for recc in recommendation_data[subtopic]['related_subtopics']:
            if recc.split(" ")[1] == '4':  #if at dist 4, add to the array
                at_dist_4.append(recc.split(" ")[0])
                at_dist_lt_4.append(recc.split(" ")[0])

        sorted_related = at_dist_lt_4 + at_dist_4  #append later items at end of earlier
        recommendation_data[subtopic]['related_subtopics'] = sorted_related

    return recommendation_data
def generate_recommendation_data():
    """Traverses topic tree to generate a dictionary with related subtopics per subtopic."""

    global recommendation_data
    if recommendation_data:
        return recommendation_data

    ### populate data exploiting structure of topic tree ###
    tree = get_topic_nodes_with_children(parent="root")

    ######## DYNAMIC ALG #########

    # ITERATION 1 - grabs all immediate neighbors of each subtopic

    #array indices for the current topic and subtopic
    topic_index = 0
    subtopic_index = 0

    #for each topic 
    for topic in tree:

        subtopic_index = 0

        #for each subtopic add the neighbors at distance 0 and 1 (at dist one has 2 for each)
        for subtopic_id in topic['children']:

            neighbors_dist_1 = get_neighbors_at_dist_1(topic_index, subtopic_index, topic)

            #add to recommendation_data - distance 0 (itself) + distance 1
            recommendation_data[ subtopic_id ] = { 'related_subtopics' : ([subtopic_id + ' 0'] + neighbors_dist_1) }

    # ITERATION 2 - grabs all subsequent neighbors of each subtopic via 
    # Breadth-first search (BFS)

    #loop through all subtopics currently in recommendation_data dict
    for subtopic in recommendation_data:
        related = recommendation_data[subtopic]['related_subtopics'] # list of related subtopics (right now only 2)
        other_neighbors = get_subsequent_neighbors(related, recommendation_data, subtopic)
        recommendation_data[subtopic]['related_subtopics'] += other_neighbors ##append new neighbors

    # ITERATION 2.5 - Sort all results by increasing distance and to strip the final
    # result of all distance values in recommendation_data (note that there are only 3 possible: 0,1,4).

    #for each item in recommendation_data
    for subtopic in recommendation_data:
        at_dist_4 = []          #array to hold the subtopic ids of recs at distance 4
        at_dist_lt_4 = []       #array to hold subtopic ids of recs at distance 0 or 1

        #for this item, loop through all recommendations
        for recc in recommendation_data[subtopic]['related_subtopics']:
            if recc.split(" ")[1] == '4':   #if at dist 4, add to the array
                at_dist_4.append(recc.split(" ")[0])
                at_dist_lt_4.append(recc.split(" ")[0])

        sorted_related = at_dist_lt_4 + at_dist_4 #append later items at end of earlier
        recommendation_data[subtopic]['related_subtopics'] = sorted_related

    return recommendation_data