Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self):
     self.localization = localization.Localization()
     self.start = time.time()
     anc = ac.getAnchors()
     self.anchors = anc['anchors']
     self.anchors_ids = anc['anchors_ids']
     self.anchor_id_keys = anc['idKeys']
     self.history_length = 100
     n_dist = len(self.anchors)
     x0_dist = np.array([[1], [0]] * n_dist)  #np.zeros((n*2,1))
     P0_dist = np.diag([1] * (2 * n_dist))  #np.zeros((2*n,2*n))
     self.kalman_dist = kalman.Kalman(x0_dist, P0_dist)
     n_pos = 3  #x,y,z    #len(self.anchors)
     x0_pos = np.array([[1], [0]] * n_pos)  #np.zeros((n*2,1))
     P0_pos = np.diag([1] * (2 * n_pos))  #np.zeros((2*n,2*n))
     self.kalman_pos = kalman.Kalman(x0_pos, P0_pos)
     self.estimates_history = [
         [] for i in range(0, (len(self.anchors)))
     ]  #inizialization as list of empty lists (as many lists as the number of anchors)
     #self.last_times = np.zeros((n,1))
     self.last_time = None
     self.dao = DAO.UDP_DAO("localhost",
                            12348)  #Receive data (from nodered)
     self.data_interval = 0  #1000
     self.min_diff_anchors_ratio = 0.75
     self.min_diff_anchors = 3  #math.ceil(len(self.anchors)*self.min_diff_anchors_ratio)
     self.alpha = 1.9  #0.9722921
     self.TxPower = -67.5
     self.decimal_approximation = 3
     self.batch_size = 0  #if 0: batch_size = len(measures) else batch_size = self.batch_size
     self.techniques = ['localization_kalman', 'localization_unfiltered']
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def process(self, frame, points):

        w, h = frame.shape[1], frame.shape[0]
        pointsL, pointsR = self.divide(frame, points)

        centerL, valL1, valL2, angleL = self.calcPCA(pointsL)
        centerR, valR1, valR2, angleR = self.calcPCA(pointsR)

        kalmanInputL = np.array([centerL[0], centerL[1], valL1, valL2, angleL])
        kalmanInputR = np.array([centerR[0], centerR[1], valR1, valR2, angleR])
        if self.first == True:
            self.filterL = kalman.Kalman(kalmanInputL, self.mNoise,
            self.filterR = kalman.Kalman(kalmanInputR, self.mNoise,
            self.first = False
        _, pdtL = self.filterL.update(kalmanInputL)
        _, pdtR = self.filterR.update(kalmanInputR)
        centerL, centerR = (int(pdtL[0]), int(pdtL[1])), (int(pdtR[0]),
        valL1, valL2, angleL = pdtL[2], pdtL[3], pdtL[4]
        valR1, valR2, angleR = pdtR[2], pdtR[3], pdtR[4]

        self.drawArrow(frame, centerL, valL1, valL2, angleL)
        self.drawArrow(frame, centerR, valR1, -valR2, angleR)

        addImg = copy(frame)
        self.drawEllipses(addImg, centerL, valL1, valL2, angleL)
        self.drawEllipses(addImg, centerR, valR1, valR2, angleR)

        endL = centerL[0] + math.cos(
            (angleL - 90) * math.pi / 180) * valL2, centerL[1] + math.sin(
                (angleL - 90) * math.pi / 180) * valL2
        endR = centerR[0] - math.cos(
            (angleR - 90) * math.pi / 180) * valR2, centerR[1] - math.sin(
                (angleR - 90) * math.pi / 180) * valR2
        endL = self.rotate((0, h), endL, -30 * math.pi / 180)
        endR = self.rotate((w, h), endR, 30 * math.pi / 180)
        x = (endL[0] + endR[0]) / 2
        y = h * 3 / 5
        poly = np.array([(x, y), (w / 3, h * 7 / 8), (w * 2 / 3, h * 7 / 8)],
        cv2.fillConvexPoly(frame, poly, red)

        cv2.addWeighted(frame, 0.6, addImg, 0.4, 0, frame)
        #cv2.line(frame, (int(w / 2), 0), (int(w / 2), int(h)), red)
        #cv2.line(frame, (x, y), (int(w / 2), y), red, 2)

        return int(x - w / 2)
    def __init__(self, udp_port):
        self.trilateration = trilateration.Trilateration()
        self.fingerprinting = fingerprinting.Fingerprinting()
        self.start = time.time()
        anc = ac.getAnchors()
        self.anchors = anc['anchors']
        self.anchors_ids = anc['anchors_ids']
        self.anchor_id_keys = anc['idKeys']
        self.history_length = 100
        n = len(self.anchors)
        x0 = np.array([[-50], [0]]*n)#np.zeros((n*2,1))
        P0 = np.diag([20]*(2*n))#np.zeros((2*n,2*n))
        self.kalman = kalman.Kalman(x0, P0)
        self.estimates_history = [[] for i in range(0,(len(self.anchors)))]   #inizialization as list of empty lists (as many lists as the number of anchors)
        self.last_times = np.zeros((n,1))
        self.last_time = None
        self.dao = DAO.UDP_DAO("localhost", udp_port) #Receive data (from nodered 12346, from simulation 12348)
        self.data_interval = -1000 #1000
        self.min_diff_anchors_ratio = 0.75
        self.min_diff_anchors = 8 #math.ceil(len(self.anchors)*self.min_diff_anchors_ratio)
        assert n >= self.min_diff_anchors, 'Not enough anchors: ' + str(n)
        # model
        self.alpha = 1.9 #0.9722921
        self.TxPower = -67.5
        self.decimal_approximation = 3

        self.batch_size = 1 #if 0: batch_size = len(measures) else batch_size = self.batch_size
        self.techniques = ['localization_trilateration_kalman',
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, name, x_pos, y_pos, mmDist):
     super().__init__(name, mmDist)
     self.type = 1
     self.xPos = x_pos
     self.yPos = y_pos
     self.kalman = kalman.Kalman(np.array([0]), np.eye(1), 0.01, 1e-5)
     self.kDist = 0
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self):

        #(debug)plot spectrum flag
        self.PLOT = 0

        self.BUFFER_SIZE = 1500  #This decide how many samples you want to wait before doing frequency estimation (default:1500)
        self.NSAMPLES = 1024  #This decide the FFT Ns when you do Welch's spectrum estimation (mlab.psd)
        self.RATE = 35738  #This is the sampling rate of our sound (each Ch) used to normalize the frequencies.
        self.SOUND_MESSAGE_SIZE = 254  #The number of sampels contained in one message
        self.OVERLAP_PERCENTAGE = 0.7  #The overlap ratio in Welch's Spectrum Estimation.
        self.N_OVERLAP = int(self.NSAMPLES * self.OVERLAP_PERCENTAGE
                             )  #Compute the number of samples overlapping.

        #energy detection flag
        self.ENERGY_SWITCH = 0
        self.ENERGY_THRESHOLD = 1000

        #initialize class member variables
        self.resonant_freq = 0
        self.count = 0
        self.signal_1 = np.array([])
        self.signal_2 = np.array([])
        self.amp_sum_1 = 0
        self.amp_sum_2 = 0
        self.f_est = 0
        self.msg = PretouchAcoustic()
        self.msg.header.frame_id = "/r_gripper_r_finger_tip_link"
        self.msg_volume = NoiseVolume()
        self.msg_volume.volume = 0.5
        self.seq = 0

        #adaptive noise generator related
        self.VOLUME_GAIN = 0.01  #default: 0.005
        self.SNR_TARGET = 6.0  #default: 10
        self.snr_current = 0.0
        self.SNR_LIST_SIZE = 5  #default: 5
        self.snr_list = []

        #initialize kalman filter
        rospy.loginfo("***** Initialize Kalman Filter *********")
        ndim = 1
        Sigma_x = 1e-5  #Process Vriance
        R = 0.02**2  #Measurement Variance = 0.01**2  #R = 0.02**2
        self.k = kalman.Kalman(ndim, Sigma_x, R)
        self.mu_init = np.array([2000])

        #ROS node, subscriber, and publishers
        side = rospy.get_param('~side', 'right')
        self.pub = rospy.Publisher('pretouch', PretouchAcoustic)
        self.pub_volume = rospy.Publisher('pretouch/noise_volume', NoiseVolume)
        self.sub = rospy.Subscriber('sound/' + side, SoundRaw,
Ejemplo n.º 6
        def getLocation(self, filtered = True):
            measures = self.getMeasures()
            if filtered:
                x0 =
                P0 =
                kalman = kalman.Kalman(x0, P0)
                delta_t = []
                #F(k) - state transition model
                F = np.zeros((2*n,2*n))
                for i in range(1,2*n,2):
                    F[i-1][i-1] = 1
                    F[i-1][i] = delta_t
                    F[i][i] = 1
                measures = kalman.estimate(measures, F, H, Q, G, R)

            location = self.trilateration(measures)
            return location
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self):
     self.localization = localization.Localization()
     anc = ac.getAnchors()
     self.anchors = anc['anchors']
     self.anchors_ids = anc['anchors_ids']
     self.anchor_id_keys = anc['idKeys']
     self.history_length = 5
     n = len(self.anchors)
     x0 = np.zeros((n * 2, 1))
     P0 = np.ones((2 * n, 2 * n))  #np.diag([1]*(2*n))
     self.kalman = kalman.Kalman(x0, P0, self.history_length)
     self.dao = DAO.UDP_DAO("localhost", 12346)
     self.data_interval = 0  #1000
     self.min_diff_anchors_ratio = 0.75
     self.min_diff_anchors = 4  #math.ceil(len(self.anchors)*self.min_diff_anchors_ratio)
     self.alpha = 0.9722921
     self.TxPower = -66.42379
     self.decimal_approximation = 3
     #batch of measures
     self.dist_history = []
Ejemplo n.º 8

import numpy as np
import kalman
import utm
import time

k = kalman.Kalman()

wgs84 = [[5.684360726298299, 58.97657658712378],
         [5.684343840300778, 58.97657962580959],
         [5.684335632553317, 58.9765728650051],
         [5.684338895060761, 58.97655124847552],
         [5.684352277694142, 58.97652182815653],
         [5.684359059522381, 58.97650329593002],
         [5.684368949876058, 58.97648081847628],
         [5.684376727880238, 58.97646619934486],
         [5.684426626357828, 58.97647126823811],
         [5.684417220190003, 58.97648076666268],
         [5.684397123298792, 58.97649285096912],
         [5.684386473993475, 58.97651277632222],
         [5.684382063516651, 58.97653523879878],
         [5.684376236917328, 58.97655378118837],
         [5.684365039916921, 58.97656813672509]]

n = len(wgs84)
for i in range(n):
    c = utm.from_latlon(wgs84[i][1], wgs84[i][0])
    print("%7.3f , %7.3f" % (c[1], c[0]))

for i in range(10):
Ejemplo n.º 9
Q_red =  np.eye(3) * 0.0006**2
Q_red[1,1] = Q_red[2,2] = 0.00006**2

Q_nir = np.eye(3) * 0.006**2
Q_nir[1,1] = Q_nir[2,2] = 0.0006**2

# initial conditions
x0_red = np.array([0.08996554, 0.0083535, 0.04541085])
x0_nir = np.array([0.44320984, 0.3960118, 0. ])
C_red = np.eye(3) * 0.2**2
C_nir = np.eye(3) * 0.5**2

import kalman

# red
kfr = kalman.Kalman(red,x0_red,C_red,R_red,M,Q_red,H,doys,reverse=True)

# do a kernel set for angular normalisation
vzan = np.zeros_like(kfr.alldoys)
szan = vzan + np.mean(vza[mask])
kernelnorm = Kernels(vzan,szan,vzan,LiType='Dense',RossHS=False,doIntegrals=False)

Ejemplo n.º 10
import thread
import localization
import udpy
import kalman

localization = localization.Localization()

udp_writer = udpy.UDP_DAO("localhost", 12347)

kalman = kalman.Kalman()
while True:
Ejemplo n.º 11
	return math.degrees(radians)

def get_roll(x, y, z): #x-rotation
	radians = -math.atan2(y, z)
	return math.degrees(radians)

def get_yaw(x,y,z):
    radians = math.atan(z / math.sqrt(x*x + z*z))
    return math.degrees(radians)

bus = smbus.SMBus(1)
address = 0x68
bus.write_byte_data(address, power_mgmt_1, 0)

#Initialize kalman objects for RPY
Roll = kalman.Kalman()
Pitch = kalman.Kalman()
Yaw = kalman.Kalman()

#make initial guesses
time_pre = time.time()

ax_raw = read_word_2c(0x3b)
ay_raw = read_word_2c(0x3d)
az_raw = read_word_2c(0x3f)

ax = (ax_raw - ax_offset) / acc_sen
ay = (ay_raw - ay_offset) / acc_sen
az = (az_raw - az_offset) / acc_sen

#Initial guesses
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def sensor_fuse(self, data):

        gps = data["gps"]
        accel = data["acc"]
        gyro = data["gyro"]
        mag = data["mag"]

        #Get Orientation from Magnetometer
        mx = int(mag['x'])
        my = int(mag['y']) - 100

        if mx != 0:

            self.theta = math.atan2(my,mx)*180/math.pi

            if self.theta < 0:
                self.orient = 360 + self.theta

                self.orient = self.theta


        #text = "Current Position: Lat %f      Lng %f      Orient %d degrees" % (self.markers['curpos'][0],self.markers['curpos'][1], self.orient)

        #calc velocity
        ax = float(accel["x"]) / 100
        ay = float(accel["y"]) / 100
        self.veloc = [self.veloc[0] + ax*self.t, self.veloc[1] + ay*self.t]

        s = [self.veloc[0]*self.t + (ax/2 * (self.t**2)), self.veloc[1]*self.t + (ay/2 * (self.t**2))]


        #GPS Data
        latitude = float(gps["lat"])
        longitude = float(gps["long"])

        if latitude != 0 and longitude != 0:


            if self.startfilt == 0:

                ndim = 4
                xcoord = longitude
                ycoord = latitude
                vx = 0 #m.s
                vy = 0 #m/s
                dt = 1 #sec
                meas_error = 5 #m

                #init filter
                proc_error = 0.5;
                init_error = 0.5;
                x_init = np.array( [xcoord, ycoord, vx, vy] ) #introduced initial xcoord error of 10m

                self.kalman = kal.Kalman(x_init, cov_init, meas_error/10, proc_error)


            self.startfilt = 1

            self.w.moveMarker("curpos", latitude, longitude)
            self.w.centerAt(latitude, longitude)


            print("accel based localise")
            #no new gps so calc via accel + orient
            s = np.array([[s[0]], [s[1]]])

            thetarad = (360 - self.orient) * math.pi / 180

            rotmat = np.array([[math.cos(thetarad), -math.sin(thetarad)], [math.sin(thetarad), math.cos(thetarad)]])

            rots = np.matmul(rotmat, s)

            rots[0] = rots[0] * 0.000010526
            rots[1] = rots[1] * 0.00000898

            latitude = self.latlng[0] + rots[1] # y is lat
            longitude = self.latlng[1] + rots[0] #x is long

        if self.kalman != 0:

            self.kalman.update([longitude, latitude])
            lnglat = self.kalman.x_hat

            longitude = lnglat[0]
            latitude = lnglat[1]

            print(longitude, latitude)

            self.w.moveMarker("curpos", latitude, longitude)
            self.w.centerAt(latitude, longitude)
            self.marker_move("curpos", latitude, longitude)


            wx = self.waypt[1] / 0.0000105
            wy = self.waypt[0] / 0.000009

            cx = self.latlng[1] / 0.0000105
            cy = self.latlng[0] / 0.000009

            vect = [wx - cx, wy - cy]

            auto = math.atan2(vect[0], vect[1]) * 180 / math.pi

            if auto < 0:
                auto = 360 + auto

            print("autopilot theta: %d" % auto)

            cmd = "stop"

            if auto > self.orient:

                if auto - self.orient < 180 and auto - self.orient > 20:
                    cmd = "right"

                elif auto - self.orient > 180 and auto - self.orient < 340:
                    cmd = "left"

                    cmd = "straight"

            elif self.orient > auto:
                if abs(auto - self.orient) < 180 and abs(auto - self.orient) > 20:
                    cmd = "left"

                elif abs(auto - self.orient) > 180 and abs(auto - self.orient) < 340:
                    cmd = "right"

                    cmd = "straight"


            v = np.array(vect)

            dist = np.linalg.norm(v)

            if dist < 2:
                cmd = "stop"

Ejemplo n.º 13
    def process(self, frame, points):

        pointsL = []
        pointsR = []
        for p in points:
            if p[0] < frame.shape[1] / 2 and p[1] > frame.shape[0] / 4 and p[
                    1] < frame.shape[0] * 9 / 10:
            elif p[0] > frame.shape[1] / 2 and p[1] > frame.shape[0] / 4 and p[
                    1] < frame.shape[0] * 9 / 10:
        if (len(pointsL) == 0 or len(pointsR) == 0): return 0
        pointsL.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
        pointsL.append([0, pointsL[-1][1]])
        pointsL.append([0, pointsL[0][1]])
        pointsR.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
        pointsR.append([frame.shape[1], pointsR[-1][1]])
        pointsR.append([frame.shape[1], pointsR[0][1]])

        hullL = cv2.convexHull(np.array(pointsL))
        hullR = cv2.convexHull(np.array(pointsR))
        canvas = np.zeros((frame.shape[0], frame.shape[1]), dtype='uint8')
        cv2.fillConvexPoly(canvas, hullL, white)
        cv2.fillConvexPoly(canvas, hullR, white)

        if self.first == True:
            self.lineSegmentL = math.pi, (0, 0), (0, 0)
            self.lineSegmentR = 0, (0, 0), (0, 0)
            for i in range(hullL.shape[0] - 3):
                x, y = hullL[i + 1][0][0] - hullL[i][0][0], hullL[
                    i + 1][0][1] - hullL[i][0][1]
                theta = math.atan2(y, x)
                if theta > math.pi / 2 and theta < self.lineSegmentL[0]:
                    self.lineSegmentL = (theta, (hullL[i][0][0],
                                         (hullL[i + 1][0][0],
                                          hullL[i + 1][0][1]))
            for i in range(2, hullR.shape[0] - 1):
                x, y = hullR[i + 1][0][0] - hullR[i][0][0], hullR[
                    i + 1][0][1] - hullR[i][0][1]
                theta = math.atan2(y, x) + math.pi
                if theta < math.pi / 2 and theta > self.lineSegmentR[0]:
                    self.lineSegmentR = (theta, (hullR[i][0][0],
                                         (hullR[i + 1][0][0],
                                          hullR[i + 1][0][1]))
            error = 10000
            preTheta = self.lineSegmentL[0]
            buf = 0, (0, 0), (0, 0)
            for i in range(hullL.shape[0] - 3):
                x, y = hullL[i + 1][0][0] - hullL[i][0][0], hullL[
                    i + 1][0][1] - hullL[i][0][1]
                theta = math.atan2(y, x)
                e = math.pow(theta - preTheta, 2)
                if (e < error):
                    error = e
                    buf = theta, (hullL[i][0][0],
                                  hullL[i][0][1]), (hullL[i + 1][0][0],
                                                    hullL[i + 1][0][1])
            if error < math.pi * 5 / 180:
                self.lineSegmentL = buf
            error = 10000
            preTheta = self.lineSegmentR[0]
            buf = 0, (0, 0), (0, 0)
            for i in range(2, hullR.shape[0] - 1):
                x, y = hullR[i + 1][0][0] - hullR[i][0][0], hullR[
                    i + 1][0][1] - hullR[i][0][1]
                theta = math.atan2(y, x) + math.pi
                e = math.pow(theta - preTheta, 2)
                if (e < error):
                    error = e
                    buf = theta, (hullR[i][0][0],
                                  hullR[i][0][1]), (hullR[i + 1][0][0],
                                                    hullR[i + 1][0][1])
            if error < math.pi * 5 / 180:
                self.lineSegmentR = buf

        # cv2.circle(frame, self.lineSegmentL[1], 3, blue, 4)
        # cv2.circle(frame, self.lineSegmentL[2], 3, blue, 4)
        # cv2.circle(frame, self.lineSegmentR[1], 3, blue, 4)
        # cv2.circle(frame, self.lineSegmentR[2], 3, blue, 4)

        topY = frame.shape[0] / 3
        bottomY = frame.shape[0]
        interceptL = self.lineSegmentL[1][1] - math.tan(
            self.lineSegmentL[0]) * self.lineSegmentL[1][0]
        interceptR = self.lineSegmentR[1][1] - math.tan(
            self.lineSegmentR[0]) * self.lineSegmentR[1][0]
        lt = (topY - interceptL) / math.tan(self.lineSegmentL[0]), topY
        rt = (topY - interceptR) / math.tan(self.lineSegmentR[0]), topY
        lb = (bottomY - interceptL) / math.tan(self.lineSegmentL[0]), bottomY
        rb = (bottomY - interceptR) / math.tan(self.lineSegmentR[0]), bottomY

        if self.first == True:
            self.filter = kalman.Kalman(np.array([lt[0], lb[0], rt[0], rb[0]]),
                                        self.mNoise, self.pNoise)
            self.first = False
        _, pdt = self.filter.update(np.array([lt[0], lb[0], rt[0], rb[0]]))
        lt = [pdt[0], lt[1]]
        lb = [pdt[1], lb[1]]
        rt = [pdt[2], rt[1]]
        rb = [pdt[3], rb[1]]

        centerX = int((lt[0] + lb[0] + rt[0] + rb[0]) / 4)
        hull = cv2.convexHull(np.array([lt, lb, rb, rt], dtype='int32'))
        canvas = np.zeros((frame.shape[0], frame.shape[1]), dtype='uint8')
        cv2.fillConvexPoly(canvas, hull, white)

        tmp = [
            canvas, canvas,
            np.zeros((frame.shape[0], frame.shape[1]), dtype='uint8')
        addImg = cv2.merge(tmp)
        poly = np.array([
            np.array([[centerX, frame.shape[0] * 3 / 5]], dtype='int32'),
            np.array([[frame.shape[1] / 3, frame.shape[0] * 7 / 8]],
            np.array([[frame.shape[1] * 2 / 3, frame.shape[0] * 7 / 8]],
        cv2.fillConvexPoly(addImg, poly, red)
        cv2.addWeighted(frame, 0.7, addImg, 0.3, 0, frame)

        return centerX - frame.shape[1] / 2
Ejemplo n.º 14
class wicedsense:

    # frequency of data
    delta_t = .0125  # in seconds (preset to 12.5 ms)
    # total duration
    endtime = 5.0  # in seconds
    garbageiterations = 10

    inittime = 0
    starttimer = 0  # wait for garbageiterations before the timer starts

    calibrate = False
    calibrateMagnet = False
    accelCal = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    gyroCal = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    magCal = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

    vx = 0.0
    ax = []
    dx = 0.0
    # y
    vy = 0.0
    ay = []
    dy = 0.0
    # z
    vz = 0.0
    az = []
    dz = 0.0

    gyroX = []
    gyroY = []
    gyroZ = []

    magX = []
    magY = []
    magZ = []

    magnitude = []
    timestamp = []

    def pushToCloud(self, frames, gyrodata, accel):
        #print frames[1]
        connection = httplib.HTTPSConnection("api.parse.com", 443)
            'PUT', '/1/classes/Putt/12fz4AHTDK',
                "frames": frames,
                "gyro": gyrodata,
                "accel": accel
            }), {
                "Content-Type": "application/json"

    # Init function to connect to wiced sense using mac address
    # Blue tooth address is obtained from blescan.py
    def __init__(self, bluetooth_adr, calibrate, calibrateMagnet):
        self.con = pexpect.spawn('gatttool -b ' + bluetooth_adr +
                                 ' --interactive')
        #self.con.logfile = sys.stdout
        self.con.expect('\[LE\]>', timeout=600)
        print "Preparing to connect. You might need to press the side button..."
        # test for success of connect
        self.con.expect('Connection successful.*\[LE\]>')
        print "Connection successful"
        self.calibrate = calibrate
        self.calibrateMagnet = calibrateMagnet
        self.cb = {}

    # Function to write a value to a particular handle
    def char_write_cmd(self, handle, value):
        cmd = 'char-write-req 0x%02x 0%x' % (handle, value)
        #print cmd

    def writeToFile(self, filename, text):
        file = open(filename, 'w')

    def readFromFile(self, filename):
        file = open(filename, 'r')
        return file.read()

        # Notification handle = 0x002b
    def notification_loop(self):
        if (self.calibrate == False):
            calText = self.readFromFile("calibration.txt")
            calArray = calText.split(",")
            self.gyroCal = calArray[0:3]
            self.accelCal = calArray[3:]
            calText = self.readFromFile("magnetCalibration.txt")
            self.magCal = calText.split(",")
            print self.gyroCal
            print self.accelCal
            print self.magCal
            total = math.ceil(self.endtime / self.delta_t)

            total = math.ceil(30.0 / self.delta_t)
            print "set time to 30s for calibration"

        iters = 0
        while total > iters:
                pnum = self.con.expect('Notification handle = .*? \r',

                # wait for the BT to settle -> wait for program to cycle through garbage iterations
                if self.starttimer == 1:
                    iters += 1

            except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
                print "TIMEOUT exception!"

                if pnum == 0:
                    after = self.con.after
                    hxstr = after.split()[3:]
                    handle = long(float.fromhex(hxstr[0]))
                        [long(float.fromhex(n)) for n in hxstr[2:]])
                    print "pnum not equal to 0"

            except Exception, e:
                print str(e)
          print "TIMEOUT!!"

        # After the while loop has broken...
        gyroAvg = [0, 0, 0]
        accelAvg = [0, 0, 0]
        if (self.calibrate == True):
            calText = ""
            if (self.calibrateMagnet == True):
                xOff = -(max(self.magX) + min(self.magX)) / 2
                yOff = -(max(self.magY) + min(self.magY)) / 2
                zOff = -(max(self.magZ) + min(self.magZ)) / 2
                calText += str(xOff) + "," + str(yOff) + "," + str(zOff)
                print calText
                self.writeToFile("magnetCalibration.txt", calText)
                calText = ""
                gyroAvg[0] = math.fsum(self.gyroX) / len(self.gyroX)
                gyroAvg[1] = math.fsum(self.gyroY) / len(self.gyroY)
                gyroAvg[2] = math.fsum(self.gyroZ) / len(self.gyroZ)
                accelAvg[0] = math.fsum(self.ax) / len(self.ax)
                accelAvg[1] = math.fsum(self.ay) / len(self.ay)
                accelAvg[2] = math.fsum(self.az) / len(self.az)
                calText += str(0 - gyroAvg[0]) + "," + str(
                    0 - gyroAvg[1]) + "," + str(0 - gyroAvg[2]) + ","
                calText += str(0 - accelAvg[0]) + "," + str(
                    0 - accelAvg[1]) + "," + str(8192 - accelAvg[2])
                self.writeToFile("calibration.txt", calText)

            thresh = 9.9  # accel treshold must be exceeded to indicate putt has begun (m/s^2)
            axnew = []  # new acceleration list in the x direction
            aynew = []  # ... y direction
            aznew = []  # ... z direction
            accelNew = []
            gyroXnew = []
            gyroYnew = []
            gyroZnew = []
            magnew = []

            for x in range(len(self.magnitude)):
                print self.magnitude[x]
                #if self.magnitude[x] > thresh:
                if True:
                    print "PUTTING................."
                    axnew = self.ax[x:]
                    aynew = self.ay[x:]
                    aznew = self.az[x:]
                    magnew = self.magnitude[x:]
                    gyroXnew = self.gyroX[x:]
                    gyroYnew = self.gyroY[x:]
                    gyroZnew = self.gyroZ[x:]
                    #self.magX = self.magX[x:]
                    #self.magY = self.magY[x:]
                    #self.magZ = self.magZ[x:]

            # ========================
            # ========================

            for x in range(len(axnew)):
                accelNew.append([axnew[x], aynew[x], aznew[x], magnew[x]])

            roll = []
            pitch = []
            yaw = []
            roll.append(MathUtil.roll(axnew[0], aynew[0], aznew[0]))
            pitch.append(MathUtil.pitch(axnew[0], aynew[0], aznew[0]))
            #yaw.append(MathUtil.yaw(roll[0], pitch[0], self.magX[0], self.magY[0], self.magZ[0]))
            for x in range(1, len(axnew)):
                roll.append(MathUtil.roll(axnew[x], aynew[x], aznew[x]))
                pitch.append(MathUtil.pitch(axnew[x], aynew[x], aznew[x]))
                #yaw.append(MathUtil.yaw(roll[x], pitch[x], self.magX[x], self.magY[x], self.magZ[x]))

            # OUTPUT TO SCREEN ------------------
      print "axnew:"
      for x in range(0,len(axnew)): print axnew[x]

      print "axnew length"
      print len(axnew)

      print "xyzframes (frame indicates the x displacement in meters at a given time):"
      for x in range(0,len(xyzframes)): print xyzframes[x]
      print "total duration (in s) "
      print (float(len(axnew)))*delta_t

      print "total samples"
      print int (len(axnew)) + 1 # add one for time 0


            #Kalman filtering
            gyrodata = []
            kalmanX = kalman.Kalman(roll[0])
            kalmanY = kalman.Kalman(pitch[0])

            gyrodata.append([roll[0], pitch[0], 0.0])
            zAngle = [0.0]
            xAngle = [0.0]
            yAngle = [0.0]
            time = [0.0]
            data = [0.0]
            angle = [0.0]
            for x in range(1, len(gyroXnew)):
                time.append(time[-1] + self.delta_t)
                data.append(MathUtil.getAngle(gyroZnew[x], self.delta_t))
                xAngle.append(xAngle[-1] +
                              MathUtil.getAngle(gyroXnew[x], self.delta_t))
                yAngle.append(yAngle[-1] +
                              MathUtil.getAngle(gyroYnew[x], self.delta_t))
                zAngle.append(zAngle[-1] + data[-1])
                    kalmanX.updateAngle(roll[x], gyroXnew[x], self.delta_t),
                    kalmanY.updateAngle(pitch[x], gyroYnew[x], self.delta_t),

            accelRot = MathUtil.rotateAcceleration(
                [axnew, aynew, aznew],
                [[i[0] for i in gyrodata[:]], [i[1] for i in gyrodata[:]],
                 [i[2] for i in gyrodata[:]]])

            #displacement calculations
            xframes = [
                MathUtil.displacement(self.dx, self.vx, accelRot[0][0],
            yframes = [
                MathUtil.displacement(self.dy, self.vy, accelRot[1][0],
            zframes = [
                MathUtil.displacement(self.dz, self.vz, accelRot[2][0],
            xyzframes = [[xframes[-1], yframes[-1], zframes[-1]]]
            for x in range(1, len(gyroXnew)):
                self.dx, self.vx = MathUtil.displacement(
                    self.dx, self.vx, accelRot[0][x], self.delta_t)
                xframes.append(float(xframes[-1] + self.dx))
                self.dy, self.vy = MathUtil.displacement(
                    self.dy, self.vy, accelRot[1][x], self.delta_t)
                yframes.append(float(yframes[-1] + self.dy))
                self.dz, self.vz = MathUtil.displacement(
                    self.dz, self.vz, accelRot[2][x], self.delta_t)
                zframes.append(float(zframes[-1] + self.dz))
                xyzframes.append([xframes[-1], yframes[-1], zframes[-1]])
                accelNew[x] = [
                    accelRot[0][x], accelRot[1][x], accelRot[2][x],

            # =======================
            # PUSH FRAMES TO PARSE
            # =======================
            self.pushToCloud(xyzframes, gyrodata, accelNew)

Ejemplo n.º 15
import numpy as np
import time
import math
from decimal import Decimal
import random
import kalman

n = 5
x0 = np.zeros((n * 2, 1))
P0 = np.ones((2 * n, 2 * n))  #np.diag([1]*(2*n))
kalman = kalman.Kalman(x0, P0)
estimates_history = [
    [] for i in range(0, n)
]  #inizialization as list of empty lists (as many lists as the number of anchors)
last_times = np.zeros((n, 1))
last_time = None
history_length = 10

def updateHistory(measures):
    #for each of them update the history of etimated distances
    for m in measures:
        #if there are enough value, remove oldest
        if len(estimates_history[m['id']]) > history_length:

def historyMean():
    means = [(sum(i) / len(i) if len(i) != 0 else 0)
             for i in estimates_history]
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def update(self, im1, im2, rect):
     self.rect = rect
     self.im1 = im1
     self.im2 = im2
     self.kalman = kalman.Kalman(self.rect, self.measured)
Ejemplo n.º 17
# model
M = np.eye(3)
# model uncertainty
Q_red = np.eye(3) * 0.005**2
Q_nir = np.eye(3) * 0.02**2

# initial conditions
x0_red = np.array([0.08996554, 0.0083535, 0.04541085])
x0_nir = np.array([0.44320984, 0.3960118, 0.])
C_red = np.eye(3) * 0.2**2
C_nir = np.eye(3) * 0.5**2

import kalman
# red
kfr = kalman.Kalman(red, x0_red, C_red, R_red, M, Q_red, H, doys)
plt.ylim(0, 1)
             kfr.x[:, 0],
             yerr=np.sqrt(kfr.C[:, 0, 0]),
             kfr.x[:, 1],
             yerr=np.sqrt(kfr.C[:, 1, 1]),
             kfr.x[:, 2],
Ejemplo n.º 18
########### Initialize ROS Node    r ###############
pub = rospy.Publisher('pretouch', PretouchAcoustic)
msg = PretouchAcoustic()
msg.header.frame_id = "/r_gripper_r_finger_tip_link"
seq = 0

########### Initialize Kalman Filter ###############
print "***** Initialize Kalman Filter ***********"
ndim = 1
Sigma_x = 1e-5  #Process Vriance
R = 0.01**2  #Measurement Variance = 0.01**2
k = kalman.Kalman(ndim, Sigma_x, R)
mu_init = np.array([2000])

##### Initialize PyAudio Input Stream ##############
# Find the actual device ID used by PyAudio
device_id = helper.find_audio_device(name='Lexicon Omega: USB Audio (hw:1,0)')
print device_id
# Initialize Audio Input Streaming
p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
stream = p.open(format=FORMAT,