Ejemplo n.º 1
    def recursive_add(self, fs_dir_path, fs_f, fs_id):
        # Top down, recurse to lower directories last
        if fs_dir_path in self.filter.ignore_dirs:

        self.delta.directory_added( fs_f )

        self._push_dir( fs_f.name )
        if fs_dir_path in self.fs_id_map:
            fs_id = self.fs_id_map[ fs_dir_path ]
        path = os.path.join( fs_dir_path, fs_f.name )
        content = fs.read_dir( path )

        if self.filter.track_files:
            for f in ( x for x in content.itervalues() if not x.ftype == fs.DIRECTORY ):
                if f.ftype == fs.REGULAR:
                    f.fs_id = fs_id
                self.delta.content_added( f, self.filter.touch_new_only )
        for f in ( x for x in content.itervalues() if x.ftype == fs.DIRECTORY ):
            self.recursive_add( path, f, fs_id )

Ejemplo n.º 2
    def recursive_scan(self, fs_dir_path, db_dir, fs_id=None ):

        if fs_dir_path in self.filter.ignore_dirs:

        self._push_dir( db_dir.name )
        if fs_id is None:
            mounts = self.fs_id_map.keys()
            for mp in mounts:
                if fs_dir_path.startswith( mp ):
                    fs_id = self.fs_id_map[ mp ]

        if fs_dir_path in self.fs_id_map:
            fs_id = self.fs_id_map[ fs_dir_path ]

        assert fs_id is not None

        fs_content = fs.read_dir( fs_dir_path )

        fs_set = set( (f.name, f.ftype) for f in fs_content.itervalues() )
        db_set = db_dir.get_content_set()

        removed = [ db_dir.content[ t[0] ] for t in db_set.difference( fs_set ) ]
        added   = [ fs_content[ t[0] ]     for t in fs_set.difference( db_set ) ]
        same    = [ (fs_content[t[0]], db_dir.content[t[0]]) for t in db_set.intersection( fs_set ) ]

        # Remove modified files & symlinks from 'same'
        if self.filter.track_files and not self.filter.touch_new_only:
            for tpl in same:
                fs_f, db_f = tpl
                if (fs_f.ftype == fs.SYMLINK and fs_f.target   != db_f.target  ) or (
                    fs_f.ftype == fs.REGULAR and fs_f.mtime_ns != db_f.mtime_ns):
                    same.remove( tpl )
                    removed.append( db_f )
                    added.append( fs_f )

        meta_modified = list()
        for tpl in same:
            fs_f, db_f = tpl
            if (fs_f.uid, fs_f.gid, fs_f.mode) != (
                db_f.uid, db_f.gid, db_f.mode):
                if self.filter.track_files or fs_f.ftype == fs.DIRECTORY:
                    meta_modified.append( tpl )

        # process order:
        #   1. Non-directory Removals
        #   2. Non-directory Additions
        #   3. Meta Modifications
        #   4. Recursive directory removals
        #   5. Recursive directory additions
        #   6. Recursive scan pre-existing directories

        if self.filter.track_files:
            for db_f in (x for x in removed if not x.ftype == fs.DIRECTORY):
                self.delta.content_removed( db_f )

            for fs_f in (x for x in added if not x.ftype == fs.DIRECTORY):
                if fs_f.ftype == fs.REGULAR:
                    fs_f.fs_id = fs_id
                self.delta.content_added( fs_f, self.filter.touch_new_only )
        for tpl in meta_modified:
            fs_file, db_file = tpl
            self.delta.metadata_changed(db_file, fs_file)

        for db_f in (x for x in removed if x.ftype == fs.DIRECTORY):
            self.recursive_remove( db_f )

        for fs_f in (x for x in added if x.ftype == fs.DIRECTORY):
            self.recursive_add( fs_dir_path, fs_f, fs_id )

        for tpl in same:
            if tpl[0].ftype == fs.DIRECTORY:
                self.recursive_scan( os.path.join(fs_dir_path, tpl[0].name), tpl[1], fs_id )
