Ejemplo n.º 1
    def assert_fact(self, fact: Atom) -> None:
        except Exception:
                (KANREN_LOGPY, kanren.Relation()))

                    *[x.as_kanren() for x in fact.get_terms()])
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def assert_fact(self, fact: Atom) -> None:
        for term in fact.get_terms():

            fact.get_predicate().as_kanren(), *[
                x.as_kanren() if getattr(x, "as_kanren", None) else x
                for x in fact.get_terms()
Ejemplo n.º 3
def gather_inside_outside_quote_facts(R, doc):
    inside = False
    R['insideq'] = Relation('insideq')
    R['outsideq'] = Relation('outsideq')
    for token in doc:
        if token.text == '"':
            inside = not inside
            if inside:
                fact(R['insideq'], token.i)
                fact(R['outsideq'], token.i)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def gather_facts(doc):
    R = {'LEMMA': Relation('LEMMA'),
         'root': Relation('root'),
         'head': Relation('head')}
    for rel in DEPS:
        R[rel] = Relation(rel)
    for tok in doc:
        facts(R['LEMMA'], (tok.i, tok.lemma_))
        if not tok.pos_ in R:
            R[tok.pos_] = Relation(tok.pos_)
        fact(R[tok.pos_], (tok.i))

        facts(R[tok.dep_ if tok.head.i != tok.i else 'root'],
              (tok.head.i if tok.head.i != tok.i else -1, tok.i))
        facts(R['head'], (tok.head.i if tok.head.i != tok.i else -1, tok.i))

        if not tok.ent_type_ in R:
            R[tok.ent_type_] = Relation(tok.ent_type_)
        fact(R[tok.ent_type_], (tok.i))

    gather_inside_outside_quote_facts(R, doc)

    return R
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_KanrenRelationSub_filters():
    x_at = at.vector("x")
    y_at = at.vector("y")
    z_at = at.vector("z")
    A_at = at.matrix("A")

    fact(commutative, _dot)
    fact(commutative, at.add)
    fact(associative, at.add)

    Z_at = A_at.dot((x_at + y_at) + z_at)

    fgraph = FunctionGraph(outputs=[Z_at], clone=False)

    def distributes(in_lv, out_lv):
        A_lv, x_lv, y_lv, z_lv = vars(4)
        return lall(
            # lhs == A * (x + y + z)
                etuple(_dot, A_lv,
                       etuple(at.add, x_lv, etuple(at.add, y_lv, z_lv))),
            # This relation does nothing but provide us with a means of
            # generating associative-commutative matches in the `kanren`
            # output.
            eq((A_lv, x_lv, y_lv, z_lv), out_lv),

    def results_filter(results):
        _results = [eval_if_etuple(v) for v in results]

        # Make sure that at least a couple permutations are present
        assert (A_at, x_at, y_at, z_at) in _results
        assert (A_at, y_at, x_at, z_at) in _results
        assert (A_at, z_at, x_at, y_at) in _results

        return None

    _ = KanrenRelationSub(distributes,
                              fgraph, fgraph.outputs[0].owner)

    res = KanrenRelationSub(distributes,
                            node_filter=lambda x: False).transform(
                                fgraph, fgraph.outputs[0].owner)
    assert res is False
Ejemplo n.º 6
from kanren import run, var, fact
from kanren.assoccomm import eq_assoccomm as eq
from kanren.assoccomm import commutative, associative

add = 'add'
mul = 'mul'

fact(commutative, mul)
fact(commutative, add)
fact(associative, mul)
fact(associative, add)

a, b = var('a'), var('b')

original_pattern = (mul, (add, 5, a), b)

exp1 = (mul, 2, (add, 3, 1))
exp2 = (add, 5, (mul, 8, 1))

print(run(0, (a, b), eq(original_pattern, exp1)))
print(run(0, (a, b), eq(original_pattern, exp2)))
Ejemplo n.º 7
from kanren import run, var, fact
import kanren.assoccomm as ka

# Define mathematical operations
add = 'addition'
mul = 'multiplication'

# Deckare that these operations are commutative
# using the facts system
fact(ka.commutative, mul)
fact(ka.commutative, add)
fact(ka.associative, mul)
fact(ka.associative, add)

# Define some variables
a, b, c = var('a'), var('b'), var('c')

# Generate expressions
expression_orig = (add, (mul, 3, -2), (mul, (add, 1, (mul, 2, 3)), -1))
expression1 = (add, (mul, (add, 1, (mul, 2, a)), b), (mul, 3, c))
expression2 = (add, (mul, c, 3), (mul, b, (add, (mul, 2, a), 1)))
expression3 = (add, (add, (mul, (mul, 2, a), b), b), (mul, 3, c))

# Compare expressions
print(run(0, (a, b, c), ka.eq_assoccomm(expression1, expression_orig)))
print(run(0, (a, b, c), ka.eq_assoccomm(expression2, expression_orig)))
print(run(0, (a, b, c), ka.eq_assoccomm(expression3, expression_orig)))
Ejemplo n.º 8
The `adjacency` relation expresses which states border each other.
The `coastal` relation expresses which states border the ocean.
from kanren import Relation, fact, run, var

adjacent = Relation()
coastal = Relation()

coastal_states = (

# ['NY', 'NJ', 'CT', ...]
for state in coastal_states:
    # E.g. 'NY' is coastal
    fact(coastal, state)

# Lines like 'CA,OR,NV,AZ'
with open("examples/data/adjacent-states.txt") as f:
    adjlist = [
        line.strip().split(",") for line in f if line and line[0].isalpha()

# ['CA', 'OR', 'NV', 'AZ']
for L in adjlist:
    # 'CA', ['OR', 'NV', 'AZ']
    head, tail = L[0], L[1:]
    for state in tail:
        # E.g. 'CA' is adjacent to 'OR', 'CA' is adjacent to 'NV', etc.
        fact(adjacent, head, state)
Ejemplo n.º 9
h_threshold = 25

#opens the .txt file in order to obtain the synonym words
with open('synonyms.txt') as file:
    synlist = [
        line.strip().split(',') for line in file if line and line[0].isalpha()

#for loop function creates the word to synonym word relation
for L in synlist:
    head, tail = L[0], L[1:]

    #head is the main word
    #tail are the synonym words
    for state in tail:
        fact(synonym, head, state)

#holds the value when no synonyms are found
empty = (run(1, x, no_synonym("", x)))

#a prompt for the user to understand what this program is, and how to use it
print("Hello, this program will help elevate the writer's paper by providing")
print("different word suggestions. Before proceeding any further,")
print("please import wanted .docx files into this directory first")

#the user inputs what file he/she wants to check for improvement
user_input = input("Please input doc name: ")
## expression matcher
from kanren import run, var, fact
import kanren.assoccomm as la

add = 'addition'
mul = 'multiplication'

fact(la.commutative, mul)
fact(la.commutative, add)
fact(la.commutative, mul)
fact(la.commutative, add)

a, b, c = var('a'), var('b'), var('c')

# (3*(-2)) + ((1+2*3)*(-1))
expression_orig = (add, (mul, 3, -2), (mul, (add, 1, (mul, 2, 3)), -1))
# (1 + (2*a))*b + 3*c
expression1 = (add, (mul, (add, 1, (mul, 2, a)), b), (mul, 3, c))
# c*3 + b*(2*a + 1)
expression2 = (add, (mul, c, 3), (mul, b, (add, (mul, 2, a), 1)))
# 2*a*b + b + 3*c
expression3 = (add, (add, (mul, (mul, 2, a), b)), (mul, 3, c))

print(run(0, (a, b, c), la.eq_assoccomm(expression1, expression_orig)))
print(run(0, (a, b, c), la.eq_assoccomm(expression2, expression_orig)))
print(run(0, (a, b, c), la.eq_assoccomm(expression3, expression_orig)))

## Check prime number
import itertools as it
from kanren import isvar, membero, var, run, eq
from kanren.core import success, fail, condeseq
Ejemplo n.º 11
from kanren import run, var, fact, Relation

x = var()
human = Relation()

fact(human, "Socrates")

def mortal(x):
    return human(x)

sol = run(1, x, mortal(x))
Ejemplo n.º 12
from kanren import run, var, fact
from kanren.assoccomm import eq_assoccomm as eq
from kanren.assoccomm import commutative, associative

add = 'add'  #Defining operations
mul = 'mul'
     mul)  #Addition and multiplication are commutative and associative
fact(commutative, add)
fact(associative, mul)
fact(associative, add)
x = var()
    "This program solves variable x for the general equation \"ax + b = 0\" with the provided a and b from user"
print("Enter a: ")
a = int(input())
print("Enter b: ")
b = int(input())
expression = (add, (mul, a, x), b)
expr1 = expression
expression = (add, (mul, a, (-b / a)), b)
print("x = ", run(1, x, eq(expr1, expression)))
Ejemplo n.º 13
This example builds a small database of the US states.

The `adjacency` relation expresses which states border each other
The `coastal` relation expresses which states border the ocean
from kanren import run, fact, eq, Relation, var

adjacent = Relation()
coastal = Relation()

coastal_states = 'WA,OR,CA,TX,LA,MS,AL,GA,FL,SC,NC,VA,MD,DE,NJ,NY,CT,RI,MA,ME,NH,AK,HI'.split(

for state in coastal_states:  # ['NY', 'NJ', 'CT', ...]
    fact(coastal, state)  # e.g. 'NY' is coastal

with open(
        'examples/data/adjacent-states.txt') as f:  # lines like 'CA,OR,NV,AZ'
    adjlist = [
        line.strip().split(',') for line in f if line and line[0].isalpha()

for L in adjlist:  # ['CA', 'OR', 'NV', 'AZ']
    head, tail = L[0], L[1:]  # 'CA', ['OR', 'NV', 'AZ']
    for state in tail:
        fact(adjacent, head, state)  # e.g. 'CA' is adjacent to 'OR',
        #      'CA' is adjacent to 'NV', etc...

x = var()
y = var()
Ejemplo n.º 14
adjacent = Relation()
coastal = Relation()

file_coastal = '/home/pi/december-2018/coastal_states.txt'
file_adjacent = '/home/pi/december-2018/adjacent_states.txt'

#read the file containing the coastal states
with open(file_coastal, 'r') as f:
    line = f.read()
    c_states = line.split(',')
    coastal_states = [state.lower() for state in c_states]

#add the info to the fact base
for state in coastal_states:
    fact(coastal, state)

#read the file containing the adjacent states

adjlist = []
with open(file_adjacent, 'r') as f:
    adjlist_raw = [
        line.strip().split(',') for line in f if line and line[0].isalpha()
    for adj in adjlist_raw:
        ll1 = []
        for adj1 in adj:

#add info to fact base
Ejemplo n.º 15
This example builds a small database of the US states.

The `adjacency` relation expresses which states border each other
The `coastal` relation expresses which states border the ocean
from kanren import run, fact, eq, Relation, var

adjacent = Relation()
coastal  = Relation()

coastal_states = 'WA,OR,CA,TX,LA,MS,AL,GA,FL,SC,NC,VA,MD,DE,NJ,NY,CT,RI,MA,ME,NH,AK,HI'.split(',')

for state in coastal_states:        # ['NY', 'NJ', 'CT', ...]
    fact(coastal, state)            # e.g. 'NY' is coastal

with open('examples/data/adjacent-states.txt') as f: # lines like 'CA,OR,NV,AZ'
    adjlist = [line.strip().split(',') for line in f
                                       if line and line[0].isalpha()]

for L in adjlist:                   # ['CA', 'OR', 'NV', 'AZ']
    head, tail = L[0], L[1:]        # 'CA', ['OR', 'NV', 'AZ']
    for state in tail:
        fact(adjacent, head, state) # e.g. 'CA' is adjacent to 'OR',
                                    #      'CA' is adjacent to 'NV', etc...

x = var()
y = var()

print((run(0, x, adjacent('CA', 'NY')))) # is California adjacent to New York?
Ejemplo n.º 16
from kanren import run, var, fact
from kanren.assoccomm import eq_assoccomm as eq
from kanren.assoccomm import commutative, associative

# Define some dummy Operationss
add = 'add'
mul = 'mul'
# Declare that these ops are commutative using the facts system
fact(commutative, mul)
fact(commutative, add)
fact(associative, mul)
fact(associative, add)

# Define some wild variables
x, y = var('x'), var('y')

# Two expressions to match
pattern = (mul, (add, 1, x), y)                # (1 + x) * y
expr    = (mul, 2, (add, 3, 1))                # 2 * (3 + 1)
print(run(0, (x,y), eq(pattern, expr)))        # prints ((3, 2),) meaning
                                               #   x matches to 3
                                               #   y matches to 2