Ejemplo n.º 1
	def draw(self, device):
		world = self.container.getWorld()
		matrix = kaplot.Matrix.scalebox_inverse(*world)
		p1 = kaplot.Vector(matrix * (0,0))
		p2 = kaplot.Vector(matrix * (1,0))
		p3 = kaplot.Vector(matrix * (0,1))
		p4 = kaplot.Vector(matrix * (1,1))
		plist = [p1, p2, p3, p4]
		x1 = min([p.x for p in plist])
		x2 = max([p.x for p in plist])
		y1 = min([p.y for p in plist])
		y2 = max([p.y for p in plist])
		x, xsub = kaplot.utils.subdivide(x1, x2, subticks=self.xsubticks, interval=self.xinterval,
					start=self.xstart, integer=self.xinteger, logarithmic=self.xlogarithmic)
		y, ysub = kaplot.utils.subdivide(y1, y2, subticks=self.ysubticks, interval=self.yinterval,
					start=self.ystart, integer=self.yinteger, logarithmic=self.ylogarithmic)
		if self.subgrid:
			xlist = xsub
			ylist = ysub
			xlist = x
			ylist = y
		for x in xlist:
			device.drawLine(x, y1, x, y2, gridsnap=True)
		for y in ylist:
			device.drawLine(x1, y, x2, y, gridsnap=True)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _getXticks(self, world):
        (wx1, wy1), (wx2, wy2) = self.container.getWorld()
        world = self.container.getWorld()
        matrix = kaplot.Matrix.scalebox_inverse(*world)
        wp1 = matrix * self.p1
        wp2 = matrix * self.p2
        (wcsx1, wcsy1), (wcsx2, wcsy2) = self.container.getRange(
            self.wcs, self.transformation)
        wcsxlist, _ = self._getXticks2(wcsx1, wcsx2)
        wcsylist, __ = self._getXticks2(wcsy1, wcsy2)
        xticks = []
        xvalues = []
        wcs = self.wcs
        step = (wcsy2 - wcsy1) / self.N
        wcsyrange = arange(wcsy1, wcsy2 + step / 2., step)
        r = lambda x, y: self.transformation.reverse(x, y)
        for wcsx in wcsxlist:
            for wcsy1, wcsy2 in zip(wcsyrange[:-1], wcsyrange[1:]):
                p1 = wcs.to_pixel(*r(rnd(wcsx), rnd(wcsy1)))
                p2 = wcs.to_pixel(*r(rnd(wcsx), rnd(wcsy2)))
                if p1 is not None and p2 is not None:
                    w1 = kaplot.Vector(p1)
                    w2 = kaplot.Vector(p2)
                    p = self.lineintersection(wp1, wp2, w1, w2)
                    if p:
                        #if (w1.y < wy1 and w2.y >= wy1) or (w2.y < wy1 and w1.y >= wy1):
                        # todo, intersection

        #print xticks
        return array(xticks), array(xvalues), []
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def getEdgeValues(self, world):
     matrix = kaplot.Matrix.scalebox_inverse(*world)
     wp1 = kaplot.Vector(matrix * self.p1)
     wp2 = kaplot.Vector(matrix * self.p2)
     if self.intersection == "x":
         return wp1.x, wp2.x
         return wp1.y, wp2.y
Ejemplo n.º 4
	def draw(self, device):
		size, units = kaplot.utils.splitDimension(self.offset)
		dy = self.y2 - self.y1
		dx = self.x2 - self.x1
		dxu, dyu = self.container.worldToSize(dx, dy, units)
		angle = math.atan2(dyu, dxu)
		#print "angle =", math.degrees(angle), dxu, dyu

		if self.halign is None:
			halign = kaplot.utils.getHalign(angle, 0)
			halign = self.halign
		if self.valign is None:
			valign = kaplot.utils.getValign(angle, 0)
			valign = self.valign

		#print halign, valign
		device.drawLine(self.x1, self.y1, self.x2, self.y2)
		d = kaplot.Vector(dxu, dyu)
		d = d.scale(size/d.length, size/d.length)
		#s = 1./d.length * size
		#print d, d.length, size
		#offset = kaplot.Matrix.scalebox_inverse(*self.container.getWorld()).no_translation() * d.scale(size, size)
		offsetx = self.container.sizeToWorld("%f%s" % (d.x, units)).x
		offsety = self.container.sizeToWorld("%f%s" % (d.y, units)).y
		#print "--", self.x2, self.y2
		#print "offset", offsetx, offsety
		device.drawText(self.text, self.x2 + offsetx, self.y2 + offsety, halign, valign)
Ejemplo n.º 5
	def getBBox(self):
		height, width = self.data2d.shape
		#p1, p2 = (0, 0), (width, height)
		#offset = kaplot.Vector(-0.5, -0.5)
		#p1, p2 = (0.5, 0.5), (width+0.5, height+0.5)
		p1, p2 = (0.5, 0.5), (width+0.5, height+0.5)
		offset = kaplot.Vector(-0.0, -0.0)
		return self.matrix * p1 + offset, self.matrix * p2 + offset
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def viewportToSize(self, x, y, units="mm", viewport=((0, 0), (1, 1))):
     #size, units = kaplot.utils.splitDimension(size)
     x, y = kaplot.Matrix.scalebox_inverse(*viewport) * (x, y)
     px = x * (self.pixelWidth - 1)
     py = y * (self.pixelHeight - 1)
     sx = kaplot.utils.convertPixelsTo(px, units, dpi=self.dpi)
     sy = kaplot.utils.convertPixelsTo(py, units, dpi=self.dpi)
     return kaplot.Vector(sx, sy)
Ejemplo n.º 7
				def subdiv(p1, p2, n=10):
					p1 = self.wcs.from_pixel(p1[0], p1[1])
					p2 = self.wcs.from_pixel(p2[0], p2[1])
					if not(p1 and p2):
						return [], []
					p1 = kaplot.Vector(p1)
					p2 = kaplot.Vector(p2)
					x = numpy.zeros(n) + 0.0
					y = numpy.zeros(n) + 0.0
					v = kaplot.Vector(p2) - kaplot.Vector(p1)
					nminus1 = n - 1
					for i in xrange(n):
						p = p1 + v.scale(float(i)/nminus1)
						pp = self.wcs.to_pixel(p.x, p.y)
						x[i] = pp[0]
						y[i] = pp[1]
					return (x, y)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def draw(self, device):
        (wx1, wy1), (wx2, wy2) = self.container.getWorld()
        (wcsx1, wcsy1), (wcsx2, wcsy2) = self.getWcsRange()
        wcsxlist = kaplot.utils.subdivide(wcsx1,
        wcsylist = kaplot.utils.subdivide(wcsy1,
        #wcsxlist = range(-10, 10)
        #wcsylist = range(-10, 10)
        wcs = self.container.wcs
        step = (wcsx2 - wcsx1) / self.N
        wcsxrange = arange(wcsx1, wcsx2 + step / 2., step)
        step = (wcsy2 - wcsy1) / self.N
        wcsyrange = arange(wcsy1, wcsy2 + step / 2., step)
        r = lambda x, y: self.transformation.reverse(x, y)
        for wcsy in wcsylist:
            for wcsx1, wcsx2 in zip(wcsxrange[:-1], wcsxrange[1:]):
                p1 = wcs.to_pixel(*r(rnd(wcsx1), rnd(wcsy)))
                p2 = wcs.to_pixel(*r(rnd(wcsx2), rnd(wcsy)))
                if p1 is not None and p2 is not None:
                    w1 = kaplot.Vector(p1)
                    w2 = kaplot.Vector(p2)
                    device.drawLine(w1.x, w1.y, w2.x, w2.y)
                #print (w1 + w2).length
        for wcsx in wcsxlist:
            for wcsy1, wcsy2 in zip(wcsyrange[:-1], wcsyrange[1:]):
                p1 = wcs.to_pixel(*r(rnd(wcsx), rnd(wcsy1)))
                p2 = wcs.to_pixel(*r(rnd(wcsx), rnd(wcsy2)))
                if p1 is not None and p2 is not None:
                    w1 = kaplot.Vector(p1)
                    w2 = kaplot.Vector(p2)
                    #device.drawLine(rnd(w1.x), rnd(w1.y), rnd(w2.x), rnd(w2.y))
                    device.drawLine(w1.x, w1.y, w2.x, w2.y)
                #print rnd(w1.x), rnd(w1.y), rnd(w2.x), rnd(w2.y)
                #print wcsx, wcsy1, wcsy2

Ejemplo n.º 9
	def draw(self, device):
		document = self.getDocument()
		width, height = document.sizeToViewport(self.size, device.getViewport())
		width, height = device.getWorldMatrix().no_translation().inverse() * kaplot.Vector(width, height)
		hwidth = width #/ 200
		hheight = height #/ 200

		xneg, xpos = None, None
		if self.xerr is not None:
			xneg = self.xerr
			xpos = self.xerr
		if self.xpos is not None:
			xpos = self.xpos
		if self.xneg is not None:
			xneg = self.xneg

		if xneg is not None and xpos is not None:
			for x, y, xneg, xpos in zip(self.x, self.y, xneg, xpos):
				device.drawLine(x-xneg, y, x+xpos, y)
				device.drawLine(x-xneg, y-hheight, x-xneg, y+hheight)
				device.drawLine(x+xpos, y-hheight, x+xpos, y+hheight)
		elif xneg is not None:
			for x, y, xneg in zip(self.x, self.y, xneg):
				device.drawLine(x-xneg, y, x, y)
				device.drawLine(x-xneg, y-hheight, x-xneg, y+hheight)
		elif xpos is not None:
			for x, y, xpos in zip(self.x, self.y, xpos):
				device.drawLine(x, y, x+xpos, y)
				device.drawLine(x+xpos, y-hheight, x+xpos, y+hheight)

		yneg, ypos = None, None
		if self.yerr is not None:
			yneg = self.yerr
			ypos = self.yerr
		if self.ypos is not None:
			ypos = self.ypos
		if self.yneg is not None:
			yneg = self.yneg

		if yneg is not None and ypos is not None:
			for x, y, y1, y2 in zip(self.x, self.y, yneg, ypos):
				device.drawLine(x, y-y1, x, y+y2)
				device.drawLine(x-hwidth, y-y1, x+hwidth, y-y1)
				device.drawLine(x-hwidth, y+y2, x+hwidth, y+y2)
		elif yneg is not None:
			for x, y, y1 in zip(self.x, self.y, yneg):
				device.drawLine(x, y-y1, x, y)
				device.drawLine(x-hwidth, y-y1, x+hwidth, y-y1)
		elif ypos is not None:
			for x, y, y2 in zip(self.x, self.y, ypos):
				device.drawLine(x, y, x, y+y2)
				device.drawLine(x-hwidth, y+y2, x+hwidth, y+y2)

Ejemplo n.º 10
 def sizeToViewport(self, size, viewport=((0, 0), (1, 1))):
     size, units = kaplot.utils.splitDimension(size)
     sizePixels = kaplot.utils.convertToPixels(float(size),
     (x1, y1), (x2, y2) = viewport
     width = float(x2 - x1)
     height = float(y2 - y1)
     sizeX = sizePixels / (self.pixelWidth - 1) / width
     sizeY = sizePixels / (self.pixelHeight - 1) / height
     return kaplot.Vector(sizeX, sizeY)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def _getYticks(self, world):
        #(wx1, wy1), (wx2, wy2) = self.container.getWorld()
        world = self.container.getWorld()
        matrix = kaplot.Matrix.scalebox_inverse(*world)
        wp1 = matrix * self.p1
        wp2 = matrix * self.p2
        (wcsx1, wcsy1), (wcsx2, wcsy2) = self.container.getRange(
            self.wcs, self.transformation)
        wcsxlist, _ = self._getXticks2(wcsx1, wcsx2)
        wcsylist, __ = self._getXticks2(wcsy1, wcsy2)
        yticks = []
        yvalues = []
        wcs = self.wcs
        step = (wcsx2 - wcsx1) / self.N
        wcsxrange = arange(wcsx1, wcsx2 + step / 2., step)
        #print self.container.getWorld()
        #print self.container.getRange()
        r = lambda x, y: self.transformation.reverse(x, y)
        for wcsy in wcsylist:
            for wcsx1, wcsx2 in zip(wcsxrange[:-1], wcsxrange[1:]):
                p1 = wcs.to_pixel(*r(rnd(wcsx1), rnd(wcsy)))
                p2 = wcs.to_pixel(*r(rnd(wcsx2), rnd(wcsy)))
                if p1 is not None and p2 is not None:
                    w1 = kaplot.Vector(p1)
                    w2 = kaplot.Vector(p2)
                    #sprint w1.x, w2.x, wx1
                    p = self.lineintersection(wp1, wp2, w1, w2)
                    if p:
                        #if (w1.x < wx1 and w2.x >= wx1) or (w2.x < wx1 and w1.x >= wx1):
                        # todo, intersection
                        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
                        #print "tick", w1.y, rnd(w1.y), wcsx1, wcsx2
                        yticks.append(p.y)  #+(w2.x-w1.x)/2)

        #print "yticks", yticks
        return array(yticks), array(yvalues), []
Ejemplo n.º 12
	def __getBBox(self):
		height, width = self.data2d.shape
		p1, p2 = (0, 0), (width, height)
		#offset = kaplot.Vector(0.5, 0.5)
		offset = kaplot.Vector(0, 0)
		#matrix = \
		#	kaplot.Matrix.translate(-0.5, -0.5) *\
		#	self.matrix *\
		#	kaplot.Matrix.translate(0.5, 0.5)
		height,width = self.data2d.shape
		(x1, y1), (x2, y2) = self.resize
		#print "~~~", resize, width, height
			#kaplot.Matrix.translate(-0.5, -0.5) *\
		matrix = \
			kaplot.Matrix.translate(x1, y1) *\
			kaplot.Matrix.scale((x2-x1)/float(width+1), (y2-y1)/float(height+1)) *\
			kaplot.Matrix.translate(0.5, 0.5)
		return matrix * p1 + offset, matrix * p2 + offset
Ejemplo n.º 13
	def draw(self, device):
		granularity = 2

		# 'horizontal' lines
		breakra = []
		if self.wcs.divergent:
			declist = range(-90+15-1, 92-15+1, 15)
			#ralist = range(-180, 181, 1) # +?
			declist = range(-90, 92, 15)
		ralist = range(-180, 180+granularity+1, granularity) # +?
		#declist = range(-90, 90, 15)
		sigma = 0.0001
		cracklimit = 5.0
		cracklimitlarge = 30.0
		for dec in declist:
			xlist = []
			ylist = []
			decorg = dec
			for ra1org, ra2org in zip(ralist[:-1], ralist[1:]):
				if self.transformation:
					ra1, dec1 = self.transformation.reverse(ra1org, decorg)
					ra2, dec2 = self.transformation.reverse(ra2org, decorg)
					dec1 = decorg
					dec2 = decorg
					ra1 = ra1org
					ra2 = ra2org
				p1 = self.wcs.to_pixel(ra1, dec1)
				p2 = self.wcs.to_pixel(ra1+sigma, dec1)
				p3 = self.wcs.to_pixel(ra2-sigma, dec2)
				p4 = self.wcs.to_pixel(ra2, dec2)
				if not(p1 and p2 and p3 and p4):
					device.drawPolyLine(xlist, ylist)
					xlist, ylist = [], []
					#if False and self.transformation:
					#	p1 = self.transformation(p1[0], p1[1])
					#	p2 = self.transformation(p2[0], p2[1])
					#	p3 = self.transformation(p3[0], p3[1])
					#	p4 = self.transformation(p4[0], p4[1])
					p1 = kaplot.Vector(p1)
					p2 = kaplot.Vector(p2)
					p3 = kaplot.Vector(p3)
					p4 = kaplot.Vector(p4)

					if (p2-p1).length > cracklimit: # crack in the first bit
						device.drawPolyLine(xlist, ylist)
						xlist, ylist = [], []
					elif (p4-p3).length > cracklimit: # crack at the end
						device.drawPolyLine(xlist, ylist)
						xlist, ylist = [p4.x], [p4.y]
					elif (p1-p4).length > cracklimitlarge:
						device.drawPolyLine(xlist, ylist)
						xlist, ylist = [p4.x], [p4.y]

			device.drawPolyLine(xlist, ylist)

		# 'vertical' lines
		if self.wcs.divergent:
			declist = range(-90+15, 92-15+granularity, granularity)
			#ralist = range(-180, 181, 1) # +?
			declist = range(-90, 90+granularity, granularity)
		#declist = range(-90, 90+1, 1)
		ralist = range(-180, 180+1, 15) # +?
		lines = []
		for ra in ralist:
			xlist = []
			ylist = []
			#ra = ((ra +180) % 360) - 180
			raorg = ra

			# we don't want to draw the same line twice, so we do a
			# check to see if it's on the same location
			# this happens because we go from -180 to 180, which mostly
			# overlaps, but not always!
			line = []
			for dec in [-80, 45, 0, 45, 80]:
				if self.transformation:
					ra, dec = self.transformation.reverse(raorg, dec)
				result = self.wcs.to_pixel(ra, dec)
				if result:
					x, y = result
			line = numpy.array(line, numpy.Float)
			found = False
			for prevline in lines:
				if len(line) > 0 and \
					len(line) == len(prevline) and \
					max(abs(prevline - line)) < 0.01:
					found = True
			if found:
			# end of line check

			for dec1, dec2 in zip(declist[:-1], declist[1:]):
				if self.transformation:
					ra1, dec1 = self.transformation.reverse(raorg, dec1)
					ra2, dec2 = self.transformation.reverse(raorg, dec2)
					ra1 = raorg
					ra2 = raorg

				p1 = self.wcs.to_pixel(ra1, dec1)
				p2 = self.wcs.to_pixel(ra1, dec1+sigma)
				p3 = self.wcs.to_pixel(ra2, dec2-sigma)
				p4 = self.wcs.to_pixel(ra2, dec2)
				if not(p1 and p2 and p3 and p4):
					device.drawPolyLine(xlist, ylist)
					xlist, ylist = [], []
					#if False and self.transformation:
					#	p1 = self.transformation(p1[0], p1[1])
					#	p2 = self.transformation(p2[0], p2[1])
					#	p3 = self.transformation(p3[0], p3[1])
					#	p4 = self.transformation(p4[0], p4[1])
					p1 = kaplot.Vector(p1)
					p2 = kaplot.Vector(p2)
					p3 = kaplot.Vector(p3)
					p4 = kaplot.Vector(p4)

					if (p2-p1).length > cracklimit: # crack in the first bit
						device.drawPolyLine(xlist, ylist)
						xlist, ylist = [], []
					elif (p4-p3).length > cracklimit: # crack at the end
						device.drawPolyLine(xlist, ylist)
						xlist, ylist = [p4.x], [p4.y]
						xlist, ylist = [], []
					elif (p1-p4).length > cracklimitlarge:
						device.drawPolyLine(xlist, ylist)
						xlist, ylist = [p4.x], [p4.y]
						xlist, ylist = [], []
			device.drawPolyLine(xlist, ylist)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def windowToViewport(self, x, y, viewport=((0, 0), (1, 1))):
     v = kaplot.Vector(
         float(x) / (self.pixelWidth - 1),
         float(y) / (self.pixelHeight - 1))
     return kaplot.Matrix.scalebox_inverse(*viewport).inverse() * v
Ejemplo n.º 15
	def _plot(self, device):

		ralist = range(-180, 181, 15)
		declist = range(-90, 91, 15)
		import numpy
		for ra1, ra2 in zip(ralist[:-1], ralist[1:]):
			for dec1, dec2 in zip(declist[:-1], declist[1:]):
				sigma = 0.0001
				def subdiv(p1, p2, n=10):
					p1 = self.wcs.from_pixel(p1[0], p1[1])
					p2 = self.wcs.from_pixel(p2[0], p2[1])
					if not(p1 and p2):
						return [], []
					p1 = kaplot.Vector(p1)
					p2 = kaplot.Vector(p2)
					x = numpy.zeros(n) + 0.0
					y = numpy.zeros(n) + 0.0
					v = kaplot.Vector(p2) - kaplot.Vector(p1)
					nminus1 = n - 1
					for i in xrange(n):
						p = p1 + v.scale(float(i)/nminus1)
						pp = self.wcs.to_pixel(p.x, p.y)
						x[i] = pp[0]
						y[i] = pp[1]
					return (x, y)
				p1 = self.wcs.to_pixel(ra1+sigma, dec1+sigma)
				p2 = self.wcs.to_pixel(ra2-sigma, dec1+sigma)
				p3 = self.wcs.to_pixel(ra2-sigma, dec2-sigma)
				p4 = self.wcs.to_pixel(ra1+sigma, dec2-sigma)
				if p1 and p2:
					x, y = subdiv(p1, p2)
					device.drawPolyLine(x, y)
				if p2 and p3:
					x, y = subdiv(p2, p3)
					device.drawPolyLine(x, y)
					#device.plotLine(p2, p3)
				if p3 and p4:
					x, y = subdiv(p3, p4)
					device.drawPolyLine(x, y)
					#device.plotLine(p3, p4)
				if p4 and p1:
					x, y = subdiv(p4, p1)
					device.drawPolyLine(x, y)
					#device.plotLine(p4, p1)

		if False:
				p1 = self.projection.forward(ra1+sigma, dec1+sigma)
				p2 = self.projection.forward(ra1+sigma, dec2-sigma)
				if p1 and p2:
					device.plotLine(p1, p2)
					v1 = kaplot.Vector(p1)
					v2 = kaplot.Vector(p2)
					if (v1-v2).length > 120:
						print "jump down", ra1, dec1, "to", ra1, dec2
						import pdb
				p1 = self.projection.forward(ra1-sigma, dec1-sigma)
				p2 = self.projection.forward(ra1-sigma, dec2-sigma)
				if p1 and p2:
					device.plotLine(p1, p2)
				p1 = self.projection.forward(ra1+sigma, dec1+sigma)
				p2 = self.projection.forward(ra2-sigma, dec1+sigma)
				if p1 and p2:
					device.plotLine(p1, p2)
					if (v1-v2).length() > 120:
						print "jump right", ra1, dec1, "to", ra2, dec1
						import pdb
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def _getYticks(self, world):
     matrix = kaplot.Matrix.scalebox_inverse(*world)  #.inverse()
     v1 = kaplot.Vector(matrix * (0, 0)).y
     v2 = kaplot.Vector(matrix * (0, 1)).y
     t, sub = self._getYticks2(v1, v2)
     return t, t, sub
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def _getXticks(self, world):
     matrix = kaplot.Matrix.scalebox_inverse(*world)
     v1 = kaplot.Vector(matrix * (0, 0)).x
     v2 = kaplot.Vector(matrix * (1, 0)).x
     t, sub = self._getXticks2(v1, v2)
     return t, t, sub
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def viewportToWindow(self, x, y, viewport=((0, 0), (1, 1))):
     x, y = kaplot.Matrix.scalebox_inverse(*viewport) * (x, y)
     v = kaplot.Vector(
         float(x) * (self.pixelWidth - 1),
         float(y) * (self.pixelHeight - 1))
     return v
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def __init__(self,
     super(Axis, self).__init__(container,
     self.interval = interval
     self.integer = integer
     self.start = start
     self.ticks = ticks
     self.subticks = subticks
     self.logarithmic = logarithmic
     self.intersection = intersection
     if location == "bottom":
         self.p1 = kaplot.Vector(0, 0)
         self.p2 = kaplot.Vector(1, 0)
         self.halign = "center"
         self.valign = "top"
         self.tickdir = kaplot.Vector(0, -1)
         if intersection is None:
             self.intersection = "x"
     elif location == "right":
         self.p1 = kaplot.Vector(1, 0)
         self.p2 = kaplot.Vector(1, 1)
         self.halign = "left"
         self.valign = "center"
         self.tickdir = kaplot.Vector(1)
         if intersection is None:
             self.intersection = "y"
     elif location == "top":
         self.p1 = kaplot.Vector(1, 1)
         self.p2 = kaplot.Vector(0, 1)
         self.halign = "center"
         self.valign = "bottom"
         self.tickdir = kaplot.Vector(0, 1)
         if intersection is None:
             self.intersection = "x"
     elif location == "left":
         self.p1 = kaplot.Vector(0, 1)
         self.p2 = kaplot.Vector(0, 0)
         self.halign = "right"
         self.valign = "center"
         self.tickdir = kaplot.Vector(-1, 0)
         if intersection is None:
             self.intersection = "y"
         raise Exception, "unkown location", location
     self.location = location
     self.ticklength = ticklength
     self.labeloffset = labeloffset
     self.spacing = spacing
     self.bounds = (0., 0.), (0., 0.)
     self.drawLabels = True
Ejemplo n.º 20
def rndv(v):
    x, y = v
    return kaplot.Vector(rnd(x), rnd(y))
Ejemplo n.º 21
	def draw(self, device):
		hsize, vsize = self.size.split(",")
		hsize, vsize = hsize.strip(), vsize.strip()
		hsizex = self.getDocument().sizeToViewport(hsize, self.container.borderViewport).x
		vsizey = self.getDocument().sizeToViewport(vsize, self.container.borderViewport).y
		size = kaplot.Vector(hsizex, vsizey)
		edgespacing = self.getDocument().sizeToViewport(self.edgespacing, self.container.borderViewport)
		hloc, vloc = self.location.split(",")
		hloc, vloc = hloc.strip(), vloc.strip()
		hlocs = {"left":0+edgespacing.x, "center":0.5-size.x/2., "right":1-size.x-edgespacing.x}
		vlocs = {"bottom":0+size.y+edgespacing.y, "center":0.5+size.y/2., "top":1-edgespacing.y}
		if hloc not in hlocs:
			raise Exception, "horizontal location should be 'right', 'left' or 'center', not %r" % hloc
		if vloc not in vlocs:
			raise Exception, "vertical location should be 'top', 'bottom' or 'center', not %r" % hloc
		origin = kaplot.Vector(hlocs[hloc], vlocs[vloc])
		device.pushWorld(((0, 0), (1,1)))
		#print origin
		#print size
		#print edgespacing
		colorbarimage = kaplot.utils.createColorbar(self.direction, 256)
		height, width = colorbarimage.shape
		#viewport = (origin.x, origin.y-size.y), (origin.x+size.y, origin.y)
		#m = kaplot.Matrix.scalebox_inverse(*viewport) * device.getViewportMatrix() 
		#m = device.getViewportMatrix().inverse() * kaplot.Matrix.scalebox_inverse(*viewport)
		#vp = m * (0, 0), m * (1, 1)
		#m = kaplot.Matrix.translate(origin.x, origin.y) * \
		m = kaplot.Matrix.translate(origin.x, origin.y-size.y) *\
			kaplot.Matrix.scale(size.x/width, size.y/height) *\
			kaplot.Matrix.translate(0.5, 0.5)
			# * \
			#kaplot.Matrix.translate(0.5, 0.5)
			#kaplot.Matrix.translate(-0.5, -0.5) *\
		#print origin.x, origin.y-size.y
		#print height, width
		#device.pushWorld(((0.5, 0.5), (width+0.5, height+0.5)))
		device.drawIndexedImage(colorbarimage, self.colormap, matrix=m)
		if self.direction in ["right", "left"]:
			for marker in self.markers:
				x = (marker - self.datamin) / (self.datamax - self.datamin)
				device.drawLine(origin.x + x*size.x, origin.y, origin.x+x*size.x, origin.y-size.y)
				print "MARKER", marker, self.datamin, self.datamax, x
		xlist = [origin.x, origin.x + size.x, origin.x + size.x, origin.x]
		ylist = [origin.y, origin.y, origin.y - size.y, origin.y - size.y]
		device.drawPolyLine(xlist, ylist, close=True, gridsnap=True)
		ticksize = "3mm"
		labeloffset = "1mm"
		ticksizevp = self.getDocument().sizeToViewport(ticksize, self.container.borderViewport)
		labeloffsetvp = self.getDocument().sizeToViewport(labeloffset, self.container.borderViewport)
		#dmin = self.image.data2d.min()
		#dmax = self.image.data2d.max()
		#self.levels = [dmin, dmin + (dmax-dmin)/2., dmax]
		levels = numpy.array(self.levels, dtype=float)
		if self.direction in ["right", "left"]:
			if self.labelposition == "top":
				for level in list(levels):
					x = (level - self.datamin) / (self.datamax - self.datamin)
					if x >= 0 and x <= 1:
						nx = origin.x+x*size.x
						if self.direction == "left":
							nx = 1 - nx
						device.drawLine(nx, origin.y, nx, origin.y-ticksizevp.y)
						device.drawText("%g" % level, nx, origin.y-max(0, -ticksizevp.y)+labeloffsetvp.y, "center", "bottom")
					if self.label:
						device.drawText(self.label, origin.x + size.x / 2, origin.y-size.y-labeloffsetvp.y, halign="center", valign="top")
			if self.labelposition == "bottom":
				for level in list(levels):
					x = (level - self.datamin) / (self.datamax - self.datamin)
					if x >= 0 and x <= 1:
						nx = origin.x+x*size.x
						if self.direction == "left":
							nx = 1 - nx
						device.drawLine(nx, origin.y-size.y, nx, origin.y+ticksizevp.y-size.y)
						device.drawText("%g" % level, nx, origin.y-size.y+max(0, -ticksizevp.y)-labeloffsetvp.y, "center", "top")
					if self.label:
						device.drawText(self.label, origin.x + size.x / 2, origin.y+labeloffsetvp.y, halign="center", valign="bottom")
		if self.direction in ["up", "down"]:
			if self.labelposition == "left":
				for level in list(levels):
					y = (level - self.datamin) / (self.datamax - self.datamin)
					if y >= 0 and y <= 1:
						ny = origin.y-size.y*(1-y)
						if self.direction == "down":
							ny = 1 - ny
						device.drawLine(origin.x, ny , origin.x+ticksizevp.x, ny)
						device.drawText("%g" % level, origin.x-max(0, -ticksizevp.x)-labeloffsetvp.x, ny, "right", "center")
					if self.label:
						device.drawText(self.label, origin.x + size.x + labeloffsetvp.x, origin.y - size.y / 2, halign="center", valign="bottom", textangle=-numpy.pi/2)
			if self.labelposition == "right":
				for level in list(levels):
					y = (level - self.datamin) / (self.datamax - self.datamin)
					if y >= 0 and y <= 1:
						ny = origin.y-size.y*(1-y)
						if self.direction == "down":
							ny = 1 - ny
						device.drawLine(origin.x+size.x, ny, origin.x+size.x-ticksizevp.x, ny)
						device.drawText("%g" % level, origin.x+size.x+max(0, -ticksizevp.x)+labeloffsetvp.x, ny, "left", "center")
					if self.label:
                                                device.drawText(self.label, origin.x - labeloffsetvp.x, origin.y - size.y / 2, halign="center", valign="bottom", textangle=numpy.pi/2)
		if False:
			colorbarimage = kaplot.utils.createColorbar(self.direction, 256)
			height, width = colorbarimage.shape
			m = kaplot.Matrix.scalebox_inverse(*viewport) * device.getViewportMatrix() 
			m = device.getViewportMatrix() * kaplot.Matrix.scalebox_inverse(*viewport)
			vp = m * (0, 0), m * (1, 1)
			device.pushWorld(((0.5, 0.5), (width+0.5, height+0.5)))
			device.drawIndexedImage(colorbarimage, self.colormap)
			clipping = device.getClipping()
			device.pushWorld(((0, 0), (1, 1)))
			device.drawPolyLine([0, 1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1], close=True, gridsnap=True)
			ticksize = "3mm"
			ticksizevp = self.getPlot().sizeToViewport(ticksize, viewport)
			labeloffset = "1mm"
			labeloffsetvp = self.getPlot().sizeToViewport(labeloffset, viewport)
			ticksizevp = self.getPlot().sizeToViewport(ticksize, viewport)
			if self.direction in ["right", "left"]:
				if self.labelposition == "top":
					for level in list(self.levels) + [self.datamin, self.datamax]:
						x = (level - self.datamin) / (self.datamax - self.datamin)
						if x >= 0 and x <= 1:
							device.drawLine(x, 0, x, 1+ticksizevp.y)
							device.drawText("%g" % level, x, 1+ticksizevp.y+labeloffsetvp.y, "center", "bottom")
			elif self.direction in ["down", "up"]:
				if self.labelposition == "left":
					for level in list(self.levels) + [self.datamin, self.datamax]:
						y = (level - self.datamin) / (self.datamax - self.datamin)
						if y >= 0 and y <= 1:
							device.drawLine(-ticksizevp.x, y, 1, y)
							device.drawText("%g" % level, -ticksizevp.x-labeloffsetvp.x, y, "center", "bottom")