def runTest(self): """ The most basic python test possible, checks that the files we have written are importable in python, this is a basic sanity check """ found = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk( os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/../../src/KAVE'): if '.git' in root: continue for f in files: if not (f.endswith('.py')): continue if f in self.ignorefiles: continue found = found + self.find_repolocations(os.path.join(root, f)) found = [ i for i in found if i is not None and len(i) and i[-1] not in self.ignorepackages ] failed = [] sys.stdout.flush() for details in found: fn, ln, arch, package = details urls = [] for mirror in kc.mirrors(): if 'kavetoolbox' in package: urls.append( kc.repo_url(package, arch=arch, repo=mirror, dir='KaveToolbox')) else: urls.append(kc.repo_url(package, arch=arch, repo=mirror)) if not len(urls): if 'kavetoolbox' in package: urls.append( kc.repo_url(package, arch=arch, dir='KaveToolbox')) else: urls.append(kc.repo_url(package, arch=arch)) try: sys.stdout.flush() kc.failover_source(urls) except IOError: failed.append(details) self.assertFalse( len(failed), "Some requested downloads do not exist!\n\t" + '\n\t'.join([f.__str__() for f in failed]))
def runTest(self): """ Tests that verify the kavecommon library and simple functions in that library """ import kavecommon as kc sources = [] for mirror in kc.mirrors(): sources.append(kc.repo_url("", repo=mirror)) sources.append(kc.repo_url("")) kc.failover_source(sources) self.assertRaises(IOError, kc.failover_source, ["non-existing-file-88989381923813.file"]) # ,"bug ABK-112" # make some directory structure to check the permissions changing... import tempfile import os tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() os.system("mkdir -p " + tempdir + "/this/is/a/test1") os.system("mkdir -p " + tempdir + "/this/is/a/test2") os.system("mkdir -p " + tempdir + "/this/is/a/test3") os.system("chmod -R 555 " + tempdir + "/this ") kc.chmod_up(tempdir + "/this/is/a/test1", "511", seen=[tempdir, tempdir + "/this"]) self.assertFalse(os.access(tempdir + "/this/is/a", os.W_OK), tempdir + " permissions settings failed") kc.chmod_up(tempdir + "/this/is/a/test1", "744", seen=[tempdir]) self.assertTrue(os.access(tempdir + "/this/is/a", os.W_OK), tempdir + " permissions settings failed") self.assertFalse(os.access(tempdir + "/this/is/a/test2", os.W_OK), tempdir + " permissions settings failed") # create a file in this directory to test the copy/caching, at least for things without wget os.system("touch " + tempdir + "/this/is/test.test") topd = os.path.realpath(os.curdir) os.chdir(tempdir) kc.copy_or_cache(sources=[tempdir + "/this/is/test.test"], filename="test.test", cache_dir=tempdir + "/this/") os.chdir(topd) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(tempdir + "/test.test") and os.path.exists( tempdir + "/this/is/test.test") and os.path.exists(tempdir + "/this/test.test"), tempdir + " copy/caching failed") # Test the trueorfalse method cnv = {'true': True, 'y': True, 'ye': True, 'yes': True, 'false': False, 'n': False, 'no': False, 'none': False, ' false': False, 'y ': True} for k, v in cnv.iteritems(): self.assertTrue(kc.trueorfalse(k) == v) self.assertTrue(kc.trueorfalse(k.upper()) == v) self.assertRaises(TypeError, kc.trueorfalse, {}) self.assertRaises(TypeError, kc.trueorfalse, 'GAAAH') # remove this temporary file when done if os.path.exists(tempdir) and len(tempdir) > 4: os.system("rm -rf " + tempdir)
def install(self, env): import params env.set_params(params) self.install_packages(env) dlname = 'jenkins-' + str(params.download_version) + '-1.1.noarch.rpm' kc.copy_cache_or_repo(dlname, arch='noarch', alternates='' + dlname) Execute('rpm -qa | grep -qw jenkins || yum -y install ' + dlname) self.configure(env) # wget all requested plugins for plugin in params.plugins.split(','): plugin = plugin.strip() if not len(plugin): continue extsources = ["" + plugin + h for h in [".hpi", ".jpi"]] mirrorsources = [] for mirror in kc.mirrors(): mirrorsources = mirrorsources + \ [kc.repo_url('jenkins_plugins/' + plugin + h, arch='noarch', repo=mirror) for h in [".hpi", ".jpi"]] intsources = [kc.repo_url('jenkins_plugins/' + plugin + h, arch='noarch') for h in [".hpi", ".jpi"]] source = kc.failover_source(mirrorsources + intsources + extsources) dest = params.JENKINS_HOME + "/plugins/" + source.split('/')[-1] Execute(kc.copymethods(source, dest)) File(params.JENKINS_HOME + '/config.xml', content=Template("config.xml.j2"), mode=0644 ) kc.chown_r(params.JENKINS_HOME + '/config.xml', params.JENKINS_USER) Execute('chkconfig jenkins on') self.start(env) # using curl to create username password for jenkinsl curl_command = ('curl -d "username='******'&password1=' + params.JENKINS_ADMIN_PASSWORD + '&email=' + params.JENKINS_ADMIN_EMAIL + '&password2=' + params.JENKINS_ADMIN_PASSWORD + '&fullname=' + params.JENKINS_ADMIN + '&Submit=Sign%20up" "http://' + params.hostname + ':' + str(params.JENKINS_PORT) + '/securityRealm/createAccount"') try: Execute(curl_command) except Fail as ex: print "the curl command met with failure the first time,,,trying in another 60 secs" print ex import time time.sleep(60) Execute(curl_command)
def install(self, env): import params env.set_params(params) self.install_packages(env) dlname = 'jenkins-' + str(params.download_version) + '-1.1.noarch.rpm' kc.copy_cache_or_repo(dlname, arch='noarch', alternates='' + dlname) Execute('rpm -qa | grep -qw jenkins || yum -y install ' + dlname) self.configure(env) # wget all requested plugins for plugin in params.plugins.split(','): plugin = plugin.strip() if not len(plugin): continue extsources = ["" + plugin + h for h in [".hpi", ".jpi"]] mirrorsources = [] for mirror in kc.mirrors(): mirrorsources = mirrorsources + \ [kc.repo_url('jenkins_plugins/' + plugin + h, arch='noarch', repo=mirror) for h in [".hpi", ".jpi"]] intsources = [kc.repo_url('jenkins_plugins/' + plugin + h, arch='noarch') for h in [".hpi", ".jpi"]] source = kc.failover_source(mirrorsources + intsources + extsources) dest = params.JENKINS_HOME + "/plugins/" + source.split('/')[-1] Execute(kc.copymethods(source, dest)) File(params.JENKINS_HOME + '/config.xml', content=Template("config.xml.j2"), mode=0644 ) kc.chown_r(params.JENKINS_HOME + '/config.xml', params.JENKINS_USER) Execute('chkconfig jenkins on') self.start(env) # using curl to create username password for jenkinsl curlCommand = ('curl -d "username='******'&password1=' + params.JENKINS_ADMIN_PASSWORD + '&email=' + params.JENKINS_ADMIN_EMAIL + '&password2=' + params.JENKINS_ADMIN_PASSWORD + '&fullname=' + params.JENKINS_ADMIN + '&Submit=Sign%20up" "http://' + params.hostname + ':' + str(params.JENKINS_PORT) + '/securityRealm/createAccount"') try: Execute(curlCommand) except Fail as ex: print "the curl command met with failure the first time,,,trying in another 60 secs" print ex import time time.sleep(60) Execute(curlCommand)
def runTest(self): """ The most basic python test possible, checks that the files we have written are importable in python, this is a basic sanity check """ found = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/../../src/KAVE'): if '.git' in root: continue for f in files: if not (f.endswith('.py')): continue if f in self.ignorefiles: continue found = found + self.find_repolocations(os.path.join(root, f)) found = [i for i in found if i is not None and len(i) and i[-1] not in self.ignorepackages] failed = [] sys.stdout.flush() for details in found: fn, ln, arch, package = details urls = [] for mirror in kc.mirrors(): if 'kavetoolbox' in package: urls.append(kc.repo_url(package, arch=arch, repo=mirror, dir='KaveToolbox', ver='3.6-Beta')) else: urls.append(kc.repo_url(package, arch=arch, repo=mirror)) if 'Eskapade' in package: urls.append(kc.repo_url(package, arch=arch, repo=mirror, dir='Eskapade', ver='0.6')) else: urls.append(kc.repo_url(package, arch=arch, repo=mirror)) if not len(urls): if 'kavetoolbox' in package: urls.append(kc.repo_url(package, arch=arch, dir='KaveToolbox', ver='3.6-Beta')) if 'Eskapade' in package: urls.append(kc.repo_url(package, arch=arch, dir='Eskapade', ver='0.6')) else: urls.append(kc.repo_url(package, arch=arch)) try: sys.stdout.flush() kc.failover_source(urls) except IOError: failed.append(details) except IOError: failed.append(details) self.assertFalse(len(failed), "Some requested downloads do not exist!\n\t" + '\n\t'.join([f.__str__() for f in failed]))
def install(self, env): import params env.set_params(params) self.install_packages(env) dlname = 'jenkins-' + str(params.download_version) + '-1.1.noarch.rpm' kc.copy_cache_or_repo(dlname, arch='noarch', alternates='' + dlname) Execute('rpm -qa | grep -qw jenkins || yum -y install ' + dlname) self.configure(env) # wget all requested plugins for plugin in params.plugins.split(','): plugin = plugin.strip() if not len(plugin): continue extsources = [ "" + plugin + h for h in [".hpi", ".jpi"] ] mirrorsources = [] for mirror in kc.mirrors(): mirrorsources = mirrorsources + \ [kc.repo_url('jenkins_plugins/' + plugin + h, arch='noarch', repo=mirror) for h in [".hpi", ".jpi"]] intsources = [ kc.repo_url('jenkins_plugins/' + plugin + h, arch='noarch') for h in [".hpi", ".jpi"] ] source = kc.failover_source(mirrorsources + intsources + extsources) dest = params.JENKINS_HOME + "/plugins/" + source.split('/')[-1] Execute(kc.copymethods(source, dest)) Execute('mkdir -p /var/lib/jenkins/.ssl') cpath = "/var/lib/jenkins/.ssl" print str(cpath) # #Change to your company details country = "NA" state = "NA" locality = "NA" organization = "NA" organizationalun = "NA" if len(params.hostname) <= 64: commonname = params.hostname else: commonname = params.hostname.split(".", 1)[0] email = "*****@*****.**" # Optional password = "******" print "Generating key request" # #Generate a key Execute( str.format( 'openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096' + ' -passout pass:{} -keyout /var/lib/jenkins/.ssl/key.pem -out' + ' /var/lib/jenkins/.ssl/cert.pem' + ' -days 365 -subj "/C={}/ST={}/L={}/O={}/OU={}/CN={}/emailAddress={} ' + '"', password, country, state, locality, organization, organizationalun, commonname, email)) # #Import the key to pckc12 Execute( str.format( 'openssl pkcs12 -inkey /var/lib/jenkins/.ssl/key.pem' + ' -in /var/lib/jenkins/.ssl/cert.pem -export -out /var/lib/jenkins/.ssl/cert.p12' + ' -passin pass:{} -passout pass:{}', password, password)) # #Import keystore Execute( str.format( 'keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore /var/lib/jenkins/.ssl/cert.p12' + ' -destkeystore /var/lib/jenkins/.ssl/jenkins.jks -srcstoretype pkcs12' + ' -deststoretype JKS -srcstorepass {} -deststorepass {}', password, password)) File(params.JENKINS_HOME + '/config.xml', content=Template("config.xml.j2"), mode=0644) kc.chown_r(params.JENKINS_HOME + '/config.xml', params.JENKINS_USER) Execute('chkconfig jenkins on') self.start(env) # using curl to create username password for jenkinsl curl_command = ('curl -k -d "username='******'&password1=' + params.JENKINS_ADMIN_PASSWORD + '&email=' + params.JENKINS_ADMIN_EMAIL + '&password2=' + params.JENKINS_ADMIN_PASSWORD + '&fullname=' + params.JENKINS_ADMIN + '&Submit=Sign%20up" "https://' + params.hostname + ':' + str(params.JENKINS_HTTPS_PORT) + '/securityRealm/createAccount"') try: Execute(curl_command) except Fail as ex: print "the curl command met with failure the first time,,,trying in another 60 secs" print ex import time time.sleep(60) Execute(curl_command)
def install(self, env): import params env.set_params(params) self.install_packages(env) dlname = 'jenkins-' + str(params.download_version) + '-1.1.noarch.rpm' kc.copy_cache_or_repo(dlname, arch='noarch', alternates='' + dlname) Execute('rpm -qa | grep -qw jenkins || yum -y install ' + dlname) self.configure(env) # wget all requested plugins for plugin in params.plugins.split(','): plugin = plugin.strip() if not len(plugin): continue extsources = ["" + plugin + h for h in [".hpi", ".jpi"]] mirrorsources = [] for mirror in kc.mirrors(): mirrorsources = mirrorsources + \ [kc.repo_url('jenkins_plugins/' + plugin + h, arch='noarch', repo=mirror) for h in [".hpi", ".jpi"]] intsources = [kc.repo_url('jenkins_plugins/' + plugin + h, arch='noarch') for h in [".hpi", ".jpi"]] source = kc.failover_source(mirrorsources + intsources + extsources) dest = params.JENKINS_HOME + "/plugins/" + source.split('/')[-1] Execute(kc.copymethods(source, dest)) Execute('mkdir -p /var/lib/jenkins/.ssl') cpath = "/var/lib/jenkins/.ssl" print str(cpath) # #Change to your company details country = "NA" state = "NA" locality = "NA" organization = "NA" organizationalun = "NA" if len(params.hostname) <= 64: commonname = params.hostname else: commonname = params.hostname.split(".", 1)[0] email = "*****@*****.**" # Optional password = "******" print "Generating key request" # #Generate a key Execute(str.format('openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096' + ' -passout pass:{} -keyout /var/lib/jenkins/.ssl/key.pem -out' + ' /var/lib/jenkins/.ssl/cert.pem' + ' -days 365 -subj "/C={}/ST={}/L={}/O={}/OU={}/CN={}/emailAddress={} ' + '"', password, country, state, locality, organization, organizationalun, commonname, email)) # #Import the key to pckc12 Execute(str.format('openssl pkcs12 -inkey /var/lib/jenkins/.ssl/key.pem' + ' -in /var/lib/jenkins/.ssl/cert.pem -export -out /var/lib/jenkins/.ssl/cert.p12' + ' -passin pass:{} -passout pass:{}', password, password)) # #Import keystore Execute(str.format('keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore /var/lib/jenkins/.ssl/cert.p12' + ' -destkeystore /var/lib/jenkins/.ssl/jenkins.jks -srcstoretype pkcs12' + ' -deststoretype JKS -srcstorepass {} -deststorepass {}', password, password)) File(params.JENKINS_HOME + '/config.xml', content=Template("config.xml.j2"), mode=0644 ) kc.chown_r(params.JENKINS_HOME + '/config.xml', params.JENKINS_USER) Execute('chkconfig jenkins on') self.start(env) # using curl to create username password for jenkinsl curl_command = ('curl -k -d "username='******'&password1=' + params.JENKINS_ADMIN_PASSWORD + '&email=' + params.JENKINS_ADMIN_EMAIL + '&password2=' + params.JENKINS_ADMIN_PASSWORD + '&fullname=' + params.JENKINS_ADMIN + '&Submit=Sign%20up" "https://' + params.hostname + ':' + str(params.JENKINS_HTTPS_PORT) + '/securityRealm/createAccount"') try: Execute(curl_command) except Fail as ex: print "the curl command met with failure the first time,,,trying in another 60 secs" print ex import time time.sleep(60) Execute(curl_command)