Ejemplo n.º 1
    def gen_const(self):
        nb_passes = 5
        seed_string = "Tiger - A Fast New Hash Function, by Ross Anderson and Eli Biham"
        words = as_words(seed_string, 512, 64, bigendian=False)
        self.ihvs = list(self.IVs)
        print self.ihvs[0]
        self.ihvs = self.rounds(words)
        print self.ihvs[0]
        import sys
#        print [str(i) for i in words]
        print [str(i) for i in words]
Ejemplo n.º 2
assert getbinstr(0) == "0"
assert getbinstr(8) == "1000"

assert countmissing(0, 8) == 0
assert countmissing(3, 8) == 5
assert countmissing(8, 8) == 0

assert insert_string("abcd", 2, "1") == "ab1cd"

assert zip([1, 2], [0]) == [(1, 0)]
assert zip_extend([1, 2], [0], 0) == [(1, 0), (2, 0)]
assert zip_extend([0], [1, 2], 0) == [(1, 0), (2, 0)]

assert rorstr("abc") == "cab"
assert [rorstr("abc", i) for i in range(4)] == ['abc', 'cab', 'bca', 'abc']

assert setstr("abcde","d") == "deabc"

assert list(slice_and_pad("0001" + "0000" + "0", 4))    == ['0001', '0000', '01__']
assert list(slice_and_pad("0001" + "0000" + "00", 4))   == ['0001', '0000', '001_']
assert list(slice_and_pad("0001" + "0000" + "000", 4))  == ['0001', '0000', '0001', 'extr']
assert list(slice_and_pad("0001" + "0000" + "0000", 4)) == ['0001', '0000', '0000', '1___']

assert hex2bin("0123456789ABCDEF") == "\x01\x23\x45\x67\x89\xAB\xCD\xEF"

assert "0123456789ABCDEF" == bin2hex("\x01\x23\x45\x67\x89\xAB\xCD\xEF")

assert list(struct.unpack(">16L", ASCII[:64])) == as_words(ASCII[:64], 512, 32, True)

Ejemplo n.º 3
    def gen_const(self):
        nb_passes = 5
        seed_string = "Tiger - A Fast New Hash Function, by Ross Anderson and Eli Biham"
        words = as_words(seed_string, 512, 64, bigendian=False)
        self.ihvs = list(self.IVs)
        print self.ihvs[0]
        self.ihvs = self.rounds(words)
        print self.ihvs[0]
        import sys
        #        print [str(i) for i in words]
        print[str(i) for i in words]
        table = [list([Dword(0) for i in range(1024)]) for j in range(2)]
        #input: 1024 of 8 of char
        #output : 2 of 1024 of dword
        for i in xrange(1024):
            for j in xrange(8):
                current_iteration = i * 8 + j
                j_ = current_iteration % 1024
                i_ = current_iteration / (1024 * 2)
                if (int(table[i_][j_] >> j) & 0xFF)  != 0:
                    print "error",  i, j, "-", current_iteration, "-", i_, j_, (int(table[i_][j_] >> j) & 0xFF)
                table[i_][j_] |= ((i & 0xFF) << j)
        print table[1][0]
        abc = 2
        self.ihvs = self.IVs
        for cnt in range(nb_passes):
            for i in range(256):
                for sb in xrange(0, 1024, 256):
                    abc += 1
                    if abc == 3:
                        abc = 0
                        self.ihvs = self.rounds(words)
                    for col in xrange(8):
                        current_iteration = (sb + i) * 8 + col
                        i_ = current_iteration / (1024 * 4)
                        j_ = current_iteration % 1024
                        sb2 = sb + self.ihvs[abc][col]
                        current_iteration = sb2 * 8 + col
                        i2_ = current_iteration / (1024 * 4)
                        j2_ = current_iteration % 1024
                        temp = (table[i_][j_] >> j) & 0xFF
                        table[i_][j_], table[i2_][j2_] = table[i2_][j2_], table[i_][j_]
        table_ch = [list([Byte(0) for i in range(8)]) for j in range(1024)]
        for i in xrange(1024):
            for col in xrange(8):
                table_ch[i][col] = Byte(i & 0xff)
        abc = 2
        self.ihvs = list(self.IVs)
        for cnt in range(nb_passes):
            for i in range(256):
                for sb in xrange(0, 1024, 256):
                    abc += 1
                    if abc == 3:
                        abc = 0
                        print self.ihvs[0]
                        self.ihvs = self.rounds(words)
                        print self.ihvs[0]

                    for col in xrange(8):
                        i1 = sb + i
                        i2 = sb + self.ihvs[abc][col]
                        table_ch[i1][col], table_ch[i2][col] = table_ch[i2][
                            col], table_ch[i1][col]
        for i in xrange(2):
            for col in xrange(8):
                print table_ch[i][col],

        import pprint
Ejemplo n.º 4
assert countmissing(0, 8) == 0
assert countmissing(3, 8) == 5
assert countmissing(8, 8) == 0

assert insert_string("abcd", 2, "1") == "ab1cd"

assert zip([1, 2], [0]) == [(1, 0)]
assert zip_extend([1, 2], [0], 0) == [(1, 0), (2, 0)]
assert zip_extend([0], [1, 2], 0) == [(1, 0), (2, 0)]

assert rorstr("abc") == "cab"
assert [rorstr("abc", i) for i in range(4)] == ['abc', 'cab', 'bca', 'abc']

assert setstr("abcde", "d") == "deabc"

assert list(slice_and_pad("0001" + "0000" + "0",
                          4)) == ['0001', '0000', '01__']
assert list(slice_and_pad("0001" + "0000" + "00",
                          4)) == ['0001', '0000', '001_']
assert list(slice_and_pad("0001" + "0000" + "000",
                          4)) == ['0001', '0000', '0001', 'extr']
assert list(slice_and_pad("0001" + "0000" + "0000",
                          4)) == ['0001', '0000', '0000', '1___']

assert hex2bin("0123456789ABCDEF") == "\x01\x23\x45\x67\x89\xAB\xCD\xEF"

assert "0123456789ABCDEF" == bin2hex("\x01\x23\x45\x67\x89\xAB\xCD\xEF")

assert list(struct.unpack(">16L",
                          ASCII[:64])) == as_words(ASCII[:64], 512, 32, True)