Ejemplo n.º 1
def _find_subpixel_maxima(x,

    kernel = gaussian_kernel_2d(kernel_size, sigma)
    kernel = tf.expand_dims(kernel, 0)

    x_shape = tf.shape(x)
    rows = x_shape[1]
    cols = x_shape[2]

    max_vals = tf.reduce_max(tf.reshape(x, [-1, rows * cols]), axis=1)
    max_vals = tf.reshape(max_vals, [-1, 1]) / confidence_scale

    row_pad = rows // 2 - kernel_size // 2
    col_pad = cols // 2 - kernel_size // 2
    padding = [[0, 0], [row_pad, row_pad - 1], [col_pad, col_pad - 1]]
    kernel = tf.pad(kernel, padding)

    row_center = row_pad + (kernel_size // 2)
    col_center = col_pad + (kernel_size // 2)
    center = tf.stack([row_center, col_center])
    center = tf.expand_dims(center, 0)
    center = tf.cast(center, dtype=tf.float32)

    shifts = _upsampled_registration(x, kernel, upsample_factor)
    shifts = center - shifts
    shifts *= coordinate_scale
    maxima = tf.concat([shifts[:, ::-1], max_vals], -1)

    return maxima
Ejemplo n.º 2
def sparse_bool_mask(x, mask, axis=0):
    # Only necessary if indices may have non-unique elements
    indices = tf.boolean_mask(tf.range(tf.shape(x)[axis]), mask)
    n_indices = tf.size(indices)
    # Get indices for the axis
    idx = x.indices[:, axis]
    # Find where indices match the selection
    eq = tf.equal(tf.expand_dims(idx, 1),
                  tf.cast(indices, tf.int64))  # TODO this has quadratic cost
    # Mask for selected values
    sel = tf.reduce_any(eq, axis=1)
    # Selected values
    values_new = tf.boolean_mask(x.values, sel, axis=0)
    # New index value for selected elements
    n_indices = tf.cast(n_indices, tf.int64)
    idx_new = tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(eq, tf.int64) * tf.range(n_indices),
    idx_new = tf.boolean_mask(idx_new, sel, axis=0)
    # New full indices tensor
    indices_new = tf.boolean_mask(x.indices, sel, axis=0)
    indices_new = tf.concat([
        indices_new[:, :axis],
        tf.expand_dims(idx_new, 1), indices_new[:, axis + 1:]
    # New shape
    shape_new = tf.concat(
        [x.dense_shape[:axis], [n_indices], x.dense_shape[axis + 1:]], axis=0)
    return tf.SparseTensor(indices_new, values_new, shape_new)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def call(self, inputs):
        expanded_tensor = ktf.expand_dims(inputs[0], -1)
        multiples = [1, self.number_of_transforms, 1, 1, 1]
        tiled_tensor = ktf.tile(expanded_tensor, multiples=multiples)
        repeated_tensor = ktf.reshape(tiled_tensor, ktf.shape(inputs[0]) * np.array([self.number_of_transforms, 1, 1, 1]))

        affine_transforms = inputs[1] / self.affine_mul

        affine_transforms = ktf.reshape(affine_transforms, (-1, 8))
        tranformed = tf_affine_transform(repeated_tensor, affine_transforms)
        res = ktf.reshape(tranformed, [-1, self.number_of_transforms] + self.image_size)
        res = ktf.transpose(res, [0, 2, 3, 1, 4])

        #Use masks
        if len(inputs) == 3:
            mask = ktf.transpose(inputs[2], [0, 2, 3, 1])
            mask = ktf.image.resize_images(mask, self.image_size[:2], method=ktf.image.ResizeMethod.NEAREST_NEIGHBOR)
            res = res * ktf.expand_dims(mask, axis=-1)

        if self.aggregation_fn == 'none':
            res = ktf.reshape(res, [-1] + self.image_size[:2] + [self.image_size[2] * self.number_of_transforms])
        elif self.aggregation_fn == 'max':
            res = ktf.reduce_max(res, reduction_indices=[-2])
        elif self.aggregation_fn == 'avg':
            counts = ktf.reduce_sum(mask, reduction_indices=[-1])
            counts = ktf.expand_dims(counts, axis=-1)
            res = ktf.reduce_sum(res, reduction_indices=[-2])
            res /= counts
            res = ktf.where(ktf.is_nan(res), ktf.zeros_like(res), res)
        return res
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _col_kernel(upsampled_region_size, upsample_factor, axis_offsets,

    data_shape_float = tf.cast(data_shape, tf.float32)
    col_constant = tf.cast(data_shape_float[2] * upsample_factor, tf.complex64)
    col_constant = (-1j * 2 * np.pi / col_constant)

    col_kernel_a = tf.range(0, data_shape_float[2], dtype=tf.float32)
    col_kernel_a = fftshift1d(col_kernel_a)
    col_kernel_a = tf.reshape(col_kernel_a, (-1, 1))
    col_kernel_a -= tf.floor(data_shape_float[2] / 2.)
    col_kernel_a = tf.reshape(col_kernel_a, (1, -1))
    col_kernel_a = tf.tile(col_kernel_a, (data_shape[0], 1))

    col_kernel_b = tf.range(0, upsampled_region_size, dtype=tf.float32)
    col_kernel_b = tf.reshape(col_kernel_b, (1, -1))
    col_kernel_b = tf.tile(col_kernel_b, (data_shape[0], 1))
    col_kernel_b = tf.transpose(col_kernel_b)
    col_kernel_b -= tf.transpose(axis_offsets[:, 1])
    col_kernel_b = tf.transpose(col_kernel_b)

    col_kernel_a = tf.expand_dims(col_kernel_a, 1)
    col_kernel_b = tf.expand_dims(col_kernel_b, -1)

    col_kernel = col_kernel_a * col_kernel_b
    col_kernel = tf.transpose(col_kernel, perm=(0, 2, 1))
    col_kernel = col_constant * tf.cast(col_kernel, tf.complex64)
    col_kernel = tf.exp(col_kernel)
    return col_kernel
Ejemplo n.º 5
def _row_kernel(upsampled_region_size, upsample_factor, axis_offsets,

    data_shape_float = tf.cast(data_shape, tf.float32)
    row_constant = tf.cast(data_shape_float[1] * upsample_factor, tf.complex64)
    row_constant = (-1j * 2 * np.pi / row_constant)

    row_kernel_a = tf.range(0, upsampled_region_size, dtype=tf.float32)
    row_kernel_a = tf.reshape(row_kernel_a, (1, -1))
    row_kernel_a = tf.tile(row_kernel_a, (data_shape[0], 1))
    row_kernel_a = tf.transpose(row_kernel_a)
    row_kernel_a = row_kernel_a - axis_offsets[:, 0]

    row_kernel_b = tf.range(0, data_shape_float[1], dtype=tf.float32)
    row_kernel_b = fftshift1d(row_kernel_b)
    row_kernel_b = tf.reshape(row_kernel_b, (1, -1))
    row_kernel_b = tf.tile(row_kernel_b, (data_shape[0], 1))
    row_kernel_b = row_kernel_b - tf.floor(data_shape_float[1] / 2.)

    row_kernel_a = tf.expand_dims(row_kernel_a, 1)
    row_kernel_b = tf.expand_dims(row_kernel_b, -1)

    row_kernel = tf.transpose(row_kernel_a) * row_kernel_b
    row_kernel = tf.transpose(row_kernel, perm=(0, 2, 1))
    row_kernel = row_constant * tf.cast(row_kernel, tf.complex64)

    row_kernel = tf.exp(row_kernel)

    return row_kernel
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def nn_loss(self, reference, target, neighborhood_size=(3, 3)):
        v_pad = neighborhood_size[0] // 2
        h_pad = neighborhood_size[1] // 2
        val_pad = ktf.pad(reference,
                          [[0, 0], [v_pad, v_pad], [h_pad, h_pad], [0, 0]],

        reference_tensors = []
        for i_begin in range(0, neighborhood_size[0]):
            i_end = i_begin - neighborhood_size[0] + 1
            i_end = None if i_end == 0 else i_end
            for j_begin in range(0, neighborhood_size[1]):
                j_end = j_begin - neighborhood_size[0] + 1
                j_end = None if j_end == 0 else j_end
                sub_tensor = val_pad[:, i_begin:i_end, j_begin:j_end, :]
                reference_tensors.append(ktf.expand_dims(sub_tensor, -1))
        reference = ktf.concat(reference_tensors, axis=-1)
        target = ktf.expand_dims(target, axis=-1)

        abs = ktf.abs(reference - target)
        norms = ktf.reduce_sum(abs, reduction_indices=[-2])
        loss = ktf.reduce_min(norms, reduction_indices=[-1])

        return loss
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def call(self, inputs):

        mask = ktf.transpose(inputs[2], [0, 2, 3, 1])
        # mask = ktf.image.resize_images(mask, self.image_size[:2], method=ktf.image.ResizeMethod.NEAREST_NEIGHBOR)
        if self.number_of_transforms == 11:
            # return inputs[0] * K.tile(ktf.expand_dims(1-mask[:,:,:,0], axis=3),(1,1,1,inputs[0].shape[-1]))
            return inputs[0] * ktf.expand_dims(1 - mask[:, :, :, 0], axis=3)
            return inputs[0] * ktf.expand_dims(
                K.clip(1 - K.sum(mask, 3), 0, 1), axis=3)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def tf_repeat_1d(x, repeats):
    Repeats each value `x[i]` a number of times `repeats[i]`.
    :param x: a rank 1 tensor;
    :param repeats: a rank 1 tensor;
    :return: a rank 1 tensor, of shape `(sum(repeats), )`.
    x = tf.expand_dims(x, 1)
    max_repeats = tf.reduce_max(repeats)
    tile_repeats = [1, max_repeats]
    arr_tiled = tf.tile(x, tile_repeats)
    mask = tf.less(tf.range(max_repeats), tf.expand_dims(repeats, 1))
    result = tf.reshape(tf.boolean_mask(arr_tiled, mask), [-1])
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 9
def gaussian_kernel_1d(size, sigma):
    size = tf.constant(size, dtype=tf.float32)
    sigma = tf.constant(sigma, dtype=tf.float32)
    x = tf.range(-(size // 2), (size // 2) + 1, dtype=tf.float32)
    kernel = 1 / (sigma * tf.sqrt(2 * np.pi))
    kernel *= tf.exp(-0.5 * (x / sigma)**2)
    return tf.expand_dims(kernel, axis=-1)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def call(self, inputs):
     image = inputs[0]
     if len(inputs) == 2:
         style = inputs[1]
         style_mean, style_var = ktf.nn.moments(style,
         style_mean = ktf.expand_dims(
             ktf.expand_dims(inputs[1], self.spatial_axis[0]),
         style_var = ktf.expand_dims(
             ktf.expand_dims(inputs[2], self.spatial_axis[0]),
     image_mean, image_var = ktf.nn.moments(image,
     out = ktf.nn.batch_normalization(image, image_mean,
                                      image_var, style_mean,
                                      ktf.sqrt(style_var), self.eps)
     return out
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def call(self, inputs):
        if len(inputs) == 3:
            X, A, I = inputs
            self.data_mode = 'graph'
            X, A = inputs
            I = tf.zeros(tf.shape(X)[:1], dtype=tf.int32)
            self.data_mode = 'single'
        if K.ndim(I) == 2:
            I = I[:, 0]

        A_is_sparse = K.is_sparse(A)

        # Get mask
        y = K.dot(X, K.l2_normalize(self.kernel))
        N = K.shape(X)[-2]
        indices = ops.top_k(y[:, 0], I, self.ratio, self.top_k_var)
        mask = tf.scatter_nd(tf.expand_dims(indices, 1), tf.ones_like(indices),
                             (N, ))

        # Multiply X and y to make layer differentiable
        features = X * self.gating_op(y)

        axis = 0 if len(K.int_shape(
            A)) == 2 else 1  # Cannot use negative axis in tf.boolean_mask
        # Reduce X
        X_pooled = tf.boolean_mask(features, mask, axis=axis)

        # Compute A^2
        if A_is_sparse:
            A_dense = tf.sparse.to_dense(A)
            A_dense = A
        A_squared = K.dot(A, A_dense)

        # Reduce A
        A_pooled = tf.boolean_mask(A_squared, mask, axis=axis)
        A_pooled = tf.boolean_mask(A_pooled, mask, axis=axis + 1)
        if A_is_sparse:
            A_pooled = tf.contrib.layers.dense_to_sparse(A_pooled)

        output = [X_pooled, A_pooled]

        # Reduce I
        if self.data_mode == 'graph':
            I_pooled = tf.boolean_mask(I[:, None], mask)[:, 0]

        if self.return_mask:

        return output
def batch_map_coordinates(input, coords, order=1):
    """Batch version of tf_map_coordinates"""

    input_shape = tf.shape(input)
    batch_size = input_shape[0]
    input_size = input_shape[1]

    #coords = tf.reshape(coords, (batch_size, -1, 2))

    n_coords = tf.shape(coords)[1]

    coords = tf.clip_by_value(coords, 0, tf.cast(input_size, 'float32') - 1)

    coords_tl = tf.cast(tf.floor(coords), 'int32')
    coords_br = tf.cast(tf.ceil(coords), 'int32')
    coords_bl = tf.stack([coords_tl[..., 0], coords_br[..., 1]], axis=-1)
    coords_tr = tf.stack([coords_br[..., 0], coords_tl[..., 1]], axis=-1)

    idx = tf.range(batch_size)
    idx = tf.expand_dims(idx, -1)
    idx = tf.tile(idx, [1, n_coords])
    idx = tf.reshape(idx, [-1])

    def _get_vals_by_coords(input, coords):
        coords_0_flat = tf.reshape(coords[..., 0], [-1])
        coords_1_flat = tf.reshape(coords[..., 1], [-1])
        indices = tf.stack([idx, coords_0_flat, coords_1_flat], axis=-1)
        vals = tf.gather_nd(input, indices)
        vals = tf.reshape(vals, (batch_size, n_coords))
        return vals

    vals_tl = _get_vals_by_coords(input, coords_tl)
    vals_br = _get_vals_by_coords(input, coords_br)
    vals_bl = _get_vals_by_coords(input, coords_bl)
    vals_tr = _get_vals_by_coords(input, coords_tr)

    h_offset = coords[..., 0] - tf.cast(coords_tl[..., 0], tf.float32)

    h_int_t = (((1.0 - h_offset) * vals_tl) + (h_offset * vals_tr))
    h_int_b = (((1.0 - h_offset) * vals_bl) + (h_offset * vals_br))

    v_offset = coords[..., 1] - tf.cast(coords_tl[..., 1], tf.float32)

    int_vals = (((1.0 - v_offset) * h_int_t) + (v_offset * h_int_b))

    return int_vals
def batch_map_offsets(input, offsets, order=1):
    """Batch map offsets into input
    Adds index of every entry to the entry to make it's interpolation
    relevant to it's location

    input_shape = tf.shape(input)
    batch_size = input_shape[0]
    input_w = input_shape[1]
    input_h = input_shape[2]
    offsets = tf.reshape(offsets, (batch_size, -1, 2))

    ind_add = tf.meshgrid(tf.range(input_w), tf.range(input_h), indexing='ij')
    ind_add = tf.stack(ind_add, axis=-1)
    ind_add = tf.cast(ind_add, 'float32')
    ind_add = tf.reshape(ind_add, (-1, 2))
    ind_add = tf.expand_dims(ind_add, 0)
    ind_add = tf.tile(ind_add, [batch_size, 1, 1])

    coords = offsets + ind_add

    int_vals = batch_map_coordinates(input, coords)
    return int_vals
Ejemplo n.º 14
def batch_map_coordinates(input, coords, n_coords):
    """Batch version of tf_map_coordinates"""
    #init_input_shape = input.get_shape()
    #input = tf.reshape(input, (-1, init_input_shape[3]))
    #coords = tf.reshape(coords, (-1, n_coords * 2))
    input_shape = input.get_shape()
    input_h = input_shape[1].value
    input_w = input_shape[2].value
    #batch_size = input_shape[0]
    #input_size = input_shape[1]

    #coords = tf.reshape(coords, (batch_size, -1, 2))

    #n_coords = tf.shape(coords)[1]

    coords_h = tf.clip_by_value(coords[..., :n_coords], 0,
                                tf.cast(input_h, 'float32') - 1)
    coords_w = tf.clip_by_value(coords[..., n_coords:], 0,
                                tf.cast(input_w, 'float32') - 1)
    coords = tf.stack([coords_h, coords_w], axis=-1)

    coords_tl = tf.cast(tf.floor(coords), 'float32')
    coords_br = tf.cast(tf.ceil(coords), 'float32')
    coords_bl = tf.stack([coords_tl[..., 0], coords_br[..., 1]], axis=-1)
    coords_tr = tf.stack([coords_br[..., 0], coords_tl[..., 1]], axis=-1)

    #idx = tf.range(batch_size)
    #idx = tf.expand_dims(idx, -1)
    #idx = tf.tile(idx, [1, n_coords])
    #idx = tf.reshape(idx, [-1])

    def _get_vals_by_coords(input, coords, n_coords):
        coords_shape = tf.shape(coords)
        input_shape = input.get_shape()
        input_w = input_shape[2].value
        input_h = input_shape[1].value
        channel_size = input_shape[3].value
        batch_size = tf.shape(input)[0]
        input = tf.transpose(input, (0, 3, 1, 2))
        input = tf.reshape(input, (-1, channel_size, input_h * input_w))

        indices = coords[..., 0] * input_w + coords[..., 1]
        #indices = tf.expand_dims(indices, axis=1)
        #indices = tf.tile(indices, [1, channel_size, 1, 1, 1])
        #indices = tf.reshape(indices, (-1, channel_size, input_h * input_w * n_coords))
        #indices = tf.transpose(indices, (0, 3, 1, 2))
        indices = tf.reshape(indices, (-1, input_h * input_w * n_coords))
        indices = tf.cast(indices, 'int32')
        #indices = tf.reshape(indices, [-1])
        #input = tf.reshape(input, [-1])
        vals = tf.gather(input, indices[0], axis=-1)
        #vals = tf.map_fn(lambda x: tf.gather(x[0], x[1], axis=-1), (input,indices), dtype=tf.float32)
        vals = tf.reshape(vals, (-1, channel_size, input_h, input_w, n_coords))
        return vals

    vals_tl = (1 + (coords_tl[..., 0] - coords[..., 0])) * \
       (1 + (coords_tl[..., 1] - coords[..., 1]))
    vals_br = (1 - (coords_br[..., 0] - coords[..., 0])) * \
       (1 - (coords_br[..., 1] - coords[..., 1]))
    vals_bl = (1 + (coords_bl[..., 0] - coords[..., 0])) * \
       (1 + (coords_bl[..., 1] - coords[..., 1]))
    vals_tr = (1 - (coords_tr[..., 0] - coords[..., 0])) * \
       (1 - (coords_tr[..., 1] - coords[..., 1]))

    x_vals_tl = _get_vals_by_coords(input, coords_tl, n_coords)
    x_vals_br = _get_vals_by_coords(input, coords_br, n_coords)
    x_vals_bl = _get_vals_by_coords(input, coords_bl, n_coords)
    x_vals_tr = _get_vals_by_coords(input, coords_tr, n_coords)

    #h_offset = coords[..., 0] - tf.cast(coords_tl[..., 0], tf.float32)

    #h_int_t = (((1.0 - h_offset) * vals_tl) + (h_offset * vals_tr))
    #h_int_b = (((1.0 - h_offset) * vals_bl) + (h_offset * vals_br))

    #v_offset = coords[..., 1] - tf.cast(coords_tl[..., 1], tf.float32)

    #int_vals = (((1.0 - v_offset) * h_int_t) + (v_offset * h_int_b))
    int_vals = tf.expand_dims(vals_tl, 1) * x_vals_tl + \
        tf.expand_dims(vals_br, 1) * x_vals_br + \
        tf.expand_dims(vals_bl, 1) * x_vals_bl + \
        tf.expand_dims(vals_tr, 1) * x_vals_tr
    return int_vals
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def build(self, input_shape):
     self.xx, self.yy = ktf.meshgrid(ktf.range(self.image_size[1]),
     self.xx = ktf.expand_dims(ktf.cast(self.xx, 'float32'), 2)
     self.yy = ktf.expand_dims(ktf.cast(self.yy, 'float32'), 2)