Ejemplo n.º 1
def _row_kernel(upsampled_region_size, upsample_factor, axis_offsets,

    data_shape_float = tf.cast(data_shape, tf.float32)
    row_constant = tf.cast(data_shape_float[1] * upsample_factor, tf.complex64)
    row_constant = (-1j * 2 * np.pi / row_constant)

    row_kernel_a = tf.range(0, upsampled_region_size, dtype=tf.float32)
    row_kernel_a = tf.reshape(row_kernel_a, (1, -1))
    row_kernel_a = tf.tile(row_kernel_a, (data_shape[0], 1))
    row_kernel_a = tf.transpose(row_kernel_a)
    row_kernel_a = row_kernel_a - axis_offsets[:, 0]

    row_kernel_b = tf.range(0, data_shape_float[1], dtype=tf.float32)
    row_kernel_b = fftshift1d(row_kernel_b)
    row_kernel_b = tf.reshape(row_kernel_b, (1, -1))
    row_kernel_b = tf.tile(row_kernel_b, (data_shape[0], 1))
    row_kernel_b = row_kernel_b - tf.floor(data_shape_float[1] / 2.)

    row_kernel_a = tf.expand_dims(row_kernel_a, 1)
    row_kernel_b = tf.expand_dims(row_kernel_b, -1)

    row_kernel = tf.transpose(row_kernel_a) * row_kernel_b
    row_kernel = tf.transpose(row_kernel, perm=(0, 2, 1))
    row_kernel = row_constant * tf.cast(row_kernel, tf.complex64)

    row_kernel = tf.exp(row_kernel)

    return row_kernel
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def call(self, inputs):
        kernel_shape = K.int_shape(self.kernel)

        if self.renormalize:
            w = K.reshape(self.kernel, (-1, kernel_shape[-1]))

            sigma, u_bar = max_singular_val(
            w = ktf.transpose(self.kernel, (0, 3, 1, 2))
            w = K.reshape(w, [-1, kernel_shape[1] * kernel_shape[2]])
            w = K.expand_dims(w, axis=-1)
            sigma, u_bar = max_singular_val(
                transpose=lambda x: ktf.transpose(x, [0, 2, 1]),

            sigma = K.reshape(sigma, [kernel_shape[0], 1, 1, kernel_shape[-1]])

        self.add_update(K.update(self.u, u_bar))

        kernel = self.kernel
        self.kernel = self.kernel / sigma
        outputs = super(SNConditionalDepthwiseConv2D, self).call(inputs)
        self.kernel = kernel

        return outputs
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _col_kernel(upsampled_region_size, upsample_factor, axis_offsets,

    data_shape_float = tf.cast(data_shape, tf.float32)
    col_constant = tf.cast(data_shape_float[2] * upsample_factor, tf.complex64)
    col_constant = (-1j * 2 * np.pi / col_constant)

    col_kernel_a = tf.range(0, data_shape_float[2], dtype=tf.float32)
    col_kernel_a = fftshift1d(col_kernel_a)
    col_kernel_a = tf.reshape(col_kernel_a, (-1, 1))
    col_kernel_a -= tf.floor(data_shape_float[2] / 2.)
    col_kernel_a = tf.reshape(col_kernel_a, (1, -1))
    col_kernel_a = tf.tile(col_kernel_a, (data_shape[0], 1))

    col_kernel_b = tf.range(0, upsampled_region_size, dtype=tf.float32)
    col_kernel_b = tf.reshape(col_kernel_b, (1, -1))
    col_kernel_b = tf.tile(col_kernel_b, (data_shape[0], 1))
    col_kernel_b = tf.transpose(col_kernel_b)
    col_kernel_b -= tf.transpose(axis_offsets[:, 1])
    col_kernel_b = tf.transpose(col_kernel_b)

    col_kernel_a = tf.expand_dims(col_kernel_a, 1)
    col_kernel_b = tf.expand_dims(col_kernel_b, -1)

    col_kernel = col_kernel_a * col_kernel_b
    col_kernel = tf.transpose(col_kernel, perm=(0, 2, 1))
    col_kernel = col_constant * tf.cast(col_kernel, tf.complex64)
    col_kernel = tf.exp(col_kernel)
    return col_kernel
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def call(self, inputs):
        expanded_tensor = ktf.expand_dims(inputs[0], -1)
        multiples = [1, self.number_of_transforms, 1, 1, 1]
        tiled_tensor = ktf.tile(expanded_tensor, multiples=multiples)
        repeated_tensor = ktf.reshape(tiled_tensor, ktf.shape(inputs[0]) * np.array([self.number_of_transforms, 1, 1, 1]))

        affine_transforms = inputs[1] / self.affine_mul

        affine_transforms = ktf.reshape(affine_transforms, (-1, 8))
        tranformed = tf_affine_transform(repeated_tensor, affine_transforms)
        res = ktf.reshape(tranformed, [-1, self.number_of_transforms] + self.image_size)
        res = ktf.transpose(res, [0, 2, 3, 1, 4])

        #Use masks
        if len(inputs) == 3:
            mask = ktf.transpose(inputs[2], [0, 2, 3, 1])
            mask = ktf.image.resize_images(mask, self.image_size[:2], method=ktf.image.ResizeMethod.NEAREST_NEIGHBOR)
            res = res * ktf.expand_dims(mask, axis=-1)

        if self.aggregation_fn == 'none':
            res = ktf.reshape(res, [-1] + self.image_size[:2] + [self.image_size[2] * self.number_of_transforms])
        elif self.aggregation_fn == 'max':
            res = ktf.reduce_max(res, reduction_indices=[-2])
        elif self.aggregation_fn == 'avg':
            counts = ktf.reduce_sum(mask, reduction_indices=[-1])
            counts = ktf.expand_dims(counts, axis=-1)
            res = ktf.reduce_sum(res, reduction_indices=[-2])
            res /= counts
            res = ktf.where(ktf.is_nan(res), ktf.zeros_like(res), res)
        return res
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_image_emotion(image, net):
    net = load_model(net, compile=True)
    image = ktf.transpose(image, [0, 2, 3, 1])
    image = ktf.image.resize_images(image, (299, 299), )
    image = ktf.transpose(image, [0, 3, 1, 2])

    score = net(image)
    return score[:, 1]
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_image_memorability(image, net='models/mem_internal.h5'):
    memnet = load_model(net, custom_objects={'LRN': LRN}, compile=True)

    image *= 255
    image = ktf.transpose(image, [0, 2, 3, 1])
    image = ktf.image.resize_images(image, (227, 227), )
    image = ktf.transpose(image, [0, 3, 1, 2])
    image = preprocess_symbolic_input(image, data_format='channels_first', mode='caffe')

    score = memnet(image)
    return score
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def call(self, input_tensor):
        target: batch x  ih x iw (queryL=ihxiw) x idf
        source: batch x sourceL(seq_len) x idf
        mask: batch x sourceL 
            -inf or 0 が入っている
        target, source, mask = input_tensor
        idf = self.output_dim
        ih = self.ih
        iw = self.iw
        queryL = self.queryL
        sourceL = self.sourceL

        # --> batch x queryL x idf
        target = K.reshape(target, (-1, queryL, idf))
        # --> batch x idf x sourceL
        sourceT = ktf.transpose(source, perm=[0, 2, 1])
        # Get attention
        # (batch x queryL x idf)(batch x idf x sourceL)
        # -->batch x queryL x sourceL
        attn = ktf.matmul(target, sourceT)
        addmask = K.switch(
            lambda: K.repeat_elements(
                K.reshape(mask, (-1, 1, sourceL)), rep=queryL, axis=1),
            lambda: 0.0)
        attn = attn + addmask
        attn = K.softmax(attn)
        # (batch x queryL x sourceL)(batch x sourceL x idf)
        # --> batch x queryL x idf
        weightedContext = ktf.matmul(attn, source)
        weightedContext = K.reshape(weightedContext, (-1, ih, iw, idf))
        attn = K.reshape(attn, (-1, ih, iw, sourceL))  #計算ではこの後未使用
        return [weightedContext, attn]
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def call(self, inputs):
        kernel_shape = K.int_shape(self.kernel)
        if not self.renormalize:
            w = K.reshape(self.kernel,
                          (kernel_shape[0], kernel_shape[1] * kernel_shape[2] *
                           kernel_shape[3], kernel_shape[-1]))
            sigma, u_bar = max_singular_val(
                transpose=lambda x: ktf.transpose(x, [0, 2, 1]),
            sigma = K.reshape(sigma, (self.filters_emb, 1, 1, 1, 1))
            w = K.reshape(self.kernel, (-1, kernel_shape[-1]))
            sigma, u_bar = max_singular_val(

        self.add_update(K.update(self.u, u_bar))

        kernel = self.kernel
        self.kernel = self.kernel / sigma
        outputs = super(SNFactorizedConv11, self).call(inputs)
        self.kernel = kernel

        return outputs
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def call(self, x):
        x_shape = x.get_shape()
        offsets = super(Pool2DOffset, self).call(x)
        offsets = tf.transpose(offsets, [0, 3, 1, 2])
        offsets = tf.reshape(offsets,
                             (-1, int(x_shape[1]), int(x_shape[2]), 2))
        n_batches = tf.shape(offsets)[0]
        x = tf.transpose(x, [0, 3, 1, 2])
        x = tf.reshape(x, (-1, int(x_shape[1]), int(x_shape[2]), 1))

        #offsets = tf.resampler(x, offsets)
        x = batch_map_offsets(x, offsets)
        x = tf.reshape(x,
                       (-1, int(x_shape[3]), int(x_shape[1]), int(x_shape[2])))
        x = tf.transpose(x, [0, 2, 3, 1])
        return x
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def call(self, inputs):
        w = self.kernel
        kernel_shape = K.int_shape(self.kernel)
        if self.renormalize:
            w = K.reshape(w, [-1, kernel_shape[-1]])
            sigma, u_bar = max_singular_val(
            sigma, u_bar = max_singular_val(
                transpose=lambda x: ktf.transpose(x, [0, 2, 1]),
            sigma = K.reshape(sigma, (self.number_of_classes, 1, 1))

        self.add_update(K.update(self.u, u_bar))

        kernel = self.kernel
        self.kernel = self.kernel / sigma
        outputs = super(SNCondtionalDense, self).call(inputs)
        self.kernel = kernel

        return outputs
Ejemplo n.º 11
def get_image_aesthetics(image, net='models/ava1.h5', ava1_mean=True):
    ilgnet = load_model(net, custom_objects={'LRN': LRN}, compile=True)

    if not ava1_mean:
        IMAGENET_MEAN = K.constant(-np.array([90.05038554687053, 98.58527740451973, 107.50910979753826])[::-1])
        IMAGENET_MEAN = K.constant(-np.array([91.00178961467464, 99.46385127608664, 107.8456162486691])[::-1])

    image *= 255
    image = ktf.transpose(image, [0, 2, 3, 1])
    image = ktf.image.resize_images(image, (227, 227), )
    image = ktf.transpose(image, [0, 3, 1, 2])
    image = preprocess_symbolic_input(image, data_format='channels_first', mode='caffe',

    score = ilgnet(image)
    return score[:, 1]
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def call(self, inputs):

        mask = ktf.transpose(inputs[2], [0, 2, 3, 1])
        # mask = ktf.image.resize_images(mask, self.image_size[:2], method=ktf.image.ResizeMethod.NEAREST_NEIGHBOR)
        if self.number_of_transforms == 11:
            # return inputs[0] * K.tile(ktf.expand_dims(1-mask[:,:,:,0], axis=3),(1,1,1,inputs[0].shape[-1]))
            return inputs[0] * ktf.expand_dims(1 - mask[:, :, :, 0], axis=3)
            return inputs[0] * ktf.expand_dims(
                K.clip(1 - K.sum(mask, 3), 0, 1), axis=3)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def upsampling_from_mask(inputs):
    X_, A_, I_, M_ = inputs
    S_ = tf.eye(tf.shape(M_)[0])
    S_ = tf.boolean_mask(S_, M_)
    S_t_ = tf.transpose(S_)

    X_out_ = K.dot(S_t_, X_)
    A_out_ = K.dot(K.transpose(K.dot(A_, S_)), S_)
    I_out_ = K.dot(S_t_, K.cast(I_[:, None], tf.float32))[:, 0]
    I_out_ = K.cast(I_out_, tf.int32)
    return [X_out_, A_out_, I_out_]
Ejemplo n.º 14
def _postprocess_conv2d_output(x, data_format):
    """Transpose and cast the output from conv2d if needed.
    # Arguments
        x: A tensor.
        data_format: string, `"channels_last"` or `"channels_first"`.
    # Returns
        A tensor.

    if data_format == 'channels_first':
        x = tf.transpose(x, (0, 3, 1, 2))

    if floatx() == 'float64':
        x = tf.cast(x, 'float64')
    return x
Ejemplo n.º 15
def _preprocess_conv2d_input(x, data_format):
    """Transpose and cast the input before the conv2d.
    # Arguments
        x: input tensor.
        data_format: string, `"channels_last"` or `"channels_first"`.
    # Returns
        A tensor.
    if dtype(x) == 'float64':
        x = tf.cast(x, 'float32')
    if data_format == 'channels_first':
        # TF uses the last dimension as channel dimension,
        # instead of the 2nd one.
        # TH input shape: (samples, input_depth, rows, cols)
        # TF input shape: (samples, rows, cols, input_depth)
        x = tf.transpose(x, (0, 2, 3, 1))
    return x
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def call(self, x):
        x_shape = x.get_shape()
        offsets = super(Conv2DOffset, self).call(x)
        #offsets *= 10

        channels = int(offsets.get_shape()[3].value)
        n_batches = tf.shape(offsets)[0]

        # Change offset's order from [x1, x2, ..., y1, y2, ...] to [x1, y1, x2, y2, ...]
        # Codes below are written to make sure same results of MXNet implementation.
        # You can remove them, and it won't influence the module's performance.
        ind_shuffle = tf.concat(
            [tf.range(0, channels, 2),
             tf.range(1, channels + 1, 2)], axis=0)

        #ind_shuffle = tf.expand_dims(ind_shuffle, axis=0)
        #ind_shuffle = tf.expand_dims(ind_shuffle, axis=0)
        #ind_shuffle = tf.tile(ind_shuffle, [input_w, input_h, 1])

        offsets = tf.gather(offsets, ind_shuffle, axis=3)
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        #x = tf.transpose(x, [0, 3, 1, 2])
        #x = tf.reshape(x, (-1, int(x_shape[1]), int(x_shape[2])))
        #offsets = tf.resampler(x, offsets)
        offsets = batch_map_offsets(x, offsets)
        #offsets = tf.reshape(x, (-1, int(x_shape[3]), int(x_shape[1]), int(x_shape[2])))
        #offsets = tf.transpose(x, [0, 2, 3, 1])
        offset_shape = offsets.get_shape()
        num_channels = offset_shape[1].value
        height = offset_shape[2].value
        width = offset_shape[3].value
        f_offset = [
            tf.reshape(offsets[..., ind:ind + 3],
                       (-1, num_channels, height, width * 3))
            for ind in range(0, 9, 3)
        f_offset = tf.concat(f_offset, axis=-1)
        f_offset = tf.reshape(f_offset,
                              (-1, num_channels, height * 3, width * 3))
        f_offset = tf.transpose(f_offset, (0, 2, 3, 1))
        return f_offset
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def _get_vals_by_coords(input, coords, n_coords):
        coords_shape = tf.shape(coords)
        input_shape = input.get_shape()
        input_w = input_shape[2].value
        input_h = input_shape[1].value
        channel_size = input_shape[3].value
        batch_size = tf.shape(input)[0]
        input = tf.transpose(input, (0, 3, 1, 2))
        input = tf.reshape(input, (-1, channel_size, input_h * input_w))

        indices = coords[..., 0] * input_w + coords[..., 1]
        #indices = tf.expand_dims(indices, axis=1)
        #indices = tf.tile(indices, [1, channel_size, 1, 1, 1])
        #indices = tf.reshape(indices, (-1, channel_size, input_h * input_w * n_coords))
        #indices = tf.transpose(indices, (0, 3, 1, 2))
        indices = tf.reshape(indices, (-1, input_h * input_w * n_coords))
        indices = tf.cast(indices, 'int32')
        #indices = tf.reshape(indices, [-1])
        #input = tf.reshape(input, [-1])
        vals = tf.gather(input, indices[0], axis=-1)
        #vals = tf.map_fn(lambda x: tf.gather(x[0], x[1], axis=-1), (input,indices), dtype=tf.float32)
        vals = tf.reshape(vals, (-1, channel_size, input_h, input_w, n_coords))
        return vals
    def call(self, inputs, training=None):
        input_shape = K.int_shape(inputs)
        _, w, h, c = input_shape
        bs = K.shape(inputs)[0]

        #if c < self.group:
        #    raise ValueError('Input channels should be larger than group size' +
        #                     '; Received input channels: ' + str(c) +
        #                     '; Group size: ' + str(self.group)
        #                    )
        #x = K.reshape(inputs, (batch_size, h, w, self.group, c // self.group))

        x_t = ktf.transpose(inputs, (3, 0, 1, 2))
        #x_t = ktf.transpose(x, (3, 4, 0, 1, 2))

        # BxCxHxW -> CxB*H*W
        x_flat = ktf.reshape(x_t, (c, -1))

        # Covariance
        m = ktf.reduce_mean(x_flat, axis=1, keepdims=True)
        m = K.in_train_phase(m, self.moving_mean)
        f = x_flat - m

        if self.decomposition == 'cholesky':

            def get_inv_sqrt(ff):
                sqrt = ktf.cholesky(ff)
                inv_sqrt = ktf.matrix_triangular_solve(sqrt, ktf.eye(c))
                return sqrt, inv_sqrt
        elif self.decomposition in ['zca', 'zca-cor']:

            def get_inv_sqrt(ff):
                with ktf.device('/cpu:0'):
                    S, U, _ = ktf.svd(ff + ktf.eye(c) * self.epsilon,
                D = ktf.diag(ktf.pow(S, -0.5))
                inv_sqrt = ktf.matmul(ktf.matmul(U, D), U, transpose_b=True)
                D = ktf.diag(ktf.pow(S, 0.5))
                sqrt = ktf.matmul(ktf.matmul(U, D), U, transpose_b=True)
                return sqrt, inv_sqrt
        elif self.decomposition in ['pca', 'pca-cor']:

            def get_inv_sqrt(ff):
                with ktf.device('/cpu:0'):
                    S, U, _ = ktf.svd(ff + ktf.eye(c) * self.epsilon,
                D = ktf.diag(ktf.pow(S, -0.5))
                inv_sqrt = ktf.matmul(D, U, transpose_b=True)
                D = ktf.diag(ktf.pow(S, 0.5))
                sqrt = ktf.matmul(D, U, transpose_b=True)
                return sqrt, inv_sqrt
            assert False

        def train():
            ff_apr = ktf.matmul(f, f, transpose_b=True) / (
                ktf.cast(bs * w * h, ktf.float32) - 1.)
            if self.decomposition in ['pca-cor', 'zca-cor']:
                dinv = ktf.diag(ktf.sqrt(ktf.diag_part(ff_apr)))
                ff_apr = ktf.matmul(ktf.matmul(dinv, ff_apr),
                K.moving_average_update(self.moving_mean, m, self.momentum),
                K.moving_average_update(self.moving_cov, ff_apr, self.momentum)
            ], inputs)
            ff_apr_shrinked = (
                1 - self.epsilon) * ff_apr + ktf.eye(c) * self.epsilon

            if self.renorm:
                l, l_inv = get_inv_sqrt(ff_apr_shrinked)
                ff_mov = (1 - self.epsilon
                          ) * self.moving_cov + ktf.eye(c) * self.epsilon
                _, l_mov_inverse = get_inv_sqrt(ff_mov)
                l_ndiff = K.stop_gradient(l)
                return ktf.matmul(ktf.matmul(l_mov_inverse, l_ndiff), l_inv)

            return get_inv_sqrt(ff_apr_shrinked)[1]

        def test():
            ff_mov = (
                1 - self.epsilon) * self.moving_cov + ktf.eye(c) * self.epsilon
            return get_inv_sqrt(ff_mov)[1]

        inv_sqrt = K.in_train_phase(train, test)
        f_hat = ktf.matmul(inv_sqrt, f)

        decorelated = K.reshape(f_hat, [c, bs, w, h])
        decorelated = ktf.transpose(decorelated, [1, 2, 3, 0])

        broadcast_shape = [1] * len(input_shape)
        if self.axis is not None:
            broadcast_shape[self.axis] = input_shape[self.axis]
        if self.scale:
            broadcast_gamma = K.reshape(self.gamma, broadcast_shape)
            decorelated = decorelated * broadcast_gamma
        if self.center:
            broadcast_beta = K.reshape(self.beta, broadcast_shape)
            decorelated = decorelated + broadcast_beta

        return decorelated