Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_get_img_shape_on_2d_image():
    n = 5
    channels = 4
    dim1 = 1
    dim2 = 2

    assert (n, channels, dim1, dim2) == utils.get_img_shape(K.ones(shape=(n, channels, dim1, dim2)))

    assert (n, channels, dim1, dim2) == utils.get_img_shape(K.ones(shape=(n, dim1, dim2, channels)))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def build(self):
        input_dim = self.input_shape[2]

        self.W = self.init((input_dim, self.output_dim),
        self.b = K.ones((self.output_dim,), name='{}_b'.format(self.name))
        #self.b = K.zeros((self.output_dim,), name='{}_b'.format(self.name))

        self.trainable_weights = [self.W, self.b]
        self.regularizers = []

        if self.W_regularizer:

        if self.b_regularizer:

        if self.activity_regularizer:

        if self.initial_weights is not None:
            del self.initial_weights
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_dropout(layer_class):
    for unroll in [True, False]:
                   kwargs={'units': units,
                           'dropout': 0.1,
                           'recurrent_dropout': 0.1,
                           'unroll': unroll},
                   input_shape=(num_samples, timesteps, embedding_dim))

        # Test that dropout is applied during training
        x = K.ones((num_samples, timesteps, embedding_dim))
        layer = layer_class(units, dropout=0.5, recurrent_dropout=0.5,
                            input_shape=(timesteps, embedding_dim))
        y = layer(x)
        assert y._uses_learning_phase

        y = layer(x, training=True)
        assert not getattr(y, '_uses_learning_phase')

        # Test that dropout is not applied during testing
        x = np.random.random((num_samples, timesteps, embedding_dim))
        layer = layer_class(units, dropout=0.5, recurrent_dropout=0.5,
                            input_shape=(timesteps, embedding_dim))
        model = Sequential([layer])
        assert model.uses_learning_phase
        y1 = model.predict(x)
        y2 = model.predict(x)
        assert_allclose(y1, y2)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def get_output(self, train=False):
     print "LogNormalizedOccupancy", self.output_shape
     X = self.get_input(train)
     # calculate the log occupancies
     log_occs = theano_calc_log_occs(-X, self.chem_affinity)
     # reshape the output so that the forward and reverse complement 
     # occupancies are viewed as different tracks 
     log_occs = K.reshape(log_occs, (X.shape[0], 1, 2*X.shape[1], X.shape[3]))
     if self.steric_hindrance_win_len == 0:
         log_norm_factor = 0
         # correct occupancies for overlapping binding sites
         occs = K.exp(log_occs)
         kernel = K.ones((1, 1, 1, 2*self.steric_hindrance_win_len-1), dtype='float32')
         win_occ_sum = K.conv2d(occs, kernel, border_mode='same').sum(axis=2, keepdims=True)
         win_prb_all_unbnd = TT.exp(
             K.conv2d(K.log(1-occs), kernel, border_mode='same')).sum(axis=2, keepdims=True)
         log_norm_factor = TT.log(win_occ_sum + win_prb_all_unbnd)
     #start = max(0, self.steric_hindrance_win_len-1)
     #stop = min(self.output_shape[3], 
     #           self.output_shape[3]-(self.steric_hindrance_win_len-1))
     #rv = log_occs[:,:,:,start:stop] - log_norm_factor
     rv = (log_occs - log_norm_factor)
     return K.reshape(
         (X.shape[0], 2*X.shape[1], 1, X.shape[3])
Ejemplo n.º 5
def residual_drop(x, input_shape, output_shape, strides=(1, 1)):
    global add_tables

    nb_filter = output_shape[0]
    conv = Convolution2D(nb_filter, 3, 3, subsample=strides, border_mode="same")(x)
    conv = BatchNormalization(axis=1)(conv)
    conv = Activation("relu")(conv)
    conv = Convolution2D(nb_filter, 3, 3, border_mode="same")(conv)
    conv = BatchNormalization(axis=1)(conv)

    if strides[0] >= 2:
        x = AveragePooling2D(strides)(x)

    if (output_shape[0] - input_shape[0]) > 0:
        pad_shape = (1,
                     output_shape[0] - input_shape[0],
        padding = K.ones(pad_shape)
        padding = K.repeat_elements(padding, K.shape(x)[0], axis=0)
        x = Lambda(lambda y: K.concatenate([y, padding], axis=1),

    _death_rate = K.variable(death_rate)
    scale = K.ones_like(conv) - _death_rate
    conv = Lambda(lambda c: K.in_test_phase(scale * c, c),

    out = merge([conv, x], mode="sum")
    out = Activation("relu")(out)

    gate = K.variable(1, dtype="uint8")
    add_tables += [{"death_rate": _death_rate, "gate": gate}]
    return Lambda(lambda tensors: K.switch(gate, tensors[0], tensors[1]),
                  output_shape=output_shape)([out, x])
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def build(self, input_shape):
   super(LSTM_LN, self).build(input_shape)
   self.gs, self.bs = [], []
   for i in xrange(3):
     f = 1 if i == 2 else 4
     self.gs += [ K.ones((f*self.output_dim,), name='{}_g%i'.format(self.name, i)) ]
     self.bs += [ K.zeros((f*self.output_dim,), name='{}_b%d'.format(self.name, i)) ]
   self.trainable_weights += self.gs + self.bs
    def call(self, inputs, training=None):
        input_shape = K.int_shape(inputs)

        broadcast_shape = [1] * len(input_shape)
        broadcast_shape[self.axis] = input_shape[self.axis]
        broadcast_moving_mean = K.reshape(self.moving_mean, broadcast_shape)
        broadcast_moving_variance = K.reshape(self.moving_variance, broadcast_shape)
        broadcast_gamma = K.reshape(self.gamma, broadcast_shape)
        broadcast_beta = K.reshape(self.beta, broadcast_shape)        
        invstd = K.ones (shape=broadcast_shape, dtype='float32') / K.sqrt(broadcast_moving_variance + K.constant(self.epsilon, dtype='float32'))
        return (inputs - broadcast_moving_mean) * invstd * broadcast_gamma + broadcast_beta
Ejemplo n.º 8
def tversky_loss(y_true, y_pred):
    alpha = 0.5
    beta  = 0.5
    ones = K.ones(K.shape(y_true))
    p0 = y_pred      # proba that voxels are class i
    p1 = ones-y_pred # proba that voxels are not class i
    g0 = y_true
    g1 = ones-y_true
    num = K.sum(p0*g0, (0,1,2))
    den = num + alpha*K.sum(p0*g1,(0,1,2)) + beta*K.sum(p1*g0,(0,1,2))
    T = K.sum(num/den) # when summing over classes, T has dynamic range [0 Ncl]
    Ncl = K.cast(K.shape(y_true)[-1], 'float32')
    return Ncl-T
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def call(self, x, mask=None):
     if 0. < self.dropout < 1.:
         retain_p = 1. - self.dropout
         B = K.random_binomial(
             (self.input_dim, ), p=retain_p) * (1. / retain_p)
         B = K.expand_dims(B)
         W = K.in_train_phase(self.W * B, self.W)
         W = self.W
     M = K.concatenate([K.zeros(
         (1, )), K.ones((self.input_dim - 1, ))],
     M = K.expand_dims(M)
     out = K.gather(W * M, x)
     return out
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def call(self, x):
     # x[i] -> x[i] + sum(k, Corner(k, i) * x[k] * prod(j, j!=k, (1-x[j])))
     # x: [mb, n]
     # w = [mb, n, 1] dot [1, n]
     # R: [mb, n, n]
     R = K.dot(1.0 - x[..., None], K.ones(
         (1, self.dim)))  # [mb, n, 1], [1, n] -> [mb, n, n]
     diagonal = K.eye(self.dim)[None, ...]
     R = R * (
         1.0 - diagonal
     ) + diagonal  # R[mb, i, j] = { 1 - x[mb, i] if i != j, else 1 }
     Q = x * K.prod(R, axis=1)
     return x + K.dot(Q, self.corners)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def loss_tv(self, mask, y_comp):
        """Total variation loss, used for smoothing the hole region, see. eq. 6"""

        # Create dilated hole region using a 3x3 kernel of all 1s.
        kernel = K.ones(shape=(3, 3, mask.shape[3], mask.shape[3]))
        dilated_mask = K.conv2d(1-mask, kernel, data_format='channels_last', padding='same')

        # Cast values to be [0., 1.], and compute dilated hole region of y_comp
        dilated_mask = K.cast(K.greater(dilated_mask, 0), 'float32')
        P = dilated_mask * y_comp

        # Calculate total variation loss
        a = self.l1(P[:,1:,:,:], P[:,:-1,:,:])
        b = self.l1(P[:,:,1:,:], P[:,:,:-1,:])        
        return a+b
def _flat_lrp(layer, R, parameter):
  Distribute relevance for each output evenly to the output neurons' receptive fields.

    Z = K.ones((layer.pool_size[0], layer.pool_size[1], layer.pool_size[2], 1),
    Zs = K.sum(Z, axis=[0, 1, 2], keepdims=True)
    result = (Z / Zs) * K.reshape(
        R, (-1, layer.output_shape[1], layer.output_shape[2],
            layer.output_shape[3], 1, 1, 1, layer.output_shape[4]))
    return patches.restitch_volume_patches(result, layer.input_shape,
                                           layer.pool_size, layer.strides,
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def _generate_controller_dropout_mask(self, inputs, training=None):

        if 0 < self.controller_dropout < 1:
            ones = K.ones((self.units, self.memory.shape[0]))

            def dropped_inputs():
                return K.dropout(ones, self.dropout)

            self._controller_dropout_mask = [
                K.in_train_phase(dropped_inputs, ones, training=training)
                for _ in range(3)

            self._controller_dropout_mask = None
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def call(self, x):
        # get new mean and count
        this_bs_int = K.shape(x)[0]
        new_mean, new_count = _mean_update(self.mean, self.count, x, self.cap)

        # update op
        updates = [(self.count, new_count), (self.mean, new_mean)]
        self.add_update(updates, x)

        # prep for broadcasting :(
        p = tf.concat((K.reshape(this_bs_int, (1,)), K.shape(self.mean)), 0)
        z = K.ones(p)

        # the first few 1000 should not matter that much towards this cost
        return K.minimum(1., new_count / self.cap) * (z * K.expand_dims(new_mean, 0))
Ejemplo n.º 15
def get_attention_decoder_mask(length):
    """Calculate bias for decoder that maintains model's autoregressive property.
    Creates a tensor that masks out locations that correspond to illegal
    connections, so prediction at position i cannot draw information from future
        length: int length of sequences in batch.
        float tensor of shape [1, 1, length, length]
    _NEG_INF = -1e9
    valid_locs = K.tf.matrix_band_part(K.ones((length, length)), -1, 0)
    valid_locs = K.reshape(valid_locs, (1, 1, length, length))
    decoder_bias = _NEG_INF * (1.0 - valid_locs)
    return decoder_bias
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def build(self, input_shape):
        ''' As a custom layer with mask is implemented it is necessary to assert,
            that the input is a list of [img,mask]. The build function is to define the weights 
            and biases that would be used in the Pconv layer'''
        assert isinstance(input_shape, list)
        # Create a trainable weight variable for this layer.

        if self.data_format == 'channels_first':
            n = 1
            n = -1

        n_channels = input_shape[0][n]

        #Custom made kernel for image convolutions
        kernel_shape = self.kernel_size + (n_channels, self.filters)
        self.kernel = self.add_weight(

        #Custom made kernel for convolutions on mask
        self.kernel_mask = K.ones(shape=kernel_shape, name='mask-kernel')

        #this is done to ensure that the output shape is obtained as expected
        self.pconv_padding = (
            (int((self.kernel_size[0] - 1) / 2),
             int((self.kernel_size[0] - 1) / 2)),
            (int((self.kernel_size[0] - 1) / 2),
             int((self.kernel_size[0] - 1) / 2)),

        # Window size - used for normalization
        self.window_size = self.kernel_size[0] * self.kernel_size[1]

        #bias to add after the custom task in completed
        if self.use_bias:
            self.bias = self.add_weight(shape=(self.filters, ),

        #super(Pconv, self).build(input_shape)
        self.built = True
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def get_updates(self, params, loss):
        grads = self.get_gradients(loss, params)
        shapes = [K.get_variable_shape(p) for p in params]
        old_grads = [K.zeros(shape) for shape in shapes]
        zetas = [K.ones(shape) for shape in shapes]
        zs = [K.zeros(shape) for shape in shapes]
        thetas = [K.zeros(shape) for shape in shapes]
        self.weights = [self.iterations]  # + thetas

        # prev_weight_deltas = [K.zeros(shape) for shape in shapes]
        # self.weights = delta_ws + old_grads # TODO: understand self.weights
        self.updates = []

        for param, grad, old_grad, zeta, z, theta in zip(
                params, grads, old_grads, zetas, zs, thetas):
            # Line 4 to 8
            new_zeta = K.switch(
                K.greater(grad * old_grad, 0),
                K.minimum(zeta * self.eta_pos, self.zeta_max),
                K.switch(K.less(grad * old_grad, 0),
                         K.maximum(zeta * self.eta_neg, self.zeta_min), zeta)
            )  # note that I added a 'if gradient = 0 then zeta' condition
            # Line 9
            new_z = self.alpha * z + (1 - self.alpha) * new_zeta
            # Line 10
            new_theta = self.alpha_b * theta + (1 -
                                                self.alpha_b) * K.square(grad)
            # Line 11
            weight_delta = -self.lr / new_z * grad  #/ (K.pow(new_theta, self.theta_pow) + 1e-11)  # added epsilon to prevent zero division
            # weight_delta = -self.lr * (new_zeta/new_z) * grad # * (1 / K.sqrt(new_theta + 1e-11))  # added epsilon to prevent zero division
            # TODO: Figure this out! It seems like the theta part in particular seems to be breaking the calculation
            #    Also, it seems like we should be taking the sign of grad rather than multiplying it directly.
            # weight_delta = -new_z * (grad/new_theta)
            # Line 12
            new_param = param + weight_delta

            # Apply constraints
            #if param in constraints:
            #    c = constraints[param]
            #    new_param = c(new_param)

            self.updates.append(K.update(param, new_param))
            self.updates.append(K.update(zeta, new_zeta))
            self.updates.append(K.update(old_grad, grad))
            self.updates.append(K.update(z, new_z))
            self.updates.append(K.update(theta, new_theta))

        return self.updates
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def call(self, x):
        assert K.ndim(
            x) == 4, 'Should only call KP layer on input_shape (batches,H,W,C)'
        input_dims = K.shape(x)

        # zeroth and first order terms
        zeroth = self.alpha[0] * K.ones((input_dims[0], 1))
        first = self.alpha[1] * tf.reduce_mean(x, axis=[1, 2])

        # flatten to feature vectors
        x_flat = K.reshape(x, (-1, self.C))

        # Compute the Count Sketches C_t over feature vectors
        sketches = []
        for t in range(self.p):

        # stack and reshape [(b*h*w, d_i)], len=p --> (b, h*w, p, d_i)
        x_sketches = K.reshape(K.stack(sketches, axis=-2),
                               (input_dims[0], -1, self.p, self.d))

        # Compute fft (operates on inner-most axis)
        x_fft = _fft(
            tf.complex(real=x_sketches, imag=K.zeros_like(x_sketches)), False,

        # Cumulative product along order dimension, discard first order
        x_fft_cp = K.cumprod(x_fft, axis=-2)[:, :, 1:, :]

        # Inverse fft, avg pool over spatial locations
        x_ifft = tf.reduce_mean(tf.real(_ifft(x_fft_cp, False, 128)), axis=1)

        # Apply weights over orders p >= 2
        x_p = x_ifft * K.reshape(self.alpha[2:], (1, self.p - 1, 1))

        # Concatenate to full order-p kernel approximation vector
        phi_x = K.concatenate(
            [zeroth, first, K.reshape(x_p, (input_dims[0], -1))])

        # Return the transformed + l2-normed kernel vector
        phi_x = tf.multiply(tf.sign(phi_x), tf.sqrt(tf.abs(phi_x) + 1e-12))

        return tf.nn.l2_normalize(phi_x, axis=-1)
    def build(self, input_shape):
        """Adapted from original _Conv() layer of Keras
        param input_shape: list of dimensions for [img, mask]

        if self.data_format == 'channels_first':
            channel_axis = 1
            channel_axis = -1

        if input_shape[0][channel_axis] is None:
            raise ValueError(
                'The channel dimension of the inputs should be defined. Found `None`.'

        self.input_dim = input_shape[0][channel_axis]

        # Image kernel
        kernel_shape = self.kernel_size + (self.input_dim, self.filters)
        self.kernel = self.add_weight(shape=kernel_shape,
        # Mask kernel
        self.kernel_mask = K.ones(shape=self.kernel_size +
                                  (self.input_dim, self.filters))

        # Calculate padding size to achieve zero-padding
        self.pconv_padding = (
            (int((self.kernel_size[0] - 1) / 2),
             int((self.kernel_size[0] - 1) / 2)),
            (int((self.kernel_size[0] - 1) / 2),
             int((self.kernel_size[0] - 1) / 2)),

        # Window size - used for normalization
        self.window_size = self.kernel_size[0] * self.kernel_size[1]

        if self.use_bias:
            self.bias = self.add_weight(shape=(self.filters, ),
            self.bias = None
        self.built = True
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def call(self, inputs):
        _, kernel_b = xnorize(self.kernel, self.H)
        _, inputs_b = xnorize(inputs)
        outputs = K.conv2d(inputs_b,

        # calculate Wa and xa

        # kernel_a
        mask = K.reshape(
             self.filters))  # self.nb_row * self.nb_col * channels, filters
        kernel_a = K.stop_gradient(K.mean(K.abs(mask), axis=0))  # filters

        # inputs_a
        if self.data_format == 'channels_first':
            channel_axis = 1
            channel_axis = -1
        mask = K.mean(K.abs(inputs), axis=channel_axis, keepdims=True)
        ones = K.ones(self.kernel_size + (1, 1))
        inputs_a = K.conv2d(mask,
                            )  # nb_sample, 1, new_nb_row, new_nb_col
        if self.data_format == 'channels_first':
            outputs = outputs * K.stop_gradient(inputs_a) * K.expand_dims(
                K.expand_dims(K.expand_dims(kernel_a, 0), -1), -1)
            outputs = outputs * K.stop_gradient(inputs_a) * K.expand_dims(
                K.expand_dims(K.expand_dims(kernel_a, 0), 0), 0)

        if self.use_bias:
            outputs = K.bias_add(outputs,

        if self.activation is not None:
            return self.activation(outputs)
        return outputs
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def call(self, inputs, **kwargs):
        input_shape = K.int_shape(inputs)

        broadcast_shape = [1] * len(input_shape)
        broadcast_shape[self.axis] = input_shape[self.axis]

        broadcast_moving_mean = K.reshape(self.moving_mean, broadcast_shape)
        broadcast_moving_variance = K.reshape(self.moving_variance,
        broadcast_gamma = K.reshape(self.gamma, broadcast_shape)
        broadcast_beta = K.reshape(self.beta, broadcast_shape)
        invstd = (K.ones(shape=broadcast_shape, dtype='float32') /
                  K.sqrt(broadcast_moving_variance + self._epsilon_const))

        return ((inputs - broadcast_moving_mean) * invstd * broadcast_gamma +
Ejemplo n.º 22
def test_unpickle_custom_loss(tmpdir):

    filename = os.path.join(tmpdir.dirname, 'custom_loss.pickle')
    misc.pickle_custom_loss(utility.mean_absolute_error_keras, filename)

    loss = misc.unpickle_custom_loss(filename)

    y_true = K.ones((10, 20))
    y_pred = K.zeros((10, 20))

    assert K.eval(utility.mean_absolute_error_keras(y_true, y_pred)) == K.eval(
        loss(y_true, y_pred))

    assert loss.__name__ == 'mean_absolute_error_keras'

Ejemplo n.º 23
    def _tversky(y_true, y_pred, tv_alpha, tv_beta, classes_weight):

        # tversky loss for single class
        smooth = 1e-10

        ones = K.ones(K.shape(y_true))
        tp = tf.reduce_sum(y_true * y_pred, axis=[0, 1])
        fp = y_pred * (ones - y_true)
        fn = (ones - y_pred) * y_true
        fp_and_fn = tv_alpha * tf.reduce_sum(fp, axis=[0, 1]) + tv_beta * tf.reduce_sum(fn, axis=[0, 1])

        num = tp
        den = tp + fp_and_fn + smooth
        tversky = tf.reduce_sum(num / den * classes_weight)

        return 1 - tversky
Ejemplo n.º 24
def get_weightnorm_params_and_grads(p, g):
    ps = K.get_variable_shape(p)
    # construct weight scaler: V_scaler = g/||V||
    V_scaler_shape = (ps[-1],)  # assumes we're using tensorflow!
    V_scaler = K.ones(V_scaler_shape)  # init to ones, so effective parameters don't change
    # get V parameters = ||V||/g * W
    norm_axes = [i for i in range(len(ps) - 1)]
    V = p / tf.reshape(V_scaler, [1] * len(norm_axes) + [-1])
    # split V_scaler into ||V|| and g parameters
    V_norm = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(V), norm_axes))
    g_param = V_scaler * V_norm
    # get grad in V,g parameters
    grad_g = tf.reduce_sum(g * V, norm_axes) / V_norm
    grad_V = tf.reshape(V_scaler, [1] * len(norm_axes) + [-1]) * \
             (g - tf.reshape(grad_g / V_norm, [1] * len(norm_axes) + [-1]) * V)
    return V, V_norm, V_scaler, g_param, grad_g, grad_V
Ejemplo n.º 25
def joint_opt_loss(soft_labels, preds, alpha=0.8, beta=0.4):
    # introduce prior prob distribution p

    p = K.ones(9) / 9

    prob = tf.nn.softmax(preds, dim=1)
    prob_avg = K.mean(prob, axis=0)

    # ignore constant
    # L_c = -K.mean(K.sum(soft_labels * tf.nn.log_softmax(preds, dim=1), axis=-1))
    L_c = K.categorical_crossentropy(soft_labels, preds)
    L_p = -K.sum(K.log(prob_avg) * p)
    L_e = -K.mean(K.sum(prob * tf.nn.log_softmax(preds, dim=1), axis=-1))

    loss = L_c + alpha * L_p + beta * L_e
    return loss
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def call(self, inputs):
        _, kernel_i = integerize(self.kernel, self.bits)
        _, inputs_i = integerize(inputs, self.bits)

        if self.data_format == 'channels_last':
            data_format = 'NHWC'
            channel_axis = -1
            data_format = 'NCHW'
            channel_axis = 1

        outputs = K.conv2d(inputs_i,

        kernel_m = K.reshape(self.kernel, (-1, self.filters))
        kernel_k = K.stop_gradient(
            K.max(K.abs(kernel_m), axis=0) / 2**self.bits)

        inputs_m = K.max(K.abs(inputs), axis=channel_axis,
                         keepdims=True) / 2**self.bits
        ones = K.ones(self.kernel_size + (1, 1))
        inputs_k = K.conv2d(inputs_m,

        if self.data_format == 'channels_first':
            outputs = outputs * \
                K.stop_gradient(inputs_k) * \
                K.expand_dims(K.expand_dims(K.expand_dims(kernel_k, 0), -1), -1)
            outputs = outputs * \
                K.stop_gradient(inputs_k) * \
                K.expand_dims(K.expand_dims(K.expand_dims(kernel_k, 0), 0), 0)

        if self.use_bias:
            outputs = K.bias_add(outputs,

        if self.activation is not None:
            return self.activation(outputs)
        return outputs
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def get_updates(self, params, loss, contraints=None):
     self.updates = [K.update_add(self.iterations, 1)]
     grads        = self.get_gradients(loss, params)
     shapes       = [K.int_shape(p) for p in params]
     old_grads    = [K.zeros(shape) for shape in shapes]
     weights      = [K.zeros(shape) for shape in shapes]
     # Learning Rate
     learning_rate = self.learning_rate
     if self.initial_decay > 0:
         learning_rate *= (1. / (1. + self.decay * self.iterations))
     t = self.iterations + 1
     # Line 2 - initialise current weights
     zeta      = [K.ones(shape) for shape in shapes]
     Z         = [K.zeros(shape) for shape in shapes]
     theta     = [K.zeros(shape) for shape in shapes]
     for p, g, w, expMA, prevZ, prevTheta, old_g in zip(params, grads, weights, zeta, Z, theta, old_grads):
         change      = g * old_g
         pos_change  = K.greater(change,0.)
         neg_change  = K.less(change,0.)
         # Line 3-8: For all t in [1..t] do the following
         zeta_t      = K.switch(pos_change,
                                K.minimum(expMA * self.eta_plus, self.zeta_max),
                                K.switch(neg_change, K.maximum(expmA * self.eta_minus, self.zeta_min), expMA))
         zeta_clip   = K.clip(zeta_t, self.zeta_min, self.zeta_max)
         # Lines 9-12: Update weights for t with amendments as proposed for line 11
         Z_t         = (self.alpha * prevZ) + ((1 - self.alpha) * zeta_t)
         theta_t     = (self.alpha * prevTheta) + ((1 - self.alpha) * K.square(g))
         wChange     = - (learning_rate * (zeta_clip /zeta_t) * g) / K.sqrt(theta_t + self.epsilon)
         new_weight = w + wChange 
         p_update    = p - w + new_weight
     return self.updates
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def log_pz(y_true, y_pred):
     # Calculates the log liklihood that the sampled 'z' is under the unit gaussian distributions
     #, then weights the unsupervised samples according to how likely their asscociated y value was.
     # (as predicted by p(y|x))
     flat_y_un = K.reshape(y_un, shape=[-1])
     ones = K.ones(shape=(BATCH_SIZE // 2))
     weights = K.concatenate([ones, flat_y_un], 0)
     loss_per_point = weights * K.mean(unit_gaussian_ll(q_z__y_x_output),
     split = tf.split(loss_per_point,
                      num_or_size_splits=CLASSES + 1,
     sup_loss = split[0]
     un = K.concatenate(split[1:])
     un_loss = K.sum(K.reshape(un, [BATCH_SIZE // 2, CLASSES]), axis=1)
     loss = K.concatenate([sup_loss, un_loss])
     return loss
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def build(self, input_shape):
        self.input_spec = [InputSpec(shape=input_shape)]
        shape = (input_shape[self.axis],)

        self.gamma = self.gamma_init(shape, name='{}_gamma'.format(self.name))
        self.beta = self.beta_init(shape, name='{}_beta'.format(self.name))
        self.trainable_weights = [self.gamma, self.beta]

        self.running_mean = K.zeros(shape,
        self.running_std = K.ones(shape,
        self.non_trainable_weights = [self.running_mean, self.running_std]

        if self.initial_weights is not None:
            del self.initial_weights
Ejemplo n.º 30
def sinc(band, t_right):
    debug_print("  band", band)
    debug_print("  t_right", t_right)

    y_right = K.sin(
        2 * math.pi * band * t_right) / (2 * math.pi * band * t_right)
    debug_print("  y_right", y_right)

    #y_left = flip(y_right, 0) TODO remove if useless
    y_left = K.reverse(y_right, 0)
    debug_print("  y_left", y_left)

    y = K.concatenate([y_left, K.variable(K.ones(1)), y_right])
    debug_print("  y", y)

    return y
def weight_loss(y_true, y_pred, class_weight=None):
    output = K.binary_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred)
    if class_weight is not None:
        output *= class_weight

    y_p = K.sum(y_true, axis=1)
    y_n = K.sum(K.cast(K.equal(y_true, 0.), K.floatx()), axis=1)
    y_n, y_p = K.reshape(y_n, (-1, 1)), K.reshape(y_p, (-1, 1))

    one = K.ones((1, K.shape(y_true)[1]))
    y_p *= one
    y_n *= one

    output *= (y_true * y_n + (1.0 - y_true) * y_p) / (y_n + y_p)

    output = K.mean(output, axis=1)
    return output
Ejemplo n.º 32
 def log_px(y_true, y_pred):
     # Calculates the log liklihood that the true images is under the gaussian distributions predicted by
     # p(x|a,y,z), then weights the unsupervised sampled according to how likely their asscociated y value was
     #(as predicted by p(y|a,x))
     flat_y_un = K.reshape(y_un, shape=[-1])
     ones = K.ones(shape=((BATCH_SIZE // 2)))
     weights = K.concatenate([ones, flat_y_un], 0)
     loss_per_point = -weights * keras.losses.binary_crossentropy(
         rep_img_input, p_x__y_z_mean)
     split = tf.split(loss_per_point,
                      num_or_size_splits=CLASSES + 1,
     sup_loss = split[0]
     un = K.concatenate(split[1:])
     un_loss = K.sum(K.reshape(un, [BATCH_SIZE // 2, CLASSES]), axis=1)
     loss = K.concatenate([sup_loss, un_loss])
     return loss
Ejemplo n.º 33
def tversky_loss(y_true, y_pred):
    alpha, beta = 0.5, 0.5

    ones = K.ones(K.shape(y_true))
    p0 = y_pred
    p1 = ones - y_pred
    g0 = y_true
    g1 = ones - y_true

    num = K.sum(p0 * g0, (0, 1, 2))
    den = num + alpha * K.sum(p0 * g1,
                              (0, 1, 2)) + beta * K.sum(p1 * g0, (0, 1, 2))

    T = K.sum(num / den)

    Ncl = K.cast(K.shape(y_true)[-1], 'float32')
    return Ncl - T
Ejemplo n.º 34
    def call(self, inputs, training=None):
        input_shape = K.int_shape(inputs)

        broadcast_shape = [1] * len(input_shape)
        broadcast_shape[self.axis] = input_shape[self.axis]

        broadcast_moving_mean = K.reshape(self.moving_mean, broadcast_shape)
        broadcast_moving_variance = K.reshape(self.moving_variance,
        broadcast_gamma = K.reshape(self.gamma, broadcast_shape)
        broadcast_beta = K.reshape(self.beta, broadcast_shape)
        invstd = K.ones(shape=broadcast_shape, dtype='float32') / K.sqrt(
            broadcast_moving_variance +
            K.constant(self.epsilon, dtype='float32'))

        return (inputs - broadcast_moving_mean
                ) * invstd * broadcast_gamma + broadcast_beta
Ejemplo n.º 35
    def call(self, inputs, mask=None):

        features = inputs[0]
        A = inputs[
            1:]  # list of basis functions; features:X, A: adjacent (could also be introducing the parameter c); paper 2.2

        # convolve
        supports = list()
        for i in range(self.support):
            if not self.featureless:
                                      features))  # features and adjacent (A)
                supports.append(A[i])  # otherwise just A
        supports = K.concatenate(supports, axis=1)

        if self.num_bases > 0:
            self.W = K.reshape(
                self.W, (self.num_bases, self.input_dim, self.output_dim))
            self.W = K.permute_dimensions(self.W, (1, 0, 2))
            V = K.dot(self.W_comp,
                      self.W)  # W_comp is the base, W is the coefficients
            V = K.reshape(V, (self.support * self.input_dim, self.output_dim))
            output = K.dot(supports, V)  # supports * V = (1/c * h) * W
            output = K.dot(supports, self.W)
            # print (supports.shape) # (?, 752)
            # print
            # self.W dim [1111268,2]

        # if featureless add dropout to output, by elementwise multiplying with column vector of ones,
        # with dropout applied to the vector of ones.
        if self.featureless:
            tmp = K.ones(self.num_nodes)
            tmp_do = Dropout(self.dropout)(tmp)
            output = (output.T * tmp_do).T
            tmp = K.ones((self.num_nodes,))
            tmp_do = Dropout(self.dropout)(tmp)
            output = K.transpose(K.transpose(output) * tmp_do)

        if self.bias:
            output += self.b
        return self.activation(output)  # sigma
Ejemplo n.º 36
 def _compute_valid_seed_region(self, seq_length):
     positions = K.arange(seq_length)
     half_block_size = self.block_size // 2
     valid_seed_region = K.switch(
                     positions >= half_block_size,
                     positions < seq_length - half_block_size,
         K.ones((seq_length, )),
         K.zeros((seq_length, )),
     return K.expand_dims(K.expand_dims(valid_seed_region, axis=0), axis=-1)
Ejemplo n.º 37
def tverskyMeanW(y_true, y_pred, t0=0.99992, t1=0.00002, t2=0.00006):
    alpha = 0.5
    beta = 0.5

    ones = K.ones(K.shape(y_true))
    p0 = y_pred  # proba that voxels are class i
    p1 = ones - y_pred  # proba that voxels are not class
    g0 = y_true
    g1 = ones - y_true

    num = K.sum((p0 * g0)[:, :, :, 0] * t0 + (p0 * g0)[:, :, :, 1] * t1 +
                (p0 * g0)[:, :, :, 2] * t2)
    den = num + alpha * K.sum(
        (p0 * g1)[:, :, :, 0] * t0 + (p0 * g1)[:, :, :, 1] * t1 +
        (p0 * g1)[:, :, :, 2] * t2) + beta * K.sum((p1 * g0)[:, :, :, 0] * t0 +
                                                   (p1 * g0)[:, :, :, 1] * t1 +
                                                   (p1 * g0)[:, :, :, 2] * t2)
    return K.sum(num / den)
Ejemplo n.º 38
 def call(self, inputs, mask=None):
     #print(inputs * inputs)
     one_kernel = K.ones((self.kernelSize[0], self.kernelSize[0],
                          self.nInputPlane, self.nOutputPlane))
     inputs_norm = K.conv2d(inputs * inputs,
     inputs_norm = K.sqrt(inputs_norm)
     conv = K.conv2d(inputs,
     #print("+++", conv / ( inputs_norm * K.sqrt(K.sum(self.kernelWeights*self.kernelWeights))))
     return self.alpha * conv / (inputs_norm * K.sqrt(
         K.sum(self.kernelWeights * self.kernelWeights)))
Ejemplo n.º 39
    def get_output_mask(self, train=False):
        """ Shift the mask
            the mask is (nb_samples, nb_timesteps)        
            with a one for every unmasked datapoint,
            and a zero for every masked one
        if K._BACKEND == "tensorflow":
            raise Exception("Masking is Theano-only for the time being.")

        if train:
            input_mask = self.get_input_mask(train)
            input_mask = self.sequence_layer.get_output_mask(train)

        if not input_mask:
            return None
        head = K.ones((K.shape(input_mask)[0], 1))
        output_mask = K.concatenate((head, input_mask[:, :-1]), axis=1)
        return output_mask
Ejemplo n.º 40
    def get_output(self, train=False):
        X = self.get_input(train)
        retain_p = 1. - self.dropout
        if train and self.dropout > 0:
            B = K.random_binomial((self.input_dim,), p=retain_p)
            B = K.ones((self.input_dim)) * retain_p
        # we zero-out rows of W at random
        Xs = K.cast(K.reshape(X, (-1, self.nb_words)), 'int32')

        # (samples*input_length, nb_words, dim)
        out = K.gather(self.W * K.expand_dims(B), Xs)
        out = K.reshape(out, (-1, self.input_length, self.nb_words,
        # (samples, input_length, nb_words, dim)
        out = out * K.expand_dims(K.not_equal(X, 0), dim=-1)
        if self.bow_mode == "bow":
            out = K.sum(out, axis=2)
        return out
Ejemplo n.º 41
    def kl_loss(self, _, y_pred):
        mean = y_pred[:,:,:,0:2]
        log_sigma = y_pred[:,:,:,2:]
        # compute the degree matrix. If this has already happened
        # should only compute this once!
        # also need to check that this works!
        # z = K.ones((1, ) + vol_size + (3, ))
        sz = log_sigma.get_shape().as_list()[1:] 
        z = K.ones([1] + sz)

        filt = np.zeros((3,3,2,2))
        for i in range(2):
            filt[[0,2],1,i,i] = 1
            filt[1,[0,2],i,i] = 1
        filt_tf = tf.convert_to_tensor(filt,dtype=tf.float32)
        D = tf.nn.conv2d(z, filt_tf, [1,1,1,1],"SAME")
        D = K.expand_dims(D, 0)

        sigma_terms = (self.alpha * D * tf.exp(log_sigma) - log_sigma)

        prec_terms = 0.5 * self.alpha * self.kl_prec_term_manual(_, mean) # note needs 0.5 twice, one here, one below
        kl = 0.5 * tf.reduce_mean(sigma_terms,[1,2]) + 0.5 * prec_terms
        return kl
def true_negative_rate(y_true, y_pred):
    y_true = K.ones((32,))-y_true
    y_pred = K.ones((32,))-y_pred
    return true_positive_rate(y_true, y_pred,mode='n')
Ejemplo n.º 43
def no_attention_control(args):
    x, dense_2 = args
    find_att = K.ones(shape=(1, 32, 15, 15))
    return find_att
Ejemplo n.º 44
    def call(self, inputs, training=None, mask=None):
        input_shape = K.shape(inputs)

        if self.rank == 1:
            input_shape = [input_shape[i] for i in range(3)]
            batch_shape, dim, channels = input_shape

            xx_range = K.tile(K.expand_dims(K.arange(0, dim), axis=0),
                              K.stack([batch_shape, 1]))
            xx_range = K.expand_dims(xx_range, axis=-1)

            xx_channels = K.cast(xx_range, K.floatx())
            xx_channels = xx_channels / K.cast(dim - 1, K.floatx())
            xx_channels = (xx_channels * 2) - 1.

            outputs = K.concatenate([inputs, xx_channels], axis=self.axis)

        if self.rank == 2:
            if self.data_format == 'channels_first':
                inputs = K.permute_dimensions(inputs, [0, 2, 3, 1])

            input_shape = [input_shape[i] for i in range(4)]
            batch_shape, dim1, dim2, channels = input_shape

            xx_ones = K.ones(K.stack([batch_shape, dim2]), dtype='int32')
            xx_ones = K.expand_dims(xx_ones, axis=-1)

            xx_range = K.tile(K.expand_dims(K.arange(0, dim1), axis=0),
                              K.stack([batch_shape, 1]))
            xx_range = K.expand_dims(xx_range, axis=1)
            xx_channels = K.batch_dot(xx_ones, xx_range, axes=[2, 1])
            xx_channels = K.expand_dims(xx_channels, axis=-1)
            xx_channels = K.permute_dimensions(xx_channels, [0, 2, 1, 3])

            yy_ones = K.ones(K.stack([batch_shape, dim1]), dtype='int32')
            yy_ones = K.expand_dims(yy_ones, axis=1)

            yy_range = K.tile(K.expand_dims(K.arange(0, dim2), axis=0),
                              K.stack([batch_shape, 1]))
            yy_range = K.expand_dims(yy_range, axis=-1)

            yy_channels = K.batch_dot(yy_range, yy_ones, axes=[2, 1])
            yy_channels = K.expand_dims(yy_channels, axis=-1)
            yy_channels = K.permute_dimensions(yy_channels, [0, 2, 1, 3])

            xx_channels = K.cast(xx_channels, K.floatx())
            xx_channels = xx_channels / K.cast(dim1 - 1, K.floatx())
            xx_channels = (xx_channels * 2) - 1.

            yy_channels = K.cast(yy_channels, K.floatx())
            yy_channels = yy_channels / K.cast(dim2 - 1, K.floatx())
            yy_channels = (yy_channels * 2) - 1.

            outputs = K.concatenate([inputs, xx_channels, yy_channels], axis=self.axis)

            if self.use_radius:
                rr = K.sqrt(K.square(xx_channels - 0.5) +
                            K.square(yy_channels - 0.5))
                outputs = K.concatenate([outputs, rr], axis=-1)

            if self.data_format == 'channels_first':
                outputs = K.permute_dimensions(outputs, [0, 3, 1, 2])

        if self.rank == 3:
            if self.data_format == 'channels_first':
                inputs = K.permute_dimensions(inputs, [0, 2, 3, 4, 1])

            input_shape = [input_shape[i] for i in range(5)]
            batch_shape, dim1, dim2, dim3, channels = input_shape

            xx_ones = K.ones(K.stack([batch_shape, dim3]), dtype='int32')
            xx_ones = K.expand_dims(xx_ones, axis=-1)

            xx_range = K.tile(K.expand_dims(K.arange(0, dim2), axis=0),
                              K.stack([batch_shape, 1]))
            xx_range = K.expand_dims(xx_range, axis=1)

            xx_channels = K.batch_dot(xx_ones, xx_range, axes=[2, 1])
            xx_channels = K.expand_dims(xx_channels, axis=-1)
            xx_channels = K.permute_dimensions(xx_channels, [0, 2, 1, 3])

            xx_channels = K.expand_dims(xx_channels, axis=1)
            xx_channels = K.tile(xx_channels,
                                 [1, dim1, 1, 1, 1])

            yy_ones = K.ones(K.stack([batch_shape, dim2]), dtype='int32')
            yy_ones = K.expand_dims(yy_ones, axis=1)

            yy_range = K.tile(K.expand_dims(K.arange(0, dim3), axis=0),
                              K.stack([batch_shape, 1]))
            yy_range = K.expand_dims(yy_range, axis=-1)

            yy_channels = K.batch_dot(yy_range, yy_ones, axes=[2, 1])
            yy_channels = K.expand_dims(yy_channels, axis=-1)
            yy_channels = K.permute_dimensions(yy_channels, [0, 2, 1, 3])

            yy_channels = K.expand_dims(yy_channels, axis=1)
            yy_channels = K.tile(yy_channels,
                                 [1, dim1, 1, 1, 1])

            zz_range = K.tile(K.expand_dims(K.arange(0, dim1), axis=0),
                              K.stack([batch_shape, 1]))
            zz_range = K.expand_dims(zz_range, axis=-1)
            zz_range = K.expand_dims(zz_range, axis=-1)

            zz_channels = K.tile(zz_range,
                                 [1, 1, dim2, dim3])
            zz_channels = K.expand_dims(zz_channels, axis=-1)

            xx_channels = K.cast(xx_channels, K.floatx())
            xx_channels = xx_channels / K.cast(dim2 - 1, K.floatx())
            xx_channels = xx_channels * 2 - 1.

            yy_channels = K.cast(yy_channels, K.floatx())
            yy_channels = yy_channels / K.cast(dim3 - 1, K.floatx())
            yy_channels = yy_channels * 2 - 1.

            zz_channels = K.cast(zz_channels, K.floatx())
            zz_channels = zz_channels / K.cast(dim1 - 1, K.floatx())
            zz_channels = zz_channels * 2 - 1.

            outputs = K.concatenate([inputs, zz_channels, xx_channels, yy_channels],

            if self.data_format == 'channels_first':
                outputs = K.permute_dimensions(outputs, [0, 4, 1, 2, 3])

        return outputs
Ejemplo n.º 45
def one(shape, name=None):
    return K.ones(shape, name=name)