Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __call__(self, x):
     xshape = K.int_shape(x)
     if self.axis is 'last':
         x = K.reshape(x, (-1, xshape[-1]))
         x /= K.sqrt(K.sum(K.square(x), axis=0, keepdims=True))
         xx = K.dot(K.transpose(x), x)
         return self.gamma * K.sum(K.log(1.0 + K.exp(self.lam * (xx - 1.0))) * (1.0 - K.eye(xshape[-1])))
     elif self.axis is 'first':
         x = K.reshape(x, (xshape[0], -1))
         x /= K.sqrt(K.sum(K.square(x), axis=1, keepdims=True))
         xx = K.dot(x, K.transpose(x))
         return self.gamma * K.sum(K.log(1.0 + K.exp(self.lam * (xx - 1.0))) * (1.0 - K.eye(xshape[0])))
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __loss(y_true, y_pred):
     kernel_cs_forward, kernel_cs_backward = [], []
     for (forward, backward) in layers:
         kernel_c_forward = forward.cell.trainable_weights[1][:, rnn_units * 2:rnn_units * 3]
         kernel_c_backward = backward.cell.trainable_weights[1][:, rnn_units * 2:rnn_units * 3]
         kernel_cs_forward.append(K.reshape(kernel_c_forward, (rnn_units * rnn_units,)))
         kernel_cs_backward.append(K.reshape(kernel_c_backward, (rnn_units * rnn_units,)))
     phi_forward = K.stack(kernel_cs_forward)
     phi_backward = K.stack(kernel_cs_backward)
     loss_sim_forward = K.sum(K.square(K.dot(phi_forward, K.transpose(phi_forward)) - K.eye(len(layers))))
     loss_sim_backward = K.sum(K.square(K.dot(phi_backward, K.transpose(phi_backward)) - K.eye(len(layers))))
     loss_cat = keras.losses.categorical_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred)
     return loss_cat + lmbd * (loss_sim_forward + loss_sim_backward)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _pairwise_distances(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> Tensor:
     emb_c, emb_r = inputs
     bs = K.shape(emb_c)[0]
     embeddings = K.concatenate([emb_c, emb_r], 0)
     dot_product = K.dot(embeddings, K.transpose(embeddings))
     square_norm = K.batch_dot(embeddings, embeddings, axes=1)
     distances = K.transpose(square_norm) - 2.0 * dot_product + square_norm
     distances = K.slice(distances, (0, bs), (bs, bs))
     distances = K.clip(distances, 0.0, None)
     mask = K.cast(K.equal(distances, 0.0), K.dtype(distances))
     distances = distances + mask * 1e-16
     distances = K.sqrt(distances)
     distances = distances * (1.0 - mask)
     return distances
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_feature_represent(x, layer_names, model):
    x : 输入,
    layer_names : list
    model : CNN模型
    feature_matrices : list
        经过CNN卷积层的特征表示,这里大小是(filter个数, feature map的长*宽)
    feature_matrices = []
    for ln in layer_names:
        select_layer = model.get_layer(ln)
        feature_raw = select_layer.output
        feature_raw_shape = K.shape(feature_raw).eval(session=tf_session)
        N_l = feature_raw_shape[-1]
        M_l = feature_raw_shape[1]*feature_raw_shape[2]
        feature_matrix = K.reshape(feature_raw, (M_l, N_l))
        feature_matrix = K.transpose(feature_matrix)
    return feature_matrices
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: dqn.py Proyecto: noe/keras-rl
        def A_network_output(x):
            # The input of this layer is [L, mu, a] in concatenated form. We first split
            # those up.
            idx = 0
            L_flat = x[:, idx:idx + (self.nb_actions * self.nb_actions + self.nb_actions) / 2]
            idx += (self.nb_actions * self.nb_actions + self.nb_actions) / 2
            mu = x[:, idx:idx + self.nb_actions]
            idx += self.nb_actions
            a = x[:, idx:idx + self.nb_actions]
            idx += self.nb_actions

            # Create L and L^T matrix, which we use to construct the positive-definite matrix P.
            Ls = []
            LTs = []
            for idx in xrange(self.batch_size):
                L = K.zeros((self.nb_actions, self.nb_actions))
                L = T.set_subtensor(L[np.tril_indices(self.nb_actions)], L_flat[idx, :])
                diag = K.exp(T.diag(L))
                L = T.set_subtensor(L[np.diag_indices(self.nb_actions)], diag)
                # TODO: diagonal elements exp
            L = K.pack(Ls)
            LT = K.pack(LTs)
            P = K.batch_dot(L, LT, axes=(1, 2))
            assert K.ndim(P) == 3

            # Combine a, mu and P into a scalar (over the batches).
            A = -.5 * K.batch_dot(K.batch_dot(a - mu, P, axes=(1, 2)), a - mu, axes=1)
            assert K.ndim(A) == 2
            return A
Ejemplo n.º 6
def gram_matrix(x):
    assert Kr.ndim(x) == 3

    features = Kr.batch_flatten(x)
    gram = Kr.dot(features, Kr.transpose(features))

    return gram
def gram_matrix(x):
    #change height,width,depth to depth, height, width, it could be 2,1,0 too
    #maybe 2,0,1 is more efficient due to underlying memory layout
    features = K.permute_dimensions(x, (2,0,1))
    #batch flatten make features become 2D array
    features = K.batch_flatten(features)
    return K.dot(features, K.transpose(features)) / x.get_shape().num_elements()    
Ejemplo n.º 8
def gram_matrix(x):
    if K.image_dim_ordering() == "th":
        features = K.batch_flatten(x)
        features = K.batch_flatten(K.permute_dimensions(x, (2, 0, 1)))
    gram = K.dot(features, K.transpose(features))
    return gram
    def call(self, y, mask=None):
            parameter y is supposed to have twice the length of the STF
        # Compute mask
        y1, y2 = T.split(K.transpose(y), [self.output_dim, self.output_dim], 2, axis=0)

        mask1 = K.abs(y1) / (K.abs(y1) + K.abs(y2) + 1)
        mask2 = K.abs(y2) / (K.abs(y1) + K.abs(y2) + 1)
        mask = K.concatenate([mask1, mask2])

        # Apply mask
        sft = shared(self.sfts[Mask_Data_Callback.idx])
        X1 = sft * K.transpose(mask1)
        X2 = sft * K.transpose(mask2)
        out = K.concatenate([X1, X2], axis=1)
        return out
Ejemplo n.º 10
def gram_matrix(x):
    assert K.ndim(x) == 3
    if K.image_data_format() == 'channels_first':
        features = K.batch_flatten(x)
        features = K.batch_flatten(K.permute_dimensions(x, (2, 0, 1)))
    gram = K.dot(features, K.transpose(features))
    return gram
def R(vects):
    Calculates the cosine similarity of two vectors.
    :param vects: a list of two vectors.
    :return: the cosine similarity of two vectors.
    (x, y) = vects
    return backend.dot(x, backend.transpose(y)) / (x.norm(2) * y.norm(2)) # See equation (4)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def attention_control(args):
    x, dense_2 = args
    find_att = K.reshape(x, (15, 15, 10))
    find_att = K.transpose(find_att[:, :, :])
    find_att = K.mean(find_att, axis=0)
    find_att = find_att / K.sum(find_att, axis=0)
    find_att = K.repeat_elements(find_att, 32, axis=0)
    find_att = K.reshape(find_att, (1, 32, 15, 15))
    return find_att
def gram_matrix(img):
  # input is (H, W, C) (C = # feature maps)
  # we first need to convert it to (C, H*W)
  X = K.batch_flatten(K.permute_dimensions(img, (2, 0, 1)))
  # now, calculate the gram matrix
  # gram = XX^T / N
  # the constant is not important since we'll be weighting these
  G = K.dot(X, K.transpose(X)) / img.get_shape().num_elements()
  return G
Ejemplo n.º 14
def gram_matrix(x):
    the gram matrix of an image tensor (feature-wise outer product)
    :param x: The tensor contains image features
    :return: A gram matrix
    if K.ndim(x) == 4:
        x = x[0, :, :, :]
    assert K.ndim(x) == 3
    features = K.batch_flatten(x)
    gram = K.dot(features, K.transpose(features))
    return gram
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def get_pmi(self):
        print 'feature_sums:', self.feature_sums.get_shape()
        print 'feature_covariance_sums:', self.feature_covariance_sums.get_shape()

        feature_sums = K.reshape(self.feature_sums, (self.input_space_dim, 1))
        products = K.dot(feature_sums, K.transpose(feature_sums))
        print 'products:', products.get_shape()

        pmi = products * self.feature_covariance_sums
        pmi = K.log(pmi + K.epsilon())
        pmi *= self.feature_covariance_sums
        return pmi
def KLdivergence(P, Y):
    alpha = low_dim - 1.
    sum_Y = K.sum(K.square(Y), axis=1)
    eps = K.variable(10e-15)
    D = sum_Y + K.reshape(sum_Y, [-1, 1]) - 2 * K.dot(Y, K.transpose(Y))
    Q = K.pow(1 + D / alpha, -(alpha + 1) / 2)
    Q *= K.variable(1 - np.eye(batch_size))
    Q /= K.sum(Q)
    Q = K.maximum(Q, eps)
    C = K.log((P + eps) / (Q + eps))
    C = K.sum(P * C)
    return C
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def call(self, x, mask=None):
        batch_placeholder = K.cast(x, 'int32')[0]
        s, o, p = [batch_placeholder[i] for i in range(3)]

        s2v = K.gather(self.E, s)
        o2v = K.gather(self.E, o)
        r2v = K.gather(self.R, p)

        # print(K.shape(s2v).eval())
        # print(self.E[[0]].shape.eval())

        def ccorr(a, b):
            return self.ccorr1d_sc(a, b, border_mode='half')

        eta = K.dot(K.transpose(r2v), ccorr(s2v, o2v))
        return eta
Ejemplo n.º 18
def tsne(P, activations):
#     d = K.shape(activations)[1]
    d = 2 # TODO: should set this automatically, but the above is very slow for some reason
    n = 1000 # TODO: should set this automatically
    v = d - 1.
    eps = K.variable(10e-15) # needs to be at least 10e-8 to get anything after Q /= K.sum(Q)
    sum_act = K.sum(K.square(activations), axis=1)
    Q = K.reshape(sum_act, [-1, 1]) + -2 * K.dot(activations, K.transpose(activations))
    Q = (sum_act + Q) / v
    Q = K.pow(1 + Q, -(v + 1) / 2)
    Q *= K.variable(1 - np.eye(n))
    Q /= K.sum(Q)
    Q = K.maximum(Q, eps)
    C = K.log((P + eps) / (Q + eps))
    C = K.sum(P * C)
    return C
    def __call__(self, loss):
        power = 9  # number of iterations of the power method
        W = self.p
        WW = K.dot(K.transpose(W), W)
        dim1, dim2 = K.eval(K.shape(WW))
        k = self.k
        o = np.ones(dim1)  # initial values for the dominant eigenvector

        # power method for approximating the dominant eigenvector:
        domin_eigenvect = K.dot(WW, o)
        for n in range(power - 1):
            domin_eigenvect = K.dot(WW, domin_eigenvect)    
        WWd = K.dot(WW, domin_eigenvect)
        domin_eigenval = K.dot(WWd, domin_eigenvect) / K.dot(domin_eigenvect, domin_eigenvect)  # the corresponding dominant eigenvalue
        regularized_loss = loss + (domin_eigenval ** 0.5) * self.k  # multiplied by the given regularization gain
        return K.in_train_phase(regularized_loss, loss)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def gram_matrix(x):
	Computes the outer-product of the input tensor x.

	- x: input tensor of shape (C x H x W)

	- x . x^T

	Note that this can be computed efficiently if x is reshaped
	as a tensor of shape (C x H*W).
	# assert K.ndim(x) == 3
	if K.image_dim_ordering() == 'th':
		features = K.batch_flatten(x)
		features = K.batch_flatten(K.permute_dimensions(x, (2, 0, 1)))
	return K.dot(features, K.transpose(features))
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def pmi_regularizer(self, loss):
        # input_space_dim = stack_size * self.nb_row * self.nb_col
        # kernel_shape = (self.nb_row, self.nb_col, stack_size, self.nb_filter)
        # x_flat = K.reshape(x, (-1, input_space_dim))
        # match: (self.nb_row, self.nb_col, stack_size) gets resized to input_space_dim
        # in both cases (same order in kernel and x)
        k_mat = K.reshape(self.kernel, (self.input_space_dim, self.nb_filter))
        identity = K.variable(np.identity(self.input_space_dim))

        print 'k_mat:', k_mat.get_shape()

        print 'input_space_dim:', self.input_space_dim
        print k_mat.get_shape()

        embeddings = K.dot(identity, k_mat)
        pmi_star = K.dot(embeddings, K.transpose(k_mat))
        print 'pmi_star:', pmi_star.get_shape()

        pmi = self.get_pmi()
        # potential trick: multiply loss below to give more weight to lower layers
        return loss + 0.00000001 * K.mean(K.abs(pmi - pmi_star))
Ejemplo n.º 22
def attention_control(args):
    # Why do we need dense_2 here!?
    x, dense_2 = args
    find_att = K.reshape(x, (15, 15, 10))
    find_att = K.transpose(find_att[:, :, :]) # 10 x 15 x 15
    find_att = K.mean(find_att, axis=0) # 15 x 15
    # WTF ???
    find_att = find_att / K.sum(find_att, axis=0) # 15 x 15
    # TODO ??? maybe BUG: copy across channels, but he lose channel axis
    find_att = K.repeat_elements(find_att, 32, axis=0)
    find_att = K.reshape(find_att, (1, 32, 15, 15))

    # x, dense_2 = args
    # find_att = K.reshape(x, (15, 15, 10))
    # find_att = K.transpose(find_att[:, :, :])  # 10 x 15 x 15
    # # find average attention here across all feature maps
    # mean_att = K.mean(find_att, axis=0)  # 15 x 15
    # mean_att = K.reshape(mean_att, (1, 15, 15))
    # # copy attention mask across all feature maps
    # rep_mean_att = K.repeat_elements(mean_att, 32, axis=0)
    # focus = K.reshape(rep_mean_att, (1, 32, 15, 15))
    # return focus
    return find_att
Ejemplo n.º 23
def orth_reg(W):
    WT = K.transpose(W)
    X = K.dot(WT, W)
    X = X * (1. - ada_eye(X))
    return 1e-3 * K.sum(X * X)
 def __call__(self, p):
     print "here"
     u,s,v = T.nlinalg.svd(p)
     return K.dot(u,K.transpose(v))
 def gramian(filters):
     c_filters = K.batch_flatten(
         K.permute_dimensions(K.squeeze(filters, axis=0),
                              pattern=(2, 0, 1)))
     return K.dot(c_filters, K.transpose(c_filters))
def grammian_matrix(matrix):
    flattened_matrix = K.batch_flatten(K.permute_dimensions(matrix, (2, 0, 1)))
    matrix_transpose_dot = K.dot(flattened_matrix, K.transpose(flattened_matrix))
    element_count = matrix.get_shape().num_elements()
    return matrix_transpose_dot / element_count
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def __call__(self, p):
     u, s, v = T.nlinalg.svd(p)
     return K.dot(u, K.transpose(v))
Ejemplo n.º 28
def yolo_head(feats, anchors, num_classes):
    """Convert final layer features to bounding box parameters.

    feats : tensor
        Final convolutional layer features.
    anchors : array-like
        Anchor box widths and heights.
    num_classes : int
        Number of target classes.

    box_xy : tensor
        x, y box predictions adjusted by spatial location in conv layer.
    box_wh : tensor
        w, h box predictions adjusted by anchors and conv spatial resolution.
    box_conf : tensor
        Probability estimate for whether each box contains any object.
    box_class_pred : tensor
        Probability distribution estimate for each box over class labels.
    num_anchors = len(anchors)
    # Reshape to batch, height, width, num_anchors, box_params.
    anchors_tensor = K.reshape(K.variable(anchors), [1, 1, 1, num_anchors, 2])

    # Static implementation for fixed models.
    # TODO: Remove or add option for static implementation.
    # _, conv_height, conv_width, _ = K.int_shape(feats)
    # conv_dims = K.variable([conv_width, conv_height])

    # Dynamic implementation of conv dims for fully convolutional model.
    conv_dims = K.shape(feats)[1:3]  # assuming channels last
    # In YOLO the height index is the inner most iteration.
    conv_height_index = K.arange(0, stop=conv_dims[0])
    conv_width_index = K.arange(0, stop=conv_dims[1])
    conv_height_index = K.tile(conv_height_index, [conv_dims[1]])

    # TODO: Repeat_elements and tf.split doesn't support dynamic splits.
    # conv_width_index = K.repeat_elements(conv_width_index, conv_dims[1], axis=0)
    conv_width_index = K.tile(
        K.expand_dims(conv_width_index, 0), [conv_dims[0], 1])
    conv_width_index = K.flatten(K.transpose(conv_width_index))
    conv_index = K.transpose(K.stack([conv_height_index, conv_width_index]))
    conv_index = K.reshape(conv_index, [1, conv_dims[0], conv_dims[1], 1, 2])
    conv_index = K.cast(conv_index, K.dtype(feats))

    feats = K.reshape(
        feats, [-1, conv_dims[0], conv_dims[1], num_anchors, num_classes + 5])
    conv_dims = K.cast(K.reshape(conv_dims, [1, 1, 1, 1, 2]), K.dtype(feats))

    # Static generation of conv_index:
    # conv_index = np.array([_ for _ in np.ndindex(conv_width, conv_height)])
    # conv_index = conv_index[:, [1, 0]]  # swap columns for YOLO ordering.
    # conv_index = K.variable(
    #     conv_index.reshape(1, conv_height, conv_width, 1, 2))
    # feats = Reshape(
    #     (conv_dims[0], conv_dims[1], num_anchors, num_classes + 5))(feats)

    box_xy = K.sigmoid(feats[..., :2])
    box_wh = K.exp(feats[..., 2:4])
    box_confidence = K.sigmoid(feats[..., 4:5])
    box_class_probs = K.softmax(feats[..., 5:])

    # Adjust preditions to each spatial grid point and anchor size.
    # Note: YOLO iterates over height index before width index.
    box_xy = (box_xy + conv_index) / conv_dims
    box_wh = box_wh * anchors_tensor / conv_dims

    return box_xy, box_wh, box_confidence, box_class_probs
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def get_output(self, train=False):
     X = self.get_input(train)
     if self.pretrain or self.output_reconstruction:
         output = self.reconstruction_activation(K.dot(self.activation(K.dot(X, self.W)), K.transpose(self.W)))
         return output
         output = self.activation(K.dot(X, self.W))
         return output
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def power_iteration(W, u):
     # Accroding the paper, we only need to do power iteration one time.
     _u = u
     _v = _l2normalize(K.dot(_u, K.transpose(W)))
     _u = _l2normalize(K.dot(_v, W))
     return _u, _v
Ejemplo n.º 31
def gram_matrix(x):
    features = backend.batch_flatten(backend.permute_dimensions(x, (2, 0, 1)))
    gram = backend.dot(features, backend.transpose(features))
    return gram
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def call(self, inputs):
        input_shape = K.shape(inputs)
        batch_size = input_shape[0]
        if self.data_format == 'channels_first':
            h_axis, w_axis = 2, 3
            h_axis, w_axis = 1, 2

        height, width = input_shape[h_axis], input_shape[w_axis]
        kernel_h, kernel_w = self.kernel_size
        stride_h, stride_w = self.strides
        if self.output_padding is None:
            out_pad_h = out_pad_w = None
            out_pad_h, out_pad_w = self.output_padding

        # Infer the dynamic output shape:
        out_height = conv_utils.deconv_length(height, stride_h, kernel_h,
                                              self.padding, out_pad_h)
        out_width = conv_utils.deconv_length(width, stride_w, kernel_w,
                                             self.padding, out_pad_w)
        if self.data_format == 'channels_first':
            output_shape = (batch_size, self.filters, out_height, out_width)
            output_shape = (batch_size, out_height, out_width, self.filters)

        # Spectral Normalization
        def _l2normalize(v, eps=1e-12):
            return v / (K.sum(v**2)**0.5 + eps)

        def power_iteration(W, u):
            # Accroding the paper, we only need to do power iteration one time.
            _u = u
            _v = _l2normalize(K.dot(_u, K.transpose(W)))
            _u = _l2normalize(K.dot(_v, W))
            return _u, _v

        W_shape = self.kernel.shape.as_list()
        # Flatten the Tensor
        W_reshaped = K.reshape(self.kernel, [-1, W_shape[-1]])
        _u, _v = power_iteration(W_reshaped, self.u)
        # Calculate Sigma
        sigma = K.dot(_v, W_reshaped)
        sigma = K.dot(sigma, K.transpose(_u))
        # normalize it
        W_bar = W_reshaped / sigma
        # reshape weight tensor
        if training in {0, False}:
            W_bar = K.reshape(W_bar, W_shape)
            with tf.control_dependencies([self.u.assign(_u)]):
                W_bar = K.reshape(W_bar, W_shape)
        self.kernel = W_bar

        outputs = K.conv2d_transpose(inputs,

        if self.use_bias:
            outputs = K.bias_add(outputs,

        if self.activation is not None:
            return self.activation(outputs)
        return outputs
Ejemplo n.º 33
def trend_model(thetas, backcast_length, forecast_length, is_forecast):
    p = thetas.shape[-1]
    t = linear_space(backcast_length, forecast_length, fwd_looking=is_forecast)
    T = K.transpose(K.stack([t**i for i in range(p)], axis=0))
    T = K.cast(T, np.float32)
    return K.dot(thetas, K.transpose(T))
Ejemplo n.º 34
def yolo_head(feats, anchors, num_classes):
    """Convert final layer features to bounding box parameters.

    feats : tensor
        Final convolutional layer features.
    anchors : array-like
        Anchor box widths and heights.
    num_classes : int
        Number of target classes.

    box_xy : tensor
        x, y box predictions adjusted by spatial location in conv layer.
    box_wh : tensor
        w, h box predictions adjusted by anchors and conv spatial resolution.
    box_conf : tensor
        Probability estimate for whether each box contains any object.
    box_class_pred : tensor
        Probability distribution estimate for each box over class labels.
    num_anchors = len(anchors)
    # Reshape to batch, height, width, num_anchors, box_params.
    anchors_tensor = K.reshape(K.variable(anchors), [1, 1, 1, num_anchors, 2])

    # Static implementation for fixed models.
    # TODO: Remove or add option for static implementation.
    # _, conv_height, conv_width, _ = K.int_shape(feats)
    # conv_dims = K.variable([conv_width, conv_height])

    # Dynamic implementation of conv dims for fully convolutional model.
    conv_dims = K.shape(feats)[1:3]  # assuming channels last
    # In YOLO the height index is the inner most iteration.
    conv_height_index = K.arange(0, stop=conv_dims[0])
    conv_width_index = K.arange(0, stop=conv_dims[1])
    conv_height_index = K.tile(conv_height_index, [conv_dims[1]])

    # TODO: Repeat_elements and tf.split doesn't support dynamic splits.
    # conv_width_index = K.repeat_elements(conv_width_index, conv_dims[1], axis=0)
    conv_width_index = K.tile(K.expand_dims(conv_width_index, 0),
                              [conv_dims[0], 1])
    conv_width_index = K.flatten(K.transpose(conv_width_index))
    conv_index = K.transpose(K.stack([conv_height_index, conv_width_index]))
    conv_index = K.reshape(conv_index, [1, conv_dims[0], conv_dims[1], 1, 2])
    conv_index = K.cast(conv_index, K.dtype(feats))

    feats = K.reshape(
        feats, [-1, conv_dims[0], conv_dims[1], num_anchors, num_classes + 5])
    conv_dims = K.cast(K.reshape(conv_dims, [1, 1, 1, 1, 2]), K.dtype(feats))

    # Static generation of conv_index:
    # conv_index = np.array([_ for _ in np.ndindex(conv_width, conv_height)])
    # conv_index = conv_index[:, [1, 0]]  # swap columns for YOLO ordering.
    # conv_index = K.variable(
    #     conv_index.reshape(1, conv_height, conv_width, 1, 2))
    # feats = Reshape(
    #     (conv_dims[0], conv_dims[1], num_anchors, num_classes + 5))(feats)

    box_xy = K.sigmoid(feats[..., :2])
    box_wh = K.exp(feats[..., 2:4])
    box_confidence = K.sigmoid(feats[..., 4:5])
    box_class_probs = K.softmax(feats[..., 5:])

    # Adjust preditions to each spatial grid point and anchor size.
    # Note: YOLO iterates over height index before width index.
    box_xy = (box_xy + conv_index) / conv_dims
    box_wh = box_wh * anchors_tensor / conv_dims

    return box_xy, box_wh, box_confidence, box_class_probs
Ejemplo n.º 35
def transpose(X):
    return K.transpose(x)
Ejemplo n.º 36
def gram_matrix(x):
    features = backend.batch_flatten(backend.permute_dimensions(x, (2, 0, 1)))
    gram = backend.dot(features, backend.transpose(features))
    return gram
def gram_matrix(x):
    assert K.ndim(x) == 3
    features = K.batch_flatten(x)
    gram = K.dot(features, K.transpose(features))
    return gram
Ejemplo n.º 38
 def call(self, x):
     if self._axes is None:
         return K.transpose(x)
         return K.permute_dimensions(x, self._axes)
Ejemplo n.º 39
def gram_matrix(x):
    # Rearrange features in required order
    features = K.batch_flatten(K.permute_dimensions(x, (2, 0, 1)))
    gram = K.dot(features, K.transpose(features))
    return gram
Ejemplo n.º 40
def get_Gram_matrix(F):
    G = K.dot(F, K.transpose(F))
    return G
Ejemplo n.º 41
 def call(self, inputs, mask=None, **kwargs):
     # [N, max_len, emb_dim] [vacab_size, emb_dim]
     inputs, embeddings = inputs
     outputs = K.bias_add(K.dot(inputs, K.transpose(embeddings)), self.bias)
     return keras.activations.softmax(outputs)
Ejemplo n.º 42
def get_dists_backend(X):
    norms = K.expand_dims(K.sum(K.square(X), axis=1),1)
    return norms + K.transpose(norms) - 2*K.dot(X,K.transpose(X))
 def build_gram_matrix(x):
     features = K.batch_flatten(K.permute_dimensions(x, (2, 0, 1)))
     gram_matrix = K.dot(features, K.transpose(features))
     return gram_matrix
Ejemplo n.º 44
def task_finish(y_true, y_pred):
    return K.mean(K.greater(K.dot(K.softmax(y_pred), K.transpose(y_true)),.4), axis=-1)    
Ejemplo n.º 45
def cosine_distance(jd):
    jd = K.l2_normalize(jd, axis=-1)
    jt_six = K.l2_normalize(title_embedding, axis=-1)

    return K.dot(jd, K.transpose(jt_six))
Ejemplo n.º 46
def gram_matrix(img):
    X = k.batch_flatten(k.permute_dimensions(img,(2,0,1)))
    G = k.dot(X,k.transpose(X))/img.get_shape().num_elements()
    return G
Ejemplo n.º 47
 def __call__(self, w):
     m = K.dot(K.transpose(w), w) - K.eye(K.int_shape(w)[1])
     return self.reg_weight * frobenius_norm(m)
Ejemplo n.º 48
def restricted_tangent_distance(signals, protos, subspaces, bounds,
    # Note: subspaces is always assumed as transposed and must be orthogonal!
    # shape(signals): batch x proto_number x channels x dim1 x dim2 x ... x dimN
    # shape(protos): proto_number x dim1 x dim2 x ... x dimN
    # shape(subspaces): (optional [proto_number]) x prod(dim1 * dim2 * ... * dimN)  x prod(projected_atom_shape)

    signal_shape = mixed_shape(signals)
    shape = tuple([i if isinstance(i, int) else None for i in signal_shape])

    if not equal_shape((shape[1],) + shape[3:], K.int_shape(protos)):
        raise ValueError("The shape of signals[2:] must be equal protos. You provide: signals.shape[2:]="
                         + str((shape[1],) + shape[3:]) + " != protos.shape=" + str(K.int_shape(protos)))

    with K.name_scope('tangent_distance'):
        signal_shape = mixed_shape(signals)
        atom_axes = list(range(3, len(signal_shape)))

        signals = K.permute_dimensions(signals, [0, 2, 1] + atom_axes)
        diff = signals - protos

        if K.ndim(subspaces) == 2:
            with K.name_scope('tangentspace_parameters'):
                diff = K.reshape(diff, (signal_shape[0] * signal_shape[2], signal_shape[1], -1))
                params = K.dot(diff, subspaces)

            with K.name_scope('restricted_parameters'):
                in_space = K.cast(K.less_equal(K.abs(params), bounds), dtype=params.dtype)
                params = in_space * params + K.sign(params) * (1 - in_space) * bounds

            with K.name_scope('tangentspace_projections'):
                projected_diff = K.dot(params, K.transpose(subspaces))
                projected_diff = K.reshape(projected_diff,
                                           (signal_shape[0], signal_shape[2], signal_shape[1]) + signal_shape[3:])

                matching_protos = protos + projected_diff

            diss = p_norm(signals - matching_protos,
                          order_p=2, axis=atom_axes, squared=squared, keepdims=False, epsilon=epsilon)
            return K.permute_dimensions(diss, [0, 2, 1])

        else:  # local or capsule_wise
            with K.name_scope('tangentspace_parameters'):
                diff = K.reshape(diff, (signal_shape[0] * signal_shape[2], signal_shape[1], -1))
                diff = K.permute_dimensions(diff, [1, 0, 2])
                params = K.batch_dot(diff, subspaces)

            with K.name_scope('restricted_parameters'):
                bounds = K.expand_dims(bounds, 1)
                in_space = K.cast(K.less_equal(K.abs(params), bounds), dtype=params.dtype)
                params = in_space * params + K.sign(params) * (1 - in_space) * bounds

            with K.name_scope('tangentspace_projections'):
                projected_diff = K.batch_dot(params, subspaces, [2, 2])
                projected_diff = K.permute_dimensions(projected_diff, [1, 0, 2])
                projected_diff = K.reshape(projected_diff,
                                           (signal_shape[0], signal_shape[2], signal_shape[1]) + signal_shape[3:])

                matching_protos = protos + projected_diff

            diss = p_norm(signals - matching_protos,
                          order_p=2, axis=atom_axes, squared=squared, keepdims=False, epsilon=epsilon)
            return K.permute_dimensions(diss, [0, 2, 1])
Ejemplo n.º 49
    def call(self, inputs, mask=None):
        # Retrieve the layer input
        input0, arc_tensor_in, arc_tensor_out, label_tensor_in, label_tensor_out, mask_in, mask_out, mask_loop = inputs
        batch_size = tf.shape(input0)[0]
        seq_len = int(input0.shape[1])

        max_degree = 1

        label_tensor_in = tf.reshape(label_tensor_in, [-1, 1])
        label_tensor_out = tf.reshape(label_tensor_out, [-1, 1])
        mask_in = tf.reshape(mask_in, [-1, 1])
        mask_out = tf.reshape(mask_out, [-1, 1])
        mask_loop = tf.reshape(mask_loop, [-1, 1])

        input_ = tf.reshape(
            input0, [batch_size * seq_len, self.num_inputs])  # [b* t, h]

        if self.in_arcs:
            input_in = K.dot(input_, self.V_in)  # [b* t, h] * [h,h] = [b*t, h]
            second_in = K.gather(self.b_in, K.transpose(label_tensor_in)[0])
            in_ = tf.reshape((input_in + second_in),
                             [batch_size, seq_len, 1, self.num_units])
            # compute gate weights
            input_in_gate = K.dot(
                input_, self.V_in_gate)  # [b* t, h] * [h,h] = [b*t, h]

            second_in_gate = K.gather(self.b_in_gate,
            in_gate = tf.reshape((input_in_gate + second_in_gate),
                                 [batch_size, seq_len, 1])
            max_degree += 1

        if self.out_arcs:
            input_out = K.dot(input_,
                              self.V_out)  # [b* t, h] * [h,h] = [b* t, h]
            second_out = K.gather(self.b_out, K.transpose(label_tensor_out)[0])
            degr = K.cast(tf.shape(input_out)[0] / batch_size / seq_len,
            max_degree += degr

            out_ = tf.reshape((input_out + second_out),
                              [batch_size, seq_len, degr, self.num_units])
            # compute gate weights
            input_out_gate = K.dot(
                input_, self.V_out_gate)  # [b* t, h] * [h,h] = [b* t, h]
            second_out_gate = K.gather(self.b_out_gate,
            out_gate = tf.reshape((input_out_gate + second_out_gate),
                                  [batch_size, seq_len, degr])

        same_input = K.dot(input0, self.W_self_loop)
        same_input = tf.reshape(same_input, (batch_size, seq_len, -1))
        same_input = tf.reshape(
            (batch_size, seq_len, 1, tf.shape(self.W_self_loop)[1]))

        same_input_gate = K.dot(input0, self.W_self_loop_gate)
        same_input_gate = tf.reshape(same_input_gate, (batch_size, seq_len))
        same_input_gate = tf.reshape(same_input_gate,
                                     (batch_size, seq_len, -1))

        if self.in_arcs and self.out_arcs:
            potentials = K.concatenate([in_, out_, same_input],
                                       axis=2)  # [b, t,  mxdeg, h]
            potentials_gate = K.concatenate(
                [in_gate, out_gate, same_input_gate],
                axis=2)  # [b, t,  mxdeg, h]
            mask_soft = K.concatenate([mask_in, mask_out, mask_loop],
                                      axis=1)  # [b* t, mxdeg]

        elif self.out_arcs:
            potentials = K.concatenate([out_, same_input],
                                       axis=2)  # [b, t,  2*mxdeg+1, h]
            potentials_gate = K.concatenate([out_gate, same_input_gate],
                                            axis=2)  # [b, t,  mxdeg, h]
            mask_soft = K.concatenate([mask_out, mask_loop],
                                      axis=1)  # [b* t, mxdeg]

        elif self.in_arcs:
            potentials = K.concatenate([in_, same_input],
                                       axis=2)  # [b, t,  2*mxdeg+1, h]
            potentials_gate = K.concatenate([in_gate, same_input_gate],
                                            axis=2)  # [b, t,  mxdeg, h]
            mask_soft = K.concatenate([mask_in, mask_loop],
                                      axis=1)  # [b* t, mxdeg]

        potentials_ = K.permute_dimensions(potentials,
                                           (3, 0, 1, 2))  # [h, b, t, mxdeg]

        potentials_resh = K.reshape(potentials_,
                                    (self.num_units, batch_size * seq_len,
                                     max_degree))  # [h, b * t, mxdeg]

        potentials_r = K.reshape(
            (batch_size * seq_len, max_degree))  # [h, b * t, mxdeg]
        # calculate the gate
        mask_soft = K.cast(mask_soft, dtype='float32')
        probs_det_ = K.sigmoid(potentials_r) * mask_soft  # [b * t, mxdeg]
        potentials_masked = potentials_resh * mask_soft * probs_det_  # [h, b * t, mxdeg]

        potentials_masked_ = K.sum(potentials_masked, axis=2)  # [h, b * t]

        #potentials_masked__ = T.switch(potentials_masked_ > 0, potentials_masked_, 0) # ReLU
        potentials_masked_ = K.relu(potentials_masked_)
        result_ = K.permute_dimensions(potentials_masked_,
                                       (1, 0))  # [b * t, h]
        result_ = K.reshape(
            result_, (batch_size, seq_len, self.num_units))  # [ b, t, h]
        #result = result_ * mask.dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x')  # [b, t, h]
        return result_
Ejemplo n.º 50
    def call(self, x):

        C = K.expand_dims(self.centers)
        H = K.transpose(C-K.transpose(x))
        return K.exp(-self.betas * K.sum(H**2, axis=1))
Ejemplo n.º 51
 def power_iteration(W, u):
     _u = u
     _v = _l2normalize(K.dot(_u, K.transpose(W)))
     _u = _l2normalize(K.dot(_v, W))
     return _u, _v
def dice_coef(y_true, y_pred):
    y_true_f = K.flatten(y_true)
    y_pred_f = K.flatten(y_pred)
    return (2. * K.dot(y_true_f, K.transpose(y_pred_f)) +
            smooth) / (K.sum(y_true_f) + K.sum(y_pred_f) + smooth)
    def call(self, inputs):
        def _l2normalize(v, eps=1e-12):
            return v / (K.sum(v ** 2) ** 0.5 + eps)
        def power_iteration(W, u):
            _u = u
            _v = _l2normalize(K.dot(_u, K.transpose(W)))
            _u = _l2normalize(K.dot(_v, W))
            return _u, _v
        if self.spectral_normalization:
            W_shape = self.kernel.shape.as_list()
            #Flatten the Tensor
            W_reshaped = K.reshape(self.kernel, [-1, W_shape[-1]])
            _u, _v = power_iteration(W_reshaped, self.u)
            #Calculate Sigma
            sigma=K.dot(_v, W_reshaped)
            sigma=K.dot(sigma, K.transpose(_u))
            #normalize it
            W_bar = W_reshaped / sigma
            #reshape weight tensor
            if training in {0, False}:
                W_bar = K.reshape(W_bar, W_shape)
                with tf.control_dependencies([self.u.assign(_u)]):
                    W_bar = K.reshape(W_bar, W_shape)

            #update weitht
            self.kernel = W_bar
        if self.rank == 1:
            outputs = K.conv1d(
        if self.rank == 2:
            outputs = K.conv2d(
        if self.rank == 3:
            outputs = K.conv3d(

        if self.use_bias:
            outputs = K.bias_add(

        if self.activation is not None:
            return self.activation(outputs)
        return outputs
Ejemplo n.º 54
 def __multiply_tensors(cls, x):
     features = backend.batch_flatten(backend.permute_dimensions(x, (2, 0, 1)))
     return backend.dot(features, backend.transpose(features))
Ejemplo n.º 55
def gram_matrix(x):
    assert K.ndim(x) == 3
    features = K.batch_flatten(K.permute_dimensions(x, (2, 0, 1)))
    gram = K.dot(features, K.transpose(features))
    return gram
Ejemplo n.º 56
def loss(y_true, y_pred, alpha):
    mse = K.mean(K.square(y_pred - K.transpose(y_pred)), axis=-1)
    return binary_crossentropy_with_nan(y_true, y_pred) + alpha * mse
Ejemplo n.º 57
def gram_matrix(x):
    assert K.ndim(x) == 3
    features = K.batch_flatten(x)
    gram = K.dot(features - 1, K.transpose(features - 1))
    return gram
Ejemplo n.º 58
def kappa_metric(t, x):
    u = 0.5 * K.sum(K.square(x - t))
    v = K.dot(K.transpose(x), t - K.mean(t))
    return v / (v + u)
def dice_coef(y_true, y_pred):
    y_true_f = K.flatten(y_true)
    y_pred_f = K.flatten(y_pred)
    return (2. * K.dot(y_true_f, K.transpose(y_pred_f)) + smooth) / (K.sum(y_true_f) + K.sum(y_pred_f) + smooth)
Ejemplo n.º 60
def gram_matrix(X):
    _X = K.squeeze(X, 0)
    features = K.batch_flatten(K.permute_dimensions(_X, (2, 0, 1)))
    gram = K.dot(features, K.transpose(features))
    return K.expand_dims(gram / K.cast(K.prod(_X.shape), 'float32'), axis=0)