Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_regular_grid():
    dg = SpatialDataGenerator()
    dg.source = 'data/small.tif'
    df = dg.regular_grid(100, 100)
    assert len(df) > 0
    assert (df.bounds.maxx - df.bounds.minx).mean() == 100
    assert (df.bounds.maxy - df.bounds.miny).mean() == 100
Ejemplo n.º 2
def generate(path, count=5, size=(64, 64), indexes=1):

    sdg = SpatialDataGenerator('data/small.tif', indexes=indexes)
    sdg.source = 'data/small.tif'
    df = sdg.random_grid(*size, count=count, units='pixels')

    return fc.flow_to_numpy(sdg, df, *size, path=path)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_regular_grid_pixels():
    dg = SpatialDataGenerator()
    dg.source = 'data/small.tif'
    df = dg.regular_grid(64, 64, units='pixels')

    assert len(df) > 0
    assert (df.bounds.maxx - df.bounds.minx).mean() == 64 * dg.src.res[0]
    assert (df.bounds.maxy - df.bounds.miny).mean() == 64 * dg.src.res[1]
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_get_batch_match_frame_len():
    size = (64,64)
    sdg = SpatialDataGenerator()
    sdg.source = 'data/small.tif'
    df = sdg.regular_grid(*size)

    gen = sdg.flow_from_dataframe(df, *size, batch_size=3)
    count = sum([batch.shape[0] for batch in gen])
    assert count == len(df)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_get_size_upscale():
    size = (64,64)
    sdg = SpatialDataGenerator()
    sdg.source = 'data/small.tif'
    df = sdg.regular_grid(size[0]//4, size[1]//4)

    gen = sdg.flow_from_dataframe(df, *size)
    arr = next(gen)

    assert len(arr.shape) == 4
    assert arr.shape[0] == min(sdg.batch_size, len(df))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_sample_size():
    sdg = SpatialDataGenerator()
    sdg.source = 'data/small.tif'
    df = sdg.regular_grid(64,64)

    gen = sdg.flow_from_dataframe(df, 64, 64)
    arr = next(gen)

    assert len(arr.shape) == 4
    assert arr.shape[0] == min(sdg.batch_size, len(df))
    assert arr.shape[1] == 64 and arr.shape[2] == 64
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_get_size_downscale():
    size = (16, 16)
    sdg = SpatialDataGenerator()
    sdg.source = 'data/small.tif'
    df = sdg.regular_grid(size[0] * 4, size[1] * 4)

    gen = sdg.flow_from_dataframe(df, *size)
    arr = next(gen)

    assert len(arr.shape) == 4
    assert arr.shape[0] == min(sdg.batch_size, len(df))
    assert arr.shape[2] == size[1] and arr.shape[3] == size[0]
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_sample_size():
    size = (64, 64)
    sdg = SpatialDataGenerator()
    sdg.source = 'data/small.tif'
    sdg.width, sdg.height = size
    df = sdg.regular_grid(*size)
    gen = sdg.flow_from_dataframe(df)
    arr = next(gen)

    assert len(arr.shape) == 4
    assert arr.shape[0] == min(sdg.batch_size, len(df))
    assert arr.shape[-2] == size[0] and arr.shape[-1] == size[1]
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_get_batch_size_override():
    size = (64,64)
    batch_size = 2
    sdg = SpatialDataGenerator()
    sdg.source = 'data/small.tif'
    df = sdg.regular_grid(*size)

    gen = sdg.flow_from_dataframe(df, *size, batch_size=batch_size)
    arr = next(gen)

    assert len(arr.shape) == 4
    assert arr.shape[0] == min(batch_size, len(df))
    assert arr.shape[1] == size[1] and arr.shape[2] == size[0]
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_preprocess_add_array():
    def pre(arr):
        return np.stack((arr, arr / 10))

    size = (64, 64)
    sdg = SpatialDataGenerator()
    sdg.source = 'data/small.tif'
    sdg.indexes = 1
    sdg.width, sdg.height = size
    df = sdg.regular_grid(*size)

    sdg.add_preprocess_callback('pre', pre)
    arr = next(sdg.flow_from_dataframe(df))
    assert len(arr.shape) == 4
    assert arr.shape[0] == min(sdg.batch_size, len(df))
    assert arr.shape[1] == 2
    assert arr.shape[-2] == size[0] and arr.shape[-1] == size[1]
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_preprocess_modify_array():
    def pre(arr, maxval):
        return arr / maxval

    size = (64, 64)
    sdg = SpatialDataGenerator()
    sdg.source = 'data/small.tif'
    sdg.indexes = 1
    sdg.width, sdg.height = size
    df = sdg.regular_grid(*size)
    df['max'] = [a.max() for a in sdg.flow_from_dataframe(df, batch_size=1)]

    sdg.add_preprocess_callback('normalize', pre, df['max'].max())
    arr = next(sdg.flow_from_dataframe(df))
    assert len(arr.shape) == 3
    assert arr.shape[0] == min(sdg.batch_size, len(df))
    assert arr.shape[-2] == size[0] and arr.shape[-1] == size[1]
    assert arr.max() <= 1.0
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_flow_to_numpy():

    size = (64, 64)
    sdg = SpatialDataGenerator('data/small.tif', indexes=1)
    sdg.source = 'data/small.tif'
    df = sdg.random_grid(*size, count=5, units='pixels')

    with TemporaryDirectory() as td:
        tmpdir = Path(td)
        filenames = fc.flow_to_numpy(sdg, df, *size, path=tmpdir)
        assert isinstance(filenames, pd.Series)

        for fname in filenames:
            filepath = tmpdir / fname
            assert filepath.exists()
            arr = np.load(filepath)
            assert len(arr.shape) == 4
            assert arr.shape[0] == 1
            assert arr.shape[1] == 1
            assert arr.shape[2] == size[1] and arr.shape[3] == size[0]
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_random_grid():
    dg = SpatialDataGenerator()
    dg.source = 'data/small.tif'
    df = dg.random_grid(64, 64, 100)
    assert len(df) == 100
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_extent():
    dg = SpatialDataGenerator()
    dg.source = 'data/small.tif'
    minx, miny, maxx, maxy = dg.extent
    assert maxx > minx and maxy > miny
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_missing_url():
    dg = SpatialDataGenerator()
    with pytest.raises(OSError):
        dg.source = 'http://lidar.ncsa.illinois.edu:9000/test/xx'
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_missing_local_file():
    dg = SpatialDataGenerator()
    with pytest.raises(OSError):
        dg.source = 'xx'
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_indexes_parameter_post_source():
    dg = SpatialDataGenerator(indexes=1)
    dg.source = 'data/small.tif'
    assert dg.indexes == 1
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_source_property():
    dg = SpatialDataGenerator()
    dg.source = 'data/small.tif'
    assert dg.src
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_random_grid():
    dg = SpatialDataGenerator()
    dg.source = 'data/small.tif'
    dg.width, dg.height = 64, 64
    df = dg.random_grid(100)
    assert len(df) == 100
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_regular_grid():
    dg = SpatialDataGenerator()
    dg.width, dg.height = 64, 64
    dg.source = 'data/small.tif'
    df = dg.regular_grid()
    assert len(df) > 0