Ejemplo n.º 1
def solve(t):
    """Solve the given goal using Z3."""
    s = z3.Solver()

    # First strip foralls from t.
    while Term.is_all(t):
        t = t.arg.subst_bound(Var(t.arg.var_name, t.arg.var_T))
    return str(s.check()) == 'unsat'
Ejemplo n.º 2
def strip_all_implies(t, names):
    """Given a term of the form

    !x_1 ... x_k. A_1 --> ... --> A_n --> C.

    Return the triple ([v_1, ..., v_k], [A_1, ... A_n], C), where
    v_1, ..., v_k are new variables with the given names, and
    A_1, ..., A_n, C are the body of the input term, with bound variables
    substituted for v_1, ..., v_k.

    if Term.is_all(t):
        assert len(names) > 0, "strip_all_implies: not enough names input."
        assert isinstance(names[0],
                          str), "strip_all_implies: names must be strings."
        v = Var(names[0], t.arg.var_T)
        vars, As, C = strip_all_implies(t.arg.subst_bound(v), names[1:])
        return ([v] + vars, As, C)
        assert len(names) == 0, "strip_all_implies: too many names input."
        As, C = t.strip_implies()
        return ([], As, C)