Ejemplo n.º 1
 def testEvalFunUpd(self):
     f = fun_upd_of_seq(1, 5)
     cv = function.fun_upd_eval_conv()
     prf = cv.get_proof_term(thy, f(one)).export()
     self.assertEqual(thy.check_proof(prf), Thm.mk_equals(f(one), five))
     prf = cv.get_proof_term(thy, f(zero)).export()
     self.assertEqual(thy.check_proof(prf), Thm.mk_equals(f(zero), zero))
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: real.py Proyecto: bzhan/holpy
 def eval(self, goal, prevs=None):
     if len(goal.get_vars()) != 0:
         raise ConvException
         if goal.is_equals():
             if real_eval(goal.lhs) == real_eval(goal.rhs):
                 return Thm([], Eq(goal, true))
                 return Thm([], Eq(goal, false))
         else:  # inequations
             lhs, rhs = real_eval(goal.arg1), real_eval(goal.arg)
             if goal.is_less():
                 return Thm([], Eq(goal, true)) if lhs < rhs else Thm(
                     [], Eq(goal, false))
             elif goal.is_less_eq():
                 return Thm([], Eq(goal, true)) if lhs <= rhs else Thm(
                     [], Eq(goal, false))
             elif goal.is_greater():
                 return Thm([], Eq(goal, true)) if lhs > rhs else Thm(
                     [], Eq(goal, false))
             elif goal.is_greater_eq():
                 return Thm([], Eq(goal, true)) if lhs >= rhs else Thm(
                     [], Eq(goal, false))
                 raise NotImplementedError
         raise ConvException
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def testProveAvalI(self):
        s = fun_upd_of_seq(1, 7)

        test_data = [
            (Plus(V(one), N(Nat(5))), Nat(12)),
            (Plus(V(zero), N(Nat(5))), Nat(5)),
            (Times(V(one), N(Nat(5))), Nat(35)),

        macro = expr.prove_avalI_macro()
        for t, n in test_data:
            goal = expr.avalI(s, t, n)

            # Test get_avalI
            self.assertEqual(Nat(macro.get_avalI(s, t)), n)

            # Test can_eval

            # Test eval
            self.assertEqual(macro.eval(goal, []), Thm([], goal))

            # Test get_proof_term
            prf = macro.get_proof_term(goal, []).export()
            self.assertEqual(theory.check_proof(prf), Thm([], goal))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def get_proof_term(self, thy, goal, *, args=None, prevs=None):
        assert isinstance(prevs,
                          list) and len(prevs) == 1, "rewrite_goal_with_prev"
        pt = prevs[0]

        init_As = goal.hyps
        C = goal.prop
        cv = then_conv(top_sweep_conv(rewr_conv(pt, match_vars=False)),

        eq_th = cv.eval(thy, C)
        new_goal = eq_th.prop.rhs

        new_As = list(set(eq_th.hyps) - set(init_As))
        new_As_pts = [ProofTerm.sorry(Thm(init_As, A)) for A in new_As]
        if Term.is_equals(new_goal) and new_goal.lhs == new_goal.rhs:
            return ProofTermDeriv('rewrite_goal_with_prev',
                                  prevs=[pt] + new_As_pts)
            new_goal_pts = ProofTerm.sorry(Thm(init_As, new_goal))
            return ProofTermDeriv('rewrite_goal_with_prev',
                                  prevs=[pt, new_goal_pts] + new_As_pts)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def eval(self, args, prevs):
        if self.with_inst:
            name, inst = args
            name = args
            inst = Inst()
        th = theory.get_theorem(name)
        As, C = th.prop.strip_implies()

        assert len(prevs) <= len(As), "apply_theorem: too many prevs."

        # First attempt to match type variables
        svars = th.prop.get_svars()
        for v in svars:
            if v.name in inst:
                v.T.match_incr(inst[v.name].get_type(), inst.tyinst)

        pats = As[:len(prevs)]
        ts = [prev_th.prop for prev_th in prevs]
        inst = matcher.first_order_match_list(pats, ts, inst)

        As, C = th.prop.subst_norm(inst).strip_implies()
        new_prop = Implies(*(As[len(prevs):] + [C]))

        prev_hyps = sum([prev.hyps for prev in prevs], ())
        th = Thm(th.hyps + prev_hyps, new_prop)

        assert len(new_prop.get_stvars()) == 0, "apply_theorem: unmatched type variables."
        vars = new_prop.get_svars()
        for v in reversed(vars):
            th = Thm.forall_intr(v, th)
        return th
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def get_extension(self):
        assert self.error is None, "get_extension"
        res = []
            extension.Constant(self.name, self.type, ref_name=self.cname))

        for rule in self.rules:
            res.append(extension.Theorem(rule['name'], Thm([], rule['prop'])))
            res.append(extension.Attribute(rule['name'], 'hint_backward'))

        # Case rule
        Targs, _ = self.type.strip_type()
        vars = []
        for i, Targ in enumerate(Targs):
            vars.append(Var("_a" + str(i + 1), Targ))

        P = Var("P", BoolType)
        pred = Const(self.name, self.type)
        assum0 = pred(*vars)
        assums = []
        for rule in self.rules:
            prop = rule['prop']
            As, C = prop.strip_implies()
            eq_assums = [Eq(var, arg) for var, arg in zip(vars, C.args)]
            assum = Implies(*(eq_assums + As), P)
            for var in reversed(prop.get_vars()):
                assum = Forall(var, assum)

        prop = Implies(*([assum0] + assums + [P]))
        res.append(extension.Theorem(self.cname + "_cases", Thm([], prop)))

        return res
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def testEvalFunUpd(self):
     f = fun_upd_of_seq(1, 5)
     cv = function.fun_upd_eval_conv()
     prf = cv.get_proof_term(f(one)).export()
     self.assertEqual(theory.check_proof(prf), Thm([], Eq(f(one), Nat(5))))
     prf = cv.get_proof_term(f(zero)).export()
     self.assertEqual(theory.check_proof(prf), Thm([], Eq(f(zero), zero)))
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def testInductList(self):
        Ta = TVar("a")
        Tlista = Type("list", Ta)
        list_ext = induct.add_induct_type(
            "list", ["a"], [("nil", Tlista, []), ("cons", TFun(Ta, Tlista, Tlista), ["x", "xs"])])

        nil = Const("nil", Tlista)
        cons = Const("cons", TFun(Ta, Tlista, Tlista))
        x = Var("x", Ta)
        xs = Var("xs", Tlista)
        x2 = Var("x'", Ta)
        xs2 = Var("xs'", Tlista)
        P = Var("P", TFun(Tlista, boolT))
        xlist = Var("x", Tlista)

        res = [
            AxType("list", 1),
            AxConstant("nil", Tlista),
            AxConstant("cons", TFun(Ta, Tlista, Tlista)),
            Theorem("list_nil_cons_neq", Thm([], logic.neg(eq(nil, cons(x, xs))))),
            Theorem("list_cons_inject", Thm([], imp(eq(cons(x, xs), cons(x2, xs2)), conj(eq(x, x2), eq(xs, xs2))))),
            Theorem("list_induct", Thm([], imp(P(nil), all(x, all(xs, imp(P(xs), P(cons(x, xs))))), P(xlist)))),
            Attribute("list_induct", "var_induct")
        self.assertEqual(list_ext.data, res)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def get_proof_term(self, goal, *, args=None, prevs=None):
        assert isinstance(args, Term), "cases"

        As = goal.hyps
        C = goal.prop
        goal1 = ProofTerm.sorry(Thm(goal.hyps, Implies(args, C)))
        goal2 = ProofTerm.sorry(Thm(goal.hyps, Implies(Not(args), C)))
        return apply_theorem('classical_cases', goal1, goal2)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def testCheckedExtend(self):
        """Checked extension: adding an axiom."""
        id_simps = Eq(Comb(Const("id", TFun(Ta,Ta)), x), x)
        exts = [extension.Theorem("id.simps", Thm([], id_simps))]

        ext_report = theory.thy.checked_extend(exts)
        self.assertEqual(theory.get_theorem("id.simps", svar=False), Thm([], id_simps))
        self.assertEqual(ext_report.get_axioms(), [("id.simps", Thm([], id_simps))])
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def testRule2(self):
     A = Var('A', boolT)
     B = Var('B', boolT)
     goal = Thm([], disj(B, A))
     prev = ProofTermAtom(0, Thm.assume(disj(A, B)))
     pt = tactic.rule().get_proof_term(thy, ProofTerm.sorry(goal), args='disjE', prevs=[prev])
     prf = pt.export(prefix=(1,), subproof=False)
     self.assertEqual(prf.items[2], ProofItem(3, 'apply_theorem', args='disjE', prevs=[0, 1, 2]))
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def testRule3(self):
     A = Var('A', boolT)
     B = Var('B', boolT)
     goal = Thm([], disj(B, A))
     prev = ProofTermAtom(0, Thm.assume(B))
     pt = tactic.rule().get_proof_term(thy, ProofTerm.sorry(goal), args='disjI1', prevs=[prev])
     prf = pt.export(prefix=(1,), subproof=False)
     self.assertEqual(prf.items[0], ProofItem(1, 'apply_theorem_for', args=('disjI1', {}, {'A': B, 'B': A}), prevs=[0]))
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def testCases(self):
     A = Var('A', boolT)
     B = Var('B', boolT)
     C = Var('C', boolT)
     cases_tac = tactic.cases()
     pt = cases_tac.get_proof_term(thy, ProofTerm.sorry(Thm([B], C)), args=A)
     prf = pt.export()
     self.assertEqual(thy.check_proof(prf), Thm([B], C))
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def testSubstitution(self):
     x_eq_y = Term.mk_equals(x, y)
     th = Thm([x_eq_y], x_eq_y)
     y_eq_x = Term.mk_equals(y, x)
         "x": y,
         "y": x
     }, th), Thm([y_eq_x], y_eq_x))
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def testPrintThm(self):
        test_data = [
            (Thm([], A), "|- A"),
            (Thm([A], A), "A |- A"),
            (Thm([A, B], A), "A, B |- A"),

        for th, str_th in test_data:
            self.assertEqual(str(th), str_th)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def testPrintThm(self):
        test_data = [
            (Thm([], A), "|- A"),
            (Thm([A], A), "A |- A"),
            (Thm([A,B], A), "A, B |- A"),

        for th, str_th in test_data:
            with global_setting(unicode=False):
                self.assertEqual(str(th), str_th)
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def testCheckProofGap(self):
        """Check proof with gap."""
        prf = Proof()
        prf.add_item(0, "sorry", th = Thm([], Implies(A,B)))
        prf.add_item(1, "sorry", th = Thm([], A))
        prf.add_item(2, "implies_elim", prevs=[0, 1])

        rpt = ProofReport()
        self.assertEqual(theory.check_proof(prf, rpt), Thm([], B))
        self.assertEqual(rpt.gaps, [Thm([], Implies(A, B)), Thm([], A)])
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def testAddLineBefore(self):
        state = ProofState.init_state(thy, [A, B], [conj(A, B)], conj(B, A))

        state.add_line_before(2, 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(state.prf.items), 4)
        self.assertEqual(state.check_proof(), Thm.mk_implies(conj(A, B), conj(B, A)))

        state.add_line_before(2, 3)
        self.assertEqual(len(state.prf.items), 7)
        self.assertEqual(state.check_proof(), Thm.mk_implies(conj(A, B), conj(B, A)))
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def testParseThm(self):
        test_data = [
            ("|- A", Thm([], A)),
            ("|- A & B", Thm([], logic.mk_conj(A, B))),
            ("A |- B", Thm([A], B)),
            ("A, B |- C", Thm([A, B], C)),

        for s, th in test_data:
            self.assertEqual(parser.parse_thm(thy, ctxt, s), th)
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def testEvalSem4(self):
        com = Cond(abs(s, logic.neg(eq(s(zero), one))), incr_one, Skip)
        st = mk_const_fun(natT, zero)
        st2 = fun_upd_of_seq(0, 1)
        goal = Sem(com, st, st2)
        prf = hoare.eval_Sem_macro().get_proof_term(thy, goal, []).export()
        self.assertEqual(thy.check_proof(prf), Thm([], goal))

        goal = Sem(com, st2, st2)
        prf = hoare.eval_Sem_macro().get_proof_term(thy, goal, []).export()
        self.assertEqual(thy.check_proof(prf), Thm([], goal))
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def testRewrite2(self):
     Ta = TVar("a")
     a = Var("a", Ta)
     b = Var("b", Ta)
     eq_a = Term.mk_equals(a, a)
     goal = Thm.mk_equals(mk_if(eq_a, b, a), b)
     rewrite_tac = tactic.rewrite()
     pt = rewrite_tac.get_proof_term(thy, ProofTerm.sorry(goal), args='if_P')
     prf = pt.export()
     self.assertEqual(prf.items[0], ProofItem(0, 'sorry', th=Thm.mk_equals(a, a)))
     self.assertEqual(thy.check_proof(prf), goal)
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def testCheckedExtend(self):
        """Checked extension: adding an axiom."""
        thy = Theory.EmptyTheory()
        thy_ext = TheoryExtension()

        id_simps = Term.mk_equals(Comb(Const("id", TFun(Ta,Ta)),x), x)
        thy_ext.add_extension(Theorem("id.simps", Thm([], id_simps)))

        ext_report = thy.checked_extend(thy_ext)
        self.assertEqual(thy.get_theorem("id.simps"), Thm([], id_simps))
        self.assertEqual(ext_report.get_axioms(), [("id.simps", Thm([], id_simps))])
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def testEvalSem4(self):
        com = Cond(Lambda(s, Not(Eq(s(zero), one))), incr_one, Skip)
        st = mk_const_fun(NatType, zero)
        st2 = fun_upd_of_seq(0, 1)
        goal = Sem(com, st, st2)
        prf = imp.eval_Sem_macro().get_proof_term(goal, []).export()
        self.assertEqual(theory.check_proof(prf), Thm([], goal))

        goal = Sem(com, st2, st2)
        prf = imp.eval_Sem_macro().get_proof_term(goal, []).export()
        self.assertEqual(theory.check_proof(prf), Thm([], goal))
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def testExport3(self):
        """Case with atoms."""
        pt1 = ProofTerm.atom(0, Thm([], Eq(x, y)))
        pt2 = ProofTerm.atom(1, Thm([], Eq(y, z)))
        pt3 = pt1.transitive(pt2)

        prf = Proof()
        prf.add_item(0, rule="sorry", th=Thm([], Eq(x, y)))
        prf.add_item(1, rule="sorry", th=Thm([], Eq(y, z)))

        self.assertEqual(theory.check_proof(prf), Thm([], Eq(x, z)))
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def testRewrConvWithAssum(self):
     x = Const("x", natT)
     y = Const("y", natT)
     x_eq_y = Term.mk_equals(x, y)
     th = Thm([], Term.mk_implies(x_eq_y, x_eq_y))
     cv = arg_conv(rewr_conv(ProofTerm.atom(0, th)))
     f = Const("f", TFun(natT, natT))
     res = Thm([x_eq_y], Term.mk_equals(f(x), f(y)))
     self.assertEqual(cv.eval(thy, f(x)), res)
     prf = Proof()
     prf.add_item(0, "sorry", th=th)
     cv.get_proof_term(thy, f(x)).export(prf=prf)
     self.assertEqual(thy.check_proof(prf), res)
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def testCheckProof4(self):
        """Proof of |- x = y --> x = y by instantiating an existing theorem."""
        theory.thy.add_theorem("trivial", Thm([], Implies(A,A)))

        x_eq_y = Eq(x,y)
        prf = Proof()
        prf.add_item(0, "theorem", args="trivial")
        prf.add_item(1, "substitution", args=Inst(A=x_eq_y), prevs=[0])

        rpt = ProofReport()
        th = Thm([], Implies(x_eq_y,x_eq_y))
        self.assertEqual(theory.check_proof(prf, rpt), th)
        self.assertEqual(rpt.steps, 2)
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def testCheckProof4(self):
        """Proof of |- x = y --> x = y by instantiating an existing theorem."""
        thy = Theory.EmptyTheory()
        thy.add_theorem("trivial", Thm.mk_implies(A,A))

        x_eq_y = Term.mk_equals(x,y)
        prf = Proof()
        prf.add_item(0, "theorem", args="trivial")
        prf.add_item(1, "substitution", args={"A" : x_eq_y}, prevs=[0])

        rpt = ProofReport()
        th = Thm.mk_implies(x_eq_y,x_eq_y)
        self.assertEqual(thy.check_proof(prf, rpt), th)
        self.assertEqual(rpt.steps, 2)
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def testCheckProof5(self):
        """Empty instantiation."""
        theory.thy.add_theorem("trivial", Thm([], Implies(A,A)))

        x_eq_y = Eq(x,y)
        prf = Proof()
        prf.add_item(0, "theorem", args="trivial")
        prf.add_item(1, "substitution", args=Inst(), prevs=[0])

        rpt = ProofReport()
        th = Thm([], Implies(SVar('A', BoolType), SVar('A', BoolType)))
        self.assertEqual(theory.check_proof(prf, rpt), th)
        self.assertEqual(rpt.steps_stat(), (1, 1, 0))
        self.assertEqual(rpt.th_names, {"trivial"})
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def testCheckProof5(self):
        """Empty instantiation."""
        thy = Theory.EmptyTheory()
        thy.add_theorem("trivial", Thm.mk_implies(A,A))

        x_eq_y = Term.mk_equals(x,y)
        prf = Proof()
        prf.add_item(0, "theorem", args="trivial")
        prf.add_item(1, "substitution", args={}, prevs=[0])

        rpt = ProofReport()
        th = Thm.mk_implies(A,A)
        self.assertEqual(thy.check_proof(prf, rpt), th)
        self.assertEqual(rpt.steps_stat(), (1, 1, 0))
        self.assertEqual(rpt.th_names, {"trivial"})
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def testUncheckedExtend(self):
        """Unchecked extension."""
        id_const = Const("id", TFun(Ta,Ta))
        id_def = Abs("x", Ta, Bound(0))

        exts = [
            extension.Constant("id", TFun(Ta, Ta)),
            extension.Theorem("id_def", Thm([], Eq(id_const, id_def))),
            extension.Theorem("id.simps", Thm([], Eq(id_const, x)))

        self.assertEqual(theory.thy.unchecked_extend(exts), None)
        self.assertEqual(theory.thy.get_term_sig("id"), TFun(Ta, Ta))
        self.assertEqual(theory.get_theorem("id_def", svar=False), Thm([], Eq(id_const, id_def)))
        self.assertEqual(theory.get_theorem("id.simps", svar=False), Thm([], Eq(id_const, x)))