Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_armijos_step_size(kernel_matrices,
    #m = D' * dJ, should be negative
    #Loop until f(x + gamma * p <= f(x) + gamma*c*m)
    # J(d + gamma * D) <= J(d) + gamma * c * m
    gamma = gamma0
    m = D.T.dot(dJ)

    while True:
        combined_kernel_matrix = k_helpers.get_combined_kernel(
            kernel_matrices, d + gamma * D)

        alpha, new_J, info = compute_J(combined_kernel_matrix, y_mat, alpha0,

        if new_J <= Jd + gamma * c * m:
            return gamma
            #Update gamma
            gamma = gamma * T

    return gamma / 2
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_armijos_step_size(kernel_matrices, d, y_mat, alpha0, box_constraints, gamma0, Jd, D, dJ, c=0.5, T=0.5):
    #m = D' * dJ, should be negative
    #Loop until f(x + gamma * p <= f(x) + gamma*c*m)
    # J(d + gamma * D) <= J(d) + gamma * c * m
    gamma = gamma0
    m = D.T.dot(dJ)

    while True:
        combined_kernel_matrix = k_helpers.get_combined_kernel(kernel_matrices, d + gamma * D)

        alpha, new_J, info = compute_J(combined_kernel_matrix, y_mat, alpha0, box_constraints)

        if new_J <= Jd + gamma * c * m:
            return gamma
            #Update gamma
            gamma = gamma * T

    return gamma / 2
Ejemplo n.º 3
def find_kernel_weights(X, y, kernel_functions):
    # The number of kernels
    M = len(kernel_functions)

    #The number of examples
    n = len(y)

    #The weights of each kernel
    #Initialized to 1/M
    d = np.ones(M) / M
    D = np.ones(M)

    #Just a placeholder for something that gets updated later
    dJ = '-20'

    #Stores all the individual kernel matrices
    kernel_matrices = k_helpers.get_all_kernels(X, kernel_functions)

    #Creates y matrix for use in SVM later
    #y's should be -1, 1 before doing this.
    y_mat = np.outer(y, y)

    #Gets constraints for running SVM
    box_constraints = helpers.get_box_constraints(n, 1.0)

    #Gets starting value for SVM
    alpha0 = np.zeros(n)

    iteration = 0

    #Loops until stopping criterion reached
    while (max(D) != 0 and not helpers.stopping_criterion(dJ, d, 0.01)):
        iteration += 1
        print "iteration and weights:", iteration, d

        combined_kernel_matrix = k_helpers.get_combined_kernel(kernel_matrices, d)
        combined_kernel_func = k_helpers.get_combined_kernel_function(kernel_functions, d)

        #Gets J, also calculates the optimal values for alpha
        alpha, J, info = helpers.compute_J(combined_kernel_matrix, y_mat, alpha0, box_constraints)
        J *= -1

        #Gradient of J w.r.t d (weights)
        dJ = helpers.compute_dJ(kernel_matrices, y_mat, alpha)
        #The index of the largest component of d
        mu = d.argmax()

        #Descent direction
        #Basically, we are calculating -1 * reduced gradient of J w.r.t d,
        #using the index of the largest component of d as our "mu"
        #in the reduced gradient calculation
        D = helpers.compute_descent_direction(d, dJ, mu)
        D = helpers.fix_precision_of_vector(D, 0)
        J_cross = 0
        d_cross = d.copy()
        D_cross = D.copy()

        sub_iteration = 0

        #Get maximum admissible step size in direction D
        while (J_cross < J):
            sub_iteration += 1
            d = d_cross.copy()
            D = D_cross.copy()

            print '  J:', J, '| J_cross:', J_cross
            print '    d cross', d_cross
            print '    d cross sum', sum(d_cross)

            print '    D cross', D_cross
            print '    D cross sum', sum(D_cross)

            combined_kernel_matrix = k_helpers.get_combined_kernel(kernel_matrices, d)
            alpha, J, info = helpers.compute_J(combined_kernel_matrix, y_mat, alpha, box_constraints)
            J *= -1

            #Maximum admissible step size
            gamma_max = 123456

            #argmax of above
            v = -0.123456

            #Find gamma_max and v
            for m in range(M):
                if D[m] < 0:
                    d_D_quotient = -1 * d[m] / D[m]
                    if d_D_quotient < gamma_max:
                        gamma_max = d_D_quotient
                        v = m

            d_cross = d + gamma_max * D

            #Not strictly necessary, but helps avoid precision errors
            d_cross[v] = 0

            D_cross[mu] = D[mu] + D[v]
            D_cross[v] = 0

            d_cross = helpers.fix_precision_of_vector(d_cross, 1)
            D_cross = helpers.fix_precision_of_vector(D_cross, 0)

            combined_kernel_matrix_cross = k_helpers.get_combined_kernel(kernel_matrices, d_cross)
            alpha_cross, J_cross, cross_info = helpers.compute_J(combined_kernel_matrix_cross, y_mat, alpha, box_constraints)
            J_cross *= -1
            print '    new J cross', J_cross

        #Line search along D for gamma (step) in [0, gamma_max]
        # gamma = helpers.get_armijos_step_size()
        gamma = helpers.get_armijos_step_size(kernel_matrices, d, y_mat, alpha,
                                              box_constraints, gamma_max, J_cross,
                                              D, dJ)
        print 'gamma:', gamma
        print 'D:', D
        d += gamma * D
        d = helpers.fix_precision_of_vector(d, 1)

    #Return final weights
    return d