def test_empty_init(self): "Test the default Keypad creation" # 1. Create default Keypad object myobj = keypad.Keypad() # 2. Make sure it has the default values self.assertEqual(myobj.part2, False) self.assertEqual(myobj.text, None) self.assertEqual(myobj.keypad[myobj.location], '5') # 3. Check methods self.assertEqual(, '5') self.assertEqual(myobj.can_go('U'), True) self.assertEqual(myobj.can_go('D'), True) self.assertEqual(myobj.can_go('L'), True) self.assertEqual(myobj.can_go('R'), True) self.assertEqual(myobj.move('U'), True) self.assertEqual(, '2') self.assertEqual(myobj.move('U'), False) self.assertEqual(, '2') self.assertEqual(myobj.move('L'), True) self.assertEqual(, '1') self.assertEqual(myobj.move('L'), False) self.assertEqual(, '1') self.assertEqual(myobj.one_line("RRDDD"), '9')
def run(): password_path = "./pass.txt" pad = keypad.Keypad() pad.setup() #testpad = keypad_test.Keypad() ledboard = led.LEDboard() #testledboard = led_test.LEDboard() ledboard.setup() kpc = kpc_agent.KPCAgent(pad, ledboard, password_path) #kpc = KPCAgent.KPCAgent(testpad, testledboard, password_path) thefsm = fsm.Fsm(kpc) # Add fsm rules thefsm.addRule("S-init", "S-read", fsm.signal_is_symbol, kpc.reset_password_accumulator) thefsm.addRule("S-read", "S-read", fsm.signal_is_digit, kpc.append_next_password_digit) thefsm.addRule("S-read", "S-verify", "*", kpc.verify_password) thefsm.addRule("S-read", "S-init", fsm.signal_is_symbol, kpc.reset_agent) thefsm.addRule("S-verify", "S-active", "Y", kpc.fully_activate_agent) thefsm.addRule("S-verify", "S-init", fsm.signal_is_symbol, kpc.reset_agent) thefsm.addRule("S-active", "S-led", fsm.signal_less_than_six, kpc.set_lid) # sett led thefsm.addRule("S-active", "S-password", "*", None) # Begynn passordendring thefsm.addRule("S-active", "S-logout", "#", None) thefsm.addRule("S-led", "S-time", "*", None) # Begynn Sett tid, kanskje None thefsm.addRule("S-time", "S-time", fsm.signal_is_digit, kpc.append_next_time_digit) # Legg til på tid thefsm.addRule("S-time", "S-active", "*", kpc.light_one_led) thefsm.addRule("S-password", "S-password", fsm.signal_is_digit, kpc.append_next_password_digit) # Legg til på endret passord thefsm.addRule("S-password", "S-active", "*", kpc.validate_password) thefsm.addRule("S-logout", "S-done", "#", kpc.exit_action) thefsm.addRule("S-logout", "S-active", fsm.signal_is_symbol, None) thefsm.addRule("S-done", "S-read", fsm.signal_is_symbol, kpc.reset_agent()) thefsm.set_start_state("S-init") # fsm.set_end_state("S-end")#Har ingen end state foreløpig thefsm.main_loop()
def test_part_two(self): "Test part two example of Keypad object" # 1. Create Keypad object from text myobj = keypad.Keypad(part2=True, text=aoc_02.from_text(PART_TWO_TEXT)) # 2. Check the part two result self.assertEqual(myobj.part_two(verbose=False), PART_TWO_RESULT)
def test_part_one(self): "Test part one example of Keypad object" # 1. Create Keypad object from text myobj = keypad.Keypad(text=aoc_02.from_text(PART_ONE_TEXT)) # 2. Check the part one result self.assertEqual(myobj.part_one(verbose=False), PART_ONE_RESULT)
def loop(): keypad1 = Keypad.Keypad(keys,rowPins,colsPins,ROWS,COLS) keypad1.setDebounceTime(50) while(True): key = keypad1.getKey() # keeps looping through until it gets a key if(key != keypad1.NULL): print ("your pressed key: %c"%(key))
def test_text_init(self): "Test the Keypad object creation from text" # 1. Create Keypad object from text myobj = keypad.Keypad(text=aoc_02.from_text(EXAMPLE_TEXT)) # 2. Make sure it has the expected values self.assertEqual(myobj.part2, False) self.assertEqual(len(myobj.text), 4) self.assertEqual(keypad.KEYPAD_ONE[myobj.location], '5') # 3. Check methods self.assertEqual(myobj.get_code(), "1985")
def main(): # dsp = display_b.Display() dsp = display_b.Display() dsp.log("George's MK 52") kbd = keypad.Keypad(24, 23, 22, 21, 19, 18, 16, 15, 13, 12, 11, 10, 8, 7) with emulator.Emulator("ws://localhost:8080/",, on_log=dsp.log) as em: for x, y, txt in kbd.get_key_presses(): em.press_button(x, y) time.sleep(0.1)
def part_two(args, input_lines): "Process part two of the puzzle" # 1. Create the puzzle solver solver = keypad.Keypad(part2=True, text=input_lines) # 2. Determine the solution for part two solution = solver.part_two(verbose=args.verbose, limit=args.limit) if solution is None: print("There is no solution") else: print("The solution for part two is %s" % (solution)) # 3. Return result return solution is not None
def __init__(self, keypad_read_timeout=1.5): self.routes = {'parts': {}} self.debug_mode = os.environ.get('PHREAK_ENVIRONMENT') self.dialtone = None self.ringing_tone = None self.mode = 'normal' self.keypad_read_timeout = keypad_read_timeout self.keypad = keypad.Keypad() self.keypad.set_callback(self.handle) self.keypad.start() self.listening = False self.keypad_buffer = '' self.listen_timer = None self.tts = pyttsx3.init() self.tts.setProperty('rate', 175) self.tts.setProperty('volume', 3.0)
resp = my_keypad.handle_message(item) if k_id != '10': # ser.write(resp) if ser.out_waiting > 0: print('Waiting to write {}'.format(ser.out_waiting)) print('Wrote: {}'.format(resp)) # elif item[0:2] in filter and item not in exclude: elif item not in exclude: print(item) if __name__ == '__main__': my_keypad = keypad.Keypad(0x10) pqueue_raw = Queue() # writer() writes to pqueue from _this_ process pqueue_command = Queue() serial_reader_p = Process(target=serial_reader, args=( ser, pqueue_raw, )) serial_reader_p.daemon = True serial_reader_p.start() raw_processor_p = Process(target=raw_processor, args=(pqueue_raw, pqueue_command)) raw_processor_p.daemon = True raw_processor_p.start()
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time import get_time from datetime import datetime import keypad GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) pad = keypad.Keypad() times = [3,2] for slot in times: GPIO.setup(slot, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output(slot, 0) segments = [11,10,27,4,22,9,17] #top 27 #top right 4 #bottom right 22 #bottom 9 #bottom left 11 #top left 10 #middle 17 for segment in segments: GPIO.setup(segment, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output(segment, 0) digits = [14,15,18,23,24,25,8,1,7,12,16,20]
if sys.argv[1] == "test": testing = True cont = test_controller if testing else controller state = cont.init_state() # setup DS18B20 external temp sensor ext_temp_sensor = W1ThermSensor() ext_temp = None # load settings with open('settings.json', 'r') as f: settings = json.load(f) # initialize keypad KEYPAD = keypad.Keypad(settings["keypad_characters"], settings["keypad_row_pins"], settings["keypad_col_pins"]) # initialize PIR GPIO.setup(settings["pir_pin"], GPIO.IN) # initialize twilio # TWILIO_CLIENT = Client(settings["twilio_account_sid"], settings["twilio_auth_token"]) # initialize gas sensor GAS_SENSOR = DigitalInputDevice(settings["gas_pin"]) # initialize LCD LCD = lcd.LCD(settings["lcd_rs"], settings["lcd_e"], settings["lcd_d4"], settings["lcd_d5"], settings["lcd_d6"], settings["lcd_d7"], settings["lcd_chr"], settings["lcd_cmd"], settings["lcd_chars"],
def __init__(self): self.check_password = '' self.Keypad = keypad.Keypad()
import os #os.chdir("/home/pi/Documents/Python/ir/Resources/") sys.path.append("./Resources") from CodeManager import CodeManager import keypad GPIO_BUTTON = 19 GPIO_LED = 8 GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup(GPIO_BUTTON, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN) GPIO.setup(GPIO_LED, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output(GPIO_LED, GPIO.LOW) keypad = keypad.Keypad([37, 35, 33, 31], [40, 38, 36, 32], [["1", "2", "3", "A"], ["4", "5", "6", "B"], ["7", "8", "9", "C"], ["*", "0", "#", "D"]], [19]) codeManager = CodeManager() def Flash(amount): for i in range(amount): GPIO.output(GPIO_LED, GPIO.HIGH) time.sleep(.2) GPIO.output(GPIO_LED, GPIO.LOW) time.sleep(.2) Flash(3)
import keypad with open("input.txt", "r") as file: code = [] last = None for line in file: k = keypad.Keypad(last) k.executeInstructions(line) code.append(k.current) last = k.current print code