def test_after_food_collision(self): ''' Verify that got_food is set to False after a food collision is done and player is in a tile space that does not contain anything. Verify that the y position changes and score remains the same. ''' Keys.reset() food_row = 10 food_col = 10 world = World(food_row, food_col) player = Player(world) player_row = 9 player_col = 10 player_y = StationaryTile.DIMS[1] * player_row player_x = StationaryTile.DIMS[0] * player_col player.position = (player_x, player_y) player.got_food = True new_x = player.position[0] new_y = player.position[1] - MovingTile.VERT_SPEED new_dead = player.dead new_got_food = False new_score = player.score player.do_something() self.assertEqual(new_x, player.position[0]) self.assertEqual(new_y, player.position[1]) self.assertEqual(new_dead, player.dead) self.assertEqual(new_got_food, player.got_food) self.assertEqual(new_score, player.score)
def test_during_food_collision(self): ''' Verify score does not increment during collision when got_food is already True. Verify that player's got_food remains True, y position changes, and score remains the same. ''' Keys.reset() food_row = 10 food_col = 10 world = World(food_row, food_col) player = Player(world) player_row = 10 player_col = 10 player_y = StationaryTile.DIMS[1] * player_row player_x = StationaryTile.DIMS[0] * player_col player.position = (player_x, player_y) player.got_food = True new_x = player.position[0] new_y = player.position[1] - MovingTile.VERT_SPEED new_dead = player.dead new_got_food = player.got_food new_score = player.score player.do_something() self.assertEqual(new_x, player.position[0]) self.assertEqual(new_y, player.position[1]) self.assertEqual(new_dead, player.dead) self.assertEqual(new_got_food, player.got_food) self.assertEqual(new_score, player.score)
def __init__(self, gui): Keys.__init__(self) Mouse.__init__(self) # tkinter self.root = gui # self.root.withdraw() # parser self.parser = ArgumentParser() self.configure_parser() self.args = self.parser.parse_args() # general stuff self.firefox = True self.msg = 'Nothing' self.__link_tabs = 0 self.link_list = None self.wait_time = 1.5 self.raid_wait = 0.45 self.a = 0.1 self.is_sitter = False # village self.villages = None self.read_all_str() self.n_villages = len(self.villages) self.add_stat_info() self.Production = self.init_production() # self.print_village_overview() # raids self.units = {0: 'Clubswinger', 1: 'Scout', 2: 'Ram', 3: 'Chief', 4: 'Spearman', 5: 'Paladin', 6: 'Catapult', 7: 'Settler', 8: 'Axeman', 9: 'Teutonic Knight', 10: 'Hero'} self.raid_info = self.get_raid_info() # go back to the terminal self.press_alt_tab()
def mapDecisionToOutput(decision, move): keys = Keys() keys.directMouse(buttons=keys.mouse_lb_release) if decision == UP: GTAMovement.moveUp(move) elif decision == DOWN: GTAMovement.moveDown(move) elif decision == LEFT: GTAMovement.moveLeft(move) elif decision == RIGHT: GTAMovement.moveRight(move) elif decision == UP_SP: GTAMovement.moveUpSprint(move) elif decision == DOWN_SP: GTAMovement.moveDownSprint(move) elif decision == LEFT_SP: GTAMovement.moveLeftSprint(move) elif decision == RIGHT_SP: GTAMovement.moveRightSprint(move) elif decision == NOTHING: GTAMovement.doNothing(move) elif decision == SHOOT: GTAMovement.shoot()
def main(): # create training data specific dir milliseconds = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) full_path = f"data/{milliseconds}" if not os.path.exists(full_path): os.makedirs(full_path) countdown("Starting in...", 5) keys = Keys() training_data = [] file_num = 1 for frame in record_screen(resize=(_WIDTH, _HEIGHT)): pressed_keys = keys.check() onehot = keys.keys_to_onehot(pressed_keys) training_data.append([frame, onehot]) # save new array every 10,000 iterations if (len(training_data) % 10000) == 0: print("Saving array...") save_path = f"{full_path}/training_data{file_num}.npy", training_data) training_data = [] file_num += 1 countdown("Continuing in...", 5) # pressing Q will save array and normalize data if "Q" in pressed_keys: print("Saving array...") save_path = f"{full_path}/training_data{file_num}.npy", training_data) normalize(full_path) break
def stock_price_notification(): result = "" try: now = iex_interface = IEXInterface(Keys()) polygon = PolygonInterface(Keys()) market_status = polygon.get_market_status_now() if market_status.exchanges["nyse"] == "closed": print("It's " + now + "Market closed....") return "It's " + now + "Market closed...." companies = CompanyModel.objects.filter(notification__isnull=False) result = (now + ": There are " + len(companies) + " of companies to keep track of.\n") for company in companies: price = iex_interface.get_ticker_quote(ticker=company.ticker) notifications = Notification.objects.filter(price__gte=price, company=company) result += ( + " : " + len(notifications) + " number of notifications sent.") for notification in notifications: pass except: pass return result
def test_collide_enemy_from_top(self): ''' Player collides with enemy from top, by moving down. Verify that player's dead changes to True and y position changes. Map before collision: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000f00000000w w000000000p00000000w w000000000e00000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ''' Keys.reset() food_row = 8 food_col = 10 world = World(food_row, food_col) enemy_row = 10 enemy_col = 10 enemy = Enemy(world) enemy.position = (StationaryTile.DIMS[1] * enemy_row, StationaryTile.DIMS[0] * enemy_col) player = Player(world) player_row = 9 player_col = 10 player_y = StationaryTile.DIMS[1] * (player_row + 1) - \ MovingTile.DIMS[1] player_x = StationaryTile.DIMS[0] * player_col player.position = (player_x, player_y) Keys.set_down() new_x = player.position[0] new_y = player.position[1] + MovingTile.VERT_SPEED new_dead = True new_got_food = player.got_food new_score = player.score player.do_something() self.assertEqual(new_x, player.position[0]) self.assertEqual(new_y, player.position[1]) self.assertEqual(new_dead, player.dead) self.assertEqual(new_got_food, player.got_food) self.assertEqual(new_score, player.score)
def __init__(self, file_dir): self.FileDir = file_dir self.Band = self.get_band() self.Album = self.get_album() self.ExcludeTypes = ['ini', 'jpg', 'txt'] self.Exclude = [self.Band, self.Album, '('] self.Songs = self.load_songs() Keys.__init__(self) Mouse.__init__(self)
def __init__(self, main_path="", write_path="", video="", audio="", malla="", actividad_compartida=False): if main_path == "": raise Exception( "Error!, engine necesita el path al directorio principal de la aplicacion para funcionar (Class Engine)" ) if video == "" or audio == "" or malla == "": raise Exception( "Error!, engine necesita Audio, Video y Malla para funcionar (Class Engine)" ) self.__main_path = main_path self.__write_path = write_path #Iniciliazo el Audio y Video self.__video = video self.__audio = audio self.__malla = malla self.__actividad_compartida = actividad_compartida self.__audio.on_channel() #Inicializo las teclas self.__keys = Keys(main_path) #Iniciliazo el club (habitaciones) self.__club = Club(main_path) #Inicializo el usuario if self.__actividad_compartida: self.__usuario = User( main_path, write_path, lugar_inicial=self.__club.get_shared_initial_room()) self.__paso_introduccion = True self.change_context(PLAY) else: self.__usuario = User( main_path, write_path, lugar_inicial=self.__club.get_alone_initial_room()) self.__paso_introduccion = False #Seteo la configuracion del club a los valores del estado actual del usuario self.__estado_actual = self.__usuario.get_state() self.__club.set_current_state(self.__estado_actual) self.__keys.enable_keys(self.__usuario.get_context()) #Iniciliazo el administrador de navegacion self.__navegacion_manager = NavigationManager(self, write_path) #Iniciliazo el administrador de dialogos self.__dialogo_manager = DialogueManager(engine=self, main_path=main_path, write_path=write_path) self.__events = Events() self.__accion = {} self.__path_archivo_juegos = main_path + "/data/games.xml" self.__show_club_introduction() self.__juego_mesh = False
def setAPIKey(request): if all(k in request.GET for k in ('key_name', 'key_value')): # get user parameters keyName = request.GET.get('key_name') keyValue = request.GET.get('key_value') # set key Keys.setKey(keyName, keyValue)
def test_collide_from_left(self): ''' Player collides with food from left, by moving right. Verify that player's got_food changes to True, x position changes, and score increments. Map before collision: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w00000000pf00000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ''' Keys.reset() food_row = 10 food_col = 10 world = World(food_row, food_col) player = Player(world) player_row = 10 player_col = 9 player_y = StationaryTile.DIMS[1] * player_row player_x = StationaryTile.DIMS[0] * (player_col + 1) - \ MovingTile.DIMS[0] player.position = (player_x, player_y) Keys.set_right() new_x = player.position[0] + MovingTile.HORIZ_SPEED new_y = player.position[1] new_dead = player.dead new_got_food = True new_score = player.score + 1 player.do_something() self.assertEqual(new_x, player.position[0]) self.assertEqual(new_y, player.position[1]) self.assertEqual(new_dead, player.dead) self.assertEqual(new_got_food, player.got_food) self.assertEqual(new_score, player.score)
def test_collide_from_right(self): ''' Player collides with wall from right, by moving left. Verify that player's dead changes to True and x position changes. Map before collision: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000f00000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000wp0000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ''' Keys.reset() food_row = 8 food_col = 10 world = World(food_row, food_col) world.grid[10][10] = Wall(10, 10) player = Player(world) player_row = 10 player_col = 11 player_y = StationaryTile.DIMS[1] * player_row player_x = StationaryTile.DIMS[0] * player_col player.position = (player_x, player_y) Keys.set_left() new_x = player.position[0] - MovingTile.HORIZ_SPEED new_y = player.position[1] new_dead = True new_got_food = player.got_food new_score = player.score player.do_something() self.assertEqual(new_x, player.position[0]) self.assertEqual(new_y, player.position[1]) self.assertEqual(new_dead, player.dead) self.assertEqual(new_got_food, player.got_food) self.assertEqual(new_score, player.score)
def copyAssetsToS3(s3conn): s3conn = S3Connection(Keys.getKey(S3_ACCESS_KEY), Keys.getKey(S3_SECRET_KEY), is_secure=False) # assets assetList = [ # sprite '', # images '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', # css '', '', # scripts '', ] # iterate urls and copy to s3 for url in assetList: copyUrlToS3(url, s3conn) return HttpResponse('done', mimetype='text/html')
def test_collide_from_bot(self): ''' Player collides with food from bottom, by moving up. Verify that player's got_food changes to True, y position changes, and score increments. Map before collision: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000f00000000w w000000000p00000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ''' Keys.reset() food_row = 10 food_col = 10 world = World(food_row, food_col) player = Player(world) player_row = 11 player_col = 10 player_y = StationaryTile.DIMS[1] * player_row player_x = StationaryTile.DIMS[0] * player_col player.position = (player_x, player_y) new_x = player.position[0] new_y = player.position[1] - MovingTile.VERT_SPEED new_dead = player.dead new_got_food = True new_score = player.score + 1 player.do_something() self.assertEqual(new_x, player.position[0]) self.assertEqual(new_y, player.position[1]) self.assertEqual(new_dead, player.dead) self.assertEqual(new_got_food, player.got_food) self.assertEqual(new_score, player.score)
def __init__(self): #Constructor keys = Keys() [consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token, access_token_secret] = keys.get_keys() try: #Creating OAuth Handler Object self.auth = OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret) self.auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret) self.api = tweepy.API(self.auth) except: print("Error : Authentication Failed")
def setAPIKey(request): if all(k in request.GET for k in ('name', 'value')): # get user parameters key_name = request.GET.get('name') key_value = request.GET.get('value') # set key Keys.set_key(key_name, key_value) return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'status': 'success'}), mimetype='application/json') else: return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'status': 'missing_param'}), mimetype='application/json', status='400')
def published(page, status, authtoken): url = '' import ipdb ipdb.set_trace() keys = Keys() custom_header = {"auth-token": authtoken, "app-token": keys.app_token} file = + ' - ' + custom_header['auth-token'] + '.txt', 'a+b', 'utf-8') request = requests.get(url + str(page), headers=custom_header) buscape = json.loads(str(request.content)) for i in buscape['products']: if i['summary']['status'] == status: # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() file.write("SKU: " + i['productDataSent']['sku'] + '\n') file.write("Produto: " + i["productDataSent"]["title"] + '\n') file.write("Estoque: " + str(i["productDataSent"]["quantity"]) + '\n') file.write("__________________________________________\n") print i['productDataSent']['title'] + '...' global COUNT COUNT += 1 if (page < buscape["totalPages"]): published(page + 1, status, authtoken) else: #import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() file.write('TOTAL: ' + str(COUNT)) file.close()
def __init__(self): memcache_key = "secretsquirrel" data = memcache.get(memcache_key); if data is not None: conKey, conSec, cbURL, c2dmKey = data.split('|', 4) self.conKey = conKey.encode('utf8') self.conSec = conSec.encode('utf8') self.cbURL = cbURL.encode('utf8') self.c2dmKey = c2dmKey.encode('utf8') return #"secretsquirrel was not in memcache") # didn't find one keys = Keys.gql(""" LIMIT 1 """).get() if not keys: # still didn't fine one logging.error("Couldn't find the f*****g squirrel") raise Exception, "Couldn't find the f*****g squirrel" token = keys.conKey + "|" + keys.conSec + "|" + keys.cbURL + "|" + keys.c2dmKey memcache.set(memcache_key, token) self.conKey = keys.conKey.encode('utf8') self.conSec = keys.conSec.encode('utf8') self.cbURL = keys.cbURL.encode('utf8') self.c2dmKey = keys.c2dmKey.encode('utf8')
def __init__(self, owner=None, prevhash=None): self.blockNo = 0 = None self.hash = None self.difficulty = 0 self.nonce = 0 self.prevhash = prevhash self.timestamp = int(time.time()) self.keys = None self.tx = [] if not owner: # generate keys self.keys = Keys(False) self.keys.genkey() self.owner = self.keys.keys[0][1].x self.keys.saveToFile("blockkeys/")
def do_GET(self): req = urllib.parse.urlparse('http://localhost:8080' + self.path) query = req.query if query: vals = urllib.parse.parse_qs(query) print('Access Token: {}\nAccess Token Secret: {}'.format( vals['oauth_token'][0], vals['oauth_verifier'][0])) exit() else: keys = Keys() auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(keys.consumer_token, keys.consumer_secret, '') try: redirect_url = auth.get_authorization_url() self.send_response(307) self.send_header('Location', redirect_url) self.session_store(auth.request_token['oauth_token']) self.end_headers() except tweepy.TweepError as e: print(e)
def _keyAllowed(key): if isinstance(key, int): key = Keys.getKey(key) if not key in Keys: return False return Keyboard.Enabled
def test_no_action(self): ''' Player does not collide with any object and moves from default Keys.up. Verify that player variables are unchanged except y position. Map: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000f00000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w0000p0000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w w000000000000000000w wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ''' Keys.reset() food_row = 10 food_col = 10 world = World(food_row, food_col) player = Player(world) new_x = player.position[0] new_y = player.position[1] - MovingTile.VERT_SPEED new_dead = player.dead new_got_food = player.got_food new_score = player.score player.do_something() self.assertEqual(new_x, player.position[0]) self.assertEqual(new_y, player.position[1]) self.assertEqual(new_dead, player.dead) self.assertEqual(new_got_food, player.got_food) self.assertEqual(new_score, player.score)
def testShoot(): time.sleep(3) # GTAMovement.shoot() keys = Keys() keys.directMouse(buttons=keys.mouse_lb_press) time.sleep(3) keys.directMouse(buttons=keys.mouse_lb_release)
def main_loop (self): self.header = HeaderWidget() foot = help_bar() self.listbox = self.select_current_timeline().timeline self.main_frame = urwid.Frame(urwid.AttrWrap(self.listbox, 'body'), header=self.header, footer=foot) key_handle = Keys() urwid.connect_signal(key_handle, 'help_done', self.help_done) self.loop = urwid.MainLoop(self.main_frame, palette, unhandled_input=key_handle.keystroke) update = UpdateThread() update.start() update._Thread__stop() update.stop()
def predict(): keys = Keys() model = load_model(_MODEL_NAME) paused = False for frame in record_screen(resize=(_HEIGHT, _WIDTH)): if not paused: np_frame = np.array([frame]) prediction = model.predict(np_frame)[0] if debug: print(prediction) move = [0, 1, 0] if prediction[1] > fwd_thresh: move = [0, 1, 0] elif prediction[0] > turn_thresh: move = [1, 0, 0] elif prediction[2] > turn_thresh: move = [0, 0, 1] execute_input(move) if "T" in keys.check(): if paused: paused = False print("Resuming...") time.sleep(1) else: paused = True execute_input([0, 0, 0]) print("Paused") time.sleep(1) elif "Q" in keys.check(): execute_input([0, 0, 0]) print("Exiting...") break
def handle(self, *args, **options): start = options["start"] end = options["end"] self.polygon = PolygonInterface(Keys()) for page_num in list(range(start, end)): tickers = self.polygon.get_polygon_company_list(page=page_num) for ticker in tickers: try: company = CompanyModel( ticker=ticker["ticker"], name=ticker["name"], market=ticker["market"], locale=ticker["locale"], active=ticker["active"], ) except IntegrityError: pass
def run_game(): """ The main function""" # Initialize the game and create a screen object. os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED'] = '1' pygame.init() settings = Settings() screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (settings.screen_width, settings.screen_height)) pygame.display.set_caption('Houtou Project') screen_sprite = Sprite() screen_sprite.rect = screen.get_rect() keys = Keys() # Create the player with her bullet group. player = Player(screen) # Create the list of enemies. enemies = [] # Load the enemies. enemy_repo = EnemyRepo(screen) bullets_list = [] # Initialize the clock. clock = Clock() ticks = 0 # Start the main loop. while True: gf.check_events(player, keys) gf.check_ticks(ticks, enemies, enemy_repo) # Update the player and the enemies. player.update() for enemy in enemies.copy(): if enemy.update(player): enemies.remove(enemy) enemy.check_ticks(player) # Update the bullets. bullets_list = gf.get_bullets_list(player, enemies) gf.update_bullets(screen_sprite, bullets_list) # Update the screen. gf.update_screen(screen, settings, player, enemies, bullets_list) clock.tick(settings.fps) ticks += 1
def __init__(self, name, region, size, image, ssh_keys, backups=False, ipv6=False, private_networking=False, user_data=None): = name self.region = region self.size = size self.image = image self.ssh_keys_name = ssh_keys self.backups = backups self.ipv6 = ipv6 self.private_networking = private_networking self.user_data = user_data self.token = Token('token.json') self.token_write = self.token.get_token() self.keys = Keys(self.ssh_keys_name) self.key_id = self.keys.get_keys_id() self.url = "" self.headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % self.token_write}
def download_tweets(handles, recover=False): keys = Keys() auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(keys.consumer_token, keys.consumer_secret) auth.set_access_token(keys.access_token, keys.access_token_secret) api = tweepy.API(auth, wait_on_rate_limit=True) text = [] if recover: text = pd.read_csv('tweets.csv', header=None, squeeze=True).values.tolist() for handle in handles: print(f'Downloading tweets for {handle}...') try: tweets = tweepy.Cursor(api.user_timeline, id=handle, tweet_mode='extended').items() except TweepError as e: print(e) for tweet in tweets: if hasattr(tweet, 'retweeted_status'): try: text.append( clean(tweet.retweeted_status. extended_tweet['full_text'])) except AttributeError: text.append(clean(tweet.retweeted_status.full_text)) else: try: text.append(clean(tweet.extended_tweet['full_text'])) except AttributeError: text.append(clean(tweet.full_text)) print(f'Saving tweets for {handle}...') pd.DataFrame(text).to_csv('./tweets.csv', header=None, index=None)
def __init__(self, main_path="", write_path="", video="", audio="", malla="", actividad_compartida=False): if main_path == "": raise Exception("Error!, engine necesita el path al directorio principal de la aplicacion para funcionar (Class Engine)") if video == "" or audio == "" or malla == "": raise Exception("Error!, engine necesita Audio, Video y Malla para funcionar (Class Engine)") self.__main_path = main_path self.__write_path = write_path #Iniciliazo el Audio y Video self.__video = video self.__audio = audio self.__malla = malla self.__actividad_compartida = actividad_compartida self.__audio.on_channel() #Inicializo las teclas self.__keys = Keys(main_path) #Iniciliazo el club (habitaciones) self.__club = Club(main_path) #Inicializo el usuario if self.__actividad_compartida: self.__usuario = User(main_path,write_path,lugar_inicial=self.__club.get_shared_initial_room()) self.__paso_introduccion = True self.change_context(PLAY) else: self.__usuario = User(main_path,write_path,lugar_inicial=self.__club.get_alone_initial_room()) self.__paso_introduccion = False #Seteo la configuracion del club a los valores del estado actual del usuario self.__estado_actual = self.__usuario.get_state() self.__club.set_current_state(self.__estado_actual) self.__keys.enable_keys(self.__usuario.get_context()) #Iniciliazo el administrador de navegacion self.__navegacion_manager = NavigationManager(self, write_path) #Iniciliazo el administrador de dialogos self.__dialogo_manager = DialogueManager(engine=self,main_path=main_path,write_path=write_path) self.__events = Events() self.__accion = {} self.__path_archivo_juegos = main_path+"/data/games.xml" self.__show_club_introduction() self.__juego_mesh = False
class DropletCreate: def __init__(self, name, region, size, image, ssh_keys, backups=False, ipv6=False, private_networking=False, user_data=None): = name self.region = region self.size = size self.image = image self.ssh_keys_name = ssh_keys self.backups = backups self.ipv6 = ipv6 self.private_networking = private_networking self.user_data = user_data self.token = Token('token.json') self.token_write = self.token.get_token() self.keys = Keys(self.ssh_keys_name) self.key_id = self.keys.get_keys_id() self.url = "" self.headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % self.token_write} def create(self): droplet = {} droplet["name"] = droplet["region"] = self.region droplet["size"] = self.size droplet["image"] = self.image droplet["ssh_keys"] = self.key_id droplet["backups"] = self.backups droplet["ipv6"] = self.ipv6 droplet["user_data"] = self.user_data droplet["private_networking"] = self.private_networking response =, data=json.dumps(droplet, ensure_ascii=False), headers=self.headers) return response.status_code, response.json()
which can be found here:!/ and In order to use this tool, make sure that all of the dependencies listed in requirements.txt have been installed, and then use it as so: python handle You don't need to (and shouldn't) include the `@` in the handle. ''' import botometer import argparse from keys import Keys keys = Keys() def run(handle): rapidapi_key = keys.rapidapi_key twitter_app_auth = { 'consumer_key': keys.consumer_token, 'consumer_secret': keys.consumer_secret, 'access_token': keys.access_token, 'access_token_secret': keys.access_token_secret } bom = botometer.Botometer(wait_on_ratelimit=True, rapidapi_key=rapidapi_key, **twitter_app_auth)
def test_list(self): con = Connection("") key_list = Keys.list(con) for key in key_list: print(key.alias, key.xpub, key.file) self.assertIsNotNone(key_list)
def test_reset_password(self): con = Connection("") xpub = Keys.find_by_alias(con, "sheng").xpub print(xpub) status = Keys.reset_password(con, xpub, "567890", "123456") self.assertIs("true", status)
from keys import Keys key = Keys() AMQP_url = key.getAMQP_URL() print(AMQP_url)
from api_token import Token from keys import Keys from droplet_create import DropletCreate token = Token('token.json') token_write = token.get_token() token_read = token.get_token_read() keys = Keys('bert') key_dict = keys.get_keys_id() droplet = DropletCreate("test", "ams2", "512mb", "ubuntu-14-04-x64", "bert") vm = droplet.create() print token_write print token_read print key_dict print vm
def __init__(self): self.polygon = PolygonInterface(Keys())
class Engine(): def __init__(self, main_path="", write_path="", video="", audio="", malla="", actividad_compartida=False): if main_path == "": raise Exception("Error!, engine necesita el path al directorio principal de la aplicacion para funcionar (Class Engine)") if video == "" or audio == "" or malla == "": raise Exception("Error!, engine necesita Audio, Video y Malla para funcionar (Class Engine)") self.__main_path = main_path self.__write_path = write_path #Iniciliazo el Audio y Video self.__video = video self.__audio = audio self.__malla = malla self.__actividad_compartida = actividad_compartida self.__audio.on_channel() #Inicializo las teclas self.__keys = Keys(main_path) #Iniciliazo el club (habitaciones) self.__club = Club(main_path) #Inicializo el usuario if self.__actividad_compartida: self.__usuario = User(main_path,write_path,lugar_inicial=self.__club.get_shared_initial_room()) self.__paso_introduccion = True self.change_context(PLAY) else: self.__usuario = User(main_path,write_path,lugar_inicial=self.__club.get_alone_initial_room()) self.__paso_introduccion = False #Seteo la configuracion del club a los valores del estado actual del usuario self.__estado_actual = self.__usuario.get_state() self.__club.set_current_state(self.__estado_actual) self.__keys.enable_keys(self.__usuario.get_context()) #Iniciliazo el administrador de navegacion self.__navegacion_manager = NavigationManager(self, write_path) #Iniciliazo el administrador de dialogos self.__dialogo_manager = DialogueManager(engine=self,main_path=main_path,write_path=write_path) self.__events = Events() self.__accion = {} self.__path_archivo_juegos = main_path+"/data/games.xml" self.__show_club_introduction() self.__juego_mesh = False def get_user(self): return self.__usuario def get_audio(self): return self.__audio def get_video(self): return self.__video def get_club(self): return self.__club def get_keys(self): return self.__keys def get_dialog_manager(self): return self.__dialogo_manager def get_navigation_manager(self): return self.__navegacion_manager def set_action(self, metodo, parametros=""): self.__accion = {"metodo":metodo,"parametros":parametros} def on_play_mesh_game(self): self.__juego_mesh = True def off_play_mesh_game(self): self.__juego_mesh = False def init_game(self, nombre, con_jugadas_posibles=True, nivel=Ai.FACIL): parser = Parser() archivo_juegos = open(os.path.abspath(self.__path_archivo_juegos)) elementos = parser.find_child_element("game_"+str(nombre),archivo_juegos) fichas_iniciales = [] if len(elementos) <= 0 : raise Exception("No se encontraron elementos para el juego: " + nombre + " en el archivo xml: " + self.__path_archivo_juegos) for e in elementos: if e.get_name() == 'features': board_dim = int(e.get_attribute('board')) if e.get_attribute('oponent') == "virtual": #Es un juego de mesh contra Humano jugador1 = Player(BLANCO,HUMANO) jugador2 = Player(NEGRO,VIRTUAL) else: #Es un juego contra la PC if e.get_attribute('white') == "user": jugador1 = Player(BLANCO,HUMANO) jugador2 = Player(NEGRO,PC) else: jugador1 = Player(BLANCO,PC) jugador2 = Player(NEGRO,HUMANO) if e.get_attribute('initiator') == "white": comienza = BLANCO else: comienza = NEGRO elif e.get_name() == 'piece': ficha = {} if e.get_attribute('color') == "black": ficha["color"] = NEGRO else: ficha["color"] = BLANCO ficha["posicion"] = (int(e.get_attribute('pos_f')),int(e.get_attribute('pos_c'))) fichas_iniciales.append(ficha) tablero_logico = Board(board_dim) if nombre == "tutorial1": tablero_logico.save_initial_configuration(fichas_iniciales) else: tablero_logico.set_up(fichas_iniciales) self.__video.create_graphic_board(tablero_logico) self.juego = Game(self.__video.board,jugador1,jugador2,con_jugadas_posibles,nivel,write_path=self.__write_path) if comienza == BLANCO: self.juego.set_turn(jugador1) else: self.juego.set_turn(jugador2) self.juego.increase_turn_number() if nombre == "mesh": self.juego.set_mesh_game(True) self.__usuario.set_player(jugador1) parser.close() archivo_juegos.close() def setup_game(self, config, nombre=""): tablero_logico = Board(config["tablero"]["dimension"]) tablero_logico.set_casillas(config["tablero"]["configuracion"]) tablero_logico.update_pieces_counters() self.__video.create_graphic_board(tablero_logico) jugador1 = Player(config["jugadores"][0]["color"],VIRTUAL) jugador2 = Player(config["jugadores"][1]["color"],HUMANO) self.juego = Game(self.__video.board,jugador1,jugador2,write_path=self.__write_path) self.juego.set_turn(jugador1) self.juego.increase_turn_number() if nombre == "mesh": self.juego.set_mesh_game(True) self.__usuario.set_player(jugador2) def __show_club_introduction(self): if not self.__actividad_compartida: self.__audio.play_voice_sound("club","voz_inicio") def __join_the_club(self): self.__audio.play_fx_sound("club","pasos") nueva_hab = self.__usuario.get_current_room().get_up_room() self.__paso_introduccion = True self.__usuario.set_current_room(nueva_hab) if self.__usuario.get_state().is_initial_state():,ARRIBA,extra="introduccion") self.change_context(DIAL) else:,ARRIBA) self.change_context(NAVE) self.__begin_game() def change_context(self, nuevo_contexto): self.__usuario.set_context(nuevo_contexto) self.__keys.enable_keys(nuevo_contexto) def __begin_game(self): self.__run_state_events() def __run_state_events(self): #Verificar si existe algun evento para el estado actual y ejecutarlo eventos_iniciales = self.__estado_actual.get_state_events() for evento in eventos_iniciales: #thread.start_new_thread(self.__events.run_events,(self, eventos_iniciales)) self.__events.run_event(self, evento) def change_state(self, nuevo_estado): self.__usuario.set_state(nuevo_estado) self.__estado_actual = self.__usuario.get_state() self.__club.set_current_state(self.__estado_actual) self.__run_state_events() def arrive_input(self, accion): if not self.__keys.is_enable(accion): self.__audio.play_disabled_key_sound() else: if accion == SALIR: if self.__actividad_compartida: self.__actividad_compartida = False self.__malla.remove_me() self.__navegacion_manager.exit_club() else: if self.__paso_introduccion: if self.__usuario.get_context() == NAVE: self.__audio.play_key_sound(accion) self.__make_nav_action(accion) elif self.__usuario.get_context() == DIAL: if not self.__usuario.interrupt_dialogue(): if self.__audio.get_sound_name() == "more_text": self.__audio.play_key_sound(accion) self.__make_dialog_action(accion) else: self.__audio.play_disabled_key_sound() else: self.__audio.play_key_sound(accion) self.__make_dialog_action(accion) elif self.__usuario.get_context() == PLAY: if not self.__usuario.interrupt_sounds() and self.__audio.get_sound_group_name() == "inicio_turno": self.__audio.play_disabled_key_sound() else: self.__audio.play_key_sound(accion) self.__make_play_action(accion) elif self.__usuario.get_context() == LIST: self.__audio.play_key_sound(accion) self.__make_list_action(accion) else: self.__audio.play_key_sound(accion) if accion == CONTINUAR: self.__join_the_club() def __make_nav_action(self, accion): if accion == CONTINUAR: hab_sel = self.__club.room_selected()["habitacion"] pos_hab_sel = self.__club.room_selected()["posicion"] if hab_sel != "": if hab_sel.is_available(): self.__navegacion_manager.enter_room(hab_sel, pos_hab_sel) if not hab_sel.is_floor(): #Es una habitacion if hab_sel.get_name() != "salon de encuentros" and hab_sel.get_name() != "secretaria": self.change_context(DIAL) per_duenho = hab_sel.get_owner() per_duenho.init_room_action(self) self.__accion = {"metodo":per_duenho.close_action,"parametros":(self)} else: if hab_sel.get_name() == "salon de encuentros": try: ps = olpcgames.ACTIVITY._pservice self.__audio.play_voice_sound("club","ingresando a la red") ps.get_activities_async(reply_handler=self._share_join_activity_cb) except Exception, e: log.debug('Error: ' + str(e) + '. Al intentar usar el presence service (Engine Class)') self.__audio.play_voice_sound("club","error de conexion") self.__audio.play_voice_sound("club","saliendo salon desafios") self.__navegacion_manager.leave_room() elif hab_sel.get_name() == "secretaria": self.change_context(LIST) self.__video.create_selection_list(titulo="OPCIONES DE SECRETARIA",tipo="secretaria") progreso = self.__usuario.get_game_progress() hash_medallas = self.__usuario.get_medals() total_medallas = hash_medallas["bronce"] + hash_medallas["plata"] + hash_medallas["oro"] str_medallas = str(hash_medallas["bronce"])+" BR "+str(hash_medallas["plata"])+" PL "+str(hash_medallas["oro"])+" OR "+str(total_medallas)+" TOT" self.__video.selection_list.add_options([{"descripcion":"Progreso del Juego: "+str(progreso)+"%","id":"progreso_juego-"+str(progreso),"visible":True},{"descripcion":"Medallas: "+str_medallas, "id":"medallas_obtenidas-"+str(hash_medallas["bronce"])+"."+str(hash_medallas["plata"])+"."+str(hash_medallas["oro"]),"visible":True}]) self.__video.show_selection_list() self.__audio.play_voice_sound("club","secretaria intro") self.__audio.play_voice_sound("club","secretaria desc") self.__audio.play_voice_sound("club","secretaria info") self.__audio.play_fx_sound("otros","wait_input") self.__video.selection_list.read_option(self.__audio) else: log.error("Nombre de habitacion desconocido! (Engine Class)") else: if not hab_sel.is_floor(): if hab_sel.get_owner() != "": self.__audio.play_voice_sound("club","bloqueo_acceso_pieza_vocal") else: if hab_sel.get_name() == "salon de encuentros": self.__audio.play_voice_sound("club","bloqueo_acceso_salon_encuentros") else: self.__audio.play_voice_sound("club","bloqueo_acceso_pieza_gral") self.__audio.wait_sound_end() self.__club.select_room("","") elif self.__club.get_elevator()["seleccionado"]: if not self.__navegacion_manager.go_to_floor(): if self.__usuario.get_state().get_name() == "state1" and self.__usuario.get_current_room().get_name() == "segundo piso": pm = self.__club.get_character_by_name("pedro madera") self.change_context(DIAL) pm.block_third_floor_access(self) self.__accion = {"metodo":pm.close_action,"parametros":(self)} elif self.__usuario.get_current_room().get_name() == "tercer piso": hash_medallas = self.__usuario.get_medals() total_medallas = hash_medallas["bronce"] + hash_medallas["plata"] + hash_medallas["oro"] if int(total_medallas) >= 7 and int(hash_medallas["oro"]) > 0: pass else: self.__audio.play_voice_sound("club","bloqueo_acceso_piso_4")
def size(): return (ctypes.windll.user32.GetSystemMetrics(0), ctypes.windll.user32.GetSystemMetrics(1)) def _to_windows_coordinates(x=0, y=0): display_width, display_height = 1920, 1080 # the +1 here prevents exactly mouse movements from sometimes ending up off by 1 pixel windows_x = (x * 65536) // display_width + 1 windows_y = (y * 65536) // display_height + 1 return windows_x, windows_y ctr = Controller() k = Keys() HAS_PRESS = False angle = 0 xx = 1050 def on_press(key): try: print('alphanumeric key {0} pressed'.format(key.char)) except AttributeError: print('special key {0} pressed'.format(key)) def on_release(key): try: print('{0} released'.format(key))
from tweeter import Tweeter from freep import Freep from keys import Keys dalereedsay = Tweeter('dalereedsay',Keys.dalereedsay()) dalereed = Freep('dalereed', dalereedsay.mostRecent()) #print "dalereed comments:{0}".format(dalereed.newComments()) dalereedsay.postList(dalereed.newComments()) #dalereedsay.postList(dalereed.newMentions()) jimrobsay = Tweeter('jimrobsay', Keys.jimrobsay()) jimrob = Freep('jimrobinson', jimrobsay.mostRecent()) #print "jimrob comments:{0}".format(jimrob.newComments()) jimrobsay.postList(jimrob.newComments()) #jimrobsay.postList(jimrob.newMentions())