Ejemplo n.º 1
def crack(manifest, passwords, notify=None):
    manifest = readPlist(manifest)
    if not manifest["IsEncrypted"]:
        print "Backup is not encrypted"
    iosFlag = 'ManifestKey' in manifest
    kb = Keybag(manifest["BackupKeyBag"].data)
    kb.deviceKey = None
    if kb.type != BACKUP_KEYBAG and kb.type != OTA_KEYBAG:
        print "Backup does not contain a backup keybag"
    salt = kb.attrs["SALT"]
    iter = kb.attrs["ITER"]
    print 'iter', iter
    dpsl = None
    dpic = None
    if iosFlag:
        dpsl = kb.attrs["DPSL"]
        dpic = kb.attrs["DPIC"]
        print 'dpic', dpic
    res = None
    for password in passwords:
        password = password.strip()
        if not password:
        print "[%s]: Trying Crack" % (password)
        stime = time()
        res = try_password(password, iosFlag, dpsl, dpic, salt, iter, kb)
        etime = time()
        print "[%s]: Take time %s" % (password, etime - stime)
        if res:
            print 'Find Password: ', password
            return password
def main():
  # Get the arguments
  if len(sys.argv) != 3:
    print "Usage: backup_passwd_guess.py iOS_Backup_Dir Password_Dictionary"
  backup = sys.argv[1]
  pwddict = sys.argv[2]

  # Open the manifest plist
  manifest_loc = backup + "/Manifest.plist"
  if not os.path.exists(manifest_loc):
    print "Can't find Manifest.plist - bad backup?"
  manifest = readPlist(manifest_loc)

  # Open the dictionary
  if not os.path.exists(pwddict):
    print "Can't find dictionary"
  dictfile = open(pwddict)

  # Get the backup information
  info = readPlist(backup + "/Info.plist")
  print "Backup Details:"
  print "  Device:   %s" % (info['Product Name'])
  print "  Serial:   %s" % (info['Serial Number'])
  print "  Firmware: %s" % (info['Product Version'])
  print ""

  # Make sure the backup is encrypted
  if not manifest["IsEncrypted"]:
    print "Backup is not encrypted"

  # Determine if we have the new format of the backup encryption
  iosFlag = False
  if 'ManifestKey' in manifest:
    print "***** Backup is encrypted using newer algorithm. Time per try is now minutes instead of seconds *****"
    print ""
    iosFlag = True

  # Get the keybag
  kb = Keybag(manifest["BackupKeyBag"].data)
  kb.deviceKey = None
  if kb.type != BACKUP_KEYBAG and kb.type != OTA_KEYBAG:
    print "Backup does not contain a backup keybag"
  salt = kb.attrs["SALT"]
  iter = kb.attrs["ITER"]
  if iosFlag:
    dpsl = kb.attrs["DPSL"]
    dpic = kb.attrs["DPIC"]

  # Loop through the passwords in the file
  while True:
    password = dictfile.readline()
    if password == "":
    password = password[:-1]
    opassword = password
    print "Trying %s" % (opassword)

    # Check the password
    if iosFlag:
      password = PBKDF2(password, dpsl, iterations = dpic, digestmodule=SHA256).read(32)
    code = PBKDF2(password, salt, iterations=iter).read(32)
    success = 0
    for classkey in kb.classKeys.values():
      k = classkey["WPKY"]
      if classkey["WRAP"] & WRAP_PASSCODE:
        k = AESUnwrap(code, classkey["WPKY"])
        if not k:
          success = 1
      if classkey["WRAP"] & WRAP_DEVICE:
        if not kb.deviceKey:
        k = AESdecryptCBC(k, kb.deviceKey)
    if success == 0:
      print "Password found - ",opassword