def mendSeamDoubles(vert_list): if not vert_list: return divisor = 1.0 / float(len(vert_list)) average_loc = vector([0, 0, 0]) average_normal = vector([0, 0, 0]) norm_list = [] weight_dict = {} set_normal = 0 for v in vert_list: average_loc += divisor * v.getLoc(world_loc=False) if v.getNormal(): norm_list.append(v.getNormal()) set_normal += 1 for bone, weight in v.getWeight(): weight *= divisor if bone not in weight_dict: weight_dict[bone] = weight else: weight_dict[bone] += weight if set_normal > 0: n_div = 1.0 / float(set_normal) for norm in norm_list: average_normal += n_div * norm else: average_normal = None for v in vert_list: v.setLoc(average_loc, world_loc=False) v.setNormal(average_normal, world_loc=False, normalize=True) v.weight_dict = weight_dict
def __init__( self,\ vert_dict,\ bone_dict\ ): mesh_vert_dict = {} for mesh_name, v_dict in vert_dict.items(): mesh_vert_dict[mesh_name] = {} for v_idx, v_data in v_dict.items(): this_vert = vertex(v_idx, init = False) this_vert.loc = vector(v_data['loc']) if 'w_loc' in v_data: this_vert.w_loc = vector(v_data['w_loc']) else: this_vert.loc = vector(v_data['loc']) this_vert.normal = vector(v_data['norm']) this_vert.weight_dict = v_data['wd'] this_vert.NMV = True mesh_vert_dict[mesh_name] = this_vert self.mesh_vert_dict = mesh_vert_dict self.v_list = [v for v in self.mesh_vert_dict.values()] self.verts = dict([(i, vert) for i, vert in enumerate(self.v_list)]) self.non_nmv_verts = {} self.nmv_verts = self.verts self.bone_dict = dict([(bone_name, {'bone': bone}) for bone_name, bone in bone_dict.items()])
def combine_influences(influence_list, world_loc = True, travel_mod = False, Normal = False, BoneWeight = False, loc_list = False): #global time1 #global time2 #global time3 #global time4 if type(influence_list[0][0]) == vector2: average_vector = vector([0,0]) else: average_vector = vector([0,0,0]) if not influence_list: if BoneWeight: return {} return average_vector influence_list = NormalizeInfluence(list(influence_list)) # if loc_list: # for loc, influence in influence_list: # average_vector = average_vector + (loc * influence) # return average_vector if Normal: #Combine the Normal vectors from the vertexes on the influence list for vert, influence in influence_list: average_vector = average_vector + (vert.getNormal(world_loc = world_loc) * influence) return average_vector if BoneWeight: #print 'BoneWeight True' #Combine the weights from the vertexes on the influence list #timeA = time() """ Build the skeleton of the dictionary """ weightDictionary = dict([(this_group, 0.0) for this_group in set( this_group for inf_vert, influence in influence_list for this_group in inf_vert.getWeight().keys()) ]) #time1 += timeA - time() #timeA = time() """ Add the weight values to the dictionary """ for inf_vert, influence in influence_list: for this_group, weight in inf_vert.getWeight().items(): weightDictionary[this_group] += weight * influence #time2 += timeA - time() return weightDictionary for vert, influence in influence_list: average_vector = average_vector + (vert.getLoc(world_loc = world_loc, travel_mod = travel_mod) * influence) return average_vector
def __init__(self, idx, vert=False, mesh=False, init=True): self.idx = idx if init: self.mesh = mesh = mesh.niData self.vert = vert self.loc = vector([vert.x, vert.y, vert.z]) # print(self.loc) self.w_loc = False try: self.normal =[idx] except: self.normal = False self.uv = False self.influence_list = [] self.travel_mod = False self.searchModifiers = [] self.search_mod = False self.doubles = None self.edges = set() self.NMV = None self.weight_dict = {} self.side = False self.BDPartition = [] self.exact_match = False self.match_results = {}
def getSearchLoc(self, world_loc=True): if not self.search_mod: if self.searchModifiers: self.search_mod = getAverageVector(self.searchModifiers) else: return vector([0, 0, 0]) if world_loc: return self.search_mod + self.getLoc(world_loc=True) return self.search_mod * self.mesh.mat_i + self.getLoc(world_loc=False)
def unWrapBone(bone_values, root_transform = False, correction_vector = vector([0,0,0])): this_bone = NifFormat.NiNode() #this_bone.collision_object = bone_values['collision_object'] #this_bone.controller = bone_values['controller'] #this_bone.extra_data = bone_values['extra_data'] this_bone.flags = bone_values['flags'] this_bone.has_bounding_box = bone_values['has_bounding_box'] this_bone.has_old_extra_data = bone_values['has_old_extra_data'] = bone_values['name'] #this_bone.num_children = bone_values['num_children'] this_bone.num_effects = bone_values['num_effects'] #this_bone.num_extra_data_list = bone_values['num_extra_data_list'] this_bone.num_properties = bone_values['num_properties'] this_bone.old_extra_internal_id = bone_values['old_extra_internal_id'] this_bone.old_extra_prop_name = bone_values['old_extra_prop_name'] this_bone.old_extra_string = bone_values['old_extra_string'] #this_bone.scale = bone_values['scale'] this_bone.unknown_2 = bone_values['unknown_2'] this_bone.unknown_byte = bone_values['unknown_byte'] this_bone.unknown_short_1 = bone_values['unknown_short_1'] #this_bone.rotation = kg.math_util.matrix3x3(bone_values['rotation']) #this_bone.translation = kg.math_util.vector(bone_values['translation']) this_bone.velocity = kg.math_util.vector(bone_values['velocity']) update_array(, bone_values['properties']) update_array(this_bone.unknown_1, bone_values['unknown_1']) #update_array(this_bone.extra_data_list, bone_values['extra_data_list']) #update_array(this_bone.effects, bone_values['effects']) update_array(, bone_values['properties']) b_box_data = bone_values['bounding_box'] b_box = NifFormat.BoundingBox() b_box.radius = kg.math_util.vector(b_box_data['radius']) b_box.rotation = kg.math_util.matrix3x3(b_box_data['rotation']) b_box.translation = kg.math_util.vector(b_box_data['translation']) b_box.unknown_int = b_box_data['unknown_int'] if root_transform: this_bone.set_transform(kg.math_util.matrix4x4(bone_values['root_transform'])) else: this_bone.scale = bone_values['scale'] this_bone.rotation = kg.math_util.matrix3x3(bone_values['rotation']) this_bone.translation = kg.math_util.vector(bone_values['translation']) this_bone.translation += correction_vector return this_bone
def getLoc(self, world_loc=True, search_loc=False, travel_mod=False, flip_x_axis=False): if world_loc and not self.w_loc: self.w_loc = self.loc * self.mesh.mat if world_loc: temp_loc = self.w_loc else: temp_loc = self.loc if search_loc: temp_loc = temp_loc + self.getSearchLoc(world_loc=world_loc) elif travel_mod: temp_loc = temp_loc + self.getTravelMod() if flip_x_axis: temp_loc = vector(temp_loc.as_list()) temp_loc.x = -1 * temp_loc.x return temp_loc
def getTravelMod(self): if self.travel_mod: return self.travel_mod self.travel_mod = vector([0, 0, 0]) return self.travel_mod