Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_save_ttl():
    t = ObanRdfTransformer()
    t.parse(os.path.join(resource_dir, 'hpoa_test.ttl'))
    assert t.graph.number_of_nodes() == 10
    assert t.graph.number_of_edges() == 5

    t.save(os.path.join(target_dir, 'hpoa_test_export.ttl'))
    assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(target_dir, 'hpoa_test_export.ttl'))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_load():
    load and save tests
    cwd = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
    src_path = os.path.join(cwd, 'resources', 'monarch', 'biogrid_test.ttl')
    tpath = os.path.join(cwd, 'target')
    os.makedirs(tpath, exist_ok=True)

    tg_path = os.path.join(tpath, "test_output.ttl")

    # execute ObanRdfTransformer's parse and save function
    t = ObanRdfTransformer()
    t.parse(src_path, input_format="turtle")
    t.save(tg_path, output_format="turtle")

    w1 = PandasTransformer(t.graph)
    w1.save(os.path.join(tpath, 'biogrid-e.csv'), type='e')
    w1.save(os.path.join(tpath, 'biogrid-n.csv'), type='n')

    # read again the source, test graph
    src_graph = rdflib.Graph()
    src_graph.parse(src_path, format="turtle")

    # read again the dumped target graph
    tg_graph = rdflib.Graph()
    tg_graph.parse(tg_path, format="turtle")

    # compare subgraphs from the source and the target graph.
    OBAN = Namespace('http://purl.org/oban/')
    for a in src_graph.subjects(RDF.type, OBAN.association):
        oban_src_graph = rdflib.Graph()
        oban_src_graph += src_graph.triples((a, None, None))
        oban_tg_graph = rdflib.Graph()
        oban_tg_graph += tg_graph.triples((a, None, None))
        # see they are indeed identical (isomorphic)
        if not oban_src_graph.isomorphic(oban_tg_graph):
            raise RuntimeError('The subgraphs whose subject is ' + str(a) +
                               ' are not isomorphic ones.')

    w2 = GraphMLTransformer(t.graph)
    w2.save(os.path.join(tpath, "x1n.graphml"))
    w3 = JsonTransformer(t.graph)
    w3.save(os.path.join(tpath, "x1n.json"))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_load():
    load TTL and save as CSV
    input_file = os.path.join(resource_dir, 'monarch/biogrid_test.ttl')
    output_file = os.path.join(target_dir, 'test_output.ttl')

    t = ObanRdfTransformer()
    t.parse(input_file, input_format="turtle")
    t.save(output_file, output_format="turtle")

    output_archive_file = os.path.join(target_dir, 'biogrid_test')
    pt = PandasTransformer(t.graph)

    # read again the source, test graph
    src_graph = rdflib.Graph()
    src_graph.parse(input_file, format="turtle")

    # read again the dumped target graph
    target_graph = rdflib.Graph()
    target_graph.parse(output_file, format="turtle")

    # compare subgraphs from the source and the target graph.
    OBAN = Namespace('http://purl.org/oban/')
    for a in src_graph.subjects(RDF.type, OBAN.association):
        oban_src_graph = rdflib.Graph()
        oban_src_graph += src_graph.triples((a, None, None))
        oban_tg_graph = rdflib.Graph()
        oban_tg_graph += target_graph.triples((a, None, None))
        # see they are indeed identical (isomorphic)
        if not oban_src_graph.isomorphic(oban_tg_graph):
                'The subgraphs whose subject is {} are not isomorphic'.format(

    # w2 = GraphMLTransformer(t.graph)
    # w2.save(os.path.join(tpath, "x1n.graphml"))
    w3 = JsonTransformer(t.graph)
    w3.save(os.path.join(target_dir, "biogrid_test.json"))