Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_attr_error():
    """Check that erroneous py:attrs expressions are reported."""
    page = """\
        <html xmlns:py="http://purl.org/kid/ns#">
            <p py:attrs="%s" />
    t = kid.Template(source=page % "abc=123, def=789")
    s = t.serialize()
    assert 'abc="123"' in s and 'def="789"' in s
    from kid.template_util import TemplateAttrsError
    t = kid.Template(source=page % "abc=123, 456=789")
    e = str(raises(TemplateAttrsError, t.serialize))
    assert 'invalid' in e
    assert 'while processing attrs=' in e
    assert 'abc=123, 456=789' in e
    t = kid.Template(source=page % "{'mickey':'mouse'}")
    s = t.serialize()
    assert 'mickey="mouse"' in s
    t = kid.Template(source=page % "mickey mouse")
    e = str(raises(TemplateAttrsError, t.serialize))
    assert 'while processing attrs=' in e
    assert 'mickey mouse' in e
    t = kid.Template(source=page % "{mickey:mouse}")
    e = str(raises(TemplateAttrsError, t.serialize))
    assert 'not defined' in e
    assert 'mickey' in e and 'mouse' in e
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_tracking_1():
    """Check error tracking when compiling a Kid template."""
    from kid.compiler import compile_file

    f = KidFileWriter()
    xml = """<xml>
        <title>compilation fails</title>
        <p1>the expression ${1/0} can be compiled</p1>
        <p2>the expression ${1//0} can be compiled</p2>
        <p3>the expression ${1///0} cannot be compiled</p3>
        <p4>the expression ${1+1} can be compiled</p4>
    for call in (compile_file, kid.load_template, kid.Template):
        e = str(raises(SyntaxError, call, file=f.filename(call == compile_file)))
        assert "invalid syntax (%s.py, line " % f.name() in e
        assert " 1///0" in e and " ^\n" in e
        assert "1/0" not in e and "1//0" not in e and "1+1" not in e
        assert "can be compiled" not in e
        if python24:
            assert "Error location in template file " in e
            assert f.filename() in e
            assert "on line 5 between columns 8 and 54:" in e
            assert "the expression ${1///0} cannot be compiled" in e
        assert "xml>" not in e and "title>" not in e
        assert "p1>" not in e and "p2>" not in e and "p4>" not in e
        assert "compilation fails" not in e
    xml = """<!-- test1 -->
            ok = 1/0
        <!-- test2 -->
            ok = 1//0
        <!-- test3 -->
            oops = 1///0
        <!-- test4 -->
            ok = 1+1
        <title>compilation fails</title>
    for call in (compile_file, kid.load_template, kid.Template):
        e = str(raises(SyntaxError, call, file=f.filename(call == compile_file)))
        assert "invalid syntax (%s.py, line " % f.name() in e
        assert "oops = 1///0" in e and "              ^\n" in e
        assert "ok =" not in e
        assert "1/0" not in e and "1//0" not in e and "1+1" not in e
        if python24:
            assert "Error location in template file " in e
            assert f.filename() in e
            assert "between line 10, column 8 and line 13, column 8:" in e
            assert "            oops = 1///0" in e
        assert "xml>" not in e and "title>" not in e
        assert "compilation fails" not in e
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_attr_error():
    """Check that erroneous py:attrs expressions are reported."""
    page = """\
        <html xmlns:py="http://purl.org/kid/ns#">
            <p py:attrs="%s" />
    t = kid.Template(source=page % "abc=123, def=789")
    s = t.serialize()
    assert 'abc="123"' in s and 'def="789"' in s
    from kid.template_util import TemplateAttrsError
    t = kid.Template(source=page % "abc=123, 456=789")
    e = str(raises(TemplateAttrsError, t.serialize))
    assert 'invalid' in e
    assert 'while processing attrs=' in e
    assert 'abc=123, 456=789' in e
    t = kid.Template(source=page % "{'mickey':'mouse'}")
    s = t.serialize()
    assert 'mickey="mouse"' in s
    t = kid.Template(source=page % "mickey mouse")
    e = str(raises(TemplateAttrsError, t.serialize))
    assert 'while processing attrs=' in e
    assert 'mickey mouse' in e
    t = kid.Template(source=page % "{mickey:mouse}")
    e = str(raises(TemplateAttrsError, t.serialize))
    assert 'not defined' in e
    assert 'mickey' in e and 'mouse' in e
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_enable_import_with_path():
    """Using path any template directory can be importable."""
    assert tmpdir not in sys.path
    raises(ImportError, "import test_suffixes4")
    dest = joinpath(tmpdir, "test_suffixes4.kid")
    copyfile(tfile, dest)
    import test_suffixes4
    dest = joinpath(tmpdir, "test_suffixes5.kid")
    copyfile(tfile, dest)
    raises(ImportError, "import test_suffixes5")
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_enable_import_empty():
    """By default *.kid files are imported."""
    sys.path.insert(0, tmpdir)
        raises(ImportError, "import test_suffixes0")
        import test_suffixes0
        raises(ImportError, "import test_suffixes1")
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_enable_import_with_path():
    """Using path any template directory can be importable."""
    assert tmpdir not in sys.path
    raises(ImportError, "import test_suffixes4")
    dest = joinpath(tmpdir, "test_suffixes4.kid")
    copyfile(tfile, dest)
    import test_suffixes4

    dest = joinpath(tmpdir, "test_suffixes5.kid")
    copyfile(tfile, dest)
    raises(ImportError, "import test_suffixes5")
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_enable_import_empty():
    """By default *.kid files are imported."""
    sys.path.insert(0, tmpdir)
        raises(ImportError, "import test_suffixes0")
        import test_suffixes0

        raises(ImportError, "import test_suffixes1")
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_enable_import_with_ext():
    """Using exts any file extension can be importable."""
    ext = ".html,.kid.html"
    sys.path.insert(0, tmpdir)
        raises(ImportError, "import test_suffixes1")
        raises(ImportError, "import test_suffixes2")
        raises(ImportError, "import test_suffixes3")
        dest = joinpath(tmpdir, "test_suffixes1.kid")
        copyfile(tfile, dest)
        import test_suffixes1  # *.kid files are always importable

        dest = joinpath(tmpdir, "test_suffixes2.html")
        copyfile(tfile, dest)
        import test_suffixes2

        dest = joinpath(tmpdir, "test_suffixes3.kid.html")
        copyfile(tfile, dest)
        import test_suffixes3

        dest = joinpath(tmpdir, "test_suffixes4.xhtml")
        copyfile(tfile, dest)
        raises(ImportError, "import test_suffixes4")
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_tracking_2():
    """Check error tracking when importing a Kid template."""
    from kid.compiler import compile_file
    f = KidFileWriter()
    xml = """<!-- test1 -->
        <?python ok = 1/2 ?>
        <!-- test2 -->
        <?python oops = 1/0 ?>
        <title>import fails</title>
        e = compile_file(file=f.filename(True))
    except Exception:
        e = None
    assert e == True, 'This file cannot be compiled properly.'
    for call in (kid.load_template, kid.Template):
        e = str(raises(ZeroDivisionError, call, file=f.filename()))
        assert 'integer division or modulo by zero' in e
        if python24:
            assert 'Error location in template file ' in e
            assert f.filename() in e
            assert 'between line 4, column 8 and line 5, column 8:' in e
            assert '<?python oops = 1/0 ?>' in e
        assert 'xml>' not in e and 'title>' not in e
        assert 'import fails' not in e
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_tracking_2():
    """Check error tracking when importing a Kid template."""
    from kid.compiler import compile_file
    f = KidFileWriter()
    xml = """<!-- test1 -->
        <?python ok = 1/2 ?>
        <!-- test2 -->
        <?python oops = 1/0 ?>
        <title>import fails</title>
        e = compile_file(file=f.filename(True))
    except Exception:
        e = None
    assert e == True, 'This file cannot be compiled properly.'
    for call in (kid.load_template, kid.Template):
        e = str(raises(ZeroDivisionError, call, file=f.filename()))
        assert 'integer division or modulo by zero' in e
        if python24:
            assert 'Error location in template file ' in e
            assert f.filename() in e
            assert 'between line 4, column 8 and line 5, column 8:' in e
            assert '<?python oops = 1/0 ?>' in e
        assert 'xml>' not in e and 'title>' not in e
        assert 'import fails' not in e
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_setters_getters1():
    options = kid.options.Options()
    options["encoding"] = "utf-8"
    options["output"] = "html"
    assert options["encoding"] == "utf-8"
    assert options["output"] == "html"

    def cause_error(name):
        return options[name]
    raises(KeyError, cause_error, "not there")

    def cause_error(name):
        del options[name]
    raises(KeyError, cause_error, "not there")
    del options["encoding"]
    assert options.get("encoding") is None
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_extends_error():
    """Check that erroneous py:extends expressions are reported."""
    page = '<html xmlns:py="http://purl.org/kid/ns#" py:extends="no_extends" />'
    # because py:extends is not dynamic, the template cannot be created
    from kid.template_util import TemplateExtendsError
    e = str(raises(TemplateExtendsError, kid.Template, source=page))
    assert 'not defined' in e
    assert 'while processing extends=' in e
    assert 'no_extends' in e
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_extends_error():
    """Check that erroneous py:extends expressions are reported."""
    page = '<html xmlns:py="http://purl.org/kid/ns#" py:extends="no_extends" />'
    # because py:extends is not dynamic, the template cannot be created
    from kid.template_util import TemplateExtendsError
    e = str(raises(TemplateExtendsError, kid.Template, source=page))
    assert 'not defined' in e
    assert 'while processing extends=' in e
    assert 'no_extends' in e
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_layout_error():
    """Check that erroneous py:layout expressions are reported."""
    page = '<html xmlns:py="http://purl.org/kid/ns#" py:layout="no_layout" />'
    # because py:layout is dynamic, the template can be created
    # but the error should show up when we try to serialize the template
    t = kid.Template(source=page)
    from kid.template_util import TemplateLayoutError
    e = str(raises(TemplateLayoutError, t.serialize))
    assert 'not defined' in e
    assert 'while processing layout=' in e
    assert 'no_layout' in e
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_layout_error():
    """Check that erroneous py:layout expressions are reported."""
    page = '<html xmlns:py="http://purl.org/kid/ns#" py:layout="no_layout" />'
    # because py:layout is dynamic, the template can be created
    # but the error should show up when we try to serialize the template
    t = kid.Template(source=page)
    from kid.template_util import TemplateLayoutError
    e = str(raises(TemplateLayoutError, t.serialize))
    assert 'not defined' in e
    assert 'while processing layout=' in e
    assert 'no_layout' in e
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_xml_long_line():
    """Check intelligent truncating of long XML error lines."""
    from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError
    page = '<a>x</b>' + 9999*'x'
    e = str(raises(ExpatError, kid.Template, page))
    assert 'Error parsing XML' in e
    assert 'mismatched tag: line 1, column 6' in e
    assert ('\n<a>x</b>' + 68*'x') in e
    assert "\n%7s\n" % "^" in e
    page = '<a>' + 9999*'x' + '</b>'
    e = str(raises(ExpatError, kid.Template, page))
    assert 'Error parsing XML' in e
    assert 'mismatched tag: line 1, column 10004' in e
    assert ('\n' + 72*'x' + '</b>') in e
    assert "\n%75s\n" % "^" in e
    page = '<a>' + 9999*'x' + '</b>' + 9999*'x'
    e = str(raises(ExpatError, kid.Template, page))
    assert 'Error parsing XML' in e
    assert 'mismatched tag: line 1, column 10004' in e
    assert ('\n' + 36*'x' + '</b>' + 36*'x') in e
    assert "\n%39s\n" % "^" in e
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_xml_long_line():
    """Check intelligent truncating of long XML error lines."""
    from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError
    page = '<a>x</b>' + 9999*'x'
    e = str(raises(ExpatError, kid.Template, page))
    assert 'Error parsing XML' in e
    assert 'mismatched tag: line 1, column 6' in e
    assert ('\n<a>x</b>' + 68*'x') in e
    assert "\n%7s\n" % "^" in e
    page = '<a>' + 9999*'x' + '</b>'
    e = str(raises(ExpatError, kid.Template, page))
    assert 'Error parsing XML' in e
    assert 'mismatched tag: line 1, column 10004' in e
    assert ('\n' + 72*'x' + '</b>') in e
    assert "\n%75s\n" % "^" in e
    page = '<a>' + 9999*'x' + '</b>' + 9999*'x'
    e = str(raises(ExpatError, kid.Template, page))
    assert 'Error parsing XML' in e
    assert 'mismatched tag: line 1, column 10004' in e
    assert ('\n' + 36*'x' + '</b>' + 36*'x') in e
    assert "\n%39s\n" % "^" in e
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_xml_error():
    """Check that erroneous XML is reported."""
    from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError

    page = """\
            <p>That's all, folks.</p>
    page = page.replace("</b></a>", "</a></b>")
    e = str(raises(ExpatError, kid.Template, source=page))
    assert "Error parsing XML" in e
    assert "mismatched tag: line 3, column 24" in e
    assert page.splitlines()[2] in e  # erroneous line
    assert "\n%25s\n" % "^" in e  # offset pointer
    assert "html" not in e
    assert "title" not in e
    assert "folks" not in e
    page = """\
        <html xmlns:py="http://purl.org/kid/ns#">
            <h1 py:replace="XML(xml)">title</h1>
    t = kid.Template(source=page, xml="<h1>ok</h1>")
    from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError

    content = """\
        this &is wrong
    t = kid.Template(source=page, xml=content)
    e = str(raises(ExpatError, t.serialize))
    assert "Error parsing XML" in e
    assert "not well-formed (invalid token): line 2, column 16" in e
    assert content.splitlines()[1] in e
    assert "\n%17s\n" % "^" in e
    assert "html" not in e
    assert "start" not in e
    assert "end" not in e
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_xml_long_line():
    """Check intelligent truncating of long XML error lines."""
    from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError

    page = "<a>x</b>" + 9999 * "x"
    e = str(raises(ExpatError, kid.Template, page))
    assert "Error parsing XML" in e
    assert "mismatched tag: line 1, column 6" in e
    assert ("\n<a>x</b>" + 68 * "x") in e
    assert "\n%7s\n" % "^" in e
    page = "<a>" + 9999 * "x" + "</b>"
    e = str(raises(ExpatError, kid.Template, page))
    assert "Error parsing XML" in e
    assert "mismatched tag: line 1, column 10004" in e
    assert ("\n" + 72 * "x" + "</b>") in e
    assert "\n%75s\n" % "^" in e
    page = "<a>" + 9999 * "x" + "</b>" + 9999 * "x"
    e = str(raises(ExpatError, kid.Template, page))
    assert "Error parsing XML" in e
    assert "mismatched tag: line 1, column 10004" in e
    assert ("\n" + 36 * "x" + "</b>" + 36 * "x") in e
    assert "\n%39s\n" % "^" in e
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_xml_filename_error():
    """Check that erroneous XML filename is reported."""
    f = KidFileWriter()
    f.write("<xml>This is XML</xml>")
    t = kid.Template(file=f.filename())
    f.write("This is not XML")
    from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError
    e = str(raises(ExpatError, kid.Template, file=f.filename()))
    assert 'Error parsing XML' in e
    assert f.filename() in e
    assert 'This is not XML' in e
    assert 'syntax error: line 1, column 0' in e
    assert '\n^\n' in e
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_xml_filename_error():
    """Check that erroneous XML filename is reported."""
    f = KidFileWriter()
    f.write("<xml>This is XML</xml>")
    t = kid.Template(file=f.filename())
    f.write("This is not XML")
    from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError
    e = str(raises(ExpatError, kid.Template, file=f.filename()))
    assert 'Error parsing XML' in e
    assert f.filename() in e
    assert 'This is not XML' in e
    assert 'syntax error: line 1, column 0' in e
    assert '\n^\n' in e
Ejemplo n.º 22
def test_xml_error():
    """Check that erroneous XML is reported."""
    from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError
    page = """\
            <p>That's all, folks.</p>
    page = page.replace('</b></a>', '</a></b>')
    e = str(raises(ExpatError, kid.Template, source=page))
    assert 'Error parsing XML' in e
    assert 'mismatched tag: line 3, column 24' in e
    assert page.splitlines()[2] in e # erroneous line
    assert "\n%25s\n" % "^" in e # offset pointer
    assert 'html' not in e
    assert 'title' not in e
    assert 'folks' not in e
    page = """\
        <html xmlns:py="http://purl.org/kid/ns#">
            <h1 py:replace="XML(xml)">title</h1>
    t = kid.Template(source=page, xml="<h1>ok</h1>")
    from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError
    content = """\
        this &is wrong
    t = kid.Template(source=page, xml=content)
    e = str(raises(ExpatError, t.serialize))
    assert 'Error parsing XML' in e
    assert 'not well-formed (invalid token): line 2, column 16' in e
    assert content.splitlines()[1] in e
    assert "\n%17s\n" % "^" in e
    assert 'html' not in e
    assert 'start' not in e
    assert 'end' not in e
Ejemplo n.º 23
def test_tracking_4():
    """Check error tracking when compiling a Kid template."""
    from kid.compiler import compile_file

    f = KidFileWriter()
    xml = """<xml xmlns:py="http://purl.org/kid/ns#">
        <title>execution fails</title>
        <div py:content="'K\\xe4se'"/>
    t = kid.Template(file=f.filename())
    e = raises(UnicodeDecodeError, t.serialize)
    assert e.__class__.__name__ == UnicodeDecodeError.__name__
    assert e.__class__.__module__ == UnicodeDecodeError.__module__
    assert hasattr(e, "reason") and e.reason == "ordinal not in range(128)"
    e = str(e)
    assert "can't decode byte 0xe4 in position 1" in e
    assert "ordinal not in range(128)" in e
    assert "\nError in code generated from template file " in e
    assert f.filename() in e
    assert "execution fails" not in e
Ejemplo n.º 24
def test_tracking_4():
    """Check error tracking when compiling a Kid template."""
    from kid.compiler import compile_file
    f = KidFileWriter()
    xml = """<xml xmlns:py="http://purl.org/kid/ns#">
        <title>execution fails</title>
        <div py:content="'K\\xe4se'"/>
    t = kid.Template(file=f.filename())
    e = raises(UnicodeDecodeError, t.serialize)
    assert e.__class__.__name__ == UnicodeDecodeError.__name__
    assert e.__class__.__module__ == UnicodeDecodeError.__module__
    assert hasattr(e, 'reason') \
        and e.reason == "ordinal not in range(128)"
    e = str(e)
    assert "can't decode byte 0xe4 in position 1" in e
    assert "ordinal not in range(128)" in e
    assert '\nError in code generated from template file ' in e
    assert f.filename() in e
    assert 'execution fails' not in e
Ejemplo n.º 25
def test_enable_import_with_ext():
    """Using exts any file extension can be importable."""
    ext = ".html,.kid.html"
    sys.path.insert(0, tmpdir)
        raises(ImportError, "import test_suffixes1")
        raises(ImportError, "import test_suffixes2")
        raises(ImportError, "import test_suffixes3")
        dest = joinpath(tmpdir, "test_suffixes1.kid")
        copyfile(tfile, dest)
        import test_suffixes1  # *.kid files are always importable
        dest = joinpath(tmpdir, "test_suffixes2.html")
        copyfile(tfile, dest)
        import test_suffixes2
        dest = joinpath(tmpdir, "test_suffixes3.kid.html")
        copyfile(tfile, dest)
        import test_suffixes3
        dest = joinpath(tmpdir, "test_suffixes4.xhtml")
        copyfile(tfile, dest)
        raises(ImportError, "import test_suffixes4")
Ejemplo n.º 26
def test_tracking_3():
    """Check error tracking when executing a Kid template."""
    f = KidFileWriter()
    xml = """<xml>
        <title>execution fails</title>
        <p1>the expression ${1/2} can be evaluated</p1>
        <p2>the expression ${1/0} cannot be evaluated</p2>
    t = kid.Template(file=f.filename())
    def execute_template_method(t, n):
        if n == 1:
            import StringIO
            output = StringIO.StringIO()
            ret = output.getvalue()
        elif n == 2:
            ret = list(t.generate())
            ret = t.serialize()
        return ret
    for n in range(3):
        e = str(raises(ZeroDivisionError, execute_template_method, t, n))
        assert 'integer division or modulo by zero' in e
        if python24 and n < 2:
            assert 'Error location in template file ' in e
            assert f.filename() in e
            assert 'on line 4 between columns 8 and 53:' in e
            assert 'the expression ${1/0} cannot be evaluated' in e
        assert 'xml>' not in e and 'title>' not in e
        assert 'execution fails' not in e
    xml = """<xml>
        <title>execution fails</title>
        <?python ok = 1/2 ?>
        <?python oops = 1/0 ?>
    t = kid.Template(file=f.filename())
    e = str(raises(ZeroDivisionError, t.serialize))
    assert 'integer division or modulo by zero' in e
    if python24:
        assert 'Error location in template file ' in e
        assert f.filename() in e
        assert 'between line 4, column 8 and line 5, column 8:' in e
        assert '<?python oops = 1/0 ' in e
        assert 'ok = 1/2' not in e
    assert 'xml>' not in e and 'title>' not in e
    assert 'execution fails' not in e
    xml = """<xml xmlns:py="http://purl.org/kid/ns#">
        <title>execution fails</title>
        <h1>test1</h1><p1 py:content="1/2" />
        <h2>test2</h2><p2 py:content="1/0" />
    t = kid.Template(file=f.filename())
    e = str(raises(ZeroDivisionError, t.serialize))
    assert 'integer division or modulo by zero' in e
    if python24:
        assert 'Error location in template file ' in e
        assert f.filename() in e
        assert 'between line 4, column 22 and line 5, column 8:' in e
        assert ' py:content="1/0"' in e
    assert '"1/2"' not in e
    assert 'xml>' not in e and 'title>' not in e
    assert 'p1>' not in e and 'h1>' not in e
    assert 'h2>' not in e
    assert 'execution fails' not in e
Ejemplo n.º 27
def test_tracking_3():
    """Check error tracking when executing a Kid template."""
    f = KidFileWriter()
    xml = """<xml>
        <title>execution fails</title>
        <p1>the expression ${1/2} can be evaluated</p1>
        <p2>the expression ${1/0} cannot be evaluated</p2>
    t = kid.Template(file=f.filename())
    def execute_template_method(t, n):
        if n == 1:
            import StringIO
            output = StringIO.StringIO()
            ret = output.getvalue()
        elif n == 2:
            ret = list(t.generate())
            ret = t.serialize()
        return ret
    for n in range(3):
        e = str(raises(ZeroDivisionError, execute_template_method, t, n))
        assert 'integer division or modulo by zero' in e
        if python24 and n < 2:
            assert 'Error location in template file ' in e
            assert f.filename() in e
            assert 'on line 4 between columns 8 and 53:' in e
            assert 'the expression ${1/0} cannot be evaluated' in e
        assert 'xml>' not in e and 'title>' not in e
        assert 'execution fails' not in e
    xml = """<xml>
        <title>execution fails</title>
        <?python ok = 1/2 ?>
        <?python oops = 1/0 ?>
    t = kid.Template(file=f.filename())
    e = str(raises(ZeroDivisionError, t.serialize))
    assert 'integer division or modulo by zero' in e
    if python24:
        assert 'Error location in template file ' in e
        assert f.filename() in e
        assert 'between line 4, column 8 and line 5, column 8:' in e
        assert '<?python oops = 1/0 ' in e
        assert 'ok = 1/2' not in e
    assert 'xml>' not in e and 'title>' not in e
    assert 'execution fails' not in e
    xml = """<xml xmlns:py="http://purl.org/kid/ns#">
        <title>execution fails</title>
        <h1>test1</h1><p1 py:content="1/2" />
        <h2>test2</h2><p2 py:content="1/0" />
    t = kid.Template(file=f.filename())
    e = str(raises(ZeroDivisionError, t.serialize))
    print e
    assert 'integer division or modulo by zero' in e
    if python24:
        assert 'Error location in template file ' in e
        assert f.filename() in e
        assert 'between line 4, column 22 and line 5, column 8:' in e
        assert ' py:content="1/0"' in e
    assert '"1/2"' not in e
    assert 'xml>' not in e and 'title>' not in e
    assert 'p1>' not in e and 'h1>' not in e
    assert 'h2>' not in e
    assert 'execution fails' not in e
Ejemplo n.º 28
def test_tracking_1():
    """Check error tracking when compiling a Kid template."""
    from kid.compiler import compile_file
    f = KidFileWriter()
    xml = """<xml>
        <title>compilation fails</title>
        <p1>the expression ${1/0} can be compiled</p1>
        <p2>the expression ${1//0} can be compiled</p2>
        <p3>the expression ${1///0} cannot be compiled</p3>
        <p4>the expression ${1+1} can be compiled</p4>
    for call in (compile_file, kid.load_template, kid.Template):
        e = str(raises(SyntaxError,
            call, file=f.filename(call == compile_file)))
        assert 'invalid syntax (%s.py, line ' % f.name() in e
        assert ' 1///0' in e and ' ^\n' in e
        assert '1/0' not in e and '1//0' not in e and '1+1' not in e
        assert 'can be compiled' not in e
        if python24:
            assert 'Error location in template file ' in e
            assert f.filename() in e
            assert 'on line 5 between columns 8 and 54:' in e
            assert 'the expression ${1///0} cannot be compiled' in e
        assert 'xml>' not in e and 'title>' not in e
        assert 'p1>' not in e and 'p2>' not in e and 'p4>' not in e
        assert 'compilation fails' not in e
    xml = """<!-- test1 -->
            ok = 1/0
        <!-- test2 -->
            ok = 1//0
        <!-- test3 -->
            oops = 1///0
        <!-- test4 -->
            ok = 1+1
        <title>compilation fails</title>
    for call in (compile_file, kid.load_template, kid.Template):
        e = str(raises(SyntaxError,
            call, file=f.filename(call == compile_file)))
        assert 'invalid syntax (%s.py, line ' % f.name() in e
        assert 'oops = 1///0' in e and '              ^\n' in e
        assert 'ok =' not in e
        assert '1/0' not in e and '1//0' not in e and '1+1' not in e
        if python24:
            assert 'Error location in template file ' in e
            assert f.filename() in e
            assert 'between line 10, column 8 and line 13, column 8:' in e
            assert '            oops = 1///0' in e
        assert 'xml>' not in e and 'title>' not in e
        assert 'compilation fails' not in e
Ejemplo n.º 29
def test_tracking_1():
    """Check error tracking when compiling a Kid template."""
    from kid.compiler import compile_file
    f = KidFileWriter()
    xml = """<xml>
        <title>compilation fails</title>
        <p1>the expression ${1/0} can be compiled</p1>
        <p2>the expression ${1//0} can be compiled</p2>
        <p3>the expression ${1///0} cannot be compiled</p3>
        <p4>the expression ${1+1} can be compiled</p4>
    for call in (compile_file, kid.load_template, kid.Template):
        e = str(raises(SyntaxError,
            call, file=f.filename(call == compile_file)))
        assert 'invalid syntax (%s.py, line ' % f.name() in e
        assert ' 1///0' in e and ' ^\n' in e
        assert '1/0' not in e and '1//0' not in e and '1+1' not in e
        assert 'can be compiled' not in e
        if python24:
            assert 'Error location in template file ' in e
            assert f.filename() in e
            assert 'on line 5 between columns 8 and 54:' in e
            assert 'the expression ${1///0} cannot be compiled' in e
        assert 'xml>' not in e and 'title>' not in e
        assert 'p1>' not in e and 'p2>' not in e and 'p4>' not in e
        assert 'compilation fails' not in e
    xml = """<!-- test1 -->
            ok = 1/0
        <!-- test2 -->
            ok = 1//0
        <!-- test3 -->
            oops = 1///0
        <!-- test4 -->
            ok = 1+1
        <title>compilation fails</title>
    for call in (compile_file, kid.load_template, kid.Template):
        e = str(raises(SyntaxError,
            call, file=f.filename(call == compile_file)))
        assert 'invalid syntax (%s.py, line ' % f.name() in e
        assert 'oops = 1///0' in e and '              ^\n' in e
        assert 'ok =' not in e
        assert '1/0' not in e and '1//0' not in e and '1+1' not in e
        if python24:
            assert 'Error location in template file ' in e
            assert f.filename() in e
            assert 'between line 10, column 8 and line 13, column 8:' in e
            assert '            oops = 1///0' in e
        assert 'xml>' not in e and 'title>' not in e
        assert 'compilation fails' not in e