Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, data, keys=None):
		:param dict data: The formatted catalog data.
		:param keys: The keys to use for verifying remote data.
		:type keys: :py:class:`~king_phisher.security_keys.SecurityKeys`
        self.security_keys = keys or security_keys.SecurityKeys()
        """The :py:class:`~king_phisher.security_keys.SecurityKeys` used for verifying remote data."""
        self.created = dateutil.parser.parse(data['created'])
        """The timestamp of when the remote data was generated."""
        self.created_by = data['created-by']
        self.id = data['id']
        """The unique identifier of this catalog."""
        self.maintainers = tuple(maintainer['id']
                                 for maintainer in data['maintainers'])
		A tuple containing the maintainers of the catalog and repositories.
		These are also the key identities that should be present for verifying
		the remote data.
        self.repositories = dict(
            (repo['id'], Repository(repo, keys=self.security_keys))
            for repo in data['repositories'])
        """A dict of the :py:class:`.Repository` objects included in this catalog keyed by their id."""
        self.logger.info("initialized catalog with {0:,} repositories".format(
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def __init__(self, data, keys=None):
		:param dict data: The formatted repository data.
		:param keys: The keys to use for verifying remote data.
		:type keys: :py:class:`~king_phisher.security_keys.SecurityKeys`
		self.security_keys = keys or security_keys.SecurityKeys()
		"""The :py:class:`~king_phisher.security_keys.SecurityKeys` used for verifying remote data."""
		created = data.get('created')
		if isinstance(created, str):
			self.created = dateutil.parser.parse(created)
			self.created = None
		self._req_sess = requests.Session()
		self._req_sess.mount('file://', requests_file.FileAdapter())
		self.description = data.get('description')
		self.homepage = data.get('homepage')
		"""The URL of the homepage for this repository if it was specified."""
		for key in ('title', 'url-base'):
			if isinstance(data.get(key), str) and data[key]:
			raise KeyError('repository data is missing non-empty string key: ' + key)
		self.title = data['title']
		"""The title string of this repository."""
		self.url_base = data['url-base']
		"""The base URL string of files included in this repository."""
		self.collections = utilities.FreezableDict()
		"""The dictionary of the different collection types included in this repository."""
		if 'collections-include' in data:
			# include-files is reversed so the dictionary can get .update()'ed and the first seen will be the value kept
			for include in reversed(data['collections-include']):
				include_data = self._fetch_json(include)
				if 'collections' not in include_data:
					self.logger.warning("included file {0} missing 'collections' entry".format(include['path']))
				include_data = include_data['collections']
				for collection_type in include.get('types', COLLECTION_TYPES):
					if collection_type not in include_data:
					collection = include_data.get(collection_type)
					if collection is None:
					self._add_collection_data(collection_type, collection)
		if 'collections' in data:
			for collection_type in COLLECTION_TYPES:
				collection = data['collections'].get(collection_type)
				if collection is None:
				self._add_collection_data(collection_type, collection)
		item_count = sum(len(collection) for collection in self.collections.values())
		self.logger.debug("initialized catalog repository with {0} collection types and {1} total items".format(len(self.collections), item_count))
		for collection_type, collection in self.collections.items():
			self.collections[collection_type] = Collection(self, collection_type, collection)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, data, keys=None):
		:param dict data: The formatted repository data.
		:param keys: The keys to use for verifying remote data.
		:type keys: :py:class:`~king_phisher.security_keys.SecurityKeys`
        self.security_keys = keys or security_keys.SecurityKeys()
        """The :py:class:`~king_phisher.security_keys.SecurityKeys` used for verifying remote data."""

        self._req_sess = requests.Session()
        self._req_sess.mount('file://', requests_file.FileAdapter())
        self.description = data.get('description')
        self.homepage = data.get('homepage')
        """The URL of the homepage for this repository if it was specified."""
        self.id = data['id']
        """The unique identifier of this repository."""
        self.title = data['title']
        """The title string of this repository."""
        self.url_base = data['url-base']
        """The base URL string of files included in this repository."""
        self.collections = utilities.FreezableDict()
        """The dictionary of the different collection types included in this repository."""
        if 'collections-include' in data:
            # include-files is reversed so the dictionary can get .update()'ed and the first seen will be the value kept
            for include in reversed(data['collections-include']):
                include_data = self._fetch_json(include)
                    include_data, 'king-phisher.catalog.collections')
                include_data = include_data['collections']
                for collection_type in include.get('types', COLLECTION_TYPES):
                    collection = include_data.get(collection_type)
                    if collection is None:
                    self._add_collection_data(collection_type, collection)
        if 'collections' in data:
            for collection_type in COLLECTION_TYPES:
                collection = data['collections'].get(collection_type)
                if collection is None:
                self._add_collection_data(collection_type, collection)
        item_count = sum(
            len(collection) for collection in self.collections.values())
            "initialized catalog repository with {0} collection types and {1} total items"
            .format(len(self.collections), item_count))
        for collection_type, collection in self.collections.items():
            self.collections[collection_type] = Collection(
                self, collection_type, collection)
Ejemplo n.º 4
	def from_url(cls, url, keys=None, encoding='utf-8'):
		Initialize a new :py:class:`.Catalog` object from a resource at the
		specified URL.

		:param str url: The URL to the catalog data to load.
		:param keys: The keys to use for verifying remote data.
		:type keys: :py:class:`~king_phisher.security_keys.SecurityKeys`
		:param str encoding: The encoding of the catalog data.
		:return: The new catalog instance.
		:rtype: :py:class:`.Catalog`
		keys = keys or security_keys.SecurityKeys()
		req_sess = requests.Session()
		req_sess.mount('file://', requests_file.FileAdapter())
		cls.logger.debug('fetching catalog from: ' + url)
		resp = req_sess.get(url)
		data = resp.content.decode(encoding)
		data = serializers.JSON.loads(data)
		keys.verify_dict(data, signature_encoding='base64')
		return cls(data, keys=keys)
Ejemplo n.º 5
	def __init__(self, data, keys=None):
		:param dict data: The formatted catalog data.
		:param keys: The keys to use for verifying remote data.
		:type keys: :py:class:`~king_phisher.security_keys.SecurityKeys`
		self.security_keys = keys or security_keys.SecurityKeys()
		"""The :py:class:`~king_phisher.security_keys.SecurityKeys` used for verifying remote data."""
		self.created = None
		"""The timestamp of when the remote data was generated."""
		created = data.get('created')
		if isinstance(created, str):
			self.created = dateutil.parser.parse(created)
		self.maintainers = tuple(maintainer['id'] for maintainer in data.get('maintainers', []))
		A tuple containing the maintainers of the catalog and repositories.
		These are also the key identities that should be present for verifying
		the remote data.
		self.repositories = tuple(Repository(repo, keys=self.security_keys) for repo in data['repositories'])
		"""A tuple of the :py:class:`.Repository` objects included in this catalog."""
		self.logger.info("initialized catalog with {0:,} repositories".format(len(self.repositories)))