Ejemplo n.º 1
def edit(kctx: kitipy.Context, secret_name):
    """Edit secrets stored by AWS Secrets Manager."""
    stack = kctx.config['stacks'][kctx.stack.name]
    secret_arn = stack['secret_arn_resolver'](kctx=kctx,
    client = sm.new_client()
    secret = sm.describe_secret_with_current_value(client, secret_arn)

    if secret == None:
        kctx.fail("Secret \"%s\" not found." % (secret_name))

    value = click.edit(text=secret['SecretString'])

    if value == None:
        kctx.info("Secret value was not changed. Aborting.")
        raise click.exceptions.Abort()

    trim_question = ("Your secret value ends with a new line. This is " +
                     "generally abnormal. Would you want to trim it " +
    if value.endswith("\n") and click.confirm(trim_question, default=True):
        value = value.rstrip("\n")

    kctx.echo(("NOTE: Secret values end with %s. This is here to help you " +
               "see invisible characters (e.g. whitespace, line breaks, " +
               "etc...).\n") % (secret_delimiter))

    kctx.echo("ID: %s" % (secret["ARN"]))
    kctx.echo("Name: %s" % (secret["Name"]))
    kctx.echo("Previous value: %s" %
              (format_secret_value(secret["SecretString"], True)))
    kctx.echo("New value: %s" % (format_secret_value(value, True)))
    click.confirm("\nDo you confirm this change?", abort=True)

    sm.put_secret_value(client, secret["ARN"], value)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def show(kctx: kitipy.Context, show_values: bool):
    """Show secrets stored by AWS Secrets Manager."""
    # @TODO: kctx.stack should be the raw config dict
    stack = kctx.config['stacks'][kctx.stack.name]
    secrets = stack['secrets_resolver'](kctx)

    kctx.echo(("NOTE: Secret values end with %s. This is here to help you " +
               "see invisible characters (e.g. whitespace, line breaks, " +
               "etc...).\n") % (secret_delimiter))

    client = sm.new_client()
    for secret_arn in secrets:
        secret = sm.describe_secret_with_current_value(client, secret_arn)
        kctx.echo("ID: %s" % (secret["ARN"]))
        kctx.echo("Name: %s" % (secret["Name"]))
        kctx.echo("Value: %s\n" %
                  (format_secret_value(secret["SecretString"], show_values)))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def show_failed_containers(kctx: kitipy.Context,
                           task: mypy_boto3_ecs.type_defs.TaskTypeDef):
    containers = list(filter(lambda c: c["exitCode"] > 0, task["containers"]))

    if len(containers) == 0:
        kctx.echo("Containers with nonzero exit code: (None)")

    kctx.echo("Containers with nonzero exit code:")
    for container in task["containers"]:
        if container["exitCode"] == 0:

        reason = "exit code: {0}".format(container["exitCode"]) + (
            " - " + container['reason'] if 'reason' in container else '')
        kctx.echo("  * {name}: {reason}".format(name=container["name"],
Ejemplo n.º 4
def show_task(kctx: kitipy.Context,
              task: mypy_boto3_ecs.type_defs.TaskTypeDef,
              image_tag: Optional[str] = None):
    kctx.echo("Task ID: {0}".format(task_id_from_arn(task["taskArn"])))
    kctx.echo("Task definition: {0}".format(

    if image_tag:
        kctx.echo("Image tag: {0}".format(image_tag))

    kctx.echo("CPU / Memory: {0} / {1}".format(task["cpu"], task["memory"]))
    kctx.echo("Last status / Desired status: {0} / {1}".format(
        task["lastStatus"], task["desiredStatus"]))

    if task["lastStatus"] == "RUNNING":
        kctx.echo("Started at: {0}".format(task["startedAt"].isoformat()))

    if task["lastStatus"] == "STOPPED":
        kctx.echo("Stopped at: {0}".format(task["stoppedAt"].isoformat()))
        kctx.echo("Reason: {0}".format(task["stoppedReason"]))
        show_failed_containers(kctx, task)

    kctx.echo("")  # Put an empty line between each task