def buildRuleView(rule, *args): main_layout = FloatLayout() header = Label(text=rule.getName(), pos_hint={ 'center_x': .5, 'top': 1 }, size_hint=(.2, .1), font_size="30sp", bold=True, color=rgba('#0a5e00')) body = WrappedLabel(text=rule.getText(), font_size="20sp", pos_hint={ 'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .5 }, size_hint=(.9, .9)) main_layout.add_widget(header) main_layout.add_widget(body) rule_view = ModalView(size_hint=(.92, .98), background="Resources/262626.png", background_color=rgba('#0a5e00')) rule_view.add_widget(main_layout)
def reset_data(self, *args): self.root.ids.pg1_icon.text_color = rgba(17, 20, 219, 255) self.root.ids.pg1_back.text_color = [1, 1, 1, 1] self.root.ids.pg1_icon.icon = 'numeric-1-circle' self.root.ids.pg2_icon.text_color = rgba(17, 20, 219, 255) self.root.ids.pg2_back.text_color = [1, 1, 1, 1] self.root.ids.pg2_icon.icon = 'numeric-2-circle' self.root.ids.pg3_icon.text_color = rgba(17, 20, 219, 255) self.root.ids.pg3_back.text_color = [1, 1, 1, 1] self.root.ids.pg3_icon.icon = 'numeric-3-circle' self.root.ids.pg4_icon.text_color = rgba(17, 20, 219, 255) self.root.ids.pg4_back.text_color = [1, 1, 1, 1] self.root.ids.pg4_icon.icon = 'numeric-4-circle' self.root.ids.pg5_icon.text_color = rgba(17, 20, 219, 255) self.root.ids.pg5_back.text_color = [1, 1, 1, 1] self.root.ids.pg5_icon.icon = 'numeric-5-circle' self.root.ids.opt1_icon.text_color = [1, 1, 1, 1] self.root.ids.opt2_icon.text_color = [1, 1, 1, 1] self.root.ids.opt3_icon.text_color = [1, 1, 1, 1] self.root.ids.opt4_icon.text_color = [1, 1, 1, 1] self.root.ids.opt1_icon.icon = 'alpha-a-circle-outline' self.root.ids.opt2_icon.icon = 'alpha-b-circle-outline' self.root.ids.opt3_icon.icon = 'alpha-c-circle-outline' self.root.ids.opt4_icon.icon = 'alpha-d-circle-outline' self.callback('Home') self.root.ids.progress.value = 0 self.root.ids.next_qn.text = 'Next' = [] self.skipped = ''
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(TopicCard, self).__init__(**kwargs) # print('< ', self.favorite_topic, self.topic, ' >') if os.path.exists('favorite.json'): if self.favorite_topic == True: # print('< ', self.favorite_topic, self.topic, ' >') self.iconButton = MDIconButton(id='stars', icon='star', theme_text_color='Custom', text_color=rgba('#E91E63')) self.iconButton.text_color = rgba('#E91E63') else: self.iconButton = MDIconButton(id='stars', icon='star', theme_text_color='Custom', text_color=rgba('#000000')) else: self.iconButton = MDIconButton(id='stars', icon='star', theme_text_color='Custom', text_color=rgba('#000000')) self.add_widget(self.iconButton) self.iconButton.bind( on_release=lambda x: self.favorite(, self.topic))
def __init__(self, short_text='File Browser'): try: f = open('./Appdata/config.txt') lines = f.readlines() video_input_path = lines[0] video_input_path = video_input_path[:-1] video_input_path = os.path.abspath(video_input_path) video_output_path = lines[1] video_output_path = video_output_path[:-1] video_output_path = os.path.abspath(video_output_path) f.close() except: video_input_path = './Appdata/InputVideos/' video_output_path = './Appdata/output/' browser = FileBrowser(select_string='Select', cancel_state='down', favorites=[(video_input_path, "Input Folder"), (video_output_path, "Output Folder")]) browser.bind( on_success=self._fbrowser_success, on_canceled=self._fbrowser_canceled, ) self.popup = Popup(title=short_text, content=browser, size_hint=(0.7, 0.7), auto_dismiss=False, background_color=rgba('#2f323a'), separator_color=rgba('#DAA520'), title_color=rgba('#DAA520'))
def Batch_Loop(self, feature_path, full_path, snippet_path, batch_size, gpu_flag, videos_in_folder, video_count): current_video = 0 self.popup.content = Label(text='Processing Video..(' + str(current_video) + '/' + str(video_count) + ')', color=rgba('#DAA520'), font_size=20) for video in videos_in_folder: if '_noext' not in video: current_video = current_video + 1 self.popup.content = Label(text='Processing Video..(' + str(current_video) + '/' + str(video_count) + ')', color=rgba('#DAA520'), font_size=20) path = full_path + '/' + video feature_extractor.feature_extractor(feature_path, path, snippet_path, batch_size, gpu_flag) self.popup.content = Label( text='Anomalous Snippets of Videos saved in the output folder', color=rgba('#DAA520'), font_size=20) Clock.schedule_once(partial(self.dismisspopup), 1) mainmenu = App.get_running_app().root.get_screen('MainMenu') mainmenu.ids.videoplayer.state = 'play'
def favorite(self, id, topic): store = JsonStore('favorite.json') for x in store: self.s.append(store.get(x).get('id')) if id in self.s: try: store.delete(topic) self.iconButton.text_color = rgba('#000000') print('Removed') if len(store) == 0: os.remove('favorite.json') MDApp.get_running_app( ).root.ids.main.ids.main_star.text_color = 0, 0, 0, 0 print('<<<< File was removed >>>') except KeyError as keyerr: print('>>>>> Error <<<<<: ', keyerr) store.put(topic, id=id) self.iconButton.text_color = rgba('#E91E63') MDApp.get_running_app( ).root.ids.main.ids.main_star.text_color = 1, 1, 1, 1 except FileNotFoundError as fileerr: print('<<< Error>>> : ', fileerr) else: store.put(topic, id=id) self.iconButton.text_color = rgba('#E91E63') print('Added to favorite') if len(store) == 1: MDApp.get_running_app( ).root.ids.main.ids.main_star.text_color = 1, 1, 1, 1 self.s = []
def on_pre_enter(self, *args): self.product_title = self.manager.PRODUCT_TITLE self.update_sites(self.manager.DF_STR) def shorten(url): url = url.replace('https://', '').replace('http://', '') domains = ['.com', '', '.fr', '.net', '', '.org', '', 'tv'] for domain in domains: if domain in url: cut_url = url[:url.index(domain) + len(domain)] return cut_url return url self.ids.grid.clear_widgets() product = self.manager.PRODUCTS[self.manager.PRODUCT_TITLE] hex_colors = cycle(['ff9999', 'ffc99', 'ffff99', 'ccff99', '99ff99', '99ffcc', '99ffff', '99ccff', '9999ff', 'cc99ff', 'ff99ff', 'ff99cc']) if self.manager.DF_STR == 'Top Rated': i = 0 if product.num_sites < 5: self.ids.top_edge.opacity = 0 self.ids.bottom_edge.opacity = 0 else: self.ids.top_edge.opacity = 1 self.ids.bottom_edge.opacity = 1 for i in range(0, product.num_sites): button = Button(text=shorten(product.sites[i]), font_name='Ubuntu-C.ttf', background_normal='website.png', background_down='website_dark.png', background_color=rgba(f"#{next(hex_colors)}"), font_size=80, color=[0, 0, 0, 1], size=(940,180), size_hint=(None, None), halign='center') button.bind(on_release=partial(self.start_second_thread, i)) i += 1 self.ids.grid.add_widget(button) elif self.manager.DF_STR == 'Most Mentioned': i = 0 if len(product.sites_occurrence) < 5: self.ids.top_edge.opacity = 0 self.ids.bottom_edge.opacity = 0 else: self.ids.top_edge.opacity = 1 self.ids.bottom_edge.opacity = 1 for i in range(0, len(product.sites_occurrence)): button = Button(text=shorten(product.sites_occurrence[i]), font_name='Ubuntu-C.ttf', background_normal='website.png', background_down='website_dark.png', background_color=rgba(f"#{next(hex_colors)}"), font_size=80, color=[0, 0, 0, 1], size=(940, 180), size_hint=(None, None), halign='center') button.bind(on_release=partial(self.start_second_thread, i)) i += 1 self.ids.grid.add_widget(button)
def SaveSnippet(self): ''' Desc: Called when the save snippet button is clicked. 1) If no Snippets are selected, Show popup and wait for selection. else 2) concatenate the snippets and save them in the output directory 3) clear the snippet lists and populate it with the new snippets ''' self.popup.content = Label(text='Saving Snippets', color=rgba('#DAA520'), font_size=24) self.ids.videoplayer.state = 'stop' try: f = open('./Appdata/config.txt') lines = f.readlines() f.close() video_output_path = lines[1] video_output_path = video_output_path[:-1] output_path = video_output_path except: output_path = 'Appdata/output/' vidname = os.path.basename(path) list_path = 'Appdata/temp/snip/' if not self.SnippetList: self.popup.content = Label(text='Please add Snippets to save', color=rgba('#DAA520'), font_size=24) Clock.schedule_once(partial(self.dismisspopup), 1) else: with open('Appdata/temp/snip/snippets.txt', 'w') as file: for element in self.SnippetList: file.writelines('file ' + '\'' + element + "\'\n") file.close() os.system( "ffmpeg -f concat -i {}snippets.txt -codec copy {}/{}_anomalous.mp4" .format(list_path, output_path, vidname)) self.dismisspopup() self.SnippetList = [] self.ids.plot_image.opacity = 0 self.ids.Snippets.remove_widget(self.SS) self.SS = ScrollScreen() self.ids.videoplayer.source = '.\\Appdata\\Eyespy_noext.mp4' self.ids.videoplayer.state = 'play'
def switch_qn(self, *args): index = self.qn_no try: self.confirm_skip.dismiss() except: pass if index != 4: self.get_ans(index + 1) self.root.ids.progress.value += 25 self.get_response('', '') if index == 0: self.root.ids.pg1_icon.text_color = rgba(11, 158, 11, 255) self.root.ids.pg1_icon.icon = 'checkbox-marked-circle' elif index == 1: self.root.ids.pg2_icon.text_color = rgba(11, 158, 11, 255) self.root.ids.pg2_icon.icon = 'checkbox-marked-circle' elif index == 2: self.root.ids.pg3_icon.text_color = rgba(11, 158, 11, 255) self.root.ids.pg3_icon.icon = 'checkbox-marked-circle' elif index == 3: self.root.ids.pg4_icon.text_color = rgba(11, 158, 11, 255) self.root.ids.pg4_icon.icon = 'checkbox-marked-circle' self.root.ids.next_qn.text = 'Submit' if self.ans[index] == 'None': if index == 0: self.root.ids.pg1_icon.text_color = [1, 1, 1, 1] self.root.ids.pg1_back.text_color = rgba(11, 158, 11, 255) self.root.ids.pg1_icon.icon = 'fast-forward' if index == 1: self.root.ids.pg2_icon.text_color = [1, 1, 1, 1] self.root.ids.pg2_back.text_color = rgba(11, 158, 11, 255) self.root.ids.pg2_icon.icon = 'fast-forward' if index == 2: self.root.ids.pg3_icon.text_color = [1, 1, 1, 1] self.root.ids.pg3_back.text_color = rgba(11, 158, 11, 255) self.root.ids.pg3_icon.icon = 'fast-forward' if index == 3: self.root.ids.pg4_icon.text_color = [1, 1, 1, 1] self.root.ids.pg4_back.text_color = rgba(11, 158, 11, 255) self.root.ids.pg4_icon.icon = 'fast-forward' elif index == 4: if self.ans[4] == 'None': self.root.ids.pg5_icon.text_color = [1, 1, 1, 1] self.root.ids.pg5_back.text_color = rgba(11, 158, 11, 255) self.root.ids.pg5_icon.icon = 'fast-forward' self.save_response() else: self.root.ids.pg5_icon.text_color = [0, 1, 0, 1] self.root.ids.pg5_icon.icon = 'checkbox-marked-circle' self.save_response()
def get_color(type, name): """Retrieves a specific color. Args: type (str): Color type (light/dark). name (str): Color name. Returns: str: The chosen color in RGBA format. """ if type == 'light': return rgba(LIGHT_COLOR_DCT[name]) return rgba(DARK_COLOR_DCT[name])
def application_look_settings(self, instance): clear_selected_item_button_color_values = ["#70af85", "#70af85"] delete_button_color_values = ["#f05454", "#f05454"] workspace_boundary_color_values = ["#30475e", "#D6ED17FF"] left_tray_buttons_color_values = ["#00bcd4", "#f88f01"] left_tray_color_values = ["#282828", "#00af91"] bar_color_values = ["#282828", "#D6ED17FF"] upper_utility_tray_boundary_color_values = ["#00af91", "#D6ED17FF"] if self.mode == 0: self.mode += 1 else: self.mode -= 1 if self.mode == 0: self.theme_cls.theme_style = "Light" try: instance.theme_text_color = "Primary" except: pass else: self.theme_cls.theme_style = "Dark" self.upper_utilitytray_color = rgba( upper_utility_tray_boundary_color_values[ self.mode]) # correct here allso try: instance.theme_text_color = "Custom" instance.text_color = self.upper_utilitytray_color except: pass self.clear_selected_item_button_color = clear_selected_item_button_color_values[ self.mode] self.delete_button_color = delete_button_color_values[self.mode] self.buildersccreen.openbutton.md_bg_color = rgba( left_tray_buttons_color_values[self.mode]) self.buildersccreen.savebutton.md_bg_color = rgba( left_tray_buttons_color_values[self.mode]) self.buildersccreen.addwiresbutton.md_bg_color = rgba( left_tray_buttons_color_values[self.mode]) self.buildersccreen.sensorsbutton.md_bg_color = rgba( left_tray_buttons_color_values[self.mode]) self.buildersccreen.basiceqbutton.md_bg_color = rgba( left_tray_buttons_color_values[self.mode]) self.left_tray_color = rgba(left_tray_color_values[self.mode]) self.bar_color = rgba(bar_color_values[self.mode]) self.upper_utilitytray_color = rgba( upper_utility_tray_boundary_color_values[ self.mode]) # correctt here self.workspace_boundary_color = rgba( workspace_boundary_color_values[self.mode])
def update_tile_data(self): tile_data = [] for row in range(self.maze_size): for col in range(self.maze_size): new_tile = {'coords': [col, row], 'tile': self._generated_data[row][col], 'update_callback': self.update_marker_list, 'current_marker': 'None'} if tuple(new_tile['coords']) in self.path_nodes: new_tile['color'] = rgba(PATH_COLOR) for marker_name, marker_list in self.marker_lists.items(): if tuple(new_tile['coords']) in marker_list: new_tile['current_marker'] = marker_name new_tile['color'] = rgba(MARKERS[marker_name]) if 'color' not in new_tile: new_tile['color'] = rgba('#FFFFFF') tile_data.append(new_tile) self.tile_data = tile_data
def change_marker(self): markers = ['None'] + list(MARKERS.keys()) current_index = markers.index(self.current_marker) if current_index == len(markers) - 1: next_marker = 'None' else: next_marker = markers[current_index + 1] self.update_callback(self.current_marker, next_marker, self.coords) self.current_marker = next_marker if next_marker == 'None': self.color = rgba('#FFFFFF') else: self.color = rgba(MARKERS[next_marker])
def get_time(self): mv = ModalView(size_hint=[.8, .6]) box = BoxLayout(orientation='vertical', size_hint=[.5, .5]) mv.add_widget(box) cl = CTP(color=[1, 1, 1, 1]) cl.bind(time=self.set_time) submit = Button(text='OK', background_normal='', background_color=rgba('#ffffff'), color=rgba('#0e1574ff'), size_hint_y=.2) submit.bind(on_release=lambda x: self.update_time(cl.time, mv)) box.add_widget(cl) box.add_widget(submit)
def filebrowse(self): ''' Desc: Called When Add Video Button is Pressed, works: 1) Clear Widget Scrollscreen 2) Clear Temp folder 3) Create New Temp Directories 4) Open FileBrowser ''' self.SnippetList = [] self.ids.plot_image.opacity = 0 self.ids.Snippets.remove_widget(self.SS) self.SS = ScrollScreen() self.ids.videoplayer.source = '' if os.path.exists('./Appdata/temp'): shutil.rmtree("./Appdata/temp/") os.makedirs('./Appdata/temp') os.makedirs('./Appdata/temp/snip') os.makedirs('./Appdata/temp/frames') os.makedirs('./Appdata/temp/textfeatures') os.makedirs('./Appdata/temp/plot') self.popup.content = Label(text='Features are being extracted..(1/3)', color=rgba('#DAA520'), font_size=24) self.file_popup.start()
class OneUIVerticalBar(RelativeLayout): x_width = NumericProperty(80) state = StringProperty("open") border_radius = ListProperty([0, 0, 0, 0]) back_color = ListProperty(rgba(OneUIColors.SaveButton.value)) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(OneUIVerticalBar, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.size_hint_x = None self.width = dp(self.x_width) def set_state(self, state: str): if state == "close": self.__close() elif state == "open": self.__open() elif state == "toggle": self.__toggle() def __toggle(self): if self.state == "open": self.__close() else: self.__open() def __close(self): self.state = "close" self.width = dp(0) def __open(self): self.state = "open" self.width = dp(self.x_width)
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) btn3 = Button(text='view',background_color=rgba('#0088aafd'),size_hint =(.4, .4), pos_hint ={'x':.2, 'y':.2}) btn3.bind(on_press=lambda x: self.view_tasks()) # self.bind(on_release=lambda x: self.view_task()) self.add_widget(btn3)
def signin(self): # print ( ) if (len(self.ids.username.text) == 0): toast("Username need to be entered") self.logged = False else: if (len(self.ids.password.text) == 0): toast("Password need to be entered") self.logged = False else: for user in['users']: if (user['username'] == self.ids.username.text): if (user['password'] == self.ids.password.text): self.logged = True break else: self.logged = False else: self.logged = False if (self.logged): self.ids.result.text = "Successfuly logged in" self.ids.result.theme_text_color = 'Custom' self.ids.result.text_color = rgba(0, 255, 0, 255) if Hardware_data: self.act5.LoggedIn() else: self.ids.result.text = "Wrog password or username" self.ids.result.theme_text_color = 'Error' if Hardware_data: self.act5.WrogLogIn()
def refresh_marker_list(self): marker_data = [] for marker_name, marker_color in MARKERS.items(): if marker_name == 'Entrance' or marker_name == 'Exit': continue marker_data.append({'marker_name': marker_name, 'marker_color': rgba(marker_color), 'marker_count': str(len(self.marker_lists[marker_name]))}) = marker_data
def on_medium_toggle_btn_press(self, medium): """Signals communication component to start/stop transmitting the given medium. Args: medium (str): Medium to start/stop transmitting (audio/video). """ app = App.get_running_app() username = app.root_sm.current_screen.username state = self.ids[medium].state app.send_gui_evt({ 'type': 'session', 'subtype': 'control', 'mode': 'self_state', 'src': username, 'medium': medium, 'state': state }) # Changing button color accordingly if state == 'down': self.ids[medium].background_color = rgba(design.GRAY) else: if medium == 'audio': self.ids[medium].background_color = design.get_color( 'dark', 'orange') else: self.ids[medium].background_color = design.get_color( 'dark', 'purple')
def on_tab_switch( self, instance_tab_manager, instance_android_tabs, instance_tab_label, tab_label_text, ): if not tab_label_text: tab_label_text = "Red" if not for hue in _colors[tab_label_text]: color = _colors[tab_label_text][hue] if tab_label_text == "Light": text_color = (0, 0, 0, 1) elif tab_label_text == "Dark": text_color = (1, 1, 1, 1) else: text_color = text_colors[tab_label_text][hue] color_widget = { "rgba_color": rgba(color), "hex_value": color, "hue_code": hue, "text_color": text_color, }
def update_color_sheme(self, new_color_scheme): """ Callback that processes a new value for color_scheme :param new_color_scheme: :return: """ try: if new_color_scheme is not None: for note_name, color_list in new_color_scheme.items(): note_number = MTCU.note_name_to_number(note_name) condensed_note_number = MTCU.condense_note_pitch( note_number) if (0 <= condensed_note_number < MTCU.AMOUNT_DISTINCT_NOTES): # Store the color in the MusicTheoryCoreUtils: MTCU.NOTE_COLORS[condensed_note_number] = rgba( color_list) return new_color_scheme else: return None except: # Silent fail results in returning None, so the original value is not modified. return None
def on_touch_down(self, touch): if self.collide_point(*touch.pos): self.color = utils.rgba('#171717') audio = self.dropdown.dismiss() return True
def set_master_colour(self, value): """ This function is 'continued' in concentricshapes """ if all((True if type(x) == str else False for x in value)): colour_attribute_for_master_colour = ''.join(value) else: colour_attribute_for_master_colour = None if colour_attribute_for_master_colour: if colour_attribute_for_master_colour[0] == '#': self._master_colour = rgba(colour_attribute_for_master_colour) elif hasattr(self, colour_attribute_for_master_colour): self.pseudo_bind_master_colour_attribute = colour_attribute_for_master_colour else: raise Exception("{} doesnt start with a '#' to denote its an rgba value" ", nor is the value found as an attribute of this class {}".format(value, self)) elif type(value) in (list, tuple, ColorProperty): self._master_colour = tuple(value) self.pseudo_bind_master_colour_attribute = None elif issubclass(type(value), list): self._master_colour = tuple(value) self.pseudo_bind_master_colour_attribute = None else: raise Exception("Couldn't set value {} as master colour") """ This function is 'continued' in concentricshapes """ self.do_colour_update()
def buildRules(rules, widget): #starting position top_lbl_id = .8 for rule in rules: #spacing in between rows top_lbl_id -= 1.2 row = FloatLayout(size_hint_y=None, height=50) lbl_id = Label(text=str(rule.getId()), font_size="20sp", size_hint_y=None, pos_hint={ "center_x": .1, "top": top_lbl_id }, height=100, color=rgba('#0a5e00')) lbl_name = Label(text=rule.getName(), font_size="20sp", size_hint_y=None, size_hint_x=.6, pos_hint={ "x": .2, "top": top_lbl_id }, height=100, halign="left") btn = Button(text="", size_hint_y=None, pos_hint={ "x": 0, "top": top_lbl_id }, height=100, background_normal="", background_color=rgba('#262626')) btn.bind(on_press=partial(buildRuleView, rule)) row.add_widget(btn) row.add_widget(lbl_id) row.add_widget(lbl_name) widget.add_widget(row)
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(PairedDevicesPopup, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.background_colour = rgba('#434359') self.devices_scroll_view = None self.devices_grid_layout = None
def set_secondary_colours(self, wid, colour): if not colour and self.shape_colour_list: self.master_colour = self.inner_shape if colour and self.shape_list: if type(colour) == str: colour = rgba(colour) shape_dictionary = self.shape_dictionary min_size_hint = min(self.shape_size_hint_list) for shape in shape_dictionary: base_colour = colour # if i: colour_size_hint = shape['shape_size_hint'] # else: # colour_size_hint = 1 auto_colour = self.set_colour_by_size_hint( base_colour, colour_size_hint, min_size_hint) shape['shape_colour'] = auto_colour self.shape_dictionary = shape_dictionary #self.get_shape_dictionary() # if len(shape_dictionary) > 2: # n = 1 # else: # n = 0 n = 0 if self.needs_text_colour: #if True: # not my favourite bit of code, but as colour property will fill in as [1, 1, 1, 1], what else can i do self.text_colour = shape_dictionary[n]['shape_colour'] if self.needs_trim_colour: #if True: self.trim_colour = shape_dictionary[n]['shape_colour'] self.set_image_colour(self, self.trim_colour) #self.set_image_colour(self.trim_colour) # else: # self.shape_dictionary[n]['shape_colour'] = self.trim_colour # print('setting it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! asdfasdfsadf') # for shape, colour in zip(self.shape_list, self.shape_colour_list): # shape.update_colour(colour) # for colour_instruction, colour in zip(self.colour_instruction_list, self.shape_colour_list): # colour_instruction.rgba = colour return
def build(self): floor_configurator = Builder.load_string(kv_string) marker_data = [] for marker_name, marker_color in MARKERS.items(): if marker_name == 'Entrance' or marker_name == 'Exit': continue marker_data.append({'marker_name': marker_name, 'marker_color': rgba(marker_color), 'marker_count': str(0)}) = marker_data return floor_configurator
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.note = kwargs.get('note') self.row = kwargs.get('row') self.text = kwargs.get('text') self.color = kwargs.get('color') self.background_color = kwargs.get('background_color') self.key_color_normal = self.background_color self.text_color_normal = self.color self.highlight = rgba(app.config.get('Grid', 'Highlight'))
def main(): Config.set('graphics', 'width', '1000') Config.set('graphics', 'height', '600') Config.set('input', 'mouse', 'mouse,multitouch_on_demand') Config.write() Window.borderless = False Window.clearcolor = utils.rgba("#1E1F26") app = MainApp()
def batch_processing(self): self.ids.videoplayer.state = 'pause' self.Batch_Flag = True self.popup.content = Label( text='Videos are being processed...This will take long', color=rgba('#DAA520'), font_size=20) self.featureExtraction()