Ejemplo n.º 1
 def init_native_classes(self):
     pc = primitive_classes
     for type in 'Ddouble Bbyte Cchar Ffloat Iint Jlong Sshort Zboolean'.split():
         name = type[1:]
         klass = Class(name)
         klass.java_instance = self.load_class('java/lang/Class').instantiate()
         klass.java_instance._values['class_name'] = name
         klass.primitive = True
         pc[type[0]] = pc[name] = klass
Ejemplo n.º 2
def doPrivileged(klass, vm, method, frame):
    action = frame.get_local(0)
    run_method_name = Class.method_name('run', '()Ljava/lang/Object;')
    method = action._klass.methods[run_method_name]
    # instance to call on
    result = vm.wrap_run_method(action, method)
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 3
def invokevirtual_special(vm, frame, offset, bytecode):
    method_index = vm.constant_pool_index(bytecode, frame.pc)
    new_klass, method = vm.resolve_field(frame.klass, method_index)
    # fetch the instance and then extract the class from that.
    # we do this so that in the case of an abstract class we get
    # the implemented method
    if bytecode[frame.pc] == 182:
        instance = frame.stack[-len(method.parameters) - 1]
        if instance is null:
            # remove all our method parameters
            for i in xrange(len(method.parameters) + 1):
            raise Exception
            vm.throw_exception(frame, 'java/lang/NullPointerException')
        assert new_klass.is_subclass(instance),\
            '%s not a subclass of %s' % (str(new_klass), str(instance))
        new_klass = instance._klass
    if bytecode[frame.pc] == 184:
        assert (method.access_flags & ACC_STATIC) != 0

    # find the superclass that contains this method (or we have it)
    method_name = Class.method_name(method.name, method.descriptor)
    while method_name not in new_klass.methods:
        new_klass = new_klass.super_class
        if new_klass.super_class == new_klass:
    assert method_name in new_klass.methods

    new_method = new_klass.methods[method_name]
    vm.run_method(new_klass, new_method)
    frame.pc += 2
Ejemplo n.º 4
def invokevirtual_special(vm, frame, offset, bytecode):
    method_index = vm.constant_pool_index(bytecode, frame.pc)
    new_klass, method = vm.resolve_field(frame.klass, method_index)
    # fetch the instance and then extract the class from that.
    # we do this so that in the case of an abstract class we get
    # the implemented method
    if bytecode[frame.pc] == 182:
        instance = frame.stack[-len(method.parameters)-1]
        if instance is null:
            # remove all our method parameters
            for i in xrange(len(method.parameters)+1):
            raise Exception
            vm.throw_exception(frame, 'java/lang/NullPointerException')
        assert new_klass.is_subclass(instance),\
            '%s not a subclass of %s' % (str(new_klass), str(instance))
        new_klass = instance._klass
    if bytecode[frame.pc] == 184:
        assert (method.access_flags & ACC_STATIC) != 0

    # find the superclass that contains this method (or we have it)
    method_name = Class.method_name(method.name, method.descriptor)
    while method_name not in new_klass.methods:
        new_klass = new_klass.super_class
        if new_klass.super_class == new_klass:
    assert method_name in new_klass.methods

    new_method = new_klass.methods[method_name]
    vm.run_method(new_klass, new_method)
    frame.pc += 2
Ejemplo n.º 5
def registerStreams(klass, vm):
    OutputStream = vm.load_class('java/io/OutputStream')
    PrintOutputStream = Class('java/io/PrintOutputStream', super_class=OutputStream)
    def write(*args):
        print 'write', args

    PrintStream = vm.load_class('java/io/PrintStream')
    system_out = PrintStream.instantiate()
    system_out_stream = PrintOutputStream.instantiate()

    klass.field_overrides['out'] = system_out

    print PrintStream.get_method('<init>', '(Ljava/io/OutputStream;)V')
    klass, method = PrintStream.get_method('<init>', '(Ljava/io/OutputStream;)V')
    vm.wrap_run_method(system_out, method, system_out_stream)
    return void
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def parse(self):
        # read the first magic bytes
        for magic in MAGIC:
            byte = self._read_byte()
            if byte != magic:
                raise MalformedClassException()

        klass = self.klass

        # class file version
        klass.minor_version = self._read_byte2()
        klass.major_version = self._read_byte2()

        constant_pool_length = self._read_byte2()
        klass.constant_pool = ConstantPool(constant_pool_length)
        while klass.constant_pool.size < constant_pool_length - 1:

        klass.access_flags = self._read_byte2()
        klass.this_class = klass.constant_pool.get_class(self._read_byte2())
        super_class_index = self._read_byte2()
        klass.super_class = 'java/lang/Object'
        if super_class_index != 0:
            klass.super_class = klass.constant_pool.get_class(

        interfaces_count = self._read_byte2()
        for i in xrange(interfaces_count):

        field_length = self._read_byte2()
        for i in xrange(field_length):
            field = self.parse_field()
            klass.fields[field.name] = field

        method_count = self._read_byte2()
        for i in xrange(method_count):
            method = self.parse_method()
            klass.methods[Class.method_name(method)] = method

        klass.attributes = self.parse_attributes()
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def parse(self):
        # read the first magic bytes
        for magic in MAGIC:
            byte = self._read_byte()
            if byte != magic:
                raise MalformedClassException()

        klass = self.klass

        # class file version
        klass.minor_version = self._read_byte2()
        klass.major_version = self._read_byte2()

        constant_pool_length = self._read_byte2()
        klass.constant_pool = ConstantPool(constant_pool_length)
        while klass.constant_pool.size < constant_pool_length-1:

        klass.access_flags = self._read_byte2()
        klass.this_class = klass.constant_pool.get_class(self._read_byte2())
        super_class_index = self._read_byte2()
        klass.super_class = 'java/lang/Object'
        if super_class_index != 0:
            klass.super_class = klass.constant_pool.get_class(super_class_index)

        interfaces_count = self._read_byte2()
        for i in xrange(interfaces_count):

        field_length = self._read_byte2()
        for i in xrange(field_length):
            field = self.parse_field()
            klass.fields[field.name] = field

        method_count = self._read_byte2()
        for i in xrange(method_count):
            method = self.parse_method()
            klass.methods[Class.method_name(method)] = method

        klass.attributes = self.parse_attributes()
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def load_class(self, class_name):
        java_Class = None
        if class_name[0] == 'L' and class_name[-1] == ';':
            class_name = class_name[1:-1]
        if class_name != 'java/lang/Class':
            java_Class = self.load_class('java/lang/Class')
        if class_name in self.class_cache:
            return self.class_cache[class_name]
        if class_name in primitive_classes:
            return primitive_classes[class_name]

        if class_name[0] == '[':
            self.class_cache[class_name] = klass = Class.array_factory(class_name)
            klass.super_class = java_Class
            klass.java_instance = java_Class.instantiate()
            klass.java_instance._values['class_name'] = class_name
            return klass

        klass = self.class_loader.load(class_name)
        self.class_cache[class_name] = klass
        if not java_Class:
            java_Class = klass
        klass._klass = java_Class
        klass.java_instance = java_Class.instantiate()
        klass.java_instance._values['class_name'] = class_name

        # load all supers and interfaces
        if klass.super_class:
            klass.super_class = self.load_class(klass.super_class)
        klass.interfaces = map(self.load_class, klass.interfaces)

        # run <clinit> method of class
            _, method = klass.get_method('<clinit>', '()V')
            self.wrap_run_method(klass, method)
        except NoSuchMethodException:

        return klass
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def __init__(self, player_num, main_game_state, weapon, stats=DEFAULT_STATS):
     Class.__init__(self, 'wizard', player_num, weapon, main_game_state, stats)
Ejemplo n.º 10
char_stream = antlr3.ANTLRFileStream(f)
lexer = fjLexer(char_stream)
tokens = antlr3.CommonTokenStream(lexer)
parser = fjParser(tokens)

r = parser.program()
root = r.tree

children = r.tree.getChildren()
cds = children[:-1]
e = children[-1]

ct = {}

for cd in cds:
    klass = Class.fromTree(cd)
    ct[klass.name] = klass

print "EXEC:"
exp = exp_from_tree(e)

print "CT", ct
print "e", exp

ct["Object"] = CObject
var_dict = {}
print exp.execute(ct, var_dict)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def __init__(self, classname, filereader):
     self.offset = 0
     self.classname = classname
     self.klass = Class(classname)
     self.file_reader = filereader