Ejemplo n.º 1
class CoverageDBTest(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.db = CoverageDB('sqlite:///test.db', logger=logging.getLogger(__name__))

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_has_seen(self):
        self.db.set_test_has_seen_test('foo.bar', '1')
Ejemplo n.º 2
class TestCoveragePlugin(Plugin):
    Monitors tests to discover which tests cover which
    lines of code.

    We find the diff with the parent revision for diff-tests with::

        git diff origin/master

    If you run with the discover flag, it will attempt to discovery
    any tests that are required to run to test the changes in your current
    branch, against those of origin/master.

    score = 0
    name = 'kleenex'

    def _get_name_from_test(self, test):
        test_method_name = test._testMethodName

        # We need to determine the *actual* test path (as thats what nose gives us in wantMethod)
        # for example, maybe a test was imported in foo.bar.tests, but originated as foo.bar.something.MyTest
        # in this case, we'd need to identify that its *actually* foo.bar.something.MyTest to record the
        # proper coverage
        test_ = getattr(sys.modules[test.__module__], test.__class__.__name__)

        test_name = '%s:%s.%s' % (test_.__module__, test_.__name__,

        return test_name

    def _setup_coverage(self):
        instance = coverage(include=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '*'))
        instance.collector._trace_class = ExtendedTracer

        return instance

    def options(self, parser, env):
        Plugin.options(self, parser, env)
        parser.add_option("--kleenex-config", dest="kleenex_config", default="setup.cfg")
        parser.add_option("--kleenex-config-section", dest="kleenex_config_section", default="kleenex")

    def configure(self, options, config):
        Plugin.configure(self, options, config)
        if not self.enabled:

        config = read_config(options.kleenex_config, options.kleenex_config_section)

        self.config = config

        assert not (self.config.discover and self.config.record), "You cannot use both `record` and `discover` options."

        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

        self.pending_funcs = set()
        # diff is a mapping of filename->set(linenos)
        self.diff_data = defaultdict(set)
        # cov is a mapping of filename->set(linenos)
        self.cov_data = defaultdict(set)
        # test test_name->dict(filename->set(linenos))
        self.test_data = defaultdict(dict)

        report_output = config.report_output
        if not report_output or report_output == '-':
            self.report_file = None
        elif report_output.startswith('sys://'):
            pipe = report_output[6:]
            assert pipe in ('stdout', 'stderr')
            self.report_file = getattr(sys, pipe)
            self.report_file = open(report_output, 'w')

    def begin(self):
        # XXX: this is pretty hacky
        self.db = CoverageDB(self.config.db, self.logger)
        if self.config.record:

        if self.config.report or self.config.record:
            # If we're recording coverage we need to ensure it gets reset
            self.coverage = self._setup_coverage()

        if not (self.config.discover or self.config.record):

        proc = Popen(['git', 'merge-base', 'HEAD', self.config.parent], stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
        self.parent_revision = proc.stdout.read().strip()

        if self.config.discover:
            # We need to determine our merge base
            self.logger.info("Checking coverage for revision %s", self.parent_revision)
            self.revision = self.parent_revision
                self.revision_id = self.db.get_revision_id(self.revision)
            except ValueError:
                raise ValueError('Revision not recorded in coverage database (do you need to rebase?)')

        if not (self.config.discover or self.config.report):

        s = time.time()
        self.logger.info("Parsing diff from parent %s", self.parent_revision)
        # pull in our diff
        # git diff `git merge-base HEAD master`
        proc = Popen(['git', 'diff', self.parent_revision], stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
        diff = proc.stdout.read().strip()

        pending_funcs = self.pending_funcs

        parser = DiffParser(diff)
        files = list(parser.parse())

        diff = self.diff_data
        s = time.time()
        for file in files:
            # we dont care about headers
            if file['is_header']:

            # file was removed
            if file['new_filename'] == '/dev/null':

            is_new_file = (file['old_filename'] == '/dev/null')
            if is_new_file:
                filename = file['new_filename']
                if not filename.startswith('b/'):
                filename = file['old_filename']
                if not filename.startswith('a/'):
                    continue  # ??

            filename = filename[2:]

            # Ignore non python files
            if not is_py_script(filename):

            # file is new, only record diff state
            for chunk in file['chunks']:
                linenos = filter(bool, (l['new_lineno'] for l in chunk if l['line']))

            # we dont care about missing coverage for new code, and there
            # wont be any "existing coverage" to check for
            if is_new_file:

            if not self.config.discover:

        self.logger.info("Parsed diff in %.2fs as %d file(s)", time.time() - s, len(diff))

        if self.config.discover:
            self.logger.info("Finding coverage for %d file(s)", len(files))

            for filename, linenos in diff.iteritems():
                test_coverage = self.db.get_coverage(self.revision_id, filename, linenos)
                if not test_coverage:
                    # check if we have any coverage recorded
                    if not self.db.has_coverage(self.revision_id, filename):
                        if self.config.skip_missing:
                            self.logger.warning('%s has no test coverage recorded', filename)
                        raise AssertionError("Missing test coverage for %s" % filename)
                    for test in test_coverage:

            self.logger.info("Determined available coverage in %.2fs with %d test(s)", time.time() - s, len(pending_funcs))

    def report(self, stream):
        if self.config.record:

        if self.config.report:

    def _record_test_coverage(self):
        trans = self.db.begin()

        # Trim the all revisions outside of bounds
        if self.config.max_revisions:
            self.logger.info("Trimming revision tail (past %s)", self.config.max_revisions)
            s = time.time()
            num_revisions = self.db.trim_revisions(self.config.max_revisions)
            self.logger.info("%d revision(s) were trimmed in %.2fs", num_revisions, time.time() - s)

        # Use our current revision
        self.logger.info("Recording current revision")
        proc = Popen(['git', 'log', '-n 1', '--format=%H %ct'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
        self.revision, commit_date = proc.stdout.read().strip().split(' ')
        commit_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(commit_date))
        revision_id = self.db.add_revision(self.revision, commit_date)
        self.logger.info("Current revision recorded as %s (commit date of %s)", self.revision, commit_date)

        # Finally record tests and their coverage
        for test_name, files in self.test_data.iteritems():
            self.db.remove_test(revision_id, test_name)
            test_id = self.db.add_test(revision_id, test_name)
            for filename, linenos in files.iteritems():
                self.db.add_coverage(revision_id, test_id, filename, linenos)


    def _report_test_coverage(self, stream):
        cov_data = self.cov_data
        diff_data = self.diff_data

        covered = 0
        total = 0
        missing = defaultdict(set)
        for filename, linenos in diff_data.iteritems():
            covered_linenos = cov_data[filename]

            total += len(linenos)
            covered += len(covered_linenos)

            missing[filename] = linenos.difference(covered_linenos)

        if self.report_file:
                'stats': {
                    'covered': covered,
                    'total': total,
                'missing': dict((k, tuple(v)) for k, v in missing.iteritems() if v),
        elif total:
            stream.writeln('Coverage Report')
            stream.writeln('-' * 70)
            stream.writeln('Coverage against diff is %.2f%% (%d / %d lines)' % (covered / float(total) * 100, covered, total))
            if missing:
                stream.writeln('%-35s   %s' % ('Filename', 'Missing Lines'))
                stream.writeln('-' * 70)
                for filename, linenos in missing.iteritems():
                    if not linenos:
                    stream.writeln('%-35s   %s' % (filename, ', '.join(map(str, sorted(linenos)))))

    def wantMethod(self, method):
        if not self.config.discover:

        # only works with unittest compatible functions currently
        method_name = method.__name__
        method = getattr(sys.modules[method.im_class.__module__], method.im_class.__name__)
        test_name = '%s:%s.%s' % (method.__module__, method.__name__, method_name)

        # test has coverage for diff
        if test_name in self.pending_funcs:
            return True

        # check if this test was modified (e.g. added/changed)
        diff_data = self.diff_data[inspect.getfile(method)]
        if diff_data:
            lines, startlineno = inspect.getsourcelines(method)
            for lineno in xrange(startlineno, len(lines) + startlineno):
                if lineno in diff_data:
                    self.logger.info("Adding test due to new or changed code: %s", test_name)
                    return True

        # test has no coverage recorded, defer to other plugins
        if self.config.test_missing and not self.db.has_test(self.revision_id, test_name):
            self.logger.info("Allowing test due to missing coverage report: %s", test_name)
            return None

        return False

    def startTest(self, test):
        if not (self.config.record or self.config.report):


    def stopTest(self, test):
        if not (self.config.record or self.config.report):

        cov = self.coverage

        # this must have been imported under a different name
        # if self.discover and test_name not in self.pending_funcs:
        #     self.logger.warning("Unable to determine origin for test: %s", test_name)
        #     return

        # initialize reporter
        rep = Reporter(cov)

        # process all files
        rep.find_code_units(None, cov.config)

        # Compute the standard deviation for all code executed from this test
        linenos = []
        for filename in cov.data.measured_files():

        # We're recording so fetch the test data
        if self.config.record:
            test_ = test.test
            test_name = self._get_name_from_test(test_)
            test_data = self.test_data[test_name]

        for cu in rep.code_units:
            # if sys.modules[test_.__module__].__file__ == cu.filename:
            #     continue
            filename = cu.name + '.py'
            linenos = cov.data.executed_lines(cu.filename)

            if self.config.record:
                linenos_in_prox = dict((k, v) for k, v in linenos.iteritems() if v < self.config.max_distance)
                if linenos_in_prox:
                    test_data[filename] = linenos_in_prox

            if self.config.report:
                diff = self.diff_data[filename]
                cov_linenos = [l for l in linenos if l in diff]
                if cov_linenos:
