Ejemplo n.º 1
def z2_invariant(h,nk=100):
  """Calculates the Z2 invariant by the path evolution algorithm"""
  import klist
  kst = klist.tr_klist(nk=nk)  # class with the klist
  wfs1 = [occ_states2d(h,k) for k in kst.path1]  # lower path
  wfs2 = [occ_states2d(h,k) for k in kst.path2]  # lower path
  wfsc1 = [occ_states2d(h,k) for k in kst.common]  # lower path
  # related with the other by symmetry
  wfsc2 = [wfsc1[-i] for i in range(len(wfsc1))] # invert the order
  wfs = wfs1 + wfsc1 + wfs2 + wfsc2  # all the paths
  phi = 0.0 # initialize phase
  # connection contribution
  for i in range(len(wfs)):
    m = uij(wfs[i-1],wfs[i]) # matrix of wavefunctions
    d = lg.det(m) # calculate determinant
    phi += np.arctan2(d.imag,d.real) # add contribution
  phi = phi/(2.*np.pi)
  # curvature contribution
  halfc = 0.0
  for ik in np.linspace(-.5,.5,nk):
    for jk in np.linspace(-.0,.5,nk/2):
      halfc += berry_curvature(h,np.array([ik,jk]))
  halfc = halfc/(2.*np.pi*nk*nk)
  print halfc,phi
  return phi-halfc
Ejemplo n.º 2
def z2_invariant(h, nk=100):
    """Calculates the Z2 invariant by the path evolution algorithm"""
    import klist
    kst = klist.tr_klist(nk=nk)  # class with the klist
    wfs1 = [occ_states2d(h, k) for k in kst.path1]  # lower path
    wfs2 = [occ_states2d(h, k) for k in kst.path2]  # lower path
    wfsc1 = [occ_states2d(h, k) for k in kst.common]  # lower path
    # related with the other by symmetry
    wfsc2 = [wfsc1[-i] for i in range(len(wfsc1))]  # invert the order
    wfs = wfs1 + wfsc1 + wfs2 + wfsc2  # all the paths
    phi = 0.0  # initialize phase
    # connection contribution
    for i in range(len(wfs)):
        m = uij(wfs[i - 1], wfs[i])  # matrix of wavefunctions
        d = lg.det(m)  # calculate determinant
        phi += np.arctan2(d.imag, d.real)  # add contribution
    phi = phi / (2. * np.pi)
    # curvature contribution
    halfc = 0.0
    for ik in np.linspace(-.5, .5, nk):
        for jk in np.linspace(-.0, .5, nk / 2):
            halfc += berry_curvature(h, np.array([ik, jk]))
    halfc = halfc / (2. * np.pi * nk * nk)
    print halfc, phi
    return phi - halfc