Ejemplo n.º 1
class Strategy(BaseStrategy):
    An instance of this class represents a player's strategy.
    It only has the knowledge of that player, and it must make decisions.
    TOLERANCE = 0.001

    def initialize(self, id, num_players, k, board, deck_type, my_hand, hands,
                   discard_pile, deck_size):
        To be called once before the beginning.
        self.id = id
        self.num_players = num_players
        self.k = k  # number of cards per hand
        self.board = board
        self.deck_type = deck_type

        # store a copy of the full deck
        self.full_deck = get_appearance(DECKS[deck_type]())
        self.full_deck_composition = Counter(self.full_deck)

        # hands
        self.my_hand = my_hand  # says in which positions there is actually a card
        self.hands = hands

        # discard pile
        self.discard_pile = discard_pile
        self.discard_pile_composition = Counter(discard_pile)

        # deck size
        self.deck_size = deck_size

        # personal knowledge
        self.personal_knowledge = Knowledge(self, Knowledge.PERSONAL, id)

        # public knowledge
        self.public_knowledge = [
            Knowledge(self, Knowledge.PUBLIC, i) for i in range(num_players)

        # all knowledge
        self.all_knowledge = self.public_knowledge + [self.personal_knowledge]

        # remove cards of other players from possibilities

        # create hints manager
        self.hints_manager = HintsManager(self)

    def update(self, hints, lives, my_hand, hands, discard_pile, turn,
               last_turn, deck_size):
        To be called immediately after every turn.
        self.hints = hints
        self.lives = lives
        self.turn = turn
        self.last_turn = last_turn
        self.deck_size = deck_size

        self.my_hand = my_hand  # says in which positions there is actually a card
        self.hands = hands
        self.discard_pile = discard_pile
        self.discard_pile_composition = Counter(discard_pile)

    def update_knowledge(self):
        Update all knowledge.
        for kn in self.all_knowledge:

    def visible_cards(self):
        Counter of all the cards visible by me.
        res = Counter(self.discard_pile)
        for hand in list(self.hands.values()):
            res += Counter(hand)

        return res

    def next_player_id(self):
        return (self.id + 1) % self.num_players

    def other_players_id(self, exclude=None):
        if exclude is None:
            exclude = self.id
        return [i for i in range(self.num_players) if i != exclude]

    def feed_turn(self, player_id, action):
        Receive information about a played turn.

        if action.type in [Action.PLAY, Action.DISCARD]:
            # reset knowledge of the player

            if player_id == self.id:
                # check for my new card

            # new cards are visible
            for kn in self.all_knowledge:

        elif action.type == Action.HINT:
            # someone gave a hint!
            self.hints_manager.process_hint(player_id, action)

            for kn in self.all_knowledge:
                if kn.player_id == action.player_id:

        # update knowledge

        if self.id == 0:
            for kn in self.all_knowledge:

    def get_turn_action(self):
        Choose action for this turn.
        # check for playable cards in my hand
        for card_pos in range(self.k):
            if self.personal_knowledge.playable(card_pos):
                return PlayAction(card_pos=card_pos)

        if self.hints >= 1:
            # give hint
            hint_action = self.hints_manager.compute_hint()
            return hint_action
            # give hint, looking for some unknown playable card
            for player_id in self.other_players_id():
                for (card_pos, card) in enumerate(self.hands[player_id]):
                    if card is None:

                    kn = self.public_knowledge[player_id]   # public knowledge of that player
                    if card.playable(self.board) and not kn.playable(card_pos):
                        if any(c.color != card.color for c in kn.possibilities[card_pos]):
                            # hint on color
                            return HintAction(player_id=player_id, color=card.color)
                            # hint on number
                            return HintAction(player_id=player_id, number=card.number)

        # discard card
        for card_pos in range(self.k):
            if self.my_hand[card_pos] is not None:
                return DiscardAction(card_pos=card_pos)