def correct(words):
    item = words.split()
    word = item[len(item) -1]
    item.pop(len(item) -1)
    candidates = known([word]) or known(edits1(word)) or known_edits2(word) or [word]
    tag = " ".join(x for x in item)
    #..P(phrase|word_typed) = P(word_typed|phrase) P(phrase) / P(word_typed)
    suggestion = suggestion_lst()
    store = filter(lambda x: tag in x, suggestion)
    resp = [tag +" " + max(candidates, key=NWORDS.get)] + store[:4]
    return {"term":resp}
def correct(words):
    from prefixtree import PrefixDict
    words = words.strip().lower()
    item = words.split()
    suggestion = suggestion_lst()
    if len(item) != 1:
        word = item[len(item) -1]
        item.pop(len(item) -1)
	candidates = known([word]) or known(edits1(word)) or known_edits2(word) or [word]
        tag = " ".join(x.strip() for x in item)
        store =  sorted([x for x in suggestion.keys() if tag.strip() in x and get_cosine(text_to_vector(tag.strip()), text_to_vector(x.strip())) > 40])
	#store = sorted([x for x in set(suggestion.get(tag[:1])) if tag in x and get_cosine(text_to_vector(tag.strip()), text_to_vector(x.strip())) > 50])

        resp = list(set([(tag +" " + max(candidates, key=NWORDS.get)).strip()] + store[:5]))
        return {"term":resp[::-1]}

        word = item[0]
        candidates = known([word]) or known(edits1(word)) or known_edits2(word) or [word]
        tag = " ".join(x.strip() for x in item)
        store =  sorted([x for x in suggestion.keys() if tag.strip() in x and get_cosine(text_to_vector(tag.strip()), text_to_vector(x.strip())) > 40])
	#store = sorted([x for x in set(suggestion.get(tag[:1])) if tag in x and get_cosine(text_to_vector(tag.strip()), text_to_vector(x.strip())) > 50])
        resp = list(set([(max(candidates, key=NWORDS.get)).strip()] + store[:5]))
        return {"term":resp[::-1]}