def __init__(self, test_mode: bool = False, **options): """ Initialize `Latte` instance. :param test_mode: boolean value which indicates whether latte should run as test mode. :param args: arguments which is required to call superclass`s __init__() method. :param kwargs: keyword-arguments which is required to call superclass`s __init__() method. """ if "command_prefix" in options.keys(): options.pop("command_prefix") if "help_command" in options.keys(): options.pop("help_command") # Set bot`s test mode self.test_mode = test_mode # Set discord & bot`s logger self._set_logger(discord_level=logging.INFO) self.logger = self.get_logger() # Initialize bot`s service instance # self.service = LatteService(bot=self) # Setup bot self._setup() super(Latte, self).__init__(command_prefix=self.get_guild_prefix, help_command=None, **options) self.db = DBWrapper(id=self.config["database"]["id"], pw=self.config["database"]["pw"], host=self.config["database"]["host"], port=self.config["database"]["port"]) self.koreanbot = koreanbots.Client( self, self.config.config["api"]["koreanbots"], postCount=True)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.debug = self.get_settings("debug") self.slash = SlashCommand(self, auto_register=True) self.db = SQLiteDB("main") self.logger = logging.getLogger("cork") self.koreanbots = koreanbots.Client(self, self.get_settings("kor_token"), postCount=not self.debug)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): with open("bot_settings.json", "r") as f: bot_settings = json.load(f) token = bot_settings["koreanbots_token"] debug = bot_settings["debug"] super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.koreanbots = koreanbots.Client(self, token, postCount=False if debug else True) self.lavalink: lavalink.Client self.jbot_db_global = jbot_db.JBotDB("jbot_db_global") self.jbot_db_warns = jbot_db.JBotDB("jbot_db_warns") self.jbot_db_level = jbot_db.JBotDB("jbot_db_level") self.jbot_db_memory = jbot_db.JBotDB(":memory:") self.__stable_token = bot_settings["stable_token"] self.__canary_token = bot_settings["canary_token"] self.last_stock_change = 0 self.loop.create_task(self.init_lava())
from pytz import timezone from datetime import timedelta import ast import koreanbots from PIL import Image #기본 변수 설정 prefix = "''" with open('koreanbots_token.txt', 'r') as a: ko_bot_token = app = commands.Bot(command_prefix=["''", '"'], intents=Intents.all()) app.remove_command("help") Bot = koreanbots.Client(app, ko_bot_token) with open('token.txt', 'r') as a: token = OWNERS = [ 745848200195473490, #yswysw 674813875291422720, #tim 441202161481809922 #심심러 ] SpecialDays = [ '1225', #크리스마스 '1224', #크리스마스 이브 '0101', #신정 '1231', #신정 연휴
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.koreanbots = koreanbots.Client(self, config.DBKRToken)
volakey = (os.environ['volatoken']) response = requests.get(korea + key) text = response.text data = json.loads(text) def RandomColor(): return randint(0, 0xFFFFFF) Authorization = (os.environ['pingpongtoken']) URL = "{sessionId}" INTENTS = discord.Intents.all() bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix=['?', '띵아 '], intents=INTENTS) Ping = PingPong(URL, Authorization) KBot = koreanbots.Client(bot, (os.environ['kbtoken'])) slash = SlashCommand(bot) @bot.event async def on_ready(): print( print( print("준비 완료!") c = 786076322945564682 embed = discord.Embed( title="띵이봇이 켜졌습니다!!", description=f"띵이봇의 전원이 켜졌어요!", color=RandomColor() ) await bot.get_channel(int(c)).send(embed=embed) messages = ["'?help'을 입력해 띵이봇과 노는법을 알아보세요!","애브리띵#2227","이 메시지는 5초마다 변경됩니다!","","TEB 2.41.3",f"유저 {len(bot.users)}명, 길드 {len(bot.guilds)}개에서 함께하는 중!"]
import asyncio import random import os import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import qrcode from discord.utils import get from Dtime import Uptime import time import typing import youtube_dl import re import koreanbots client = commands.AutoShardedBot(command_prefix="데쿠야 ") Bot = koreanbots.Client(client, os.environ['TOKEN2']) Uptime.uptimeset() client.remove_command('help') @client.event async def on_ready(): print("다음으로 로그인합니다") print( print( print("================") messages = [ f'{len(client.guilds)}개의 서버 | {len(client.users)}명의 유저', (f"{int(client.latency *1000)}ms") ]
import discord from discord.ext import commands from discord.ext import tasks from itertools import cycle import asyncio import os import koreanbots import cpuinfo intents = discord.Intents.all() bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='.', intents=intents) bot.remove_command("help") 토큰 = "" embedcolor = 0xffff33 embederrorcolor = 0xff0000 Bot = koreanbots.Client(bot, '') cpu = cpuinfo.get_cpu_info() for filename in os.listdir("Cogs"): if filename.endswith(".py"): bot.load_extension(f"Cogs.{filename[:-3]}") @bot.event async def on_ready(): print(f'Main\n{}') Data = await Bot.getBot('765535083124752394') status = cycle(['.help', f'서버:{len(bot.guilds)}개/유저:{len(bot.users)}명이랑 함께', '이 메세지를 10초마다 다르게']) @tasks.loop(seconds=10) async def change_status(): await bot.change_presence(,activity=discord.Game(next(status))) change_status.start()