Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: mig.py Proyecto: lulzzz/kotori
    def setupService(self):

        self.log(log.info, u'Bootstrapping')
        self.settings = self.parent.settings

        # Optionally register subsystem component as child service
        for subsystem in self.subsystems:
            if hasattr(self, subsystem):
                subsystem_service = getattr(self, subsystem)
                if isinstance(subsystem_service, Service):
                    log.info('Registering subsystem component "{subsystem}" as service', subsystem=subsystem)

        # Configure metrics to be collected each X seconds
        metrics_interval = int(self.channel.get('metrics_logger_interval', 60))
        self.metrics = Bunch(tx_count=0, starttime=time.time(), interval=metrics_interval)

        subscriptions = read_list(self.channel.mqtt_topics)
        self.mqtt_service = MqttAdapter(
            name          = u'mqtt-' + self.channel.realm,
            broker_host   = self.settings.mqtt.host,
            broker_port   = int(self.settings.mqtt.port),
            broker_username = self.settings.mqtt.username,
            broker_password = self.settings.mqtt.password,
            callback      = self.mqtt_receive,
            subscriptions = subscriptions)


        self.influx = InfluxDBAdapter(settings = self.settings.influxdb)

        # Perform MQTT message processing using a different thread pool
        self.threadpool = ThreadPool()
        self.thimble = Thimble(reactor, self.threadpool, self, ["process_message"])
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: mig.py Proyecto: lulzzz/kotori
class MqttInfluxGrafanaService(MultiService, MultiServiceMixin):

    def __init__(self, channel=None, graphing=None, strategy=None):


        # TODO: Sanity checks/assertions against channel, graphing and strategy

        # TODO: Make subsystems dynamic
        self.subsystems = ['channel', 'graphing', 'strategy']
        self.channel = channel or Bunch(realm=None, subscriptions=[])
        self.graphing = to_list(graphing)
        self.strategy = strategy

        self.name = u'service-mig-' + self.channel.get('realm', unicode(id(self)))

    def setupService(self):

        self.log(log.info, u'Bootstrapping')
        self.settings = self.parent.settings

        # Optionally register subsystem component as child service
        for subsystem in self.subsystems:
            if hasattr(self, subsystem):
                subsystem_service = getattr(self, subsystem)
                if isinstance(subsystem_service, Service):
                    log.info('Registering subsystem component "{subsystem}" as service', subsystem=subsystem)

        # Configure metrics to be collected each X seconds
        metrics_interval = int(self.channel.get('metrics_logger_interval', 60))
        self.metrics = Bunch(tx_count=0, starttime=time.time(), interval=metrics_interval)

        subscriptions = read_list(self.channel.mqtt_topics)
        self.mqtt_service = MqttAdapter(
            name          = u'mqtt-' + self.channel.realm,
            broker_host   = self.settings.mqtt.host,
            broker_port   = int(self.settings.mqtt.port),
            broker_username = self.settings.mqtt.username,
            broker_password = self.settings.mqtt.password,
            callback      = self.mqtt_receive,
            subscriptions = subscriptions)


        self.influx = InfluxDBAdapter(settings = self.settings.influxdb)

        # Perform MQTT message processing using a different thread pool
        self.threadpool = ThreadPool()
        self.thimble = Thimble(reactor, self.threadpool, self, ["process_message"])

    def startService(self):
        #self.log(log.info, u'Starting')
        self.metrics_twingo = LoopingCall(self.process_metrics)
        self.metrics_twingo.start(self.metrics.interval, now=True)

    def log(self, level, prefix):
        level(u'{prefix} {class_name}. name={name}, channel={channel}',
            prefix=prefix, class_name=self.__class__.__name__, name=self.name, channel=dict(self.channel))

    def topic_to_topology(self, topic):
        return self.strategy.topic_to_topology(topic)

    def topology_to_storage(self, topology):
        return self.strategy.topology_to_storage(topology)

    def get_basetopic(self, topic):
        topic = TopicMatchers.data.sub('', topic)
        topic = TopicMatchers.event.sub('', topic)
        return topic

    def classify_topic(self, topic):
        if TopicMatchers.data.search(topic): return MessageType.DATA_CONTAINER
        if TopicMatchers.discrete.search(topic): return MessageType.DATA_DISCRETE
        if TopicMatchers.event.search(topic): return MessageType.EVENT
        if TopicMatchers.error.search(topic): return MessageType.ERROR

    def mqtt_receive(self, topic=None, payload=None, **kwargs):
            # Synchronous message processing
            #return self.process_message(topic, payload, **kwargs)

            # Asynchronous message processing
            #deferred = threads.deferToThread(self.process_message, topic, payload, **kwargs)

            # Asynchronous message processing using different thread pool
            deferred = self.thimble.process_message(topic, payload, **kwargs)

            deferred.addErrback(self.mqtt_process_error, topic, payload)
            deferred.addErrback(self.mqtt_exception, topic, payload)
            return deferred

        except Exception:
            log.failure(u'Processing MQTT message failed. topic={topic}, payload={payload}', topic=topic, payload=payload)

    def process_message(self, topic, payload, **kwargs):

        payload = payload.decode('utf-8')

        # Ignore MQTT error signalling messages
        if topic.endswith('error.json'):

        if self.channel.realm and not topic.startswith(self.channel.realm):
            #log.info('Ignoring message to topic {topic}, realm={realm}', topic=topic, realm=self.channel.realm)
            return False

        log.debug(u'Processing message on topic "{topic}" with payload "{payload}"', topic=topic, payload=payload)

        # Compute storage address from topic
        topology = self.topic_to_topology(topic)
        log.debug(u'Topology address: {topology}', topology=dict(topology))

        message_type = self.classify_topic(topic)
        message = None

        # a) En bloc: Multiple measurements in JSON object
        # The suffixes are:
        #   - data.json:        Regular
        #   - data/__json__:    Homie
        #   - loop:             WeeWX           (TODO: Move to specific vendor configuration.)
        #   - message-json:     Deprecated
        if message_type == MessageType.DATA_CONTAINER:

            # Decode message from json format
            # Required for weeWX data
            #message = convert_floats(json.loads(payload))
            message = json.loads(payload)

        # b) Discrete values
        # The suffixes are:
        #   - data/temperature
        #   - data/humidity
        #   - ...
        elif message_type == MessageType.DATA_DISCRETE:

            # TODO: Backward compat for single readings - remove!
            if 'slot' in topology and topology.slot.startswith('measure/'):
                topology.slot = topology.slot.replace('measure/', 'data/')

            # Single measurement as plain value; assume float
            # Convert to MessageType.DATA_CONTAINER
            if 'slot' in topology and topology.slot.startswith('data/'):

                # This is sensor data
                message_type = MessageType.DATA_CONTAINER

                # Amend topic and compute storage message from single scalar value
                name = topology.slot.replace('data/', '')
                value = float(payload)
                message = {name: value}

        # Set an event
        elif message_type == MessageType.EVENT:

            # This is an event
            message_type = MessageType.EVENT

            # Decode message from json format
            message = json.loads(payload)

        # Catch an error message
        elif message_type == MessageType.ERROR:
            log.debug(u'Ignoring error message from MQTT, "{topic}" with payload "{payload}"', topic=topic, payload=payload)

            log.warn(u'Unknown message type on topic "{topic}" with payload "{payload}"', topic=topic, payload=payload)

        # count transaction
        self.metrics.tx_count += 1

        # TODO: Re-enable for measuring packet ingress frequency.
        # Currently turned off since sending timestamps from data acquisition.
        if 'time' in message:
            self.metrics.packet_time = message['time']
            self.metrics.packet_time = None

        # TODO: Data enrichment machinery, e.g. for geospatial data
        # latitude/lat, longitude/long/lon/lng
        # 1. geohash => lat/lon
        # 2. postcode/city => lat/lon (forward geocoder)
        # 3. lat/lon => geohash if not geohash
        # 4. lat/lon => reverse geocoder (address information)
        # The outcome can provide additional meta information to be used by the tagging machinery below,
        # e.g. create tags from homogenized Nomatim address modulo "house_number" etc.

        # TODO: Already do the tagging enrichment machinery here(!) to
        # establish additional metadata schema for further processing, e.g. Grafana.
        # So, move the schwumms from storage handler here!
        # Sane order for Grafana template variables:
        # continent, country_code (upper), q-region, city, q-hood, road, (compound)

        # Compute storage location
        storage_location = self.topology_to_storage(topology)
        log.debug(u'Storage location: {storage}', storage=dict(storage_location))

        # Store data or event
        if message_type in (MessageType.DATA_CONTAINER, MessageType.EVENT):
            self.store_message(storage_location, message)

        # Provision graphing subsystem
        if message_type == MessageType.DATA_CONTAINER:
            # TODO: Purge message from fields to be used as tags
            # Namely:
            # 'geohash',
            # 'location', 'location_id', 'location_name', 'sensor_id', 'sensor_type',
            # 'latitude', 'longitude', 'lat', 'lon'
            for graphing_subsystem in self.graphing:

                # Mix in references to each other. A bit of a hack, but okay for now :-).
                graphing_subsystem.strategy = self.strategy

                subsystem_name = graphing_subsystem.__class__.__name__
                log.debug(u'Provisioning Grafana with {name}', name=subsystem_name)
                    graphing_subsystem.provision(storage_location, message, topology=topology)

                except Exception as ex:
                    log.failure(u'Grafana provisioning failed for storage={storage}, message={message}:\n{log_failure}',
                                storage=storage_location, message=message,

                    # MQTT error signalling
                    failure = Failure()
                    self.mqtt_publish_error(failure, topic, payload)

        return True

    def store_message(self, storage, data):
        Store data to timeseries database

        :param storage: The storage location object
        :param data:    The data ready for storing
        self.influx.write(storage, data)

    def mqtt_process_error(self, failure, topic, payload):
        Failure handling

        :param failure: Failure object from Twisted
        :param topic:   Full MQTT topic
        :param payload: Raw MQTT payload

        # Log failure
        log.failure(u'Processing MQTT message failed from topic "{topic}":\n{log_failure}', topic=topic, failure=failure, level=LogLevel.error)

        # MQTT error signalling
        self.mqtt_publish_error(failure, topic, payload)

    def mqtt_exception(self, failure, topic, payload):
        log.failure(u'Problem publishing error message:\n{log_failure}', failure=failure, level=LogLevel.warn)

    def mqtt_publish_error(self, failure, topic, payload):
        Error signalling over MQTT to "error.json" topic suffix

        :param failure: Failure object from Twisted
        :param topic:   Full MQTT topic
        :param payload: Raw MQTT payload

        # Compute base topic of data acquisition channel
        basetopic = self.get_basetopic(topic)
        log.debug(u'Channel base topic is {basetopic}', basetopic=basetopic)

        # Effective error reporting topic
        error_topic = basetopic + '/' + 'error.json'

        error = {
            'type': unicode(failure.type),
            'message': failure.getErrorMessage(),
            'description': u'Error processing MQTT message "{payload}" from topic "{topic}".'.format(topic=topic, payload=payload),
            'timestamp': arrow.utcnow().format('YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZZ'),
            #'failure': unicode(failure),
        message = json.dumps(error, indent=4)

        # Publish error signal over MQTT
        #log.debug('Publishing error message to topic {topic}: {message}', topic=error_topic, message=message)
        self.mqtt_service.publish(error_topic, message)

    def process_metrics(self):

        metrics = []

        # Compute frequency of measurements
        if 'packet_time' in self.metrics and self.metrics['packet_time'] is not None:

            self.metrics.setdefault('packet_starttime', self.metrics.packet_time)

            # Convert nanos to seconds
            packet_duration = (self.metrics.packet_time - self.metrics.packet_starttime) / 1000.0 / 1000.0 / 1000.0
            packet_duration = packet_duration or self.metrics.starttime
            if packet_duration != 0:
                packet_frequency = self.metrics.tx_count / float(packet_duration)
                packet_frequency = 0.0

            metrics.append('measurements: %.02f Hz' % packet_frequency)

            # Reset for next round
            self.metrics.packet_starttime = self.metrics.packet_time

        # Compute frequency of transactions
        now = time.time()
        transaction_duration = now - self.metrics.starttime
        if transaction_duration != 0:
            transaction_frequency = self.metrics.tx_count / float(transaction_duration)
            transaction_frequency = 0.0
        metrics.append('transactions: %.02f tps' % transaction_frequency)

        # Reset for next round
        self.metrics.tx_count = 0
        self.metrics.starttime = now

        # Add information from the Twisted reactor
        pending_calls = reactor.getDelayedCalls()
        pending_count = len(pending_calls)
        #metrics.append('pending: %d' % pending_count)

        metrics_info = ', '.join(metrics)

        log.info('[{realm:12s}] {metrics_info}', realm=self.channel.realm, metrics_info=metrics_info)