def cmd_export(param): """ Creates an archive of all relevant app files, incl. Kployfile and manifest directories. You can use the resulting archive then with `kploy init` to bootstrap you app in a different location. """ here = os.path.realpath(".") kployfile = os.path.join(here, DEPLOYMENT_DESCRIPTOR) if VERBOSE:"Exporting app based on content from %s " %(here)) try: kploy, _ = util.load_yaml(filename=kployfile) if not param: param = EXPORT_ARCHIVE_FILENAME archive_filename, archive_file = kploycommon._export_init(here, DEPLOYMENT_DESCRIPTOR, param) print("Adding content of app `%s/%s` to %s" %(kploy["namespace"], kploy["name"], archive_filename)) rc_manifests_confirmed, svc_manifests_confirmed = [], [] services = os.path.join(here, SVC_DIR) rcs = os.path.join(here, RC_DIR) svc_list = kploycommon._visit(services, 'service', cache_remotes=True) rc_list = kploycommon._visit(rcs, 'RC', cache_remotes=True) res_list = [] for svc in svc_list: svc_file_name = os.path.join(SVC_DIR, svc) kploycommon._export_add(archive_file, svc_file_name) for rc in rc_list: rc_file_name = os.path.join(RC_DIR, rc) kploycommon._export_add(archive_file, rc_file_name) kploycommon._export_done(archive_file) except (Exception) as e: print("Something went wrong:\n%s" %(e)) print("Consider validating your deployment with `kploy dryrun` first!") sys.exit(1)
def cmd_export(param): """ Creates an archive of all relevant app files, incl. Kployfile and manifest directories. You can use the resulting archive then with `kploy init` to bootstrap you app in a different location. """ here = os.path.realpath(".") kployfile = os.path.join(here, DEPLOYMENT_DESCRIPTOR) if VERBOSE:"Exporting app based on content from %s " % (here)) try: kploy, _ = util.load_yaml(filename=kployfile) if not param: param = EXPORT_ARCHIVE_FILENAME archive_filename, archive_file = kploycommon._export_init( here, DEPLOYMENT_DESCRIPTOR, param) print("Adding content of app `%s/%s` to %s" % (kploy["namespace"], kploy["name"], archive_filename)) rc_manifests_confirmed, svc_manifests_confirmed = [], [] services = os.path.join(here, SVC_DIR) rcs = os.path.join(here, RC_DIR) svc_list = kploycommon._visit(services, 'service', cache_remotes=True) rc_list = kploycommon._visit(rcs, 'RC', cache_remotes=True) res_list = [] for svc in svc_list: svc_file_name = os.path.join(SVC_DIR, svc) kploycommon._export_add(archive_file, svc_file_name) for rc in rc_list: rc_file_name = os.path.join(RC_DIR, rc) kploycommon._export_add(archive_file, rc_file_name) kploycommon._export_done(archive_file) except (Exception) as e: print("Something went wrong:\n%s" % (e)) print("Consider validating your deployment with `kploy dryrun` first!") sys.exit(1)
def cmd_destroy(param): """ Destroys the app, removing all resources. """ here = os.path.realpath(".") kployfile = os.path.join(here, DEPLOYMENT_DESCRIPTOR) if VERBOSE:"Trying to destroy app based on %s " %(kployfile)) try: kploy, _ = util.load_yaml(filename=kployfile) logging.debug(kploy) pyk_client = kploycommon._connect(api_server=kploy["apiserver"], debug=DEBUG) # delete all services and RCs: rc_manifests_confirmed, svc_manifests_confirmed = [], [] services = os.path.join(here, SVC_DIR) rcs = os.path.join(here, RC_DIR) svc_manifests_confirmed = kploycommon._visit(services, 'service', cache_remotes=True) rc_manifests_confirmed = kploycommon._visit(rcs, 'RC', cache_remotes=True) kploycommon._destroy(pyk_client, kploy["namespace"], here, SVC_DIR, svc_manifests_confirmed, 'service', VERBOSE) kploycommon._destroy(pyk_client, kploy["namespace"], here, RC_DIR, rc_manifests_confirmed, 'RC', VERBOSE) # delete secrets: secret_path = "".join(["/api/v1/namespaces/", kploy["namespace"], "/secrets/kploy-secrets"]) pyk_client.delete_resource(resource_path=secret_path) # delete the namespace: ns_path = "".join(["/api/v1/namespaces/", kploy["namespace"]]) pyk_client.delete_resource(resource_path=ns_path) except (Exception) as e: print("Something went wrong destroying your app:\n%s" %(e)) print("Consider validating your deployment with `kploy dryrun` first!") sys.exit(1) print(80*"=") print("\nOK, I've destroyed `%s/%s`\n" %(kploy["namespace"], kploy["name"]))
def cmd_list(param): """ Lists app resources and their status. """ here = os.path.realpath(".") kployfile = os.path.join(here, DEPLOYMENT_DESCRIPTOR) if VERBOSE:"Listing resource status of app based on %s " %(kployfile)) try: kploy, _ = util.load_yaml(filename=kployfile) print("Resources of app `%s/%s`:\n" %(kploy["namespace"], kploy["name"])) pyk_client = kploycommon._connect(api_server=kploy["apiserver"], debug=DEBUG) rc_manifests_confirmed, svc_manifests_confirmed = [], [] services = os.path.join(here, SVC_DIR) rcs = os.path.join(here, RC_DIR) svc_list = kploycommon._visit(services, 'service', cache_remotes=True) rc_list = kploycommon._visit(rcs, 'RC', cache_remotes=True) res_list = [] # gather Services status: print("[Services and RCs]\n") for svc in svc_list: svc_manifest, _ = util.load_yaml(filename=os.path.join(here, SVC_DIR, svc)) svc_name = svc_manifest["metadata"]["name"] svc_path = "".join(["/api/v1/namespaces/", kploy["namespace"], "/services/", svc_name]) svc_URL = "".join([kploy["apiserver"], svc_path]) svc_status = kploycommon._check_status(pyk_client, svc_path) res_list.append([svc_name, os.path.join(SVC_DIR, svc), "service", svc_status, svc_URL]) # gather RC status: for rc in rc_list: rc_manifest, _ = util.load_yaml(filename=os.path.join(here, RC_DIR, rc)) rc_name = rc_manifest["metadata"]["name"] rc_path = "".join(["/api/v1/namespaces/", kploy["namespace"], "/replicationcontrollers/", rc_name]) rc_URL = "".join([kploy["apiserver"], rc_path]) rc_status = kploycommon._check_status(pyk_client, rc_path) res_list.append([rc_name, os.path.join(RC_DIR, rc), "RC", rc_status, rc_URL]) print(tabulate(res_list, ["NAME", "MANIFEST", "TYPE", "STATUS", "URL"], tablefmt="plain")) # gather Secrets status: print("\n" + 80*"=") print("[Secrets]") sec_list = [] secret_path = "".join(["/api/v1/namespaces/", kploy["namespace"], "/secrets/kploy-secrets"]) sec_URL = "".join([kploy["apiserver"], secret_path]) secret = pyk_client.describe_resource(secret_path) if secret.status_code == 200: print("URL: %s" %(sec_URL)) secret_data = secret.json()["data"] for k, v in secret_data.iteritems(): sec_list.append([k, base64.b64decode(v)]) print(tabulate(sec_list, ["KEY", "VALUE"], tablefmt="plain")) else: print("No env data deployed.") print("\n" + 80*"=") except (Exception) as e: print("Something went wrong:\n%s" %(e)) print("Consider validating your deployment with `kploy dryrun` first!") sys.exit(1)
def cmd_run(param): """ Looks for a `Kployfile` file in the current directory and tries to run it. """ here = os.path.realpath(".") kployfile = os.path.join(here, DEPLOYMENT_DESCRIPTOR) if VERBOSE:"Trying to run %s " % (kployfile)) try: kploy, _ = util.load_yaml(filename=kployfile) logging.debug(kploy) pyk_client = kploycommon._connect(api_server=kploy["apiserver"], debug=DEBUG) # set up a Namespace for this app: kploycommon._create_ns(pyk_client, kploy["namespace"], VERBOSE) # set up a Secrets for this app: env = os.path.join(here, ENV_DIR) secrets = {} logging.debug("Visiting %s" % env) for _, _, file_names in os.walk(env): for afile in file_names: if afile.endswith(SECRETS_FILE_EXT): logging.debug("Got a secret input: %s" % (afile)) key = os.path.splitext(afile)[0] logging.debug("Secret key: %s" % (key)) with open(os.path.join(env, afile), "r") as sec_file: raw_data = logging.debug("Secret data: %s" % (raw_data)) val = base64.b64encode(raw_data) logging.debug("Secret base64 encoded data: %s" % (val)) secrets[key] = val kploycommon._create_secrets(pyk_client, kploy["name"], kploy["namespace"], secrets, VERBOSE) # collect Services and RCs ... rc_manifests_confirmed, svc_manifests_confirmed = [], [] services = os.path.join(here, SVC_DIR) rcs = os.path.join(here, RC_DIR) svc_manifests_confirmed = kploycommon._visit( services, 'service', cache_remotes=kploy["cache_remotes"]) rc_manifests_confirmed = kploycommon._visit( rcs, 'RC', cache_remotes=kploy["cache_remotes"]) # ... and deploy them: kploycommon._deploy(pyk_client, kploy["namespace"], here, SVC_DIR, svc_manifests_confirmed, 'service', VERBOSE) kploycommon._deploy(pyk_client, kploy["namespace"], here, RC_DIR, rc_manifests_confirmed, 'RC', VERBOSE) except (Exception) as e: print("Something went wrong deploying your app:\n%s" % (e)) print("Consider validating your deployment with `kploy dryrun` first!") sys.exit(1) print(80 * "=") print( "\nOK, I've deployed `%s/%s`.\nUse `kploy list` and `kploy stats` to check how it's doing." % (kploy["namespace"], kploy["name"]))
def cmd_run(param): """ Looks for a `Kployfile` file in the current directory and tries to run it. """ here = os.path.realpath(".") kployfile = os.path.join(here, DEPLOYMENT_DESCRIPTOR) if VERBOSE:"Trying to run %s " %(kployfile)) try: kploy, _ = util.load_yaml(filename=kployfile) logging.debug(kploy) pyk_client = kploycommon._connect(api_server=kploy["apiserver"], debug=DEBUG) # set up a Namespace for this app: kploycommon._create_ns(pyk_client, kploy["namespace"], VERBOSE) # set up a Secrets for this app: env = os.path.join(here, ENV_DIR) secrets = {} logging.debug("Visiting %s" %env) for _, _, file_names in os.walk(env): for afile in file_names: if afile.endswith(SECRETS_FILE_EXT): logging.debug("Got a secret input: %s" %(afile)) key = os.path.splitext(afile)[0] logging.debug("Secret key: %s" %(key)) with open(os.path.join(env, afile), "r") as sec_file: raw_data = logging.debug("Secret data: %s" %(raw_data)) val = base64.b64encode(raw_data) logging.debug("Secret base64 encoded data: %s" %(val)) secrets[key] = val kploycommon._create_secrets(pyk_client, kploy["name"], kploy["namespace"], secrets, VERBOSE) # collect Services and RCs ... rc_manifests_confirmed, svc_manifests_confirmed = [], [] services = os.path.join(here, SVC_DIR) rcs = os.path.join(here, RC_DIR) svc_manifests_confirmed = kploycommon._visit(services, 'service', cache_remotes=kploy["cache_remotes"]) rc_manifests_confirmed = kploycommon._visit(rcs, 'RC', cache_remotes=kploy["cache_remotes"]) # ... and deploy them: kploycommon._deploy(pyk_client, kploy["namespace"], here, SVC_DIR, svc_manifests_confirmed, 'service', VERBOSE) kploycommon._deploy(pyk_client, kploy["namespace"], here, RC_DIR, rc_manifests_confirmed, 'RC', VERBOSE) except (Exception) as e: print("Something went wrong deploying your app:\n%s" %(e)) print("Consider validating your deployment with `kploy dryrun` first!") sys.exit(1) print(80*"=") print("\nOK, I've deployed `%s/%s`.\nUse `kploy list` and `kploy stats` to check how it's doing." %(kploy["namespace"], kploy["name"]))
def cmd_dryrun(param): """ Looks for a `Kployfile` file in the current directory and tries to validate its content, incl. syntax validation and mock execution. """ here = os.path.realpath(".") kployfile = os.path.join(here, DEPLOYMENT_DESCRIPTOR) if VERBOSE:"Trying to execute a dry run on %s " %(kployfile)) try: kploy, _ = util.load_yaml(filename=kployfile) logging.debug(kploy) print("Validating application `%s/%s` ..." %(kploy["namespace"], kploy["name"])) print("\n CHECK: Is the Kubernetes cluster up & running and accessible via `%s`?" %(kploy["apiserver"])) pyk_client = kploycommon._connect(api_server=kploy["apiserver"], debug=DEBUG) nodes = pyk_client.execute_operation(method="GET", ops_path="/api/v1/nodes") if VERBOSE:"Got node list %s " %(util.serialize_tojson(nodes.json()))) print(" \o/ ... I found %d node(s) to deploy your wonderful app onto." %(len(nodes.json()["items"]))) print("\n CHECK: Are there RC and service manifests available around here?") try: rcs = os.path.join(here, RC_DIR) logging.debug("Asserting %s exists" %(os.path.dirname(rcs))) assert os.path.exists(rcs) rc_manifests_confirmed = kploycommon._visit(rcs, "RC", cache_remotes=kploy["cache_remotes"]) print(" I found %s RC manifest(s) in %s" %(int(len(rc_manifests_confirmed)), os.path.dirname(rcs))) if VERBOSE: kploycommon._dump(rc_manifests_confirmed) services = os.path.join(here, SVC_DIR) logging.debug("Asserting %s exists" %(os.path.dirname(services))) assert os.path.exists(services) svc_manifests_confirmed = kploycommon._visit(services, "service", cache_remotes=kploy["cache_remotes"]) print(" I found %s service manifest(s) in %s" %(int(len(svc_manifests_confirmed)), os.path.dirname(services))) if VERBOSE: kploycommon._dump(svc_manifests_confirmed) print(" \o/ ... I found both RC and service manifests to deploy your wonderful app!") except: print("No RC and/or service manifests found to deploy your app. You can use `kploy init` to create missing artefacts.") sys.exit(1) except (IOError, IndexError, KeyError) as e: print("Something went wrong:\n%s" %(e)) sys.exit(1) print(80*"=") print("\nOK, we're looking good! You're ready to deploy your app with `kploy run` now :)\n")
def cmd_destroy(param): """ Destroys the app, removing all resources. """ here = os.path.realpath(".") kployfile = os.path.join(here, DEPLOYMENT_DESCRIPTOR) if VERBOSE:"Trying to destroy app based on %s " % (kployfile)) try: kploy, _ = util.load_yaml(filename=kployfile) logging.debug(kploy) pyk_client = kploycommon._connect(api_server=kploy["apiserver"], debug=DEBUG) # delete all services and RCs: rc_manifests_confirmed, svc_manifests_confirmed = [], [] services = os.path.join(here, SVC_DIR) rcs = os.path.join(here, RC_DIR) svc_manifests_confirmed = kploycommon._visit(services, 'service', cache_remotes=True) rc_manifests_confirmed = kploycommon._visit(rcs, 'RC', cache_remotes=True) kploycommon._destroy(pyk_client, kploy["namespace"], here, SVC_DIR, svc_manifests_confirmed, 'service', VERBOSE) kploycommon._destroy(pyk_client, kploy["namespace"], here, RC_DIR, rc_manifests_confirmed, 'RC', VERBOSE) # delete secrets: secret_path = "".join([ "/api/v1/namespaces/", kploy["namespace"], "/secrets/kploy-secrets" ]) pyk_client.delete_resource(resource_path=secret_path) # delete the namespace: ns_path = "".join(["/api/v1/namespaces/", kploy["namespace"]]) pyk_client.delete_resource(resource_path=ns_path) except (Exception) as e: print("Something went wrong destroying your app:\n%s" % (e)) print("Consider validating your deployment with `kploy dryrun` first!") sys.exit(1) print(80 * "=") print("\nOK, I've destroyed `%s/%s`\n" % (kploy["namespace"], kploy["name"]))
def cmd_dryrun(param): """ Looks for a `Kployfile` file in the current directory and tries to validate its content, incl. syntax validation and mock execution. """ here = os.path.realpath(".") kployfile = os.path.join(here, DEPLOYMENT_DESCRIPTOR) if VERBOSE:"Trying to execute a dry run on %s " % (kployfile)) try: kploy, _ = util.load_yaml(filename=kployfile) logging.debug(kploy) print("Validating application `%s/%s` ..." % (kploy["namespace"], kploy["name"])) print( "\n CHECK: Is the Kubernetes cluster up & running and accessible via `%s`?" % (kploy["apiserver"])) pyk_client = kploycommon._connect(api_server=kploy["apiserver"], debug=DEBUG) nodes = pyk_client.execute_operation(method="GET", ops_path="/api/v1/nodes") if VERBOSE:"Got node list %s " % (util.serialize_tojson(nodes.json()))) print( " \o/ ... I found %d node(s) to deploy your wonderful app onto." % (len(nodes.json()["items"]))) print( "\n CHECK: Are there RC and service manifests available around here?" ) try: rcs = os.path.join(here, RC_DIR) logging.debug("Asserting %s exists" % (os.path.dirname(rcs))) assert os.path.exists(rcs) rc_manifests_confirmed = kploycommon._visit( rcs, "RC", cache_remotes=kploy["cache_remotes"]) print(" I found %s RC manifest(s) in %s" % (int(len(rc_manifests_confirmed)), os.path.dirname(rcs))) if VERBOSE: kploycommon._dump(rc_manifests_confirmed) services = os.path.join(here, SVC_DIR) logging.debug("Asserting %s exists" % (os.path.dirname(services))) assert os.path.exists(services) svc_manifests_confirmed = kploycommon._visit( services, "service", cache_remotes=kploy["cache_remotes"]) print( " I found %s service manifest(s) in %s" % (int(len(svc_manifests_confirmed)), os.path.dirname(services))) if VERBOSE: kploycommon._dump(svc_manifests_confirmed) print( " \o/ ... I found both RC and service manifests to deploy your wonderful app!" ) except: print( "No RC and/or service manifests found to deploy your app. You can use `kploy init` to create missing artefacts." ) sys.exit(1) except (IOError, IndexError, KeyError) as e: print("Something went wrong:\n%s" % (e)) sys.exit(1) print(80 * "=") print( "\nOK, we're looking good! You're ready to deploy your app with `kploy run` now :)\n" )
def cmd_list(param): """ Lists app resources and their status. """ here = os.path.realpath(".") kployfile = os.path.join(here, DEPLOYMENT_DESCRIPTOR) if VERBOSE:"Listing resource status of app based on %s " % (kployfile)) try: kploy, _ = util.load_yaml(filename=kployfile) print("Resources of app `%s/%s`:\n" % (kploy["namespace"], kploy["name"])) pyk_client = kploycommon._connect(api_server=kploy["apiserver"], debug=DEBUG) rc_manifests_confirmed, svc_manifests_confirmed = [], [] services = os.path.join(here, SVC_DIR) rcs = os.path.join(here, RC_DIR) svc_list = kploycommon._visit(services, 'service', cache_remotes=True) rc_list = kploycommon._visit(rcs, 'RC', cache_remotes=True) res_list = [] # gather Services status: print("[Services and RCs]\n") for svc in svc_list: svc_manifest, _ = util.load_yaml( filename=os.path.join(here, SVC_DIR, svc)) svc_name = svc_manifest["metadata"]["name"] svc_path = "".join([ "/api/v1/namespaces/", kploy["namespace"], "/services/", svc_name ]) svc_URL = "".join([kploy["apiserver"], svc_path]) svc_status = kploycommon._check_status(pyk_client, svc_path) res_list.append([ svc_name, os.path.join(SVC_DIR, svc), "service", svc_status, svc_URL ]) # gather RC status: for rc in rc_list: rc_manifest, _ = util.load_yaml( filename=os.path.join(here, RC_DIR, rc)) rc_name = rc_manifest["metadata"]["name"] rc_path = "".join([ "/api/v1/namespaces/", kploy["namespace"], "/replicationcontrollers/", rc_name ]) rc_URL = "".join([kploy["apiserver"], rc_path]) rc_status = kploycommon._check_status(pyk_client, rc_path) res_list.append( [rc_name, os.path.join(RC_DIR, rc), "RC", rc_status, rc_URL]) print( tabulate(res_list, ["NAME", "MANIFEST", "TYPE", "STATUS", "URL"], tablefmt="plain")) # gather Secrets status: print("\n" + 80 * "=") print("[Secrets]") sec_list = [] secret_path = "".join([ "/api/v1/namespaces/", kploy["namespace"], "/secrets/kploy-secrets" ]) sec_URL = "".join([kploy["apiserver"], secret_path]) secret = pyk_client.describe_resource(secret_path) if secret.status_code == 200: print("URL: %s" % (sec_URL)) secret_data = secret.json()["data"] for k, v in secret_data.iteritems(): sec_list.append([k, base64.b64decode(v)]) print(tabulate(sec_list, ["KEY", "VALUE"], tablefmt="plain")) else: print("No env data deployed.") print("\n" + 80 * "=") except (Exception) as e: print("Something went wrong:\n%s" % (e)) print("Consider validating your deployment with `kploy dryrun` first!") sys.exit(1)