Ejemplo n.º 1
print('Connected to stream server')

# Build a KRPC.GetStatus call to be streamed
stream_call = KRPC.ProcedureCall()
stream_call.service = 'KRPC'
stream_call.procedure = 'GetStatus'

# Call KRPC.AddStream to add the stream
call = KRPC.ProcedureCall()
call.service = 'KRPC'
call.procedure = 'AddStream'
arg = KRPC.Argument()
arg.position = 0
arg.value = stream_call.SerializeToString()
request = KRPC.Request()
send_message(rpc_conn, request)

# Receive the response
response = recv_message(rpc_conn, KRPC.Response)

# Check for an error in the response
if response.HasField('error'):
    raise RuntimeError('ERROR: ' + str(response.error))

# Check for an error in the results
assert (len(response.results) == 1)
if response.results[0].HasField('error'):
    raise RuntimeError('ERROR: ' + str(response.error))