Ejemplo n.º 1
    def create_task_template(self, task_name, exec_image, command):
        """Creates template for all the Workflow tasks.

        :param task_name: Template name for the task.
        :param exec_image: Container image to execute the task.
        :param command: List of container commands.

        :return: Created task template.

        # Container environment variables.
        # TODO (andreyvelich): Add PYTHONPATH ?
        env = [
                "name": "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID",
                "valueFrom": {
                    "secretKeyRef": {
                        "name": "aws-credentials",
                        "key": "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"
                "name": "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY",
                "valueFrom": {
                    "secretKeyRef": {
                        "name": "aws-credentials",
                        "key": "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"
                "name": "AWS_REGION",
                "value": "us-west-2"
                "name": "CLUSTER_NAME",
                "value": self.workflow_name
                "name": "EKS_CLUSTER_VERSION",
                "value": "1.19"
                "name": "ECR_REGISTRY",
                "value": self.ecr_registry
                "name": "GIT_TOKEN",
                "valueFrom": {
                    "secretKeyRef": {
                        "name": "github-token",
                        "key": "github_token"
                "name": "MANIFESTS_DIR",
                "value": self.manifest_dir
                "name": "EXTRA_REPOS",
                "value": "kubeflow/testing@HEAD;kubeflow/[email protected]"
            # Set GOPATH to test_dir because Katib repo is located under /src/github.com/kubeflow/katib
                "name": "GOPATH",
                "value": self.test_dir

        # Container volume mounts.
        volume_mounts = [
                "name": VOLUME_TEST_DATA,
                "mountPath": MOUNT_PATH
                "name": VOLUME_GITHUB_TOKEN,
                "mountPath": "/secret/github-token"
                "name": VOLUME_AWS_SECRET,
                "mountPath": "/root/.aws/"
                "name": VOLUME_DOCKER_CONFIG,
                "mountPath": "/kaniko/.docker/"

        task_template = {
            "name": task_name,
            # Each container can be alive for 40 minutes.
            "retryStrategy": {
                "limit": "3",
                "retryPolicy": "Always",
                "backoff": {
                    "duration": "1",
                    "factor": "2",
                    "maxDuration": "1m",
            "container": {
                "command": command,
                "image": exec_image,
                "workingDir": self.katib_dir,
                "env": env,
                "volumeMounts": volume_mounts,

        # Add prow env to the task template.
        prow_env_dict = argo_build_util.get_prow_dict()
        for k, v in prow_env_dict.items():
            task_template["container"]["env"].append({"name": k, "value": v})

        return task_template
Ejemplo n.º 2
# This is the main dag with the entrypoint
E2E_DAG_NAME = "e2e"
EXIT_DAG_NAME = "exit-handler"

# This is a sub dag containing the suite of tests to run against
# Kubeflow deployment
TESTS_DAG_NAME = "gke-tests"

TEMPLATE_LABEL = "examples_e2e"

MAIN_REPO = "kubeflow/examples"

EXTRA_REPOS = ["kubeflow/testing@HEAD", "kubeflow/tf-operator@HEAD"]

PROW_DICT = argo_build_util.get_prow_dict()

class Builder:
    def __init__(self,
                 **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        """Initialize a builder.

      name: Name for the workflow.
      namespace: Namespace for the workflow.
      test_target_name: (Optional) Name to use as the test target to group