def get_resource_status(self, namespace: "str" = None) -> "IngressStatus": """ Returns status information about the given resource within the cluster. """ names = [ "read_namespaced_ingress", "read_ingress", ] response = _kube_api.execute( action="read", resource=self, names=names, namespace=namespace, api_client=None, api_args={"name":}, ) output = IngressStatus() if response is not None: output.from_dict(_kube_api.to_kuber_dict(response.status)) return output
def create_resource(self, namespace: "str" = None) -> "StorageVersionStatus": """ Creates the StorageVersion in the currently configured Kubernetes cluster and returns the status information returned by the Kubernetes API after the create is complete. """ names = ["create_namespaced_storage_version", "create_storage_version"] response = _kube_api.execute( action="create", resource=self, names=names, namespace=namespace, api_client=None, api_args={"body": self.to_dict()}, ) output = StorageVersionStatus() if response is not None: output.from_dict(_kube_api.to_kuber_dict(response.status)) return output
def patch_resource(self, namespace: "str" = None) -> "CronJobStatus": """ Patches the CronJob in the currently configured Kubernetes cluster and returns the status information returned by the Kubernetes API after the replace is complete. """ names = ["patch_namespaced_cron_job", "patch_cron_job"] response = _kube_api.execute( action="patch", resource=self, names=names, namespace=namespace, api_client=None, api_args={ "body": self.to_dict(), "name": }, ) output = CronJobStatus() if response is not None: output.from_dict(_kube_api.to_kuber_dict(response.status)) return output
def replace_resource(self, namespace: "str" = None) -> "TokenReviewStatus": """ Replaces the TokenReview in the currently configured Kubernetes cluster and returns the status information returned by the Kubernetes API after the replace is complete. """ names = ["replace_namespaced_token_review", "replace_token_review"] response = _kube_api.execute( action="replace", resource=self, names=names, namespace=namespace, api_client=None, api_args={ "body": self.to_dict(), "name": }, ) output = TokenReviewStatus() if response is not None: output.from_dict(_kube_api.to_kuber_dict(response.status)) return output