Ejemplo n.º 1
def run_mac_change(test, params, env):
    Change MAC address of guest.

    1) Get a new mac from pool, and the old mac addr of guest.
    2) Set new mac in guest and regain new IP.
    3) Re-log into guest with new MAC.

    @param test: KVM test object.
    @param params: Dictionary with the test parameters.
    @param env: Dictionary with test environment.
    timeout = int(params.get("login_timeout", 360))
    vm = kvm_test_utils.get_living_vm(env, params.get("main_vm"))
    session_serial = kvm_test_utils.wait_for_login(vm, 0, timeout, 0, 2,
    # This session will be used to assess whether the IP change worked
    session = kvm_test_utils.wait_for_login(vm, 0, timeout, 0, 2)
    old_mac = vm.get_mac_address(0)
    while True:
        new_mac = kvm_utils.generate_mac_address(vm.instance, 0)
        if old_mac != new_mac:
    logging.info("The initial MAC address is %s", old_mac)
    interface = kvm_test_utils.get_linux_ifname(session_serial, old_mac)
    # Start change MAC address
    logging.info("Changing MAC address to %s", new_mac)
    change_cmd = ("ifconfig %s down && ifconfig %s hw ether %s && "
                  "ifconfig %s up" % (interface, interface, new_mac, interface))

    # Verify whether MAC address was changed to the new one
    logging.info("Verifying the new mac address")
    session_serial.cmd("ifconfig | grep -i %s" % new_mac)

    # Restart `dhclient' to regain IP for new mac address
    logging.info("Restart the network to gain new IP")
    dhclient_cmd = "dhclient -r && dhclient %s" % interface

    # Re-log into the guest after changing mac address
    if kvm_utils.wait_for(session.is_responsive, 120, 20, 3):
        # Just warning when failed to see the session become dead,
        # because there is a little chance the ip does not change.
        logging.warn("The session is still responsive, settings may fail.")

    # Re-log into guest and check if session is responsive
    logging.info("Re-log into the guest")
    session = kvm_test_utils.wait_for_login(vm,
              timeout=int(params.get("login_timeout", 360)))
    if not session.is_responsive():
        raise error.TestFail("The new session is not responsive.")

Ejemplo n.º 2
def run_mac_change(test, params, env):
    Change MAC address of guest.

    1) Get a new mac from pool, and the old mac addr of guest.
    2) Set new mac in guest and regain new IP.
    3) Re-log into guest with new MAC.

    @param test: KVM test object.
    @param params: Dictionary with the test parameters.
    @param env: Dictionary with test environment.
    vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"])
    timeout = int(params.get("login_timeout", 360))
    session_serial = vm.wait_for_serial_login(timeout=timeout)
    # This session will be used to assess whether the IP change worked
    session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=timeout)
    old_mac = vm.get_mac_address(0)
    while True:
        new_mac = kvm_utils.generate_mac_address(vm.instance, 0)
        if old_mac != new_mac:
    logging.info("The initial MAC address is %s", old_mac)
    interface = kvm_test_utils.get_linux_ifname(session_serial, old_mac)
    # Start change MAC address
    logging.info("Changing MAC address to %s", new_mac)
    change_cmd = ("ifconfig %s down && ifconfig %s hw ether %s && "
                  "ifconfig %s up" %
                  (interface, interface, new_mac, interface))

    # Verify whether MAC address was changed to the new one
    logging.info("Verifying the new mac address")
    session_serial.cmd("ifconfig | grep -i %s" % new_mac)

    # Restart `dhclient' to regain IP for new mac address
    logging.info("Restart the network to gain new IP")
    dhclient_cmd = "dhclient -r && dhclient %s" % interface

    # Re-log into the guest after changing mac address
    if kvm_utils.wait_for(session.is_responsive, 120, 20, 3):
        # Just warning when failed to see the session become dead,
        # because there is a little chance the ip does not change.
        logging.warn("The session is still responsive, settings may fail.")

    # Re-log into guest and check if session is responsive
    logging.info("Re-log into the guest")
    session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=timeout)
    if not session.is_responsive():
        raise error.TestFail("The new session is not responsive.")

Ejemplo n.º 3
def run_nic_hotplug(test, params, env):
    Test hotplug of NIC devices

    1) Boot up guest with one nic
    2) Add a host network device through monitor cmd and check if it's added
    3) Add nic device through monitor cmd and check if it's added
    4) Check if new interface gets ip address
    5) Disable primary link of guest
    6) Ping guest new ip from host
    7) Delete nic device and netdev
    8) Re-enable primary link of guest

    @param test:   KVM test object.
    @param params: Dictionary with the test parameters.
    @param env:    Dictionary with test environment.
    vm = kvm_test_utils.get_living_vm(env, params.get("main_vm"))
    timeout = int(params.get("login_timeout", 360))
    guest_delay = int(params.get("guest_delay", 20))
    session = kvm_test_utils.wait_for_login(vm, timeout=timeout)
    romfile = params.get("romfile")

    # Modprobe the module if specified in config file
    module = params.get("modprobe_module")
    if module:
        session.get_command_output("modprobe %s" % module)

    def netdev_add(vm):
        netdev_id = kvm_utils.generate_random_id()
        attach_cmd = ("netdev_add tap,id=%s" % netdev_id)
        nic_script = params.get("nic_script")
        if nic_script:
            attach_cmd += ",script=%s" % kvm_utils.get_path(
                vm.root_dir, nic_script)
        netdev_extra_params = params.get("netdev_extra_params")
        if netdev_extra_params:
            attach_cmd += ",%s" % netdev_extra_params
        logging.info("Adding netdev through %s", attach_cmd)

        network = vm.monitor.info("network")
        if netdev_id not in network:
            raise error.TestError("Fail to add netdev: %s" % netdev_id)
            return netdev_id

    def netdev_del(vm, n_id):
        vm.monitor.cmd("netdev_del %s" % n_id)

        network = vm.monitor.info("network")
        if n_id in network:
            raise error.TestError("Fail to remove netdev %s" % n_id)

    def nic_add(vm, model, netdev_id, mac, rom=None):
        Add a nic to virtual machine

        @vm: VM object
        @model: nic model
        @netdev_id: id of netdev
        @mac: Mac address of new nic
        @rom: Rom file
        nic_id = kvm_utils.generate_random_id()
        if model == "virtio":
            model = "virtio-net-pci"
        device_add_cmd = "device_add %s,netdev=%s,mac=%s,id=%s" % (
            model, netdev_id, mac, nic_id)
        if rom:
            device_add_cmd += ",romfile=%s" % rom
        logging.info("Adding nic through %s", device_add_cmd)

        qdev = vm.monitor.info("qtree")
        if not nic_id in qdev:
            raise error.TestFail("Device %s was not plugged into qdev"
                                 "tree" % nic_id)
            return nic_id

    def nic_del(vm, nic_id, wait=True):
        Remove the nic from pci tree.

        @vm: VM object
        @id: the nic id
        @wait: Whether need to wait for the guest to unplug the device
        nic_del_cmd = "device_del %s" % nic_id
        if wait:
            logging.info("waiting for the guest to finish the unplug")
            if not kvm_utils.wait_for(
                    lambda: nic_id not in vm.monitor.info("qtree"),
                    guest_delay, 5, 1):
                raise error.TestError("Device is not unplugged by "
                                      "guest, please check whether the "
                                      "hotplug module was loaded in guest")

    logging.info("Attach a virtio nic to vm")
    mac = kvm_utils.generate_mac_address(vm.instance, 1)
    if not mac:
        mac = "00:00:02:00:00:02"
    netdev_id = netdev_add(vm)
    device_id = nic_add(vm, "virtio", netdev_id, mac, romfile)

    if "Win" not in params.get("guest_name", ""):
        session.sendline("dhclient %s &" %
                         kvm_test_utils.get_linux_ifname(session, mac))

    logging.info("Shutting down the primary link")
    vm.monitor.cmd("set_link %s down" % vm.netdev_id[0])

        logging.info("Waiting for new nic's ip address acquisition...")
        if not kvm_utils.wait_for(
                lambda: (vm.address_cache.get(mac) is not None), 10, 1):
            raise error.TestFail("Could not get ip address of new nic")
        ip = vm.address_cache.get(mac)
        if not kvm_utils.verify_ip_address_ownership(ip, mac):
            raise error.TestFail("Could not verify the ip address of new nic")
            logging.info("Got the ip address of new nic: %s", ip)

        logging.info("Ping test the new nic ...")
        s, o = kvm_test_utils.ping(ip, 100)
        if s != 0:
            raise error.TestFail("New nic failed ping test")

        logging.info("Detaching a virtio nic from vm")
        nic_del(vm, device_id)
        netdev_del(vm, netdev_id)

        logging.info("Re-enabling the primary link")
        vm.monitor.cmd("set_link %s up" % vm.netdev_id[0])
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def create(self, name=None, params=None, root_dir=None, timeout=5.0,
               migration_mode=None, mac_source=None):
        Start the VM by running a qemu command.
        All parameters are optional. If name, params or root_dir are not
        supplied, the respective values stored as class attributes are used.

        @param name: The name of the object
        @param params: A dict containing VM params
        @param root_dir: Base directory for relative filenames
        @param migration_mode: If supplied, start VM for incoming migration
                using this protocol (either 'tcp', 'unix' or 'exec')
        @param migration_exec_cmd: Command to embed in '-incoming "exec: ..."'
                (e.g. 'gzip -c -d filename') if migration_mode is 'exec'
        @param mac_source: A VM object from which to copy MAC addresses. If not
                specified, new addresses will be generated.

        if name is not None:
            self.name = name
        if params is not None:
            self.params = params
        if root_dir is not None:
            self.root_dir = root_dir
        name = self.name
        params = self.params
        root_dir = self.root_dir

        # Verify the md5sum of the ISO image
        iso = params.get("cdrom")
        if iso:
            iso = kvm_utils.get_path(root_dir, iso)
            if not os.path.exists(iso):
                logging.error("ISO file not found: %s" % iso)
                return False
            compare = False
            if params.get("md5sum_1m"):
                logging.debug("Comparing expected MD5 sum with MD5 sum of "
                              "first MB of ISO file...")
                actual_hash = utils.hash_file(iso, 1048576, method="md5")
                expected_hash = params.get("md5sum_1m")
                compare = True
            elif params.get("md5sum"):
                logging.debug("Comparing expected MD5 sum with MD5 sum of ISO "
                actual_hash = utils.hash_file(iso, method="md5")
                expected_hash = params.get("md5sum")
                compare = True
            elif params.get("sha1sum"):
                logging.debug("Comparing expected SHA1 sum with SHA1 sum of "
                              "ISO file...")
                actual_hash = utils.hash_file(iso, method="sha1")
                expected_hash = params.get("sha1sum")
                compare = True
            if compare:
                if actual_hash == expected_hash:
                    logging.debug("Hashes match")
                    logging.error("Actual hash differs from expected one")
                    return False

        # Make sure the following code is not executed by more than one thread
        # at the same time
        lockfile = open("/tmp/kvm-autotest-vm-create.lock", "w+")
        fcntl.lockf(lockfile, fcntl.LOCK_EX)

            # Handle port redirections
            redir_names = kvm_utils.get_sub_dict_names(params, "redirs")
            host_ports = kvm_utils.find_free_ports(5000, 6000, len(redir_names))
            self.redirs = {}
            for i in range(len(redir_names)):
                redir_params = kvm_utils.get_sub_dict(params, redir_names[i])
                guest_port = int(redir_params.get("guest_port"))
                self.redirs[guest_port] = host_ports[i]

            # Generate netdev IDs for all NICs
            self.netdev_id = []
            for nic in kvm_utils.get_sub_dict_names(params, "nics"):

            # Find available VNC port, if needed
            if params.get("display") == "vnc":
                self.vnc_port = kvm_utils.find_free_port(5900, 6100)

            # Find random UUID if specified 'uuid = random' in config file
            if params.get("uuid") == "random":
                f = open("/proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid")
                self.uuid = f.read().strip()

            # Generate or copy MAC addresses for all NICs
            num_nics = len(kvm_utils.get_sub_dict_names(params, "nics"))
            for vlan in range(num_nics):
                nic_name = kvm_utils.get_sub_dict_names(params, "nics")[vlan]
                nic_params = kvm_utils.get_sub_dict(params, nic_name)
                if nic_params.get("nic_mac", None):
                    mac = nic_params.get("nic_mac")
                    kvm_utils.set_mac_address(self.instance, vlan, mac)
                    mac = mac_source and mac_source.get_mac_address(vlan)
                    if mac:
                        kvm_utils.set_mac_address(self.instance, vlan, mac)
                        kvm_utils.generate_mac_address(self.instance, vlan)

            # Assign a PCI assignable device
            self.pci_assignable = None
            pa_type = params.get("pci_assignable")
            if pa_type in ["vf", "pf", "mixed"]:
                pa_devices_requested = params.get("devices_requested")

                # Virtual Functions (VF) assignable devices
                if pa_type == "vf":
                    self.pci_assignable = kvm_utils.PciAssignable(
                # Physical NIC (PF) assignable devices
                elif pa_type == "pf":
                    self.pci_assignable = kvm_utils.PciAssignable(
                # Working with both VF and PF
                elif pa_type == "mixed":
                    self.pci_assignable = kvm_utils.PciAssignable(

                self.pa_pci_ids = self.pci_assignable.request_devs()

                if self.pa_pci_ids:
                    logging.debug("Successfuly assigned devices: %s",
                    logging.error("No PCI assignable devices were assigned "
                                  "and 'pci_assignable' is defined to %s "
                                  "on your config file. Aborting VM creation.",
                    return False

            elif pa_type and pa_type != "no":
                logging.warn("Unsupported pci_assignable type: %s", pa_type)

            # Make qemu command
            qemu_command = self.make_qemu_command()

            # Add migration parameters if required
            if migration_mode == "tcp":
                self.migration_port = kvm_utils.find_free_port(5200, 6000)
                qemu_command += " -incoming tcp:0:%d" % self.migration_port
            elif migration_mode == "unix":
                self.migration_file = "/tmp/migration-unix-%s" % self.instance
                qemu_command += " -incoming unix:%s" % self.migration_file
            elif migration_mode == "exec":
                self.migration_port = kvm_utils.find_free_port(5200, 6000)
                qemu_command += (' -incoming "exec:nc -l %s"' %

            logging.debug("Running qemu command:\n%s", qemu_command)
            self.process = kvm_subprocess.run_bg(qemu_command, None,
                                                 logging.debug, "(qemu) ")

            # Make sure the process was started successfully
            if not self.process.is_alive():
                logging.error("VM could not be created; "
                              "qemu command failed:\n%s" % qemu_command)
                logging.error("Status: %s" % self.process.get_status())
                logging.error("Output:" + kvm_utils.format_str_for_message(
                return False

            # Establish monitor connections
            self.monitors = []
            for monitor_name in kvm_utils.get_sub_dict_names(params,
                monitor_params = kvm_utils.get_sub_dict(params, monitor_name)
                # Wait for monitor connection to succeed
                end_time = time.time() + timeout
                while time.time() < end_time:
                        if monitor_params.get("monitor_type") == "qmp":
                            # Add a QMP monitor
                            monitor = kvm_monitor.QMPMonitor(
                            # Add a "human" monitor
                            monitor = kvm_monitor.HumanMonitor(
                    except kvm_monitor.MonitorError, e:
                        if monitor.is_responsive():
                    logging.error("Could not connect to monitor '%s'" %
                    return False
                # Add this monitor to the list
                self.monitors += [monitor]

            # Get the output so far, to see if we have any problems with
            # KVM modules or with hugepage setup.
            output = self.process.get_output()

            if re.search("Could not initialize KVM", output, re.IGNORECASE):
                logging.error("Could not initialize KVM; "
                              "qemu command:\n%s" % qemu_command)
                logging.error("Output:" + kvm_utils.format_str_for_message(
                return False

            if "alloc_mem_area" in output:
                logging.error("Could not allocate hugepage memory; "
                              "qemu command:\n%s" % qemu_command)
                logging.error("Output:" + kvm_utils.format_str_for_message(
                return False

            logging.debug("VM appears to be alive with PID %s", self.get_pid())

            # Establish a session with the serial console -- requires a version
            # of netcat that supports -U
            self.serial_console = kvm_subprocess.ShellSession(
                "nc -U %s" % self.get_serial_console_filename(),
                output_params=("serial-%s.log" % name,))

            return True
Ejemplo n.º 5
def run_nic_hotplug(test, params, env):
    Test hotplug of NIC devices

    1) Boot up guest with one nic
    2) Add a host network device through monitor cmd and check if it's added
    3) Add nic device through monitor cmd and check if it's added
    4) Check if new interface gets ip address
    5) Disable primary link of guest
    6) Ping guest new ip from host
    7) Delete nic device and netdev
    8) Re-enable primary link of guest

    @param test:   KVM test object.
    @param params: Dictionary with the test parameters.
    @param env:    Dictionary with test environment.
    vm = kvm_test_utils.get_living_vm(env, params.get("main_vm"))
    timeout = int(params.get("login_timeout", 360))
    guest_delay = int(params.get("guest_delay", 20))
    session_serial = kvm_test_utils.wait_for_login(vm, timeout=timeout,

    # Modprobe the module if specified in config file
    module = params.get("modprobe_module")
    if module:
        session_serial.get_command_output("modprobe %s" % module)

    def netdev_add(vm):
        netdev_id = kvm_utils.generate_random_id()
        attach_cmd = ("netdev_add tap,id=%s,script=%s" %
                      (netdev_id, kvm_utils.get_path(vm.root_dir,
        netdev_extra_params = params.get("netdev_extra_params")
        if netdev_extra_params:
            attach_cmd += ",%s" % netdev_extra_params
        logging.info("Adding netdev through %s", attach_cmd)

        network = vm.monitor.info("network")
        if netdev_id not in network:
            raise error.TestError("Fail to add netdev: %s" % netdev_id)
            return netdev_id

    def netdev_del(vm, n_id):
        vm.monitor.cmd("netdev_del %s" % n_id)

        network = vm.monitor.info("network")
        if n_id in network:
            raise error.TestError("Fail to remove netdev %s" % n_id)

    def nic_add(vm, model, netdev_id, mac):
        Add a nic to virtual machine

        @vm: VM object
        @model: nic model
        @netdev_id: id of netdev
        @mac: Mac address of new nic
        nic_id = kvm_utils.generate_random_id()
        if model == "virtio":
            model = "virtio-net-pci"
        device_add_cmd = "device_add %s,netdev=%s,mac=%s,id=%s" % (model,
                                                                   mac, nic_id)
        logging.info("Adding nic through %s", device_add_cmd)

        qdev = vm.monitor.info("qtree")
        if id not in qdev:
            raise error.TestFail("Device %s was not plugged into qdev"
                                 "tree" % nic_id)
            return nic_id

    def nic_del(vm, nic_id, wait=True):
        Remove the nic from pci tree.

        @vm: VM object
        @id: the nic id
        @wait: Whether need to wait for the guest to unplug the device
        nic_del_cmd = "device_del %s" % nic_id
        if wait:
            logging.info("waiting for the guest to finish the unplug")
            if not kvm_utils.wait_for(lambda: nic_id not in
                                      guest_delay, 5 ,1):
                raise error.TestError("Device is not unplugged by "
                                      "guest, please check whether the "
                                      "hotplug module was loaded in guest")

    logging.info("Attach a virtio nic to vm")
    mac = kvm_utils.generate_mac_address(vm.instance, 1)
    if not mac:
        mac = "00:00:02:00:00:02"
    netdev_id = netdev_add(vm)
    device_id = nic_add(vm, "virtio", netdev_id, mac)

    if "Win" not in params.get("guest_name", ""):
        session_serial.sendline("dhclient %s &" %
                         kvm_test_utils.get_linux_ifname(session_serial, mac))

    logging.info("Shutting down the primary link")
    vm.monitor.cmd("set_link %s down" % vm.netdev_id[0])

        logging.info("Waiting for new nic's ip address acquisition...")
        if not kvm_utils.wait_for(lambda: (vm.address_cache.get(mac) is
                                           not None), 10, 1):
            raise error.TestFail("Could not get ip address of new nic")
        ip = vm.address_cache.get(mac)
        if not kvm_utils.verify_ip_address_ownership(ip, mac):
            raise error.TestFail("Could not verify the ip address of new nic")
            logging.info("Got the ip address of new nic: %s", ip)

        logging.info("Ping test the new nic ...")
        s, o = kvm_test_utils.ping(ip, 100)
        if s != 0:
            raise error.TestFail("New nic failed ping test")

        logging.info("Detaching a virtio nic from vm")
        nic_del(vm, device_id)
        netdev_del(vm, netdev_id)

        logging.info("Re-enabling the primary link")
        vm.monitor.cmd("set_link %s up" % vm.netdev_id[0])