Ejemplo n.º 1
def _to_list(x):
    if B.rank(x) == 0:
        return [x]
    elif B.rank(x) == 1:
        return list(x)
        raise ValueError(f'Could not convert "{x}" to a list.')
Ejemplo n.º 2
def convert(x):
    if B.rank(x) == 0:
        if isinstance(x, B.Number) and x == 0:
            return Zero(B.dtype(x), 1, 1)
            return Constant(x, 1, 1)
    elif B.rank(x) == 2:
        return Dense(x)
        raise RuntimeError(
            f"Cannot convert rank {B.rank(x)} input to a matrix.")
Ejemplo n.º 3
def assert_matrix(x, message):
    """Assert that a tensor is a matrix.

        x (tensor): Tensor that must be a matrix.
        message (str): Error message to raise in the case that `x` is not a
    if B.rank(x) != 2:
        raise AssertionError(message)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def assert_vector(x, message):
    """Assert that a tensor is a vector.

        x (tensor): Tensor that must be a vector.
        message (str): Error message to raise in the case that `x` is not a
    if B.rank(x) != 1:
        raise AssertionError(message)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def wrapped_f(*args):
        converted_args = ()
        for i, arg in enumerate(args):
            # Check if the argument is already a Pandas object.
            if isinstance(arg, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)):
                converted_args += (arg, )

            # It is not already a Pandas object. Attempt to convert.
            if B.rank(arg) == 0:
                converted_args += (arg, )
            elif B.rank(arg) == 1:
                converted_args += (pd.Series(arg), )
            elif B.rank(arg) == 2:
                converted_args += (pd.DataFrame(arg), )
                raise ValueError(f"Argument {i} has rank {B.rank(arg)}, which "
                                 f"cannot be automatically converted to a "
                                 f"Pandas object.")

        return f(*converted_args)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def eig(a, compute_eigvecs=True):
     if compute_eigvecs:
         vals, vecs = B.eig(a, compute_eigvecs=True)
         vals = B.flatten(vals)
         if B.rank(vecs) == 3:
             vecs = B.transpose(vecs, perm=(1, 0, 2))
             vecs = B.reshape(vecs, 3, -1)
         order = compute_order(vals)
         return B.take(vals, order), B.abs(B.take(vecs, order, axis=1))
         vals = B.flatten(B.eig(a, compute_eigvecs=False))
         return B.take(vals, compute_order(vals))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_packer():
    a, b, c = B.randn(5, 10), B.randn(20), B.randn(5, 1, 15)

    for packer, args in zip(
        [Packer(a, b, c), Packer([a, b, c])], [(a, b, c), ((a, b, c), )]):
        # Test packing.
        packed = packer.pack(*args)
        assert B.rank(packed) == 1

        # Test unpacking.
        a_, b_, c_ = packer.unpack(packed)
        allclose(a, a_)
        allclose(b, b_)
        allclose(c, c_)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_ew_1d(check_lazy_shapes, batch_a, batch_b):
    a = Tensor(*((3,) if batch_a else ()), 10, 1).np()
    b = Tensor(*((3,) if batch_b else ()), 10, 1).np()

    # Check that we can feed both rank 1 and rank 2 tensors.
    for squeeze_a in [True, False]:
        for squeeze_b in [True, False]:
            if squeeze_a and B.rank(a) == 2:
                a2 = a[..., 0]
                a2 = a
            if squeeze_b and B.rank(b) == 2:
                b2 = b[..., 0]
                b2 = b

            approx(B.ew_dists2(a2, b2), np.abs(a - b) ** 2)
            approx(B.ew_dists2(a2), np.zeros((*((3,) if batch_a else ()), 10, 1)))
            approx(B.ew_dists(a2, b2), np.abs(a - b))
            approx(B.ew_dists(a2), np.zeros((*((3,) if batch_a else ()), 10, 1)))
            approx(B.ew_sums2(a2, b2), np.abs(a + b) ** 2)
            approx(B.ew_sums2(a2), np.abs(a + a) ** 2)
            approx(B.ew_sums(a2, b2), np.abs(a + b))
            approx(B.ew_sums(a2), np.abs(a + a))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_pack_unpack():
    a, b, c = B.randn(5, 10), B.randn(20), B.randn(5, 1, 15)

    # Test packing.
    package = pack(a, b, c)
    assert B.rank(package) == 1

    # Test unpacking.
    a2, b2, c2 = unpack(package, B.shape(a), B.shape(b), B.shape(c))
    approx(a, a2)
    approx(b, b2)
    approx(c, c2)

    # Check that the package must be a vector.
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        unpack(B.randn(2, 2), (2, 2))
Ejemplo n.º 10
def hessian(f, x):
    """Compute the Hessian of a function at a certain input.

        f (function): Function to compute Hessian of.
        x (column vector): Input to compute Hessian at.
        differentiable (bool, optional): Make the computation of the Hessian
            differentiable. Defaults to `False`.

        matrix: Hessian.
    if B.rank(x) != 2 or B.shape(x)[1] != 1:
        raise ValueError("Input must be a column vector.")
    # Use RMAD twice to preserve memory.
    hess = jax.jacrev(jax.jacrev(lambda x: f(x[:, None])))(x[:, 0])
    return (hess + B.transpose(hess)
            ) / 2  # Symmetrise to counteract numerical errors.
Ejemplo n.º 11
Archivo: util.py Proyecto: wesselb/varz
def unpack(package: B.Numeric, *shapes):
    """Unpack vector.

        package (tensor): Tensor to unpack.
        *shapes (shape): Shapes of objects to unpack.

        list[tensor]: Original objects.
    if B.rank(package) != 1:
        raise ValueError("Package must be a vector.")

    # Unpack package.
    lengths = [reduce(mul, shape, 1) for shape in shapes]
    i, outs = 0, []
    for length, shape in zip(lengths, shapes):
        outs.append(B.reshape(package[i : i + length], *shape))
        i += length
    return outs
Ejemplo n.º 12
Archivo: net.py Proyecto: wesselb/wbml
    def __call__(self, x):
        x_rank = B.rank(x)
        if x_rank == 1:
            x = x[None, :, None]
        elif x_rank == 2:
            x = x[None, :, :]
        elif x_rank == 3:
            raise ValueError("Cannot handle inputs of rank {}.".format(x_rank))

        # Apply layers one by one.
        for layer in self.layers:
            x = layer(x)

        # Remove batch dimension, if that wasn't specified initially.
        if x_rank != 3:
            x = x[0, :, :]

        return x
Ejemplo n.º 13
def summarise_samples(x, samples, db=False):
    """Summarise samples.

        x (vector): Inputs of samples.
        samples (tensor): Samples, with the first dimension corresponding
            to different samples.
        db (bool, optional): Convert to decibels.

        :class:`collections.namedtuple`: Named tuple containing various
            statistics of the samples.
    x, samples = B.to_numpy(x, samples)
    random_inds = np.random.permutation(B.shape(samples)[0])[:3]

    def transform(x):
        if db:
            return 10 * np.log10(x)
            return x

    perm = tuple(reversed(range(B.rank(samples))))  # Reverse all dimensions.
    return collect(
        mean=transform(B.mean(samples, axis=0)),
        var=transform(B.std(samples, axis=0))**2,
        err_68_lower=transform(B.quantile(samples, 0.32, axis=0)),
        err_68_upper=transform(B.quantile(samples, 1 - 0.32, axis=0)),
        err_95_lower=transform(B.quantile(samples, 0.025, axis=0)),
        err_95_upper=transform(B.quantile(samples, 1 - 0.025, axis=0)),
        err_99_lower=transform(B.quantile(samples, 0.0015, axis=0)),
        err_99_upper=transform(B.quantile(samples, 1 - 0.0015, axis=0)),
        samples=transform(B.transpose(samples, perm=perm)[..., random_inds]),
        all_samples=transform(B.transpose(samples, perm=perm)),
Ejemplo n.º 14
Archivo: net.py Proyecto: wesselb/wbml
    def __call__(self, x):
        # Put the batch dimension second.
        x_rank = B.rank(x)
        if x_rank == 2:
            x = x[:, None, :]
        elif x_rank == 3:
            x = B.transpose(x, perm=(1, 0, 2))
            raise ValueError(f"Cannot handle inputs of rank {B.rank(x)}.")

        # Recurrently apply the cell.
        n, batch_size, m = B.shape(x)
        y0 = B.zeros(B.dtype(x), batch_size, self.cell.width)
        h0 = B.tile(self.h0, batch_size, 1)
        res = B.scan(self.cell, x, h0, y0)[1]

        # Put the batch dimension first again.
        res = B.transpose(res, perm=(1, 0, 2))

        # Remove the batch dimension, if that didn't exist before.
        if x_rank == 2:
            res = res[0, :, :]

        return res