def __init__(self): self.scanner = Scanner()
class Cparser(object): def __init__(self): self.scanner = Scanner() tokens = Scanner.tokens precedence = ( ("nonassoc", 'IFX'), ("nonassoc", 'ELSE'), ("right", '='), ("left", 'OR'), ("left", 'AND'), ("left", '|'), ("left", '^'), ("left", '&'), ("nonassoc", '<', '>', 'EQ', 'NEQ', 'LE', 'GE'), ("left", 'SHL', 'SHR'), ("left", '+', '-'), ("left", '*', '/', '%'), ) def p_error(self, p): if p: print("Syntax error at line {0}, column {1}: LexToken({2}, '{3}')" .format(p.lineno, self.scanner.find_tok_column(p), p.type, p.value)) else: print("Unexpected end of input") def p_program(self, p): """program : components""" p[0] = AST.Program(p[1]) def p_components(self, p): """components : components component | """ p[0] = [] if len(p) == 1 else p[1] + [p[2]] def p_component(self, p): """component : fundef | instruction_component """ p[0] = p[1] def p_instruction_component(self, p): """instruction_component : declaration | instruction """ p[0] = p[1] def p_declaration(self, p): """declaration : TYPE inits ';' | error ';' """ p[0] = p[1] if len(p) == 3 else AST.Declaration(p[1], p[2]) def p_inits(self, p): """inits : inits ',' init | init """ p[0] = p[1] + [p[3]] if len(p) == 4 else [p[1]] def p_init(self, p): """init : ID '=' expression """ p[0] = AST.Initialisation(p[1], p[3], p.lineno(1)) def p_instructions(self, p): """instructions : instructions instruction | instruction""" p[0] = p[1] + [p[2]] if len(p) == 3 else [p[1]] def p_instruction(self, p): """instruction : print_instr | labeled_instr | assignment | choice_instr | while_instr | repeat_instr | return_instr | break_instr | continue_instr | compound_instr | expression ';' """ p[0] = p[1] def p_print_instr(self, p): """print_instr : PRINT expr_list ';' | PRINT error ';' """ p[0] = AST.PrintInstruction(p[2]) def p_labeled_instr(self, p): """labeled_instr : ID ':' instruction """ p[0] = AST.LabeledInstruction(p[1], p[3], p.lineno(1)) def p_assignment(self, p): """assignment : ID '=' expression ';' """ p[0] = AST.Assignment(p[1], p[3], p.lineno(1)) def p_choice_instr(self, p): """choice_instr : IF '(' condition ')' instruction %prec IFX | IF '(' condition ')' instruction ELSE instruction | IF '(' error ')' instruction %prec IFX | IF '(' error ')' instruction ELSE instruction """ p[0] = AST.ChoiceInstruction(*p[3::2]) def p_while_instr(self, p): """while_instr : WHILE '(' condition ')' instruction | WHILE '(' error ')' instruction """ p[0] = AST.WhileInstruction(p[3], p[5]) def p_repeat_instr(self, p): """repeat_instr : REPEAT instructions UNTIL condition ';' """ p[0] = AST.RepeatInstruction(p[2], p[4]) def p_return_instr(self, p): """return_instr : RETURN expression ';' """ p[0] = AST.ReturnInstruction(p[2], p.lineno(1)) def p_continue_instr(self, p): """continue_instr : CONTINUE ';' """ p[0] = AST.ContinueInstruction(p.lineno(1)) def p_break_instr(self, p): """break_instr : BREAK ';' """ p[0] = AST.BreakInstruction(p.lineno(1)) def p_compound_instr(self, p): """compound_instr : '{' instruction_components '}' """ p[0] = AST.CompoundInstruction(p[2], p.lineno(3)) def p_intruction_components(self, p): """instruction_components : instruction_components instruction_component | instruction_component""" p[0] = [p[1]] if len(p) == 2 else p[1] + [p[2]] def p_condition(self, p): """condition : expression""" p[0] = p[1] def p_const(self, p): """const : float | integer | string""" p[0] = p[1] def p_integer(self, p): """integer : INTEGER""" p[0] = AST.Integer(p[1]) def p_float(self, p): """float : FLOAT""" p[0] = AST.Float(p[1]) def p_string(self, p): """string : STRING""" p[0] = AST.String(p[1]) def p_expression(self, p): """expression : const | ID | expression '+' expression | expression '-' expression | expression '*' expression | expression '/' expression | expression '%' expression | expression '|' expression | expression '&' expression | expression '^' expression | expression AND expression | expression OR expression | expression SHL expression | expression SHR expression | expression EQ expression | expression NEQ expression | expression '>' expression | expression '<' expression | expression LE expression | expression GE expression | '(' expression ')' | '(' error ')' | ID '(' expr_list_or_empty ')' | ID '(' error ')' """ if len(p) == 5: p[0] = AST.FunctionCall(p[1], p[3], p.lineno(1)) elif len(p) == 4 and p[1] == '(': p[0] = p[2] elif len(p) == 4: p[0] = AST.BinExpr(p[2], p[1], p[3], p.lineno(2)) else: p[0] = AST.JustID(p[1], p.lineno(1)) if type(p[1]) is str else p[1] def p_expr_list_or_empty(self, p): """expr_list_or_empty : expr_list | """ p[0] = [] if len(p) == 1 else p[1] def p_expr_list(self, p): """expr_list : expr_list ',' expression | expression """ p[0] = [p[1]] if len(p) == 2 else p[1] + [p[3]] def p_fundef(self, p): """fundef : TYPE ID '(' args_list_or_empty ')' compound_instr """ p[0] = AST.FunctionDefinition(p[1], p[2], p[4], p[6], p.lineno(1)) def p_args_list_or_empty(self, p): """args_list_or_empty : args_list | """ p[0] = [] if len(p) == 1 else p[1] def p_args_list(self, p): """args_list : args_list ',' arg | arg """ p[0] = [p[1]] if len(p) == 2 else p[1] + [p[3]] def p_arg(self, p): """arg : TYPE ID """ p[0] = AST.FunctionArgument(p[1], p[2], p.lineno(1))