Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_grasp_map(vertices, normals, num_facets, mu, gamma):
    defined in the book on page 219.  Compute the grasp map given the contact
    points and their surface normals

    vertices : 2x3 :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
        obj mesh vertices on which the fingers will be placed
    normals : 2x3 :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
        obj mesh normals at the contact points
    num_facets : int
        number of vectors to use to approximate the friction cone.  these vectors 
        will be along the friction cone boundary
    mu : float 
        coefficient of friction
    gamma : float
        torsional friction coefficient

    :obj:`numpy.ndarray` grasp map
    # Ryan code, uses utils for most of the work
    finger = np.matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0],
                        [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    rot1 = look_at_general(vertices[0], normals[0])
    adj1 = adj(rot1)
    rot2 = look_at_general(vertices[1], normals[1])
    adj2 = adj(rot2)
    G1 = np.dot(adj1, finger)
    G2 = np.dot(adj2, finger)
    G = np.hstack((G1, G2))
    return G
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_grasp_map(vertices, normals, num_facets, mu, gamma):
    defined in the book on page 219.  Compute the grasp map given the contact
    points and their surface normals

    vertices : 2x3 :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
        obj mesh vertices on which the fingers will be placed
    normals : 2x3 :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
        obj mesh normals at the contact points
    num_facets : int
        number of vectors to use to approximate the friction cone.  these vectors 
        will be along the friction cone boundary
    mu : float 
        coefficient of friction
    gamma : float
        torsional friction coefficient

    :obj:`numpy.ndarray` grasp map
    v1, v2 = vertices
    n1, n2 = normals
    g1 = look_at_general(v1, n1)
    g2 = look_at_general(v2, n2)
    adj_g1 = adj(g1)
    adj_g2 = adj(g2)
    G1 = adj_g1.dot(wrench_basis)  # 6x4
    G2 = adj_g2.dot(wrench_basis)  # 6x4
    return np.hstack([G1, G2])  # 6x8
Ejemplo n.º 3
def compute_force_closure(vertices, normals, num_facets, mu, gamma,
                          object_mass, mesh, unused):
    Compute the force closure of some object at contacts, with normal vectors
    stored in normals You can use the line method described in HW2.  if you do you
    will not need num_facets

    vertices : 2x3 :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
        obj mesh vertices on which the fingers will be placed
    normals : 2x3 :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
        obj mesh normals at the contact points
    num_facets : int
        number of vectors to use to approximate the friction cone.  these vectors
        will be along the friction cone boundary
    mu : float
        coefficient of friction
    gamma : float
        torsional friction coefficient
    object_mass : float
        mass of the object

    float : quality of the grasp
    First get the line between two grasp points
    calculate the friction cones
    check if the line passes through both

    # Find tangents and store them in a rotation matrix.
    R1 = look_at_general(vertices[0], normals[0])
    R2 = look_at_general(vertices[1], normals[1])

    theta = 0.2  # We should be able to choose this independently, but it changes the results..
    f1 = normals[0] + np.cos(theta) * R1[0:3, 0] + np.sin(theta) * R1[0:3, 1]
    f2 = normals[1] + np.cos(theta) * R2[0:3, 0] + np.sin(theta) * R2[0:3, 1]

    line = vertices[1, :] - vertices[0, :]

    # we compare the angles between the line and the normal with the angle between fc vector and the normal
    line_in_FC1 = abs(np.matmul(line, normals[0]) / (norm(line) * norm(normals[0]))) > \
                  abs(np.matmul(line, f1) / (norm(line) * norm(f1)))

    line_in_FC2 = abs(np.matmul(-line, normals[1]) / (norm(-line) * norm(normals[1]))) > \
                  abs(np.matmul(-line, f2) / (norm(-line) * norm(f2)))

    return line_in_FC1 and line_in_FC2
Ejemplo n.º 4
def is_in_cone(p1, p2, norm1, mu):
    Author: Ryan
    Determines if p2 is in the friction cone of p1

    p1 : coordinate of point 1 in world frame
    p2 : coordinate of point 2 in world frame
    norm1 : normal direction of force 1 in world frame
    mu : coefficient of friction

    bool : whether p2 is in the friction cone of p1

    Gaw = look_at_general(p1, norm1)
    Gwa = np.linalg.inv(Gaw)
    pt = np.array([p2[0], p2[1], p2[2], 1])
    pa = np.dot(Gwa, pt)
    if math.sqrt(pa[0]**2 + pa[1]**2) <= mu * pa[2]:
        return True
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_grasp_map(vertices, normals, num_facets, mu, gamma):
    defined in the book on page 219.  Compute the grasp map given the contact
    points and their surface normals

    vertices : 2x3 :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
        obj mesh vertices on which the fingers will be placed
    normals : 2x3 :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
        obj mesh normals at the contact points
    num_facets : int
        number of vectors to use to approximate the friction cone.  these vectors
        will be along the friction cone boundary
    mu : float
        coefficient of friction
    gamma : float
        torsional friction coefficient

    :obj:`numpy.ndarray` grasp map

    if mu == 0:
        print("Use point contact without friction")
    if gamma == 0:
        print("Do not use soft-finger bases")

    B = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0],
                  [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]])

    g1 = look_at_general(vertices[0], normals[0])
    A1 = np.linalg.inv(adj(g1))

    g2 = look_at_general(vertices[1], normals[1])
    A2 = np.linalg.inv(adj(g2))

    # as everything is in world coordinates we don't need to transform coordinate systems with the adjoint.
    G = np.hstack((np.matmul(A1, B), np.matmul(A2, B)))

    return G, np.matmul(A1, B), np.matmul(A2, B)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def vertices_to_baxter_hand_pose(self,
        takes the contacts positions in the object frame and returns the hand pose T_obj_gripper
        BE CAREFUL ABOUT THE FROM FRAME AND TO FRAME.  the RigidTransform class' frames are 
        grasp_vertices : 2x3 :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
            position of the fingers in object frame
        approach_direction : 3x' :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
            there are multiple grasps that go through contact1 and contact2.  This describes which 
            orientation the hand should be in

        :obj:`autolab_core:RigidTransform` Hand pose in the object frame Note: in object frame
        # YOUR CODE HERE

        v1, v2 = grasp_vertices
        center = (v1 + v2) / 2
        #print("v1,v2,center", v1, v2, center)
        #print("App_dir:", approach_direction)
        rot = look_at_general(center, approach_direction)
        wrist_position = center  #- approach_direction*GRIPPER_LENGTH # note that this only works b/c I made sure approach_direction is normalized
        # print("wrist_position ", wrist_position)
        print("approach direction: ", approach_direction)
        print("vertices", v1, v2)
        # time.sleep(10)

        # wrist_position assumes is the position of the wrist (duh) and not the grippers

        #print("rotation", rot)
        # rot = rot[:3, :3]
        modified_identity = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, -1]])
        rot = np.dot(modified_identity, np.asarray(Rot[:3, :3]))
        rpy = tf.transformations.euler_from_matrix(rot)
        print("rot in rpy", rpy)
        g = RigidTransform(rot,
        print(" ## g ##### ", g)
        # I quite not sure here
        return RigidTransform(rot,
Ejemplo n.º 7
def get_friction_cone_basis(vertex, normal, num_facets, mu):
    axes_rot_3d = look_at_general(vertex, normal)
    axes_rt = RigidTransform(rotation=axes_rot_3d, translation=vertex)
    y_axis = axes_rt.y_axis
    angle = np.arctan(mu)
    rot = quaternion_matrix(quaternion_about_axis(angle, y_axis))
    cone_vector = rot.dot(normal)
    cone_basis_vecs = []
    for angle in np.linspace(0, 2. * np.pi - 1e-8, num_facets):
        cone_basis_vec = quaternion_matrix(quaternion_about_axis(
            angle, normal)).dot(cone_vector)
    return np.array(cone_basis_vecs).reshape((3, num_facets))