Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, conf=None, **kwargs):
        """Creates a new notebook instance"""
        # Get default args
        config = self._load_config(conf, **kwargs)

        print("- Starting Labnote")
        print(" LOADING")

        # Set object attributes
        self.author = config['author']
        self.email = config['email']
        self.exclude = config['exclude']
        self.external = config['external']
        self.title = config['title']
        self.input_dirs = config['input_dirs']
        self.output_file = config['output_file']
        self.include_files = config['include_files']
        self.theme = config['theme']
        self.user_css = config['user_css']
        self.user_js = config['user_js']
        self.url_prefix = config['url_prefix']
        self.sort_categories_by_date = config['sort_categories_by_date']
        self.sort_entries_by_date = config['sort_entries_by_date']

        # Get current date string
        self.date = time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d')

        # Load categories
        self.entries = CategoryManager(config['categories'])
        # Find valid notebook entry directories


        # Create a Renderer instance
        self.renderer = HTMLRenderer(self.author, self.title, self.email,
                                     self.date, self.entries, self.output_file,
                                     self.user_css, self.user_js,
        print("- Finished")
Ejemplo n.º 2
class Notebook(object):
    """Notebook class"""
    def __init__(self, conf=None, **kwargs):
        """Creates a new notebook instance"""
        # Get default args
        config = self._load_config(conf, **kwargs)

        print("- Starting Labnote")
        print(" LOADING")

        # Set object attributes
        self.author = config['author']
        self.email = config['email']
        self.exclude = config['exclude']
        self.external = config['external']
        self.title = config['title']
        self.input_dirs = config['input_dirs']
        self.output_file = config['output_file']
        self.include_files = config['include_files']
        self.theme = config['theme']
        self.user_css = config['user_css']
        self.user_js = config['user_js']
        self.url_prefix = config['url_prefix']
        self.sort_categories_by_date = config['sort_categories_by_date']
        self.sort_entries_by_date = config['sort_entries_by_date']

        # Get current date string
        self.date = time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d')

        # Load categories
        self.entries = CategoryManager(config['categories'])
        # Find valid notebook entry directories


        # Create a Renderer instance
        self.renderer = HTMLRenderer(self.author, self.title, self.email,
                                     self.date, self.entries, self.output_file,
                                     self.user_css, self.user_js,
        print("- Finished")

    def _find_valid_files(self):
        """Search specified locations for files that corresponding to lab
        notebook entries.

        The lab notebook consists of a collection of entries, each
        corresponding to a particular analysis, script, etc. Labnote searches
        the specified input paths for any files matching the allowed file types
        (e.g. *.html, *.py), and adds an entry for each item in the resulting
        notebook. This is the function which scans for acceptable files to
        build entries from, and produces a list of filepaths which can then be
        converted to entry dicts.
            A list of filepaths corresponding to items that should form the
            basis of the lab notebook entries.
        filepaths = []

        # Iterate over sub-directories in each search path
        for input_dir in self.input_dirs:
            print("- Scanning for notebook entries in %s" % input_dir)

            for sub_dir in glob.glob(input_dir):
                if not os.path.isdir(sub_dir):

                for filename in os.listdir(sub_dir):
                    filepath = os.path.join(sub_dir, filename)
                    if not os.path.isfile(filepath):

                    # Skip files which match one of the exclude patterns
                    if any([x in filepath for x in self.exclude]):
                    # For each file in the top-level of a matching dir, check
                    # to see if it is a valid notebook entry file
                    if any(fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, pattern) for 
                            pattern in self.include_files):

        return filepaths

    def _parse_entries(self):
        """Creates notebook entries"""

        # Find files to use for notebook generation
        filepaths = self._find_valid_files()

        # Directory where results will be outputted
        output_dir = os.path.dirname(self.output_file)

        # Iterate over matches files and create notebook entries
        for filepath in filepaths:
            # Check for .labnote file in directory
            metafile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filepath), '.labnote')

            kwargs = {}

            if os.path.exists(metafile):
                with open(metafile) as fp:
                    metadata = yaml.load(fp)

                filename = os.path.basename(filepath)
                if filename in metadata.keys():
                    kwargs = metadata[filename]

            # Add filepath, output_dir, and url_prefix to kwargs
            kwargs['filepath'] = filepath
            kwargs['output_dir'] = output_dir
            kwargs['url_prefix'] = self.url_prefix

            # Create a new notebook Entry instance
            entry = Entry.factory(**kwargs)

            # Add entry
            if 'category' in kwargs:
                self.entries.add_entry(entry, kwargs['category'])

        # Add any external entries
        for name in self.external:
            kwargs = self.external[name]
            kwargs['title'] = name

            entry = Entry.factory(**kwargs)

            # Add entry
            if 'category' in kwargs:
                self.entries.add_entry(entry, kwargs['category'])

        # Remove any categories for which no entries were found
        for category in list(self.entries.keys()):
            if len(self.entries[category]) == 0:
                del self.entries[category]

    def _sort_notebook_entries(self):
        """Sorts notebook entries"""
        # Sort entries within each category

        # Sort categories by order of date last modified
        if self.sort_categories_by_date:
            self.entries = CategoryManager(
                       key=lambda x: x[1].last_modified,

    def _load_config(self, config_filepath, **kwargs):
        """Loads labnote configuration
        This function determines which settings to use when running Labnote.
        Settings may be specified in several different ways. The order to
        precedence is:

        1. Kwargs specified in Notebook constructor
        2. Configuration file specified by `conf` argument to `_load_config`
        3. Command-line options
        4. User configuration (~/.config/labnote/config.yaml)
        5. Defaults

            config_filepath: (Optional) Configuration filepath to use.
            kwargs: (Optional) Arguments specified via Notebook constructor.
            config: OrderedDict containing labnote settings.
        # Load configuration
        parser = self._get_args()

        # Convert input arguments to a python dict
        args = parser.parse_args()
        args = dict((k, v) for k, v in list(vars(args).items()) if v is not None)

        # Default configuration options
        config = self._get_defaults()

        # If requested, print default configuration and exit
        if args['print_config']:

        # If user specified a configuration filepath in the command, use that path
        if 'config' in args:
            if not os.path.isfile(args['config']):
                print("Invalid configuration path specified: %s" % args['config'])

            print("- Using configuration: %s" % args['config'])

            # Load config specified from run arguments
            with open(args['config']) as fp:
            # Check for configuration file specified in the Notebook
            # constructor.
            if config_filepath is not None:
                config_file = config_filepath
                if not os.path.isfile(config_file):
                    print("Invalid configuration path specified: %s" % args['config'])
                # Otherwise, load user config file if it exists
                # Windows
                if platform.system() == 'Windows':
                    config_dir = os.path.join(os.environ['APPDATA'], 'labnote')
                    # Linux / OS X
                    config_dir = os.path.expanduser("~/.config/labnote/")

                # Check for config.yaml or config.yml
                config_file = os.path.join(config_dir, 'config.yml')
                if not os.path.isfile(config_file):
                    config_file = os.path.join(config_dir, 'config.yaml')

            # If user config exists, use it to overwrite defaults
            if os.path.isfile(config_file):
                print("- Using configuration: %s" % config_file)
                with open(config_file) as fp:

        # Update default arguments with user-specified settings

        # Update with arguments specified to Notebook constructor

        # For arguments which accept lists or strings, convert single string
        # values into lists
        for key in ['input_dirs', 'exclude', 'include_files']:
            if isinstance(config[key], str):
                config[key] = [config[key]]

        # Validate configuration
        self._check_config(config, parser)

        return config

    def _check_config(self, config, parser):
        """Checks configuration to make sure it is valid"""
        # Required arguments
        if 'input_dirs' not in config:
            print("Error: missing input directory(s).")
        elif 'output_file' not in config:
            print("Error: missing output filepath.")

        # Check for proper types
        expected_types = {
            'title': str,
            'author': str,
            'email':  str,
            'exclude': list,
            'external': dict,
            'include_files': list,
            'input_dirs': list,
            'output_file': str,
            'sort_categories_by_date': bool,
            'sort_entries_by_date': bool,
            'theme': str,
            'url_prefix': str,
            'user_css': str,
            'user_js': str

        for key in expected_types:
            if not isinstance(config[key], expected_types[key]):
                print("Invalid argument specified for %s" % key)

        # Check to make sure a valid theme was specified
        # TODO: modify to check directory of themes
        if config['theme'] not in ['default']:
            print("Invalid theme specified.")

        # Check to make sure output directory exists
        output_dir = os.path.dirname(config['output_file'])

        if not os.path.isdir(output_dir):
            print("Output directory (%s) does not exist!" % output_dir)

    def _get_args(self):
        """Parses input and returns arguments"""
        parser = ArgumentParser(description='Generate HTML lab notebook.')

        parser.add_argument('-c', '--config',
                            help=('Configuration filepath. (Will use configuration ' 
                                 'in $HOME/.config/labnote/config.yml, if it exists.)'))
        parser.add_argument('-i', '--input-dirs', dest='input_dirs', nargs='+',
                            help='Input directory(s) containing notebook entries.')
        parser.add_argument('-o', '--output-file', dest='output_file',
                            help=('Location to output notebook HTML to.'))
        parser.add_argument('-u', '--url-prefix', dest='url_prefix',
                            help='Prefix to add to each entry URL. (Default: "")')
        parser.add_argument('--print-config', dest='print_config',
                            help=('Prints the default configuration for '
                                  'Labnote to screen'))
        parser.add_argument('--user-css', dest='user_css',
                            help='Custom stylesheet to use.')
        parser.add_argument('--user-js', dest='user_js',
                            help='Custom javascript file to use.')

        return parser

    # Default options
    def _get_defaults(self):
        """Gets a dictionary of default options"""
        return {
            'title': 'Lab Notebook',
            'author': '',
            'categories': [],
            'email':  '',
            'entries': {},
            'exclude': [],
            'external': {},
            'include_files':  ['*.html', '*.py', '*.ipynb'],
            'input_dirs': None,
            'output_file': None,
            'sort_categories_by_date': True,
            'sort_entries_by_date': False,
            'theme': 'default',
            'url_prefix': '',
            'user_css': '',
            'user_js': ''

    def print_config(self):
        """Prints an example config file which can be edited and used
           as a starting point."""
        config = {
            'title': 'Lab Notebook',
            'author': '',
            'email': '',
            'input_dirs': ['/var/www/research/one/*',
            'output_file': '/var/www/research/index.html',
            'include_files':  ['*.html', '*.py']
        print(yaml.dump(config, default_flow_style=False))

    def _ordered_load(self, stream, Loader=yaml.Loader,
        Order-preserving YAML parser

        Creates a python representation of a YAML file in the usual manner,
        except that dictionaries are stored as OrderedDict instances,
        preserving the order in which they appear in the YAML file.

        Source: http://stackoverflow.com/a/21912744/554531

            stream: The YAML source stream
            Loader: Base YAML loader class (default: yaml.Loader)
            object_pairs_hook: Class to use for storing dicts. (default:
            An OrderedDict or similar instance representation of the input YAML.

        class OrderedLoader(Loader):
        def construct_mapping(loader, node):
            return object_pairs_hook(loader.construct_pairs(node))
        return yaml.load(stream, OrderedLoader)

    def render(self):
        """Renders the notebook into HTML"""