import warnings import lago import lago.plugins import lago.plugins.cli import lago.templates from lago.config import config from lago import ( log_utils, workdir as lago_workdir, ) from lago.utils import (in_prefix, with_logging) LOGGER = logging.getLogger('cli') in_lago_prefix = in_prefix( prefix_class=lago.prefix.Prefix, workdir_class=lago_workdir.Workdir, ) @lago.plugins.cli.cli_plugin( help='Initialize a directory for framework deployment') @lago.plugins.cli.cli_plugin_add_argument( 'virt_config', help=( 'Configuration of resources to deploy, json and yaml file formats ' 'are supported, takes option precedence over workdir. Will use ' '$PWD/LagoInitFile by default. You can use any env vars in that file, ' 'inculuding the extra ones LAGO_PREFIX_PATH LAGO_WORKDIR_PATH and ' 'LAGO_INITFILE_PATH'), metavar='VIRT_CONFIG', type=os.path.abspath,
# import logging import os import sys import warnings import lago import ovirtlago from lago.plugins.cli import (CLIPlugin, cli_plugin, cli_plugin_add_argument) from lago.utils import (in_prefix, with_logging) from lago.log_utils import LogTask from lago.config import config as lago_config LOGGER = logging.getLogger('ovirt-cli') in_ovirt_prefix = in_prefix( prefix_class=ovirtlago.OvirtPrefix, workdir_class=ovirtlago.OvirtWorkdir, ) # TODO: Remove this, and properly complain on unset config values DISTS = ['el6', 'el7', 'fc20'] @cli_plugin( help=( 'Create snapshots for all deployed resources. This command puts the ' 'storages, domains and hosts into maintenance before taking snapshot.' ) ) @cli_plugin_add_argument( 'snapshot_name', help='Name of the snapshot to create', metavar='SNAPSHOT_NAME',
# # Refer to the README and COPYING files for full details of the license # import logging import os import sys import warnings import lago import ovirtlago from lago.plugins.cli import (CLIPlugin, cli_plugin, cli_plugin_add_argument) from lago.utils import (in_prefix, with_logging) LOGGER = logging.getLogger('ovirt-cli') in_ovirt_prefix = in_prefix( prefix_class=ovirtlago.OvirtPrefix, workdir_class=ovirtlago.OvirtWorkdir, ) # TODO: Remove this, and properly complain on unset config values CONF_DEFAULTS = { 'reposync_dir': '/var/lib/lago/reposync', 'reposync_config': ( '/usr/share/ovirtlago/config/repos/' 'ovirt-master-snapshot-external.repo' ), } DISTS = ['el6', 'el7', 'fc20'] @cli_plugin( help=( 'Create snapshots for all deployed resources. This command puts the '
import pkg_resources import shutil import sys import warnings import lago import lago.config import lago.plugins import lago.plugins.cli import lago.templates from lago import (log_utils, workdir as lago_workdir, ) from lago.utils import (in_prefix, with_logging) LOGGER = logging.getLogger('cli') in_lago_prefix = in_prefix( prefix_class=lago.prefix.Prefix, workdir_class=lago_workdir.Workdir, ) @lago.plugins.cli.cli_plugin( help='Initialize a directory for framework deployment' ) @lago.plugins.cli.cli_plugin_add_argument( 'virt_config', help=( 'Configuration of resources to deploy, json and yaml file formats ' 'are supported, takes option precedence over workdir. Will use ' '$PWD/LagoInitFile by default. You can use any env vars in that file, ' 'inculuding the extra ones LAGO_PREFIX_PATH LAGO_WORKDIR_PATH and ' 'LAGO_INITFILE_PATH' ),