Ejemplo n.º 1
def write_custom_message():
    lazh_TW = {'ViewChangelog': '檢視更新紀錄檔', 'bilischeme': '將bili URI協定添加到登錄檔'}
    laen = getdict('innosetup', 'en')
    laja = getdict('innosetup', 'ja')
    lazh_CN = getdict('innosetup', 'zh_CN')
    with open('../bilibin/custommessage.iss', 'w', encoding='utf8') as f:
        li = [('en', laen), ('ja', laja), ('zh_CN', lazh_CN),
              ('zh_TW', lazh_TW)]
        for i, la in li:
            for k in la.keys():
                ke = k
                if i != "en":
                    ke = f"{i}.{k}"
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def GET(self, n: str):
     web.header('Content-Type', 'text/json; charset=utf-8')
     et = web.ctx.env.get('HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH')
     l = n.split('.', 1)  # noqa: E741
     la2 = None
     hl = web.input().get('hl')
     if hl is not None and hl in lan:
         la2 = hl
     elif 'lan' in ip or 'lan' in se:
         la2 = getlan(se, ip)
     acl = getacceptlanguage(web.ctx.env.get('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'))
     if la2 is None and acl is not None:
         for q in acl.keys():
             acl2 = acl[q]
             ia = False
             for la3 in acl2:
                 la4 = islanin(la3)
                 if la4 is not None:
                     la2 = la4
                     ia = True
             if ia:
     if la2 is None:
         la2 = getlan(se, ip)
     if len(l) == 1:
         et2 = getlanEtag(l[0], la2)
         et2 = getlanEtag(l[1], la2, l[0])
     if et == et2 and et2 is not None:
         t = ''
         if et2 is not None:
             web.header('Etag', et2)
         r = {}
         if len(l) == 1:
             la = getdict(l[0], la2)
             la = getdict(l[1], la2, l[0])
         if la == -1:
             r['code'] = -1
             r['code'] = 0
             r['dict'] = la
         t = dumps(r, ensure_ascii=False)
     return t
Ejemplo n.º 3
def gopt(args):
    re = getopt(args, 'h?s:p:',
                ['help', 'lan=', 'host=', 'port=', 'sslc=', 'sslp=', 'pas='******'-h' or i[0] == '-?' or i[0] == '--help':
            h = True
        if i[0] == '--lan' and 'lan' not in r and (i[1] == 'null'
                                                   or i[1] in lan):
            r['lan'] = i[1]
        if (i[0] == '-s' or i[0] == '--host') and 's' not in r:
            r['s'] = i[1]
        if (i[0] == '-p' or i[0] == '--port') and 'p' not in r:
            r['p'] = int(i[1])
        if i[0] == '--sslc' and 'sslc' not in r:
            r['sslc'] = i[1]
        if i[0] == '--sslp' and 'sslp' not in r:
            r['sslp'] = i[1]
        if i[0] == '--sslcc' and 'sslcc' not in r:
            r['sslcc'] = i[1]
        if i[0] == '--pas' and 'pas' not in r:
            r['pas'] = i[1]
    global la
    if h:
        la = getdict('command', getlan(se, r), 'webui')
    if 'sslc' in r or 'sslp' in r:
        if 'sslc' in r and 'sslp' in r:
            la = getdict('command', getlan(se, r), 'webui')
    if 'pas' in r:
        if len(r['pas']) >= 8 and len(r['pas']) <= 20:
            r['pas'] = sha256(r['pas'])
            la = getdict('command', getlan(se, r), 'webui')
            print(la['O11'].replace('<min>', '8').replace('<max>', '20'))
    return r
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def GET(self):
     te = getT("sendMsgToMe.html")
     se = settings()
     sitekey = se.captcha2sitekey
     if te is None or sitekey is None:
         web.HTTPError('500 Internal Server Error')
         return 'Error'
     lan = getlang()
     i18n = getdict('basic', lan)
     i18n2 = getdict('sendMsgToMe', lan)
     i18n3 = {}
     mapToDict(i18n2, i18n3, ['OK', 'FAILED', 'NEEDCON', 'NEEDN'])
     mapToDict(i18n, i18n3, ['NETERR', 'RECAP2'])
     i18n3 = dictToJSON(i18n3)
     trans = getTranslator(basic=i18n, sendMsgToMe=i18n2)
     web.header('Content-Language', lan)
     if web.input().get('hl') is None:
         web.header('Vary', 'Accept-Language')
     if se.webpageCacheTime is not None:
     return te(sitekey, lan, i18n, i18n2, i18n3, embScr, trans)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def GET(self):
     te = getTemplate("tools/clearBlankLines.html")
     if te is None:
         web.HTTPError('500 Internal Server Error')
         return 'Error'
     lan = getlang()
     i18n = getdict('tools/clearBlankLines', lan)
     trans = getTranslator(clearBlankLines=i18n)
     web.header('Content-Language', lan)
     if web.input().get('hl') is None:
         web.header('Vary', 'Accept-Language')
     s = settings()
     if s.webpageCacheTime is not None:
     return te(lan, i18n, trans, embScr, genLangLink)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def POST(self):
     se = settings()
     lan = getlang()
     web.header('Content-Language', lan)
     web.header('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8')
     i18n = getdict('sendMsgToMe', lan)
     inp = web.input()
     content = inp.get("content")
     if content is None or len(content) == 0:
         inf = {'code': -3, 'msg': i18n['NEEDCON']}
         return dumps(inf, ensure_ascii=False, separators=sep)
     name = inp.get("name")
     if name is None or len(name) == 0:
         inf = {'code': -4, 'msg': i18n['NEEDN']}
         return dumps(inf, ensure_ascii=False, separators=sep)
     checked, info = checkCaptcha2()
     inf = {}
     inf['code'] = 0 if checked else -1
     if se.debug:
         inf['debugInfo'] = info
     if not checked:
         inf['msg'] = info['msg']
     if checked:
         if se.telegramchatid is None:
             inf['code'] = -2
             inf['debugInfo2'] = {'code': -1, 'msg': 'No Chat Id.'}
                 ip = web.ctx['ip']
                 if ip is None:
                     ip = ''
                 ip = ''
             ilan = web.input().get("lan")
             if ilan is None:
                 ilan = 'Unknown'
             addt = f' ({ilan})' if ip == '' else f' ({ip}, {ilan})'
             text = f"{name}{addt}: {content}"
             sended, info = sendMessage(se.telegramchatid, text)
             inf['code'] = 0 if sended else -4
             if not sended:
                 inf['msg'] = info['msg']
             if se.debug:
                 inf['debugInfo2'] = info
     return dumps(inf, ensure_ascii=False, separators=sep)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def GET(self):
     te = getTemplate("pixiv/pixivgen.html")
     if te is None:
         web.HTTPError('500 Internal Server Error')
         return 'Error'
     lan = getlang()
     i18n = getdict('pixiv/pixivgen', lan)
     i18n2 = {}
     mapToDict(i18n, i18n2, ['ND'])
     trans = getTranslator(manage=i18n)
     web.header('Content-Language', lan)
     if web.input().get('hl') is None:
         web.header('Vary', 'Accept-Language')
     s = settings()
     if s.webpageCacheTime is not None:
     return te(lan, trans, i18n, embScr, genLangLink, dictToJSON(i18n2))
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def GET(self):
     te = getTemplate("tools/mdToHtml.html")
     if te is None:
         web.HTTPError('500 Internal Server Error')
         return 'Error'
     lan = getlang()
     i18n = getdict('tools/mdToHtml', lan)
     trans = getTranslator(mdToHtml=i18n)
     i18n2 = {}
     mapToDict(i18n, i18n2, ['SOPTIONS', 'HOPTIONS', 'SEXT', 'HEXT', 'UF', 'UT'])  # noqa: E501
     i18n2 = dictToJSON(i18n2)
     web.header('Content-Language', lan)
     if web.input().get('hl') is None:
         web.header('Vary', 'Accept-Language')
     s = settings()
     if s.webpageCacheTime is not None:
     return te(lan, i18n, trans, embScr, genLangLink, i18n2)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def gopt(args: List[str]):
    re = getopt(args, 'h?ucj:', ['help', 'lan='])
    rr = re[0]
    r = {}
    h = False
    for i in rr:
        if i[0] == '-h' or i[0] == '-?' or i[0] == '--help':
            h = True
        if i[0] == '--lan' and not 'lan' in r and (i[1] == 'null' or i[1] in lan):
            r['lan'] = i[1]
        if i[0] == '-u':
            r['u'] = True
        if i[0] == '-c':
            r['c'] = True
        if i[0] == '-j' and not 'j' in r:
            r['j'] = i[1]
    if h:
        global la
        la = getdict('command', getlan(se, r))
    return r, re[1]
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def GET(self):
     te = getTemplate("proxy/manage.html")
     if te is None:
         web.HTTPError('500 Internal Server Error')
         return 'Error'
     lan = getlang()
     i18n = getdict('proxy/manage', lan)
     trans = getTranslator(manage=i18n)
     i18n2 = {}
     mapToDict(i18n, i18n2, [
         'SEVERR', 'UNAUTH', 'REQ', 'OR', 'PN', 'SUCDEL', 'FADEL', 'COADD',
         'SUCADD', 'UNDOW', 'CODEL', 'CODEA', 'SC', 'HC'
     ])  # noqa: E501
     i18n2 = dictToJSON(i18n2)
     web.header('Content-Language', lan)
     if web.input().get('hl') is None:
         web.header('Vary', 'Accept-Language')
     s = settings()
     if s.webpageCacheTime is not None:
     return te(lan, trans, i18n, embScr, genLangLink, i18n2)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def checkCaptcha2(i18n: LanDict = None) -> (bool, dict):
    if i18n is None:
        lan = getlang()
        i18n = getdict('basic', lan)
    rekey = web.input().get("g-recaptcha-response")
    if rekey is None:
        return False, {'code': -1, 'msg': i18n['RECAP2']}
    r = Session()
    se = settings()
    sercet = se.captcha2sercetkey
    if sercet is None:
        return False, {'code': -2, 'msg': 'No sercet key to verify reCAPTCHA.\n' + i18n['SITEERR']}  # noqa: E501
    data = {'secret': sercet, 'response': rekey}
    url = "https://www.recaptcha.net/recaptcha/api/siteverify"
    re = r.post(url, data=data)
    re = re.json()
    if re['success']:
        return True, {'code': 0, 'result': re}
        return False, {'code': -3, 'msg': i18n['RECAP2VE'], 'info': re}
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def GET(self):
     te = getTemplate("salt.html")
     if te is None:
         web.HTTPError('500 Internal Server Error')
         return 'Error'
     lan = getlang()
     i18n = getdict('salt', lan)
     trans = getTranslator(salt=i18n)
     i18n2 = {}
     mapToDict(i18n, i18n2,
               ["UKNHASH", "NOSKEY", "SHOWX", "HIDEX", "SEK", "PAS"])
     i18n2 = dictToJSON(i18n2)
     s = settings()
     web.header('Content-Language', lan)
     vary = 'User-Agent'
     if web.input().get('hl') is None:
         vary += ',Accept-Language'
     web.header('Vary', vary)
     if s.webpageCacheTime is not None:
     return te(lan, trans, i18n, embScr, addWikiLinkToText, i18n2, isIE,
Ejemplo n.º 13
from platform import system
from JSONParser import loadset
from lang import getdict, getlan
if system() == "Windows":
    import winreg
    import ctypes

lan = None
se = loadset()
if se == -1 or se == -2:
    se = {}
lan = getdict('bilischeme', getlan(se, {}))

def is_admin():
        return ctypes.windll.shell32.IsUserAnAdmin()
        return False

def DeleteKey(key, sub_key):
    k = winreg.OpenKey(key, sub_key, access=winreg.KEY_ALL_ACCESS)
    i = 0
    while True:
            v = winreg.EnumKey(k, i)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def crf(fn: str, od: str, l: list):
    if exists(fn):
            return -1
    f = open(fn, 'w', encoding='utf8')
    v = '%s, %s, %s, %s' % (l[1], l[2], l[3], l[4])
    if l[4] > 0:
        z = '%s.%s.%s.%s(%s%s)' % (l[1], l[2], l[3], l[4], l[6], l[5])
        z = '%s.%s.%s' % (l[1], l[2], l[3])
        if l[6] != '':
            z = '%s(dirty)' % (z)
    laen = getdict('exeinfo', 'en')
    lazh_CN = getdict('exeinfo', 'zh_CN')
    laja = getdict('exeinfo', 'ja')
    s = f"""VSVersionInfo(
    date=(0, 0)
        [StringStruct(u'CompanyName', u'lifegpc'),
        StringStruct(u'FileDescription', u'{lazh_CN[od]}'),
        StringStruct(u'FileVersion', u'{z}'),
        StringStruct(u'InternalName', u'{od}'),
        StringStruct(u'LegalCopyright', u'Copyright 2019-2020 lifegpc'),
        StringStruct(u'OriginalFilename', u'{od}.py'),
        StringStruct(u'ProductName', u'bili'),
        StringStruct(u'ProductVersion', u'{z}')])
    VarFileInfo([VarStruct(u'Translation', [0x804, 0x3a8])]),
        [StringStruct(u'CompanyName', u'lifegpc'),
        StringStruct(u'FileDescription', u'{laen[od]}'),
        StringStruct(u'FileVersion', u'{z}'),
        StringStruct(u'InternalName', u'{od}'),
        StringStruct(u'LegalCopyright', u'Copyright 2019-2020 lifegpc'),
        StringStruct(u'OriginalFilename', u'{od}.py'),
        StringStruct(u'ProductName', u'bili'),
        StringStruct(u'ProductVersion', u'{z}')])
    VarFileInfo([VarStruct(u'Translation', [0x409, 0x4e4])]),
        [StringStruct(u'CompanyName', u'lifegpc'),
        StringStruct(u'FileDescription', u'{laja[od]}'),
        StringStruct(u'FileVersion', u'{z}'),
        StringStruct(u'InternalName', u'{od}'),
        StringStruct(u'LegalCopyright', u'Copyright 2019-2020 lifegpc'),
        StringStruct(u'OriginalFilename', u'{od}.py'),
        StringStruct(u'ProductName', u'bili'),
        StringStruct(u'ProductVersion', u'{z}')])
    VarFileInfo([VarStruct(u'Translation', [0x411, 0x3a4])])
    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 15
    print(f"""    bili  Copyright (C) 2019-2020  lifegpc
    This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.

def prc():
        f = open("LICENSE", "r", encoding="utf8")
        t = f.readline()
        while t:
            t = f.readline()
              )  #找不到GNU GPL3 LICENSE文件,请看<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>。

from command import gopt
lan = None
se = loadset()
if se == -1 or se == -2:
    se = {}
ip = {}
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    ip = gopt(sys.argv[1:])
lan = getdict('PrintInfo', getlan(se, ip))
Ejemplo n.º 16
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from JSONParser import loadset
import sys
from lang import getdict, getlan

lan = None
se = loadset()
if se == -1 or se == -2:
    se = {}
ip = {}
la = getlan(se, ip)
lan = getdict('all', la, 'file')
from file.info import getinfo, getinfox, printinfo, spfn, spfln
from file.dir import getinfod, printinfod, listd
from file.filter import listf, listfd, listff, filtern, filterd
from file.get import getfilen
from file.info import geturlfe
from file.str import cml
from file.md import mkdir
Ejemplo n.º 17
import requests
from JSONParser import loadset
import sys
from lang import getlan, getdict
from command import gopt
from traceback import format_exc
from inspect import currentframe

lan = None
se = loadset()
if se == -1 or se == -2:
    se = {}
ip = {}
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    ip = gopt(sys.argv[1:])
lan = getdict('biliVersion', getlan(se, ip))

uri = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lifegpc/bili/master/version.txt"  # 检测更新用URI
backup_uri = "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/lifegpc/bili@master/version.txt"  # 备用URI

class UnknownVersionString(Exception):
    def __init__(self, s: str):
        self.s = s
        Exception.__init__(self, f"{lan['UNKNOWN_VER_STR']}{s}")

class version:
    def __init__(self, s: str):
        self.s = s
        r = search(
Ejemplo n.º 18
from JSONParser import loadset,saveset,getset
from re import search
from PrintInfo import pr
from file import filterd
from lang import lan,getlan,getdict
import sys
from command import gopt
from JSONParser import loadset
if se==-1 or se==-2 :
if len(sys.argv)>1 :
def print2(s:str,l:list) :
    while t :
        if i==u :
def gk(se:dict,key:str) :
Ejemplo n.º 19
    if (sslcc is not None or 'sslc' in ip) and 'sslcc' in ip:
        sslcc = se['sslcc']
    if sslc is not None and sslcc is not None:
        HTTPServer.ssl_adapter = BuiltinSSLAdapter(certificate=sslc,
        pa.https = True
    elif sslc is not None:
        HTTPServer.ssl_adapter = BuiltinSSLAdapter(certificate=sslc,
        pa.https = True
    if 'pas' in se:
        pa.pas = True
        re = pa.setpassword(se['pas'])
        if re == -1:
            return -1
    if 'pas' in ip:
        pa.pas = True
        re = pa.setpassword(ip['pas'])
        if re == -1:
            return -1
    app.run(host, port)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    lan = getdict('startwebui', getlan(se, ip), "webui")
Ejemplo n.º 20
from command import gopt
import JSONParser
from ASSWriter import ASSScript, parsefromCSSHex, ASSScriptEvent
import traceback
from iso639 import languages
from bstr import lg

if se==-1 or se==-2 :
if len(sys.argv)>1 :

def getiso6392t(s: str) -> str:
    t = s.split('_')[0]
    t = s.split('-')[0]
        return languages.get(alpha2=t).part2t
        return s

def downsub(r: Session,fn: str,i: dict,ip: dict,se: dict,data: dict,pr: bool = False,pi: int = 1, width: int = None, height: int = None):
    ass = False
    if JSONParser.getset(se, 'ass') == True:
Ejemplo n.º 21
from urllib.parse import quote_plus, parse_qsl, urlsplit
from qrcode import QRCode, constants as qrconst
from qrcode.image.svg import SvgImage
from platform import system
from Logger import Logger
from HTMLParser import NicoUserParser
from JSParser import getNicoUser

lan = None
se = JSONParser.loadset()
if se == -1 or se == -2:
    se = {}
ip = {}
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    ip = gopt(sys.argv[1:])
lan = getdict('biliLogin', getlan(se, ip))

def login(r, ud: dict, ip: dict, logg=None):
    global lan
    url = "https://passport.bilibili.com/ajax/miniLogin/minilogin"
        option = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
        driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=option)
        if logg is not None:
            logg.write(f"OEPN {url} in ChromeDriver", currentframe(),
                       "OPEN WEB")
Ejemplo n.º 22
            r['sslcc'] = i[1]
        if i[0] == '--pas' and 'pas' not in r:
            r['pas'] = i[1]
    global la
    if h:
        la = getdict('command', getlan(se, r), 'webui')
    if 'sslc' in r or 'sslp' in r:
        if 'sslc' in r and 'sslp' in r:
            la = getdict('command', getlan(se, r), 'webui')
    if 'pas' in r:
        if len(r['pas']) >= 8 and len(r['pas']) <= 20:
            r['pas'] = sha256(r['pas'])
            la = getdict('command', getlan(se, r), 'webui')
            print(la['O11'].replace('<min>', '8').replace('<max>', '20'))
    return r

la = None
se = loadset()
if se == -1 or se == -2:
    se = {}
la = getdict('command', getlan(se, {}), 'webui')
Ejemplo n.º 23
import sys
from lang import getdict, getlan
from command import gopt
from inspect import currentframe
from traceback import format_exc
from typing import Callable, List

StrList = List[str]
lan = None
se = loadset()
if se == -1 or se == -2:
    se = {}
ip = {}
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    ip = gopt(sys.argv[1:])
lan = getdict('JSONParser2', getlan(se, ip))

def getplinfo(d: dict):
    t = d['data']['info']
    r = {}
    r['id'] = t['id']
    r['fid'] = t['fid']
    r['uid'] = t['mid']
    r['title'] = t['title']
    r['author'] = t['upper']['name']
    r['ctime'] = t['ctime']
    r['mtime'] = t['mtime']
    r['count'] = t['media_count']
    return r
Ejemplo n.º 24
def gopt(args, d: bool = False):
    re = getopt(args, 'h?i:d:p:m:r:ynFv:a:o:scb:V:', [
        'help', 'ac=', 'dm=', 'ad=', 'yf', 'nf', 'mc=', 'ar', 'nar', 'ax=',
        'as=', 'ak=', 'ab', 'nab', 'fa=', 'sv=', 'ma=', 'ms=', 'da=',
        'httpproxy=', 'httpsproxy=', 'jt=', 'jts=', 'af', 'naf', 'afp=', 'slt',
        'nslt', 'te', 'nte', 'bd', 'nbd', 'cad', 'ncad', 'lrh', 'nlrh', 'ym',
        'nm', 'yac', 'nac', 'ydm', 'ndm', 'yad', 'nad', 'yr', 'nr', 'ysv',
        'nsv', 'yma', 'nma', 'yda', 'nda', 'ahttpproxy=', 'ahttpsproxy=',
        'lan=', 'bp', 'nbp', 'in', 'nin', 'mt', 'nmt', 'vi=', 'uc', 'nuc',
        'ass', 'nass', 'dmp', 'ndmp', 'vf=', 'lmd=', 'ynal', 'nnal', 'log',
        'nlog', 'yauf', 'nauf', 'ydwa', 'ndwa', 'yol', 'nol', 'ltid', 'ncc',
        'ycc', 'nfo', 'nnfo', 'anopro', 'mxd=', 'imn', 'nimn', 'nlt=', 'nsp=',
        'fnl=', 'lp', 'nlp'
    if d:
    rr = re[0]
    r = {}
    h = False
    for i in rr:
        if i[0] == '-h' or i[0] == '-?' or i[0] == '--help':
            h = True
        if i[0] == '-i' and 'i' not in r:
            r['i'] = i[1]
        if i[0] == '-d' and 'd' not in r and i[1].isnumeric() and int(
                i[1]) > 0 and int(i[1]) < 9:
            r['d'] = int(i[1])
        if i[0] == '-p' and 'p' not in r:
            r['p'] = i[1]
        if i[0] == '-m' and 'm' not in r:
            if i[1].lower() == 'true':
                r['m'] = True
            elif i[1].lower() == 'false':
                r['m'] = False
        if i[0] == '--ym' and 'm' not in r:
            r['m'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nm' and 'm' not in r:
            r['m'] = False
        if i[0] == '--ac' and 'ac' not in r:
            if i[1].lower() == 'true':
                r['ac'] = True
            elif i[1].lower() == 'false':
                r['ac'] = False
        if i[0] == '--yac' and 'ac' not in r:
            r['ac'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nac' and 'ac' not in r:
            r['ac'] = False
        if i[0] == '--dm' and 'dm' not in r:
            if i[1].lower() == 'true':
                r['dm'] = True
            elif i[1].lower() == 'false':
                r['dm'] = False
        if i[0] == '--ydm' and 'dm' not in r:
            r['dm'] = True
        if i[0] == '--ndm' and 'dm' not in r:
            r['dm'] = False
        if i[0] == '--ad' and 'ad' not in r:
            if i[1].lower() == 'true':
                r['ad'] = True
            elif i[1].lower() == 'false':
                r['ad'] = False
        if i[0] == '--yad' and 'ad' not in r:
            r['ad'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nad' and 'ad' not in r:
            r['ad'] = False
        if i[0] == '-r' and 'r' not in r:
            if i[1].lower() == 'true':
                r['r'] = True
            elif i[1].lower() == 'false':
                r['r'] = False
        if i[0] == '--yr' and 'r' not in r:
            r['r'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nr' and 'r' not in r:
            r['r'] = False
        if i[0] == '-y' and 'y' not in r:
            r['y'] = True
        if i[0] == '-n' and 'y' not in r:
            r['y'] = False
        if i[0] == '--yf' and 'yf' not in r:
            r['yf'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nf' and 'yf' not in r:
            r['yf'] = False
        if i[0] == '--mc' and 'mc' not in r:
            if i[1].lower() == 'avc':
                r['mc'] = True
            elif i[1].lower() == 'hev':
                r['mc'] = False
        if i[0] == '--ar' and 'ar' not in r:
            r['ar'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nar' and 'ar' not in r:
            r['ar'] = False
        if i[0] == '--ax' and 'ax' not in r:
            if i[1].isnumeric():
                i2 = int(i[1])
                if i2 < 17 and i2 > 0:
                    r['ax'] = i2
        if i[0] == '--as' and 'as' not in r:
            if i[1].isnumeric():
                i2 = int(i[1])
                if i2 > 0:
                    r['as'] = i2
        if i[0] == '--ak' and 'ak' not in r:
            if i[1].isnumeric():
                i2 = int(i[1])
                if i2 > 0 and i2 < 1025:
                    r['ak'] = i2
        if i[0] == '--ab' and 'ab' not in r:
            r['ab'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nab' and 'ab' not in r:
            r['ab'] = False
        if i[0] == '--fa' and 'fa' not in r:
            if i[1].lower() == 'none' or i[1].lower() == 'prealloc' or i[
                    1].lower() == 'trunc' or i[1].lower() == 'falloc':
                r['fa'] = i[1].lower()
        if i[0] == '--sv' and 'sv' not in r:
            if i[1].lower() == 'true':
                r['sv'] = True
            elif i[1].lower() == 'false':
                r['sv'] = False
        if i[0] == '--ysv' and 'sv' not in r:
            r['sv'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nsv' and 'sv' not in r:
            r['sv'] = False
        if i[0] == '--ma' and 'ma' not in r:
            if i[1].lower() == 'true':
                r['ma'] = True
            elif i[1].lower() == 'false':
                r['ma'] = False
        if i[0] == '--yma' and 'ma' not in r:
            r['ma'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nma' and 'ma' not in r:
            r['ma'] = False
        if i[0] == '--ms' and 'ms' not in r:
            t = search("^[0-9]+[MK]?$", i[1])
            if t is not None:
                r['ms'] = i[1]
        if i[0] == '--da' and 'da' not in r:
            if i[1].lower() == 'true':
                r['da'] = True
            elif i[1].lower() == 'false':
                r['da'] = False
        if i[0] == '--yda' and 'da' not in r:
            r['da'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nda' and 'da' not in r:
            r['da'] = False
        if i[0] == '--httpproxy' and 'httpproxy' not in r:
            r['httpproxy'] = i[1]
        if i[0] == '--httpsproxy' and 'httpsproxy' not in r:
            r['httpsproxy'] = i[1]
        if i[0] == "--jt" and 'jt' not in r:
            if i[1].lower() == 'a' or i[1].lower() == 'b' or i[1].isnumeric():
                r['jt'] = i[1].lower()
        if i[0] == '--jts' and 'jts' not in r:
            if checktime(i[1]):
                r['jts'] = i[1]
        if i[0] == '-F' and 'F' not in r:
            r['F'] = True
        if i[0] == '-v' and 'v' not in r:
            if i[1].isnumeric():
                if int(i[1]) > 0:
                    r['v'] = i[1]
        if i[0] == '-a' and 'a' not in r:
            if i[1].isnumeric():
                if int(i[1]) > 0:
                    r['a'] = i[1]
        if i[0] == '-o' and 'o' not in r:
            r['o'] = filterd(i[1])
        if i[0] == '--af' and 'af' not in r:
            r['af'] = False
        if i[0] == '--naf' and 'af' not in r:
            r['af'] = True
        if i[0] == '--afp' and 'afp' not in r:
            r['afp'] = i[1]
        if i[0] == '-s' and 's' not in r:
            r['s'] = True
        if i[0] == '--slt' and 'slt' not in r:
            r['slt'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nslt' and 'slt' not in r:
            r['slt'] = False
        if i[0] == '--te' and 'te' not in r:
            r['te'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nte' and 'te' not in r:
            r['te'] = False
        if i[0] == '--bd' and 'bd' not in r:
            r['bd'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nbd' and 'bd' not in r:
            r['bd'] = False
        if i[0] == '--cad' and 'cad' not in r:
            r['cad'] = True
        if i[0] == '--ncad' and 'cad' not in r:
            r['cad'] = False
        if i[0] == '--lrh' and 'lrh' not in r:
            r['lrh'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nlrh' and 'lrh' not in r:
            r['lrh'] = False
        if i[0] == '--ahttpproxy' and 'ahttpproxy' not in r:
            r['ahttpproxy'] = i[1]
        if i[0] == '--ahttpsproxy' and 'ahttpsproxy' not in r:
            r['ahttpsproxy'] = i[1]
        if i[0] == '--lan' and 'lan' not in r and (i[1] == 'null'
                                                   or i[1] in lan):
            r['lan'] = i[1]
        if i[0] == '--bp' and 'bp' not in r:
            r['bp'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nbp' and 'bp' not in r:
            r['bp'] = False
        if i[0] == '--in' and 'in' not in r:
            r['in'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nin' and 'in' not in r:
            r['in'] = False
        if i[0] == '--mt' and 'mt' not in r:
            r['mt'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nmt' and 'mt' not in r:
            r['mt'] = False
        if i[0] == '--vi' and 'vi' not in r:
            if i[1].isnumeric():
                r['vi'] = int(i[1])
        if i[0] == '--uc' and 'uc' not in r:
            r['uc'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nuc' and 'uc' not in r:
            r['uc'] = False
        if i[0] == '--ass' and 'ass' not in r:
            r['ass'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nass' and 'ass' not in r:
            r['ass'] = False
        if i[0] == '--dmp' and 'dmp' not in r:
            r['dmp'] = True
        if i[0] == '--ndmp' and 'dmp' not in r:
            r['dmp'] = False
        if i[0] == '--vf' and 'vf' not in r and i[1] in ['mkv', 'mp4']:
            r['vf'] = i[1]
        if i[0] == '--lmd' and 'lmd' not in r and i[1].isnumeric():
            if int(i[1]) >= 0:
                r['lmd'] = int(i[1])
        if i[0] == '--ynal' and 'nal' not in r:
            r['nal'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nnal' and 'nal' not in r:
            r['nal'] = False
        if i[0] == '--log' and 'log' not in r:
            r['log'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nlog' and 'log' not in r:
            r['log'] = False
        if i[0] == '--yauf' and 'auf' not in r:
            r['auf'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nauf' and 'auf' not in r:
            r['auf'] = False
        if i[0] == '--ydwa' and 'dwa' not in r:
            r['dwa'] = True
        if i[0] == '--ndwa' and 'dwa' not in r:
            r['dwa'] = False
        if i[0] == '--yol' and 'ol' not in r:
            r['ol'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nol' and 'ol' not in r:
            r['ol'] = False
        if i[0] == '--ltid':
            r['ltid'] = True
        if i[0] == '--ycc' and 'cc' not in r:
            r['cc'] = True
        if i[0] == '--ncc' and 'cc' not in r:
            r['cc'] = False
        if i[0] == '--nfo' and 'nfo' not in r:
            r['nfo'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nnfo' and 'nfo' not in r:
            r['nfo'] = False
        if i[0] == '-V' and 'V' not in r:
            rs = search(r'^([0-9]+)(avc|hev)?$', i[1])
            if rs is not None:
                vid = int(rs.groups()[0])
                if vid in [16, 32, 64, 74, 80, 112, 116, 120, 125]:
                    r['V'] = {'id': vid, 'codec': rs.groups()[1]}
                elif vid in range(1, 12):
                    r['V'] = {'id': vid, 'codec': rs.groups()[1]}
        if i[0] == '--anopro' and 'anopro' not in r:
            r['anopro'] = True
        if i[0] == '--mxd' and 'mxd' not in r:
            if i[1].isnumeric():
                if int(i[1]) >= 0:
                    r['mxd'] = int(i[1])
        if i[0] == '--imn' and 'imn' not in r:
            r['imn'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nimn' and 'imn' not in r:
            r['imn'] = False
        if i[0] == '--nlt' and search(r'^\+?\d+(\.\d+)?$',
                                      i[1]) and 'nlt' not in r:
            r['nlt'] = float(i[1])
        if i[0] == '--nsp' and search(r'^\+?\d+(\.\d+)?$',
                                      i[1]) and 'nsp' not in r:
            t = float(i[1])
            t = min(max(round(t * 4), 1), 8) / 4
            if t in [1, 2]:
                t = round(t)
            r['nsp'] = t
        if i[0] == '--fnl' and i[1].isnumeric() and 'fnl' not in r:
            r['fnl'] = int(i[1])
        if i[0] == '--lp' and 'lp' not in r:
            r['lp'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nlp' and 'lp' not in r:
            r['lp'] = False
        if i[0] == '-b':
            ree = urlsplit(i[1])
            if ree.scheme == "bili":
                pat = f"{ree.netloc}{ree.path}"
                if ree.path == "/" and i[1].find("://") > -1:
                    pat = ree.netloc
                argv = ['-i', unquote_plus(pat)]
                getp = parse_qs(ree.query, True)
                for key in getp.keys():
                    if key == 'b':
                    val = getp[key]
                    if len(key) == 1:
                        key = f"-{key}"
                    elif len(key) > 1:
                        key = f"--{key}"
                    if len(val) == 1 and val[0] == "":
                        for v in val:
                if d:
                    return gopt(argv)
                except GetoptError:
                    t = i[1][5:]
                    if t.startswith('//'):
                        t = t[2:]
                    argv = ['-i', t]
                    if d:
                    return gopt(argv)
    if h:
        global la
        la = getdict('command', getlan(se, r))
    for i in re[1]:
        if i.lower() == "show":
            r['SHOW'] = True
    return r
Ejemplo n.º 25
            r['dwa'] = False
        if i[0] == '--yol' and not 'ol' in r:
            r['ol'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nol' and not 'ol' in r:
            r['ol'] = False
        if i[0] == '--ltid':
            r['ltid'] = True
    if h:
        global la
        la = getdict('command', getlan(se, r))
    for i in re[1]:
        if i.lower() == "show":
            r['SHOW'] = True
    return r

la = None
se = loadset()
if se == -1 or se == -2:
    se = {}
la = getdict('command', getlan(se, {}))
if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys
    if len(sys.argv) == 1:
        print(gopt(sys.argv[1:], True))
Ejemplo n.º 26
# This file is part of bili.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from JSONParser import loadset
import sys
from command import gopt
from lang import getdict, getlan

lan = None
se = loadset()
if se == -1 or se == -2:
    se = {}
ip = {}
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    ip = gopt(sys.argv[1:])
lan = getdict('biliext', getlan(se, ip))

XMLFILE = (lan['XML'], "*.xml")
ALLFILE = (lan['ALL'], "*")
Ejemplo n.º 27
def gopt(args, d: bool = False):
    re = getopt(args, 'h?i:d:p:m:r:ynFv:a:o:s', [
        'help', 'ac=', 'dm=', 'ad=', 'yf', 'nf', 'mc=', 'ar', 'nar', 'ax=',
        'as=', 'ak=', 'ab', 'nab', 'fa=', 'sv=', 'ma=', 'ms=', 'da=',
        'httpproxy=', 'httpsproxy=', 'jt=', 'jts=', 'af', 'naf', 'afp=', 'slt',
        'nslt', 'te', 'nte', 'bd', 'nbd', 'cad', 'ncad', 'lrh', 'nlrh', 'ym',
        'nm', 'yac', 'nac', 'ydm', 'ndm', 'yad', 'nad', 'yr', 'nr', 'ysv',
        'nsv', 'yma', 'nma', 'yda', 'nda', 'ahttpproxy=', 'ahttpsproxy=',
        'lan=', 'bp', 'nbp', 'in', 'nin', 'mt', 'nmt', 'vi=', 'uc', 'nuc',
        'ass', 'nass', 'dmp', 'ndmp', 'vf=', 'lmd=', 'ynal', 'nnal', 'log',
        'nlog', 'yauf', 'nauf', 'ydwa', 'ndwa', 'yol', 'nol', 'ltid'
    if d:
    rr = re[0]
    r = {}
    h = False
    for i in rr:
        if i[0] == '-h' or i[0] == '-?' or i[0] == '--help':
            h = True
        if i[0] == '-i' and not 'i' in r:
            r['i'] = i[1]
        if i[0] == '-d' and not 'd' in r and i[1].isnumeric() and int(
                i[1]) > 0 and int(i[1]) < 9:
            r['d'] = int(i[1])
        if i[0] == '-p' and not 'p' in r:
            r['p'] = i[1]
        if i[0] == '-m' and not 'm' in r:
            if i[1].lower() == 'true':
                r['m'] = True
            elif i[1].lower() == 'false':
                r['m'] = False
        if i[0] == '--ym' and not 'm' in r:
            r['m'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nm' and not 'm' in r:
            r['m'] = False
        if i[0] == '--ac' and not 'ac' in r:
            if i[1].lower() == 'true':
                r['ac'] = True
            elif i[1].lower() == 'false':
                r['ac'] = False
        if i[0] == '--yac' and not 'ac' in r:
            r['ac'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nac' and not 'ac' in r:
            r['ac'] = False
        if i[0] == '--dm' and not 'dm' in r:
            if i[1].lower() == 'true':
                r['dm'] = True
            elif i[1].lower() == 'false':
                r['dm'] = False
        if i[0] == '--ydm' and not 'dm' in r:
            r['dm'] = True
        if i[0] == '--ndm' and not 'dm' in r:
            r['dm'] = False
        if i[0] == '--ad' and not 'ad' in r:
            if i[1].lower() == 'true':
                r['ad'] = True
            elif i[1].lower() == 'false':
                r['ad'] = False
        if i[0] == '--yad' and not 'ad' in r:
            r['ad'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nad' and not 'ad' in r:
            r['ad'] = False
        if i[0] == '-r' and not 'r' in r:
            if i[1].lower() == 'true':
                r['r'] = True
            elif i[1].lower() == 'false':
                r['r'] = False
        if i[0] == '--yr' and not 'r' in r:
            r['r'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nr' and not 'r' in r:
            r['r'] = False
        if i[0] == '-y' and not 'y' in r:
            r['y'] = True
        if i[0] == '-n' and not 'y' in r:
            r['y'] = False
        if i[0] == '--yf' and not 'yf' in r:
            r['yf'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nf' and not 'yf' in r:
            r['yf'] = False
        if i[0] == '--mc' and not 'mc' in r:
            if i[1].lower() == 'avc':
                r['mc'] = True
            elif i[1].lower() == 'hev':
                r['mc'] = False
        if i[0] == '--ar' and not 'ar' in r:
            r['ar'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nar' and not 'ar' in r:
            r['ar'] = False
        if i[0] == '--ax' and not 'ax' in r:
            if i[1].isnumeric():
                i2 = int(i[1])
                if i2 < 17 and i2 > 0:
                    r['ax'] = i2
        if i[0] == '--as' and not 'as' in r:
            if i[1].isnumeric():
                i2 = int(i[1])
                if i2 > 0:
                    r['as'] = i2
        if i[0] == '--ak' and not 'ak' in r:
            if i[1].isnumeric():
                i2 = int(i[1])
                if i2 > 0 and i2 < 1025:
                    r['ak'] = i2
        if i[0] == '--ab' and not 'ab' in r:
            r['ab'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nab' and not 'ab' in r:
            r['ab'] = False
        if i[0] == '--fa' and not 'fa' in r:
            if i[1].lower() == 'none' or i[1].lower() == 'prealloc' or i[
                    1].lower() == 'trunc' or i[1].lower() == 'falloc':
                r['fa'] = i[1].lower()
        if i[0] == '--sv' and not 'sv' in r:
            if i[1].lower() == 'true':
                r['sv'] = True
            elif i[1].lower() == 'false':
                r['sv'] = False
        if i[0] == '--ysv' and not 'sv' in r:
            r['sv'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nsv' and not 'sv' in r:
            r['sv'] = False
        if i[0] == '--ma' and not 'ma' in r:
            if i[1].lower() == 'true':
                r['ma'] = True
            elif i[1].lower() == 'false':
                r['ma'] = False
        if i[0] == '--yma' and not 'ma' in r:
            r['ma'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nma' and not 'ma' in r:
            r['ma'] = False
        if i[0] == '--ms' and not 'ms' in r:
            t = search("^[0-9]+[MK]?$", i[1])
            if t != None:
                r['ms'] = i[1]
        if i[0] == '--da' and not 'da' in r:
            if i[1].lower() == 'true':
                r['da'] = True
            elif i[1].lower() == 'false':
                r['da'] = False
        if i[0] == '--yda' and not 'da' in r:
            r['da'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nda' and not 'da' in r:
            r['da'] = False
        if i[0] == '--httpproxy' and not 'httpproxy' in r:
            r['httpproxy'] = i[1]
        if i[0] == '--httpsproxy' and not 'httpsproxy' in r:
            r['httpsproxy'] = i[1]
        if i[0] == "--jt" and not 'jt' in r:
            if i[1].lower() == 'a' or i[1].lower() == 'b' or i[1].isnumeric():
                r['jt'] = i[1].lower()
        if i[0] == '--jts' and not 'jts' in r:
            if checktime(i[1]):
                r['jts'] = i[1]
        if i[0] == '-F' and not 'F' in r:
            r['F'] = True
        if i[0] == '-v' and not 'v' in r:
            if i[1].isnumeric():
                if int(i[1]) > 0:
                    r['v'] = i[1]
        if i[0] == '-a' and not 'a' in r:
            if i[1].isnumeric():
                if int(i[1]) > 0:
                    r['a'] = i[1]
        if i[0] == '-o' and not 'o' in r:
            r['o'] = filterd(i[1])
        if i[0] == '--af' and not 'af' in r:
            r['af'] = False
        if i[0] == '--naf' and not 'af' in r:
            r['af'] = True
        if i[0] == '--afp' and not 'afp' in r:
            r['afp'] = i[1]
        if i[0] == '-s' and not 's' in r:
            r['s'] = True
        if i[0] == '--slt' and not 'slt' in r:
            r['slt'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nslt' and not 'slt' in r:
            r['slt'] = False
        if i[0] == '--te' and not 'te' in r:
            r['te'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nte' and not 'te' in r:
            r['te'] = False
        if i[0] == '--bd' and not 'bd' in r:
            r['bd'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nbd' and not 'bd' in r:
            r['bd'] = False
        if i[0] == '--cad' and not 'cad' in r:
            r['cad'] = True
        if i[0] == '--ncad' and not 'cad' in r:
            r['cad'] = False
        if i[0] == '--lrh' and not 'lrh' in r:
            r['lrh'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nlrh' and not 'lrh' in r:
            r['lrh'] = False
        if i[0] == '--ahttpproxy' and not 'ahttpproxy' in r:
            r['ahttpproxy'] = i[1]
        if i[0] == '--ahttpsproxy' and not 'ahttpsproxy' in r:
            r['ahttpsproxy'] = i[1]
        if i[0] == '--lan' and not 'lan' in r and (i[1] == 'null'
                                                   or i[1] in lan):
            r['lan'] = i[1]
        if i[0] == '--bp' and not 'bp' in r:
            r['bp'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nbp' and not 'bp' in r:
            r['bp'] = False
        if i[0] == '--in' and not 'in' in r:
            r['in'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nin' and not 'in' in r:
            r['in'] = False
        if i[0] == '--mt' and not 'mt' in r:
            r['mt'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nmt' and not 'mt' in r:
            r['mt'] = False
        if i[0] == '--vi' and not 'vi' in r:
            if i[1].isnumeric():
                r['vi'] = int(i[1])
        if i[0] == '--uc' and not 'uc' in r:
            r['uc'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nuc' and not 'uc' in r:
            r['uc'] = False
        if i[0] == '--ass' and not 'ass' in r:
            r['ass'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nass' and not 'ass' in r:
            r['ass'] = False
        if i[0] == '--dmp' and not 'dmp' in r:
            r['dmp'] = True
        if i[0] == '--ndmp' and not 'dmp' in r:
            r['dmp'] = False
        if i[0] == '--vf' and not 'vf' in r and i[1] in ['mkv', 'mp4']:
            r['vf'] = i[1]
        if i[0] == '--lmd' and not 'lmd' in r and i[1].isnumeric():
            if int(i[1]) >= 0:
                r['lmd'] = int(i[1])
        if i[0] == '--ynal' and not 'nal' in r:
            r['nal'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nnal' and not 'nal' in r:
            r['nal'] = False
        if i[0] == '--log' and not 'log' in r:
            r['log'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nlog' and not 'log' in r:
            r['log'] = False
        if i[0] == '--yauf' and not 'auf' in r:
            r['auf'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nauf' and not 'auf' in r:
            r['auf'] = False
        if i[0] == '--ydwa' and not 'dwa' in r:
            r['dwa'] = True
        if i[0] == '--ndwa' and not 'dwa' in r:
            r['dwa'] = False
        if i[0] == '--yol' and not 'ol' in r:
            r['ol'] = True
        if i[0] == '--nol' and not 'ol' in r:
            r['ol'] = False
        if i[0] == '--ltid':
            r['ltid'] = True
    if h:
        global la
        la = getdict('command', getlan(se, r))
    for i in re[1]:
        if i.lower() == "show":
            r['SHOW'] = True
    return r
Ejemplo n.º 28
import file
import sys
from command import gopt
from lang import getdict,getlan
from inspect import currentframe
from traceback import format_exc

if se==-1 or se==-2 :
if len(sys.argv)>1 :
def lrdownload(data:dict,r:Session,ip:dict,se:dict,xml,xmlc:list) :
    -1 文件夹创建失败
    -2 API解析失败
    -3 打开文件失败"""
    log = False
    logg = None
    if 'logg' in ip:
        log = True
        logg = ip['logg']
    if 's' in ip :
Ejemplo n.º 29
import biliPlayerXmlParser
from os.path import exists
import biliDanmuXmlParser
from os import remove
import biliDanmuXmlFilter
import biliDanmuCreate
from PrintInfo import pr
from JSONParser import loadset, getset
import sys
from lang import getdict, getlan
lan = None
se = loadset()
if se == -1 or se == -2:
    se = {}
ip = {}
lan = getdict('filter', getlan(se, ip))
if __name__ != "__main__":
    print(lan['OUTPUT1'])  #请运行"filter.py"。
    read = biliPlayerXmlParser.loadXML()
    xml = read  #弹幕过滤列表
    if read == -1:
            '<filename>', 'tv.bilibili.plater.xml'))  #找不到文件"<filename>"。
    se = loadset()
    if not isinstance(se, dict):
        se = None
    o = 'Download/'
    read = getset(se, 'o')
Ejemplo n.º 30

def parsefromCSSHex(s: str) -> ASSScriptColor:
    re = search(r'^#([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]{2})?$', s,
    if re is not None:
        re = re.groups()
        r = ASSScriptColor(int(re[0], 16), int(re[1], 16), int(re[2], 16))
        if re[3]:
            r.set_color(alpha=int(re[3], 16))
        return r
    re = search(r'^#([0-9A-F])([0-9A-F])([0-9A-F])([0-9A-F])?$', s, I)
    if re is not None:
        re = re.groups()
        r = ASSScriptColor(int(re[0] * 2, 16), int(re[1] * 2, 16),
                           int(re[2] * 2, 16))
        if re[3]:
            r.set_color(alpha=int(re[3] * 2, 16))
        return r
    raise ValueError(lan['INVALID_CSS_COLOR'].replace('<value>', str(s)))

lan = None
se = loadset()
if se == -1 or se == -2:
    se = {}
ip = {}
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    ip = gopt(sys.argv[1:])
lan = getdict('ASSWriter', getlan(se, ip))