Ejemplo n.º 1
def print_task_output(task, max_depth=0, scheme=True):
    max_depth = int(max_depth)
    scheme = flag_to_bool(scheme)

    print("print task output with max_depth {}, {} schemes\n".format(
        max_depth, "showing" if scheme else "hiding"))

    done = []
    for dep, _, depth in task.walk_deps(max_depth=max_depth, order="pre"):

        for outp in flatten(dep.output()):
            kwargs = {}
            if isinstance(outp, (FileSystemTarget, FileCollection)):
                kwargs = {"scheme": scheme}
            for uri in make_list(outp.uri(**kwargs)):
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: config.py Proyecto: riga/law
class Config(ConfigParser):
    Custom law configuration parser with a few additions on top of the standard python
    ``ConfigParser``. Most notably, this class adds config *inheritance* via :py:meth:`update` and
    :py:meth:`include`, a mechanism to synchronize with the luigi configuration parser, option
    referencing, and environment variable expansion.

    When *config_file* is set, it is loaded during setup. When empty, and *skip_fallbacks* is
    *False*, the default config file locations defined in :py:attr:`_config_files` are checked. By
    default, the default configuration :py:attr:`_default_config` is loaded, which can be prevented
    by setting *skip_defaults* to *True*.

    .. py:classattribute:: _instance
       type: Config

       Global instance of this class.

    .. py:classattribute:: _default_config
       type: dict

       Default configuration.

    .. py:classattribute:: _config_files
       type: list

       List of configuration files that are checked during setup (unless *skip_fallbacks* is
       *True*). When a file exists, the check is stopped. Therefore, the order is important here.

    _instance = None

    _default_config = {
        "core": {
            "law_home": law_home_path(),
            "index_file": os.getenv("LAW_INDEX_FILE") or law_home_path("index"),
            "software_dir": os.getenv("LAW_SOFTWARE_DIR") or law_home_path("software"),
            "inherit_configs": None,
            "extend_configs": None,
            "sync_luigi_config": flag_to_bool(os.getenv("LAW_SYNC_LUIGI_CONFIG", "True")),
        "logging": {
            "law": os.getenv("LAW_LOG_LEVEL") or "WARNING",
            "gfal2": "WARNING",
        "modules": {},
        "task": {
            "colored_repr": False,
            "colored_str": True,
        "target": {
            "colored_repr": False,
            "colored_str": True,
            "expand_path_repr": False,
            "filesize_repr": False,
            "default_local_fs": "local_fs",
            "tmp_dir": os.getenv("LAW_TARGET_TMP_DIR") or tempfile.gettempdir(),
            "tmp_dir_perm": 0o0770,
            # contrib
            "default_wlcg_fs": "wlcg_fs",
            "default_dropbox_fs": "dropbox_fs",
        "local_fs": {
            # defined by FileSystem
            "has_permissions": True,
            "default_file_perm": None,
            "default_dir_perm": None,
            "create_file_dir": True,
        "wlcg_fs": {
            # defined by FileSystem
            "has_permissions": False,
            "default_file_perm": None,
            "default_dir_perm": None,
            "create_file_dir": False,  # requires gfal_transfer_create_parent to be True
            # defined by RemoteFileInterface
            "base": None,
            "base_stat": None,
            "base_exists": None,
            "base_chmod": None,
            "base_unlink": None,
            "base_rmdir": None,
            "base_mkdir": None,
            "base_listdir": None,
            "base_filecopy": None,
            "retries": 1,
            "retry_delay": "5s",
            "random_base": True,
            # defined by RemoteFileSystem
            "validate_copy": False,
            "use_cache": False,
            # define by RemoteCache
            "cache_root": None,
            "cache_cleanup": None,
            "cache_max_size": "0MB",
            "cache_file_perm": 0o0660,
            "cache_dir_perm": 0o0770,
            "cache_wait_delay": "5s",
            "cache_max_waits": 120,
            "cache_global_lock": False,
            # defined by GFALFileInterface
            "gfal_atomic_contexts": False,
            "gfal_transfer_timeout": 3600,
            "gfal_transfer_checksum_check": False,
            "gfal_transfer_nbstreams": 1,
            "gfal_transfer_overwrite": True,
            "gfal_transfer_create_parent": True,
            "gfal_transfer_strict_copy": False,
            # defined by WLCGFileSystem
            # no dedicated configs
        "dropbox_fs": {
            # defined by FileSystem
            "has_permissions": False,
            "default_file_perm": None,
            "default_dir_perm": None,
            "create_file_dir": False,  # requires gfal_transfer_create_parent to be True
            # defined by RemoteFileInterface
            "base": None,
            "base_stat": None,
            "base_exists": None,
            "base_chmod": None,
            "base_unlink": None,
            "base_rmdir": None,
            "base_mkdir": None,
            "base_listdir": None,
            "base_filecopy": None,
            "retries": 1,
            "retry_delay": "5s",
            "random_base": True,
            # defined by RemoteFileSystem
            "validate_copy": False,
            "use_cache": False,
            # define by RemoteCache
            "cache_root": None,
            "cache_cleanup": None,
            "cache_max_size": "0MB",
            "cache_file_perm": 0o0660,
            "cache_dir_perm": 0o0770,
            "cache_wait_delay": "5s",
            "cache_max_waits": 120,
            "cache_global_lock": False,
            # defined by GFALFileInterface
            "gfal_atomic_contexts": False,
            "gfal_transfer_timeout": 3600,
            "gfal_transfer_checksum_check": False,
            "gfal_transfer_nbstreams": 1,
            "gfal_transfer_overwrite": True,
            "gfal_transfer_create_parent": True,
            "gfal_transfer_strict_copy": False,
            # defined by DropboxFileSystem
            "dropbox_app_key": None,
            "dropbox_app_secret": None,
            "dropbox_access_token": None,
        "job": {
            "job_file_dir": os.getenv("LAW_JOB_FILE_DIR") or tempfile.gettempdir(),
            "job_file_dir_mkdtemp": True,
            "job_file_dir_cleanup": True,
            # contrib
            "arc_job_file_dir": None,
            "arc_job_file_dir_mkdtemp": None,
            "arc_job_file_dir_cleanup": None,
            "arc_chunk_size_submit": 25,
            "arc_chunk_size_cancel": 25,
            "arc_chunk_size_cleanup": 25,
            "arc_chunk_size_query": 20,
            "glite_job_file_dir": None,
            "glite_job_file_dir_mkdtemp": None,
            "glite_job_file_dir_cleanup": None,
            "glite_chunk_size_cancel": 25,
            "glite_chunk_size_cleanup": 25,
            "glite_chunk_size_query": 25,
            "htcondor_job_file_dir": None,
            "htcondor_job_file_dir_mkdtemp": None,
            "htcondor_job_file_dir_cleanup": False,
            "htcondor_chunk_size_submit": 25,
            "htcondor_chunk_size_cancel": 25,
            "htcondor_chunk_size_query": 25,
            "lsf_job_file_dir": None,
            "lsf_job_file_dir_mkdtemp": None,
            "lsf_job_file_dir_cleanup": False,
            "lsf_chunk_size_cancel": 25,
            "lsf_chunk_size_query": 25,
            "slurm_job_file_dir": None,
            "slurm_job_file_dir_mkdtemp": None,
            "slurm_job_file_dir_cleanup": False,
            "slurm_chunk_size_cancel": 25,
            "slurm_chunk_size_query": 25,
        "notifications": {
            "mail_recipient": None,
            "mail_sender": None,
            "mail_smtp_host": "",
            "mail_smtp_port": 25,
            # contrib
            "slack_token": None,
            "slack_channel": None,
            "slack_mention_user": None,
            "telegram_token": None,
            "telegram_chat": None,
            "telegram_mention_user": None,
        "bash_sandbox": {
            "stagein_dir_name": "stagein",
            "stageout_dir_name": "stageout",
            "login": False,
        "bash_sandbox_env": {},
        "venv_sandbox": {
            "stagein_dir_name": "stagein",
            "stageout_dir_name": "stageout",
        "venv_sandbox_env": {},
        "docker_sandbox": {
            "stagein_dir_name": "stagein",
            "stageout_dir_name": "stageout",
            "uid": None,
            "gid": None,
            "forward_dir": "/law_forward",
            "python_dir": "py",
            "bin_dir": "bin",
        "docker_sandbox_env": {},
        "docker_sandbox_volumes": {},
        "singularity_sandbox": {
            "stagein_dir_name": "stagein",
            "stageout_dir_name": "stageout",
            "uid": None,
            "gid": None,
            "forward_dir": "/law_forward",
            "python_dir": "py",
            "bin_dir": "bin",
            "allow_binds": True,
            "forward_law": True,
        "singularity_sandbox_env": {},
        "singularity_sandbox_volumes": {},

    _config_files = ["$LAW_CONFIG_FILE", "law.cfg", law_home_path("config"), "etc/law/config"]

    _option_ref_regex = re.compile(r"^\&(::(?P<section>[^\:]+))?::(?P<option>.+)$")

    def instance(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        Creates an instance of this class with all *args* and *kwargs*, saves it in
        :py:attr:`_instance`, and returns it. When :py:attr:`_instance` was already set before, no
        new instance is created.
        if cls._instance is None:
            cls._instance = cls(*args, **kwargs)
        return cls._instance

    def _parse_option_ref(cls, value, default_section=None):
        m = cls._option_ref_regex.match(value)
        if not m:
            return None
        return (m.group("section") or default_section, m.group("option"))

    def __init__(self, config_file="", skip_defaults=False, skip_fallbacks=False):
        ConfigParser.__init__(self, allow_no_value=True)

        self.config_file = None

        # load defaults
        if not skip_defaults:

        # read from files
        config_files = []
        if config_file:
        if not skip_fallbacks:
            config_files += self._config_files
        for cf in config_files:
            cf = os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(cf))
            cf = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(cf))
            if os.path.isfile(cf):
                self.config_file = cf
                logger.debug("config instance created from '{}'".format(cf))
            logger.debug("config instance created without a file")

        # inherit from and/or extend by other configs
        for option, overwrite_options in [("inherit_configs", False), ("extend_configs", True)]:
            filenames = self.get_expanded("core", option)
            if not filenames:
            filenames = [f.strip() for f in brace_expand(filenames.strip(), split_csv=True)]
            for filename in filenames:
                # try to resolve filename relative to the main config file
                if self.config_file:
                    basedir = os.path.dirname(self.config_file)
                    filename = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(basedir, filename))
                self.include(filename, overwrite_options=overwrite_options)

        # sync with luigi configuration
        if self.get_expanded_boolean("core", "sync_luigi_config"):

    def _convert_to_boolean(self, value):
        # py2 backport
        if six.PY3:
            return super(Config, self)._convert_to_boolean(value)

        if value.lower() not in self._boolean_states:
            raise ValueError("Not a boolean: {}".format(value))
        return self._boolean_states[value.lower()]

    def _get_type_converter(self, type, value):
        if type in (str, "str", "s"):
            return str
        if type in (int, "int", "i"):
            return str_to_int
        elif type in (float, "float", "f"):
            return float
        elif type in (bool, "bool", "boolean", "b"):
            if isinstance(value, six.string_types):
                return self._convert_to_boolean
                return bool
            raise ValueError("unknown 'type' argument ({}), must be 'str', 'int', 'float', or "

    def optionxform(self, option):
        return option

    def options(self, section, prefix=None, expand_vars=True, expand_user=True):
        Returns all options of a *section* in a list. When *prefix* is set, only options starting
        with that prefix are considered. Environment variable expansion is performed on every
        returned option name, depending on whether *expand_vars* and *expand_user* are *True*.
        options = []
        for option in ConfigParser.options(self, section):
            if prefix and not option.startswith(prefix):
            if expand_vars:
                option = os.path.expandvars(option)
            if expand_user:
                option = os.path.expanduser(option)
        return options

    def keys(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # deprecation warning until v0.1 (also remove the entry in __all__ above)
        logger.warning("the use of {0}.keys() is deprecated, please use {0}.options() "

        return self.options(*args, **kwargs)

    def items(self, section, prefix=None, expand_vars=True, expand_user=True, **kwargs):
        Returns a dictionary of key-value pairs for the given *section*. When *prefix* is set, only
        options starting with that prefix are considered. Environment variable expansion is
        performed on every returned option name and corresponding value, depending on whether
        *expand_vars* and *expand_user* are *True*. Internally, py:meth:`get_expanded` is used
        to perform value expansion and type interpolation, and is passed all *kwargs*.
        options = self.options(section, prefix=prefix, expand_vars=expand_vars,
        return [
            (opt, self.get_expanded(section, opt, expand_vars=expand_vars,
                expand_user=expand_user, **kwargs))
            for opt in options

    def update(self, data, overwrite=True, overwrite_sections=None, overwrite_options=None):
        Updates the currently stored configuration with new *data*, given as a dictionary. When
        *overwrite_sections* is *False*, sections in *data* that are already present in the current
        config are skipped. When *overwrite_options* is *False*, existing options are not
        overwritten.  When *None*, *overwrite_sections* and *overwrite_options* default to
        if overwrite_sections is None:
            overwrite_sections = overwrite
        if overwrite_options is None:
            overwrite_options = overwrite

        for section, _data in six.iteritems(data):
            # add the section when it does not exist, and continue when it does but not overwriting
            if not self.has_section(section):
            elif not overwrite_sections:

            for option, value in six.iteritems(_data):
                # set the option when overwriting anyway, or when it does not exist
                if overwrite_options or not self.has_option(section, option):
                    self.set(section, option, str(value))

    def include(self, filename, *args, **kwargs):
        Updates the current config by that found in *filename*. All *args* and *kwargs* are
        forwarded to :py:meth:`update`.
        p = self.__class__(filename, skip_defaults=True, skip_fallbacks=True)
        self.update(p._sections, *args, **kwargs)

    def get_default(self, section, option, default=None, type=None, expand_vars=False,
            expand_user=False, split_csv=False, dereference=True, default_when_none=True,
        """ get_default(section, option, default=None, type=None, expand_vars=False, expand_user=False, split_csv=False, dereference=True, default_when_none=True)
        Returns the config value defined by *section* and *option*. When either the section or the
        option does not exist, the *default* value is returned instead. When *type* is set, it must
        be either `"str"`, `"int"`, `"float"`, or `"boolean"`. When *expand_vars* is *True*,
        environment variables are expanded. When *expand_user* is *True*, user variables are
        expanded as well. Sequences of values can be identified, split by comma and returned as a
        list when *split_csv* is *True*, which will also trigger brace expansion.

        Also, options retrieved by this method are allowed to refer to values of other options
        within the config, even to those in other sections. The syntax for config references is
        ``&[::section]::option``. When no section is given, the value refers to an option in the
        same section. Example:

        .. code-block:: ini

            a: 123
            b: &::a              # 123, refers to "a" in the same section

            a: &::my_section::a  # 123, refers to "a" in "my_section"

        This behavior is the default and, if desired, can be disabled by setting *dereference* to
        *False*. When the reference is not resolvable, the default value is returned.

        When *default_when_none* is *True* and the option was found but its value is *None* or
        ``"None"`` (case-insensitive), the *default* is returned.
        """  # noqa
        # return the default when either the section or the option does not exist
        if not self.has_section(section) or not self.has_option(section, option):
            return default

        # get the value
        value = self.get(section, option)

        # handle variable expansion and dereferencing when value is a string
        # (which should always be the case, but subclasses might overwrite get())
        if isinstance(value, six.string_types):
            # expand
            if expand_vars:
                value = os.path.expandvars(value)
            if expand_user:
                value = os.path.expanduser(value)

            # resolve references
            if dereference:
                ref = self._parse_option_ref(value, default_section=section)
                if ref:
                    # to avoid circular references, keep track of already resolved ones
                    if _skip_refs is None:
                        _skip_refs = []
                    elif ref in _skip_refs:
                        return default

                    # return the referenced value
                    return self.get_default(*ref, default=default, type=type,
                        expand_vars=expand_vars, expand_user=expand_user, dereference=dereference,
                        default_when_none=default_when_none, _skip_refs=_skip_refs)

        # interpret None and "None" as missing?
        if default_when_none:
            if value is None:
                return default
            elif isinstance(value, six.string_types) and value.lower() == "none":
                return default

        # helper for optional type conversion
        cast_type = lambda value: self._get_type_converter(type, value)(value) if type else value

        # do csv splitting if requested
        if split_csv:
            return [cast_type(v.strip()) for v in brace_expand(value, split_csv=True)]

        return cast_type(value)

    def get_expanded(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Same as :py:meth:`get_default`, but *expandvars* and *expanduser* arguments are set to
        *True* by default.
        kwargs.setdefault("expand_vars", True)
        kwargs.setdefault("expand_user", True)
        return self.get_default(*args, **kwargs)

    def get_expanded_int(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Same as :py:meth:`get_expanded` with *type* set to ``int``.
        kwargs["type"] = int
        return self.get_expanded(*args, **kwargs)

    def get_expanded_float(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Same as :py:meth:`get_expanded` with *type* set to ``float``.
        kwargs["type"] = float
        return self.get_expanded(*args, **kwargs)

    def get_expanded_boolean(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Same as :py:meth:`get_expanded` with *type* set to ``bool``.
        kwargs["type"] = bool
        return self.get_expanded(*args, **kwargs)

    def is_missing_or_none(self, section, option):
        Returns *True* if the value defined by *section* and *option* is missing or ``"None"``
        (case-insensitive), and *False* otherwise. Options without values and those pointing to
        unresolvable references are considered missing. Example:

        .. code-block:: ini

            a: 123
            b: &::a
            c: &::not_there
            d: None

        .. code-block:: python

            is_missing_or_none("my_section", "a")  # False
            is_missing_or_none("my_section", "b")  # False
            is_missing_or_none("my_section", "c")  # True
            is_missing_or_none("my_section", "d")  # True
            is_missing_or_none("my_section", "e")  # True
            is_missing_or_none("my_section", "f")  # True
        value = self.get_expanded(section, option, default=no_value)
        if isinstance(value, six.string_types):
            value = value.lower()
        return value in ("none", no_value)

    def find_option(self, section, *options):
        Returns the name of the first existing *option* for a given *section*.
        :py:meth:`is_missing_or_none` is used to check the existence. When none of the selected
        *options* exists, *None* is returned.
        for option in options:
            if not self.is_missing_or_none(section, option):
                return option
        return None

    def sync_luigi_config(self, push=True, pull=True):
        Synchronizes sections starting with ``"luigi_"`` with the luigi configuration parser. First,
        when *push* is *True*, (variable-expanded and dereferenced) options that exist in law but
        **not** in luigi are stored as defaults in the luigi config. Then, when *pull* is *True*,
        all luigi-related options in the law config are overwritten with those from luigi. This way,
        options set via luigi defaults (environment variables, global configuration files,
        `LUIGI_CONFIG_PATH`) always have precendence.
        prefix = "luigi_"
        lparser = luigi.configuration.LuigiConfigParser.instance()

        if push:
            for section in self.sections():
                if not section.startswith(prefix):
                lsection = section[len(prefix):]

                if not lparser.has_section(lsection):

                for option in self.options(section):
                    if not lparser.has_option(lsection, option):
                        value = self.get_expanded(section, option)
                        lparser.set(lsection, option, value)

        if pull:
            for lsection in lparser.sections():
                section = prefix + lsection

                if not self.has_section(section):

                for option, value in lparser.items(lsection):
                    self.set(section, option, value)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def fetch_task_output(task,
    from law.task.base import ExternalTask
    from law.workflow.base import BaseWorkflow

    max_depth = int(max_depth)
    print("fetch task output with max_depth {}".format(max_depth))

    target_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(target_dir))
    print("target directory is {}".format(target_dir))
    if not os.path.exists(target_dir):

    include_external = flag_to_bool(include_external)
    if include_external:
        print("include external tasks")

    # determine the mode, i.e., all, dry, interactive
    modes = ["i", "a", "d"]
    mode_names = ["interactive", "all", "dry"]
    if mode is None:
        mode = query_choice("fetch mode?",
    elif isinstance(mode, int):
        mode = modes[mode]
        mode = mode[0].lower()
    if mode not in modes:
        raise Exception("unknown removal mode '{}'".format(mode))
    mode_name = mode_names[modes.index(mode)]
    print("selected " + colored(mode_name + " mode", "blue", style="bright"))

    done = []
    for dep, _, depth in task.walk_deps(max_depth=max_depth, order="pre"):
        offset = depth * ("|" + ind)

        # when the dep is a workflow, preload its branch map which updates branch parameters
        if isinstance(dep, BaseWorkflow):

        print("{}> fetch output of {}".format(offset, dep.repr(color=True)))
        offset += "|" + ind

        if not include_external and isinstance(dep, ExternalTask):
            print(offset + colored(" task is external", "yellow"))

        if dep in done:
            print(offset + colored(" outputs already fetched", "yellow"))

        if mode == "i":
            task_mode = query_choice(offset + " fetch outputs?",
                                     ("y", "n", "a"),
                                     descriptions=["yes", "no", "all"])
            if task_mode == "n":
                print(offset + colored(" skipped", "yellow"))


        # start the traversing through output structure with a lookup pattern
        for output, odepth, oprefix, ooffset, lookup in _iter_output(
                dep.output(), offset):
                stat = output.stat
                stat = None

            target_line = "{} {}{}".format(ooffset, oprefix,
            if stat:
                target_line += " ({:.2f} {})".format(

            if not isinstance(output, TargetCollection) and stat is None:
                print(ooffset + ind + colored(" not existing, skip", "yellow"))

            is_copyable = callable(getattr(output, "copy_to_local", None))
            if not isinstance(output, TargetCollection) and not is_copyable:
                print(ooffset + ind +
                      colored(" not a file target, skip", "yellow"))

            if mode == "d":
                print(ooffset + ind + colored(" dry fetched", "yellow"))

            to_fetch = [output]

            if mode == "i" and task_mode != "a":
                if isinstance(output, TargetCollection):
                    coll_choice = query_choice(
                        ooffset + ind + "fetch?", ("y", "n", "i"),
                        descriptions=["yes", "no", "interactive"])
                    if coll_choice == "i":
                        lookup[:0] = _flatten_output(output.targets,
                                                     odepth + 1)
                        target_choice = coll_choice
                    to_fetch = list(output._flat_target_list)
                    target_choice = query_choice(ooffset + ind + "fetch?",
                                                 ("y", "n"),
                                                 descriptions=["yes", "no"])
                if target_choice == "n":
                    print(ooffset + ind + colored(" skipped", "yellow"))

            for outp in to_fetch:
                if not callable(getattr(outp, "copy_to_local", None)):

                basename = "{}__{}".format(dep.live_task_id, outp.basename)
                outp.copy_to_local(os.path.join(target_dir, basename))

                print("{}{} {} ({})".format(
                    ooffset, ind, colored("fetched", "green", style="bright"),
Ejemplo n.º 4
def remove_task_output(task, max_depth=0, mode=None, include_external=False):
    from law.task.base import ExternalTask
    from law.workflow.base import BaseWorkflow

    max_depth = int(max_depth)

    print("remove task output with max_depth {}".format(max_depth))

    include_external = flag_to_bool(include_external)
    if include_external:
        print("include external tasks")

    # determine the mode, i.e., interactive, dry, all
    modes = ["i", "d", "a"]
    mode_names = ["interactive", "dry", "all"]
    if mode and mode not in modes:
        raise Exception("unknown removal mode '{}'".format(mode))
    if not mode:
        mode = query_choice("removal mode?",
    mode_name = mode_names[modes.index(mode)]
    print("selected " + colored(mode_name + " mode", "blue", style="bright"))

    done = []
    for dep, _, depth in task.walk_deps(max_depth=max_depth, order="pre"):
        offset = depth * ("|" + ind)

        # when the dep is a workflow, preload its branch map which updates branch parameters
        if isinstance(dep, BaseWorkflow):

        print("{}> remove output of {}".format(offset, dep.repr(color=True)))
        offset += "|" + ind

        if not include_external and isinstance(dep, ExternalTask):
            print(offset + colored(" task is external", "yellow"))

        if dep in done:
            print(offset + colored(" already removed", "yellow"))

        if mode == "i":
            task_mode = query_choice(offset + " remove outputs?",
                                     ["y", "n", "a"],
                                     descriptions=["yes", "no", "all"])
            if task_mode == "n":


        # start the traversing through output structure
        for output, odepth, oprefix, ooffset, lookup in _iter_output(
                dep.output(), offset):
            print("{} {}{}".format(ooffset, oprefix, output.repr(color=True)))

            if mode == "d":
                print(ooffset + ind + colored(" dry removed", "yellow"))

            if mode == "i" and task_mode != "a":
                if isinstance(output, TargetCollection):
                    coll_choice = query_choice(
                        ooffset + ind + " remove?", ("y", "n", "i"),
                        descriptions=["yes", "no", "interactive"])
                    if coll_choice == "i":
                        lookup[:0] = _flatten_output(output.targets,
                                                     odepth + 1)
                        target_choice = coll_choice
                    target_choice = query_choice(ooffset + ind + " remove?",
                                                 ("y", "n"),
                                                 descriptions=["yes", "no"])
                if target_choice == "n":
                    print(ooffset + ind + colored(" skipped", "yellow"))

            print(ooffset + ind + colored(" removed", "red", style="bright"))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def remove_task_output(task, max_depth=0, mode=None, run_task=False):
    from law.task.base import ExternalTask
    from law.workflow.base import BaseWorkflow

    max_depth = int(max_depth)

    print("remove task output with max_depth {}".format(max_depth))

    run_task = flag_to_bool(run_task)
    if run_task:
        print("task will run after output removal")

    # determine the mode, i.e., interactive, dry, all
    modes = ["i", "d", "a"]
    mode_names = ["interactive", "dry", "all"]
    if mode and mode not in modes:
        raise Exception("unknown removal mode '{}'".format(mode))
    if not mode:
        mode = query_choice("removal mode?",
    mode_name = mode_names[modes.index(mode)]
    print("selected {} mode".format(
        colored(mode_name + " mode", "blue", style="bright")))

    done = []
    for dep, _, depth in task.walk_deps(max_depth=max_depth, order="pre"):
        offset = depth * ("|" + ind)

        # when the dep is a workflow, independent of its create_branch_map_before_repr setting,
        # preload its branch map which updates branch parameters
        if isinstance(dep, BaseWorkflow):

        print("{}> {}".format(offset, dep.repr(color=True)))
        offset += "|" + ind

        # always skip external tasks
        if isinstance(dep, ExternalTask):
            print(offset + colored(" task is external", "yellow"))

        # skip when this task was already handled
        if dep in done:
            print(offset + colored(" already handled", "yellow"))

        # skip when mode is "all" and task is configured to skip
        if mode == "a" and getattr(dep, "skip_output_removal", False):
            print(offset + colored(" configured to skip", "yellow"))

        # query for a decision per task when mode is "interactive"
        task_mode = None
        if mode == "i":
            task_mode = query_choice(offset + " remove outputs?",
                                     ["y", "n", "a"],
                                     descriptions=["yes", "no", "all"])
            if task_mode == "n":

        # start the traversing through output structure
        for output, odepth, oprefix, ooffset, lookup in _iter_output(
                dep.output(), offset):
            print("{} {}{}".format(ooffset, oprefix, output.repr(color=True)))

            # skip external targets
            if getattr(output, "external", False):
                print(ooffset + ind + colored(" external output", "yellow"))

            # stop here when in dry mode
            if mode == "d":
                print(ooffset + ind + colored(" dry removed", "yellow"))

            # when the mode is "interactive" and the task decision is not "all", query per output
            if mode == "i" and task_mode != "a":
                if isinstance(output, TargetCollection):
                    coll_choice = query_choice(
                        ooffset + ind + " remove?", ("y", "n", "i"),
                        descriptions=["yes", "no", "interactive"])
                    if coll_choice == "i":
                        lookup[:0] = _flatten_output(output.targets,
                                                     odepth + 1)
                        target_choice = coll_choice
                    target_choice = query_choice(ooffset + ind + " remove?",
                                                 ("y", "n"),
                                                 descriptions=["yes", "no"])
                if target_choice == "n":
                    print(ooffset + ind + colored(" skipped", "yellow"))

            # finally remove
            print(ooffset + ind + colored(" removed", "red", style="bright"))

    return run_task