Ejemplo n.º 1
def baseline_histogram_density(x, parameters):

	h = layers.fc_layer(x, number_of_units = 100)

	y_prediction_density = layers.softmax_layer(h, number_of_outputs = 4)
	return y_prediction_density
Ejemplo n.º 2
def generator(source,
        source: TensorFlow queue or placeholder tensor for word ids for source 
        target: TensorFlow queue or placeholder tensor for word ids for target
        sequence_length: TensorFlow queue or placeholder tensor for number of word ids for each sentence
        vocab_size: max vocab size determined from data
        decoder_fn: if using custom decoder_fn else use the default dynamic_rnn
    tf.logging.info(" Setting up generator")

    embedding_layer = lay.embedding_layer(vocab_size,

    # TODO: add batch norm?
    rnn_outputs = (source >> embedding_layer >> lay.word_dropout_layer(
        keep_prob=opts["word_dropout_keep_prob"]) >> lay.recurrent_layer(

    output_projection_layer = lay.dense_layer(hidden_dims=vocab_size,

    flat_logits = (rnn_outputs >> lay.reshape_layer(
        shape=(-1, opts["rnn_hidden_dim"])) >> output_projection_layer)

    probs = flat_logits >> lay.softmax_layer()

    embedding_matrix = embedding_layer.get_variables_in_scope()
    output_projections = output_projection_layer.get_variables_in_scope()

    if decoder_fn is not None:
        return GeneratorTuple(rnn_outputs=rnn_outputs,

    loss = (flat_logits >> lay.cross_entropy_layer(target=target) >>
            lay.reshape_layer(shape=tf.shape(target)) >>

    # TODO: add dropout penalty
    return GeneratorTuple(rnn_outputs=rnn_outputs,
Ejemplo n.º 3
def generator(source, target, sequence_length, vocab_size, decoder_fn=None, **opts):
        source: TensorFlow queue or placeholder tensor for word ids for source 
        target: TensorFlow queue or placeholder tensor for word ids for target
        sequence_length: TensorFlow queue or placeholder tensor for number of word ids for each sentence
        vocab_size: max vocab size determined from data
        decoder_fn: if using custom decoder_fn else use the default dynamic_rnn
    tf.logging.info(" Setting up generator")

    embedding_layer = lay.embedding_layer(vocab_size, opts["embedding_dim"], name="embedding_matrix")

    # TODO: add batch norm?
    rnn_outputs = (
        source >>
        embedding_layer >>
        lay.word_dropout_layer(keep_prob=opts["word_dropout_keep_prob"]) >>
        lay.recurrent_layer(hidden_dims=opts["rnn_hidden_dim"], keep_prob=opts["recurrent_dropout_keep_prob"],
                            sequence_length=sequence_length, decoder_fn=decoder_fn, name="rnn_cell")

    output_projection_layer = lay.dense_layer(hidden_dims=vocab_size, name="output_projections")

    flat_logits = (
        rnn_outputs >>
        lay.reshape_layer(shape=(-1, opts["rnn_hidden_dim"])) >>

    probs = flat_logits >> lay.softmax_layer()

    embedding_matrix = embedding_layer.get_variables_in_scope()
    output_projections = output_projection_layer.get_variables_in_scope()

    if decoder_fn is not None:
        return GeneratorTuple(rnn_outputs=rnn_outputs, flat_logits=flat_logits, probs=probs, loss=None,
                              embedding_matrix=embedding_matrix[0], output_projections=output_projections)

    loss = (
        flat_logits >>
        lay.cross_entropy_layer(target=target) >>
        lay.reshape_layer(shape=tf.shape(target)) >>

    # TODO: add dropout penalty
    return GeneratorTuple(rnn_outputs=rnn_outputs, flat_logits=flat_logits, probs=probs, loss=loss,
                          embedding_matrix=embedding_matrix[0], output_projections=output_projections)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def baseline(x, parameters, nodropout_probability = None, Gaussian_noise_std = None):
	if Gaussian_noise_std is not None:
		x = layers.all_views_Gaussian_noise_layer(x, Gaussian_noise_std)

	# first conv sequence
	h = layers.all_views_conv_layer(x, 'conv1', number_of_filters = 32, filter_size = [3, 3], stride = [2, 2])

	# second conv sequence
	h = layers.all_views_max_pool(h, stride = [3, 3])
	h = layers.all_views_conv_layer(h, 'conv2a', number_of_filters = 64, filter_size = [3, 3], stride=[2, 2])
	h = layers.all_views_conv_layer(h, 'conv2b', number_of_filters = 64, filter_size = [3, 3], stride=[1, 1])
	h = layers.all_views_conv_layer(h, 'conv2c', number_of_filters = 64, filter_size = [3, 3], stride=[1, 1])

	# third conv sequence
	next_sequence = True
	h = layers.all_views_max_pool(h, stride = [2, 2])
	h = layers.all_views_conv_layer(h, 'conv3a', number_of_filters = 128, filter_size = [3, 3], stride = [1, 1])
	h = layers.all_views_conv_layer(h, 'conv3b', number_of_filters = 128, filter_size = [3, 3], stride = [1, 1])
	h = layers.all_views_conv_layer(h, 'conv3c', number_of_filters = 128, filter_size = [3, 3], stride = [1, 1])

	# fourth conv sequence
	next_sequence = True

	h = layers.all_views_max_pool(h, stride = [2, 2])
	h = layers.all_views_conv_layer(h, 'conv4a', number_of_filters = 128, filter_size = [3, 3], stride = [1, 1])
	h = layers.all_views_conv_layer(h, 'conv4b', number_of_filters = 128, filter_size = [3, 3], stride = [1, 1])
	h = layers.all_views_conv_layer(h, 'conv4c', number_of_filters = 128, filter_size = [3, 3], stride = [1, 1])

	# fifth conv sequence
	next_sequence = True

	h = layers.all_views_max_pool(h, stride = [2, 2])
	h = layers.all_views_conv_layer(h, 'conv5a', number_of_filters = 256, filter_size = [3, 3], stride = [1, 1])
	h = layers.all_views_conv_layer(h, 'conv5b', number_of_filters = 256, filter_size = [3, 3], stride = [1, 1])
	h = layers.all_views_conv_layer(h, 'conv5c', number_of_filters = 256, filter_size = [3, 3], stride = [1, 1])

	h = layers.all_views_global_avg_pool(h)
	h = layers.all_views_flattening_layer(h)
	h = layers.fc_layer(h, number_of_units = 4 * 256)
	h = layers.dropout_layer(h, nodropout_probability)

	y_prediction_density = layers.softmax_layer(h, number_of_outputs = 4)

	return y_prediction_density
Ejemplo n.º 5
def baseline(x, parameters, nodropout_probability=None, gaussian_noise_std=None):

    if gaussian_noise_std is not None:
        x = layers.all_views_gaussian_noise_layer(x, gaussian_noise_std)

    # first conv sequence
    h = layers.all_views_conv_layer(x,  'conv1', number_of_filters=32, filter_size=[3, 3], stride=[2, 2])

    # second conv sequence
    h = layers.all_views_max_pool(h,   stride=[3, 3])
    h = layers.all_views_conv_layer(h,  'conv2a', number_of_filters=64, filter_size=[3, 3], stride=[2, 2])
    h = layers.all_views_conv_layer(h,  'conv2b', number_of_filters=64, filter_size=[3, 3], stride=[1, 1])
    h = layers.all_views_conv_layer(h,  'conv2c', number_of_filters=64, filter_size=[3, 3], stride=[1, 1])

    # third conv sequence
    h = layers.all_views_max_pool(h,  stride=[2, 2])
    h = layers.all_views_conv_layer(h,  'conv3a', number_of_filters=128, filter_size=[3, 3], stride=[1, 1])
    h = layers.all_views_conv_layer(h,  'conv3b', number_of_filters=128, filter_size=[3, 3], stride=[1, 1])
    h = layers.all_views_conv_layer(h,  'conv3c', number_of_filters=128, filter_size=[3, 3], stride=[1, 1])

    # fourth conv sequence
    h = layers.all_views_max_pool(h,  stride=[2, 2])
    h = layers.all_views_conv_layer(h,  'conv4a', number_of_filters=128, filter_size=[3, 3], stride=[1, 1])
    h = layers.all_views_conv_layer(h,  'conv4b', number_of_filters=128, filter_size=[3, 3], stride=[1, 1])
    h = layers.all_views_conv_layer(h,  'conv4c', number_of_filters=128, filter_size=[3, 3], stride=[1, 1])

    # fifth conv sequence
    h = layers.all_views_max_pool(h,  stride=[2, 2])
    h = layers.all_views_conv_layer(h,  'conv5a', number_of_filters=256, filter_size=[3, 3], stride=[1, 1])
    h = layers.all_views_conv_layer(h,  'conv5b', number_of_filters=256, filter_size=[3, 3], stride=[1, 1])
    h = layers.all_views_conv_layer(h,  'conv5c', number_of_filters=256, filter_size=[3, 3], stride=[1, 1])

    # Pool, flatten, and fully connected layers
    h = layers.all_views_global_avg_pool(h)
    h = layers.all_views_flattening_layer(h) #flatening and concatenation
    h = layers.fc_layer(h, number_of_units=1024)

    #h = layers.dropout_layer(h, nodropout_probability)

    y_prediction_birads = layers.softmax_layer(h, number_of_outputs=3)

    return y_prediction_birads
Ejemplo n.º 6
def gen_decoder(name, z, n_hidden, n_output, keep_prob, reuse=False,\

    with tf.variable_scope("%s_bernoulli_decoder" % name, reuse=reuse):
        if type(n_hidden) is int:
            n_hidden = [z.get_shape()[1], n_hidden]
        elif type(n_hidden) is list:
            n_hidden = [z.get_shape()[1]] + n_hidden
            raise ("type of n_hidden needs to be int or list")

        num_layers = len(n_hidden)

        #h = layers.tanh_layer(x, x.get_shape()[0], n_hidden[0],
        #  "enc_l0", reuse, True, keep_prob)

        h = z
        for i in range(num_layers - 1):
            h = layers.tanh_layer(h, n_hidden[i], n_hidden[i + 1],
                                  "dec_l%i" % i, reuse, True, keep_prob)

        if output_zero_one:
            h = layers.sigmoid_layer(h, n_hidden[-1], n_output,
                                     "dec_l%i" % (num_layers - 1), reuse, True,
        elif output_scalar:
            h = layers.linear_layer(h, n_hidden[-1], n_output,
                                    "dec_l%i" % (num_layers - 1), reuse, True,
        elif output_softmax:
            h = layers.softmax_layer(h, n_hidden[-1], n_output,
                                     "dec_l%i" % (num_layers - 1), reuse, True,
            print("Not reachable")
            raise ("wtf")

    return h
Ejemplo n.º 7
def run():
    model_name = 'alexnet'
    directory_caffe = './caffemodel'
    directory_theano = './theanomodel'
    url_prototxt = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BVLC/caffe/master/models/bvlc_alexnet/deploy.prototxt'
    url_caffemodel = 'http://dl.caffe.berkeleyvision.org/bvlc_alexnet.caffemodel'
    filename_prototxt = '%s/%s.prototxt' % (directory_caffe, model_name)
    filename_caffemodel = '%s/%s.caffemodel' % (directory_caffe, model_name)
    filename_theanomodel = '%s/%s.model' % (directory_theano, model_name)

    # download caffemodel
    print 'downloading caffemodel'
    if not os.path.exists(directory_caffe):
    if not os.path.exists(filename_prototxt):
        p = subprocess.Popen(('wget', url_prototxt, '-O', filename_prototxt))
    if not os.path.exists(filename_caffemodel):
        p = subprocess.Popen((

    # load caffe model
    print 'loading caffe model'
    model_caffe = caffe.Net(filename_prototxt, filename_caffemodel, True)
    conv1_W = theano.shared(model_caffe.params['conv1'][0].data[:, :, ::-1, ::-1])
    conv2_W = theano.shared(model_caffe.params['conv2'][0].data[:, :, ::-1, ::-1])
    conv3_W = theano.shared(model_caffe.params['conv3'][0].data[:, :, ::-1, ::-1])
    conv4_W = theano.shared(model_caffe.params['conv4'][0].data[:, :, ::-1, ::-1])
    conv5_W = theano.shared(model_caffe.params['conv5'][0].data[:, :, ::-1, ::-1])
    conv1_b = theano.shared(model_caffe.params['conv1'][1].data.squeeze())
    conv2_b = theano.shared(model_caffe.params['conv2'][1].data.squeeze())
    conv3_b = theano.shared(model_caffe.params['conv3'][1].data.squeeze())
    conv4_b = theano.shared(model_caffe.params['conv4'][1].data.squeeze())
    conv5_b = theano.shared(model_caffe.params['conv5'][1].data.squeeze())
    fc6_W = theano.shared(model_caffe.params['fc6'][0].data.squeeze())
    fc7_W = theano.shared(model_caffe.params['fc7'][0].data.squeeze())
    fc8_W = theano.shared(model_caffe.params['fc8'][0].data.squeeze())
    fc6_b = theano.shared(model_caffe.params['fc6'][1].data.squeeze())
    fc7_b = theano.shared(model_caffe.params['fc7'][1].data.squeeze())
    fc8_b = theano.shared(model_caffe.params['fc8'][1].data.squeeze())

    # make theano model
    print 'building theano model'
    model_theano = collections.OrderedDict()
    model_theano['data'] = T.tensor4()
    model_theano['conv1'] = layers.convolution_layer(model_theano['data'], conv1_W, conv1_b, subsample=(4, 4))
    model_theano['relu1'] = layers.relu_layer(model_theano['conv1'])
    model_theano['norm1'] = layers.lrn_layer(model_theano['relu1'])
    model_theano['pool1'] = layers.pooling_layer(model_theano['norm1'])
    model_theano['conv2'] = layers.convolution_layer(model_theano['pool1'], conv2_W, conv2_b, border='same', group=2)
    model_theano['relu2'] = layers.relu_layer(model_theano['conv2'])
    model_theano['norm2'] = layers.lrn_layer(model_theano['relu2'])
    model_theano['pool2'] = layers.pooling_layer(model_theano['norm2'])
    model_theano['conv3'] = layers.convolution_layer(model_theano['pool2'], conv3_W, conv3_b, border='same')
    model_theano['relu3'] = layers.relu_layer(model_theano['conv3'])
    model_theano['conv4'] = layers.convolution_layer(model_theano['relu3'], conv4_W, conv4_b, border='same', group=2)
    model_theano['relu4'] = layers.relu_layer(model_theano['conv4'])
    model_theano['conv5'] = layers.convolution_layer(model_theano['relu4'], conv5_W, conv5_b, border='same', group=2)
    model_theano['relu5'] = layers.relu_layer(model_theano['conv5'])
    model_theano['pool5'] = layers.pooling_layer(model_theano['relu5'])
    model_theano['fc6'] = layers.inner_product_layer(model_theano['pool5'], fc6_W, fc6_b)
    model_theano['relu6'] = layers.relu_layer(model_theano['fc6'])
    model_theano['fc7'] = layers.inner_product_layer(model_theano['relu6'], fc7_W, fc7_b)
    model_theano['relu7'] = layers.relu_layer(model_theano['fc7'])
    model_theano['fc8'] = layers.inner_product_layer(model_theano['relu7'], fc8_W, fc8_b)
    model_theano['prob'] = layers.softmax_layer(model_theano['fc8'])

    # check
    print 'checking model'
    data = np.random.randn(*model_caffe.blobs['data'].data.shape)
    data = data.astype(np.float32) * 10
    model_caffe.blobs['data'].data[:] = data
    theano_output = theano.function(
    error = (
        theano_output.squeeze() -
    assert error < 1e-6

    # save
    print 'saving'
    if not os.path.exists(directory_theano):
        open(filename_theanomodel, 'wb'),        
    print 'done'
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def loss(self, X, y=None, hprev=None, softmax=True):
        Compute training-time loss for the RNN. We input image features and
        ground-truth captions for those images, and use an RNN (or LSTM) to compute
        loss and gradients on all parameters.

        - X: Input sentence, shape (N, T), T is the max length of sequence it's padded to.
             Each element is in the range 0 <= y[i, t] < V. N is the batch number.
             We need to trim it down to (N, TS).
        - y: labels for sentences, (N,)
        - hprev: (N, H), initial hidden state, when None, it will be initialized to all 0
        - softmax: bool,

        Returns a tuple of:
        - loss: Scalar loss
        - grads: Dictionary of gradients parallel to self.params


        mode = "test" if y is None else "train"

        # we need to clean out self.updates, if loss() is called again
        if len(self.updates) != 0:
            self.updates = []

        # affine transforming last hidden state to softmax
        # hidden state W_proj: (input_dim, hidden_dim) = (D, H)
        W_proj, b_proj = self.params["W_proj"], self.params["b_proj"]

        # Word embedding matrix
        W_embed = self.params["W_embed"]

        # Input-to-hidden, hidden-to-hidden, and biases for the RNN
        Wx, Wh, b = self.params["Wx"], self.params["Wh"], self.params["b"]

        H = self.hidden_dim
        N = self.batch_size
        TS = self.max_seq_length

        loss, grads = 0.0, {}
        # Implement the forward passes for the SentimentRNN.                       #
        # In the forward pass it does the following:                               #
        #                                                                          #
        # (0) We trim X down to TS max-sequence                                    #
        # (1) Use a word embedding layer to transform the words in captions_in     #
        #     from indices to vectors, giving an array of shape (N, T, W).         #
        # (2) initial hidden state is initialized at zero (wildML, theano official)#
        #     (N, H)                                                               #
        # (3) Use either a vanilla RNN or LSTM (depending on self.cell_type) to    #
        #     process the sequence of input word vectors and produce hidden state  #
        #     vectors for all timesteps, producing an array of shape (N, T, H).    #
        # (4) transform the last hidden state with affine transformation           #
        # (5) Use Softmax to produce a label for the sentence                      #
        #                                                                          #
        # In the backward pass you will need to compute the gradient of the loss   #
        # with respect to all model parameters. Use the loss and grads variables   #
        # defined above to store loss and gradients; grads[k] should give the      #
        # gradients for self.params[k].                                            #

        # ===== forward pass =====

        # step (0) CUT X DOWN TO TIMESTEP
        # X (N, T)
        X = X[:, :TS]

        # step (1)
        # X (N, TS)
        out_word_embedded = word_embedding_forward(X, W_embed)

        # word embedding (N, TS, W)

        # step (2)
        if hprev is None:
            hprev = np.zeros((N, H), dtype=self.dtype)

        # hprev (N, H)

        # step (3)
        hs = None
        h_states_shapes = (N, TS, H)
        if self.cell_type == "rnn":
            hs = rnn_forward(out_word_embedded, hprev, Wx, Wh, b, h_states_shapes)
            # last_h : (N, H)
        elif self.cell_type == "lstm":
            hs = lstm_forward(out_word_embedded, hprev, Wx, Wh, b, h_states_shapes)

        last_hs = hs[:, -1, :]

        # step (4)
        # last_hs: (N, H), W_proj: (H, H), b_proj: (H,)
        # it shares the same dimensionality of hidden dimension of RNN
        out_aff = affine_layer(last_hs, W_proj, b_proj)

        # step (5)
        probs = softmax_layer(out_aff)

        if y is None:
            out = probs
            out = -T.mean(T.log(probs)[T.arange(y.shape[0]), y])

        #                             END OF YOUR CODE                             #

        return out
Ejemplo n.º 9
def run():
    model_name = 'alexnet'
    directory_caffe = './caffemodel'
    directory_theano = './theanomodel'
    url_prototxt = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BVLC/caffe/master/models/bvlc_alexnet/deploy.prototxt'
    url_caffemodel = 'http://dl.caffe.berkeleyvision.org/bvlc_alexnet.caffemodel'
    filename_prototxt = '%s/%s.prototxt' % (directory_caffe, model_name)
    filename_caffemodel = '%s/%s.caffemodel' % (directory_caffe, model_name)
    filename_theanomodel = '%s/%s.model' % (directory_theano, model_name)

    # download caffemodel
    print 'downloading caffemodel'
    if not os.path.exists(directory_caffe):
    if not os.path.exists(filename_prototxt):
        p = subprocess.Popen(('wget', url_prototxt, '-O', filename_prototxt))
    if not os.path.exists(filename_caffemodel):
        p = subprocess.Popen((

    # load caffe model
    print 'loading caffe model'
    model_caffe = caffe.Net(filename_prototxt, filename_caffemodel, True)
    conv1_W = theano.shared(
        model_caffe.params['conv1'][0].data[:, :, ::-1, ::-1])
    conv2_W = theano.shared(
        model_caffe.params['conv2'][0].data[:, :, ::-1, ::-1])
    conv3_W = theano.shared(
        model_caffe.params['conv3'][0].data[:, :, ::-1, ::-1])
    conv4_W = theano.shared(
        model_caffe.params['conv4'][0].data[:, :, ::-1, ::-1])
    conv5_W = theano.shared(
        model_caffe.params['conv5'][0].data[:, :, ::-1, ::-1])
    conv1_b = theano.shared(model_caffe.params['conv1'][1].data.squeeze())
    conv2_b = theano.shared(model_caffe.params['conv2'][1].data.squeeze())
    conv3_b = theano.shared(model_caffe.params['conv3'][1].data.squeeze())
    conv4_b = theano.shared(model_caffe.params['conv4'][1].data.squeeze())
    conv5_b = theano.shared(model_caffe.params['conv5'][1].data.squeeze())
    fc6_W = theano.shared(model_caffe.params['fc6'][0].data.squeeze())
    fc7_W = theano.shared(model_caffe.params['fc7'][0].data.squeeze())
    fc8_W = theano.shared(model_caffe.params['fc8'][0].data.squeeze())
    fc6_b = theano.shared(model_caffe.params['fc6'][1].data.squeeze())
    fc7_b = theano.shared(model_caffe.params['fc7'][1].data.squeeze())
    fc8_b = theano.shared(model_caffe.params['fc8'][1].data.squeeze())

    # make theano model
    print 'building theano model'
    model_theano = collections.OrderedDict()
    model_theano['data'] = T.tensor4()
    model_theano['conv1'] = layers.convolution_layer(model_theano['data'],
                                                     subsample=(4, 4))
    model_theano['relu1'] = layers.relu_layer(model_theano['conv1'])
    model_theano['norm1'] = layers.lrn_layer(model_theano['relu1'])
    model_theano['pool1'] = layers.pooling_layer(model_theano['norm1'])
    model_theano['conv2'] = layers.convolution_layer(model_theano['pool1'],
    model_theano['relu2'] = layers.relu_layer(model_theano['conv2'])
    model_theano['norm2'] = layers.lrn_layer(model_theano['relu2'])
    model_theano['pool2'] = layers.pooling_layer(model_theano['norm2'])
    model_theano['conv3'] = layers.convolution_layer(model_theano['pool2'],
    model_theano['relu3'] = layers.relu_layer(model_theano['conv3'])
    model_theano['conv4'] = layers.convolution_layer(model_theano['relu3'],
    model_theano['relu4'] = layers.relu_layer(model_theano['conv4'])
    model_theano['conv5'] = layers.convolution_layer(model_theano['relu4'],
    model_theano['relu5'] = layers.relu_layer(model_theano['conv5'])
    model_theano['pool5'] = layers.pooling_layer(model_theano['relu5'])
    model_theano['fc6'] = layers.inner_product_layer(model_theano['pool5'],
                                                     fc6_W, fc6_b)
    model_theano['relu6'] = layers.relu_layer(model_theano['fc6'])
    model_theano['fc7'] = layers.inner_product_layer(model_theano['relu6'],
                                                     fc7_W, fc7_b)
    model_theano['relu7'] = layers.relu_layer(model_theano['fc7'])
    model_theano['fc8'] = layers.inner_product_layer(model_theano['relu7'],
                                                     fc8_W, fc8_b)
    model_theano['prob'] = layers.softmax_layer(model_theano['fc8'])

    # check
    print 'checking model'
    data = np.random.randn(*model_caffe.blobs['data'].data.shape)
    data = data.astype(np.float32) * 10
    model_caffe.blobs['data'].data[:] = data
    theano_output = theano.function(
    error = (theano_output.squeeze() -
    assert error < 1e-6

    # save
    print 'saving'
    if not os.path.exists(directory_theano):
        open(filename_theanomodel, 'wb'),
    print 'done'
Ejemplo n.º 10
def run():
    model_name = "vggnet"
    directory_caffe = "./caffemodel"
    directory_theano = "./theanomodel"
    url_prototxt = "https://gist.githubusercontent.com/ksimonyan/3785162f95cd2d5fee77/raw/f02f8769e64494bcd3d7e97d5d747ac275825721/VGG_ILSVRC_19_layers_deploy.prototxt"
    url_caffemodel = "http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/software/very_deep/caffe/VGG_ILSVRC_19_layers.caffemodel"
    filename_prototxt = "%s/%s.prototxt" % (directory_caffe, model_name)
    filename_caffemodel = "%s/%s.caffemodel" % (directory_caffe, model_name)
    filename_theanomodel = "%s/%s.model" % (directory_theano, model_name)

    # download caffemodel
    print "downloading caffemodel"
    if not os.path.exists(directory_caffe):
    if not os.path.exists(filename_prototxt):
        p = subprocess.Popen(("wget", url_prototxt, "-O", filename_prototxt))
    if not os.path.exists(filename_caffemodel):
        p = subprocess.Popen(("wget", url_caffemodel, "-O", filename_caffemodel))

    # load caffe model
    model_caffe = caffe.Net(filename_prototxt, filename_caffemodel, True)
    conv1_1_W = theano.shared(model_caffe.params["conv1_1"][0].data[:, :, ::-1, ::-1])
    conv1_2_W = theano.shared(model_caffe.params["conv1_2"][0].data[:, :, ::-1, ::-1])
    conv2_1_W = theano.shared(model_caffe.params["conv2_1"][0].data[:, :, ::-1, ::-1])
    conv2_2_W = theano.shared(model_caffe.params["conv2_2"][0].data[:, :, ::-1, ::-1])
    conv3_1_W = theano.shared(model_caffe.params["conv3_1"][0].data[:, :, ::-1, ::-1])
    conv3_2_W = theano.shared(model_caffe.params["conv3_2"][0].data[:, :, ::-1, ::-1])
    conv3_3_W = theano.shared(model_caffe.params["conv3_3"][0].data[:, :, ::-1, ::-1])
    conv3_4_W = theano.shared(model_caffe.params["conv3_4"][0].data[:, :, ::-1, ::-1])
    conv4_1_W = theano.shared(model_caffe.params["conv4_1"][0].data[:, :, ::-1, ::-1])
    conv4_2_W = theano.shared(model_caffe.params["conv4_2"][0].data[:, :, ::-1, ::-1])
    conv4_3_W = theano.shared(model_caffe.params["conv4_3"][0].data[:, :, ::-1, ::-1])
    conv4_4_W = theano.shared(model_caffe.params["conv4_4"][0].data[:, :, ::-1, ::-1])
    conv5_1_W = theano.shared(model_caffe.params["conv5_1"][0].data[:, :, ::-1, ::-1])
    conv5_2_W = theano.shared(model_caffe.params["conv5_2"][0].data[:, :, ::-1, ::-1])
    conv5_3_W = theano.shared(model_caffe.params["conv5_3"][0].data[:, :, ::-1, ::-1])
    conv5_4_W = theano.shared(model_caffe.params["conv5_4"][0].data[:, :, ::-1, ::-1])
    conv1_1_b = theano.shared(model_caffe.params["conv1_1"][1].data.squeeze())
    conv1_2_b = theano.shared(model_caffe.params["conv1_2"][1].data.squeeze())
    conv2_1_b = theano.shared(model_caffe.params["conv2_1"][1].data.squeeze())
    conv2_2_b = theano.shared(model_caffe.params["conv2_2"][1].data.squeeze())
    conv3_1_b = theano.shared(model_caffe.params["conv3_1"][1].data.squeeze())
    conv3_2_b = theano.shared(model_caffe.params["conv3_2"][1].data.squeeze())
    conv3_3_b = theano.shared(model_caffe.params["conv3_3"][1].data.squeeze())
    conv3_4_b = theano.shared(model_caffe.params["conv3_4"][1].data.squeeze())
    conv4_1_b = theano.shared(model_caffe.params["conv4_1"][1].data.squeeze())
    conv4_2_b = theano.shared(model_caffe.params["conv4_2"][1].data.squeeze())
    conv4_3_b = theano.shared(model_caffe.params["conv4_3"][1].data.squeeze())
    conv4_4_b = theano.shared(model_caffe.params["conv4_4"][1].data.squeeze())
    conv5_1_b = theano.shared(model_caffe.params["conv5_1"][1].data.squeeze())
    conv5_2_b = theano.shared(model_caffe.params["conv5_2"][1].data.squeeze())
    conv5_3_b = theano.shared(model_caffe.params["conv5_3"][1].data.squeeze())
    conv5_4_b = theano.shared(model_caffe.params["conv5_4"][1].data.squeeze())
    fc6_W = theano.shared(model_caffe.params["fc6"][0].data.squeeze())
    fc7_W = theano.shared(model_caffe.params["fc7"][0].data.squeeze())
    fc8_W = theano.shared(model_caffe.params["fc8"][0].data.squeeze())
    fc6_b = theano.shared(model_caffe.params["fc6"][1].data.squeeze())
    fc7_b = theano.shared(model_caffe.params["fc7"][1].data.squeeze())
    fc8_b = theano.shared(model_caffe.params["fc8"][1].data.squeeze())

    # make theano model
    model_theano = collections.OrderedDict()
    model_theano["data"] = T.tensor4()

    model_theano["conv1_1"] = layers.convolution_layer(model_theano["data"], conv1_1_W, conv1_1_b, border="same")
    model_theano["relu1_1"] = layers.relu_layer(model_theano["conv1_1"])
    model_theano["conv1_2"] = layers.convolution_layer(model_theano["relu1_1"], conv1_2_W, conv1_2_b, border="same")
    model_theano["relu1_2"] = layers.relu_layer(model_theano["conv1_2"])
    model_theano["pool1"] = layers.pooling_layer(model_theano["relu1_2"], size=(2, 2), stride=(2, 2))

    model_theano["conv2_1"] = layers.convolution_layer(model_theano["pool1"], conv2_1_W, conv2_1_b, border="same")
    model_theano["relu2_1"] = layers.relu_layer(model_theano["conv2_1"])
    model_theano["conv2_2"] = layers.convolution_layer(model_theano["relu2_1"], conv2_2_W, conv2_2_b, border="same")
    model_theano["relu2_2"] = layers.relu_layer(model_theano["conv2_2"])
    model_theano["pool2"] = layers.pooling_layer(model_theano["relu2_2"], size=(2, 2), stride=(2, 2))

    model_theano["conv3_1"] = layers.convolution_layer(model_theano["pool2"], conv3_1_W, conv3_1_b, border="same")
    model_theano["relu3_1"] = layers.relu_layer(model_theano["conv3_1"])
    model_theano["conv3_2"] = layers.convolution_layer(model_theano["relu3_1"], conv3_2_W, conv3_2_b, border="same")
    model_theano["relu3_2"] = layers.relu_layer(model_theano["conv3_2"])
    model_theano["conv3_3"] = layers.convolution_layer(model_theano["relu3_2"], conv3_3_W, conv3_3_b, border="same")
    model_theano["relu3_3"] = layers.relu_layer(model_theano["conv3_3"])
    model_theano["conv3_4"] = layers.convolution_layer(model_theano["relu3_3"], conv3_4_W, conv3_4_b, border="same")
    model_theano["relu3_4"] = layers.relu_layer(model_theano["conv3_4"])
    model_theano["pool3"] = layers.pooling_layer(model_theano["relu3_4"], size=(2, 2), stride=(2, 2))

    model_theano["conv4_1"] = layers.convolution_layer(model_theano["pool3"], conv4_1_W, conv4_1_b, border="same")
    model_theano["relu4_1"] = layers.relu_layer(model_theano["conv4_1"])
    model_theano["conv4_2"] = layers.convolution_layer(model_theano["relu4_1"], conv4_2_W, conv4_2_b, border="same")
    model_theano["relu4_2"] = layers.relu_layer(model_theano["conv4_2"])
    model_theano["conv4_3"] = layers.convolution_layer(model_theano["relu4_2"], conv4_3_W, conv4_3_b, border="same")
    model_theano["relu4_3"] = layers.relu_layer(model_theano["conv4_3"])
    model_theano["conv4_4"] = layers.convolution_layer(model_theano["relu4_3"], conv4_4_W, conv4_4_b, border="same")
    model_theano["relu4_4"] = layers.relu_layer(model_theano["conv4_4"])
    model_theano["pool4"] = layers.pooling_layer(model_theano["relu4_4"], size=(2, 2), stride=(2, 2))

    model_theano["conv5_1"] = layers.convolution_layer(model_theano["pool4"], conv5_1_W, conv5_1_b, border="same")
    model_theano["relu5_1"] = layers.relu_layer(model_theano["conv5_1"])
    model_theano["conv5_2"] = layers.convolution_layer(model_theano["relu5_1"], conv5_2_W, conv5_2_b, border="same")
    model_theano["relu5_2"] = layers.relu_layer(model_theano["conv5_2"])
    model_theano["conv5_3"] = layers.convolution_layer(model_theano["relu5_2"], conv5_3_W, conv5_3_b, border="same")
    model_theano["relu5_3"] = layers.relu_layer(model_theano["conv5_3"])
    model_theano["conv5_4"] = layers.convolution_layer(model_theano["relu5_3"], conv5_4_W, conv5_4_b, border="same")
    model_theano["relu5_4"] = layers.relu_layer(model_theano["conv5_4"])
    model_theano["pool5"] = layers.pooling_layer(model_theano["relu5_4"], size=(2, 2), stride=(2, 2))

    model_theano["fc6"] = layers.inner_product_layer(model_theano["pool5"], fc6_W, fc6_b)
    model_theano["relu6"] = layers.relu_layer(model_theano["fc6"])
    model_theano["fc7"] = layers.inner_product_layer(model_theano["relu6"], fc7_W, fc7_b)
    model_theano["relu7"] = layers.relu_layer(model_theano["fc7"])
    model_theano["fc8"] = layers.inner_product_layer(model_theano["relu7"], fc8_W, fc8_b)
    model_theano["prob"] = layers.softmax_layer(model_theano["fc8"])

    # check
    data = np.random.randn(*model_caffe.blobs["data"].data.shape).astype(np.float32) * 10
    model_caffe.blobs["data"].data[:] = data
    theano_output = theano.function([model_theano["data"]], model_theano["prob"])(data)
    error = (theano_output.squeeze() - model_caffe.blobs["prob"].data.squeeze()).max()
    assert error < 1e-6

    # save
    print "saving"
    if not os.path.exists(directory_theano):
    pickle.dump(model_theano, open(filename_theanomodel, "wb"), protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    print "done"
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def loss(self, X, y=None, hprev=None, softmax=True):
        Compute training-time loss for the RNN. We input image features and
        ground-truth captions for those images, and use an RNN (or LSTM) to compute
        loss and gradients on all parameters.

        - X: Input sentence, shape (N, T), T is the max length of sequence it's padded to.
             Each element is in the range 0 <= y[i, t] < V. N is the batch number.
             We need to trim it down to (N, TS).
        - y: labels for sentences, (N,)
        - hprev: (N, H), initial hidden state, when None, it will be initialized to all 0
        - softmax: bool,

        Returns a tuple of:
        - loss: Scalar loss
        - grads: Dictionary of gradients parallel to self.params


        mode = 'test' if y is None else 'train'

        # we need to clean out self.updates, if loss() is called again
        if len(self.updates) != 0:
            self.updates = []

        # affine transforming last hidden state to softmax
        # hidden state W_proj: (input_dim, hidden_dim) = (D, H)
        W_proj, b_proj = self.params['W_proj'], self.params['b_proj']

        # Word embedding matrix
        W_embed = self.params['W_embed']

        # Input-to-hidden, hidden-to-hidden, and biases for the RNN
        Wx, Wh, b = self.params['Wx'], self.params['Wh'], self.params['b']

        H = self.hidden_dim
        N = self.batch_size
        TS = self.max_seq_length

        loss, grads = 0.0, {}
        # Implement the forward passes for the SentimentRNN.                       #
        # In the forward pass it does the following:                               #
        #                                                                          #
        # (0) We trim X down to TS max-sequence                                    #
        # (1) Use a word embedding layer to transform the words in captions_in     #
        #     from indices to vectors, giving an array of shape (N, T, W).         #
        # (2) initial hidden state is initialized at zero (wildML, theano official)#
        #     (N, H)                                                               #
        # (3) Use either a vanilla RNN or LSTM (depending on self.cell_type) to    #
        #     process the sequence of input word vectors and produce hidden state  #
        #     vectors for all timesteps, producing an array of shape (N, T, H).    #
        # (4) transform the last hidden state with affine transformation           #
        # (5) Use Softmax to produce a label for the sentence                      #
        #                                                                          #
        # In the backward pass you will need to compute the gradient of the loss   #
        # with respect to all model parameters. Use the loss and grads variables   #
        # defined above to store loss and gradients; grads[k] should give the      #
        # gradients for self.params[k].                                            #

        # ===== forward pass =====

        # step (0) CUT X DOWN TO TIMESTEP
        # X (N, T)
        X = X[:, :TS]

        # step (1)
        # X (N, TS)
        out_word_embedded = word_embedding_forward(X, W_embed)

        # word embedding (N, TS, W)

        # step (2)
        if hprev is None:
            hprev = np.zeros((N, H), dtype=self.dtype)

        # hprev (N, H)

        # step (3)
        hs = None
        h_states_shapes = (N, TS, H)
        if self.cell_type == 'rnn':
            hs = rnn_forward(out_word_embedded, hprev, Wx, Wh, b,
            # last_h : (N, H)
        elif self.cell_type == 'lstm':
            hs = lstm_forward(out_word_embedded, hprev, Wx, Wh, b,

        last_hs = hs[:, -1, :]

        # step (4)
        # last_hs: (N, H), W_proj: (H, H), b_proj: (H,)
        # it shares the same dimensionality of hidden dimension of RNN
        out_aff = affine_layer(last_hs, W_proj, b_proj)

        # step (5)
        probs = softmax_layer(out_aff)

        if y is None:
            out = probs
            out = -T.mean(T.log(probs)[T.arange(y.shape[0]), y])

        #                             END OF YOUR CODE                             #

        return out